Geez... Why the heck can't you pick your own lineup of AI cars? Does it really add that much overhead to the processing? That's the only reason that I can think of off the top of my head as to why they would prevent it. But that can't really be since you can pick by Class, so if you pick GT3, for instance, I'd imagine you could/would have all the different GT3 cars in the game on your grid. So, why the heck did they do that?
I am so bummed for you guys. We all knew there would be no mods and smaller grids going to console, but we kept hearing "Not watered down.. not one bit." Okay. I'm going to take their word for it as far as driving physics go, which is the most important thing, but it seems like EVERY single other thing is compromised on the console version. And if it's due to memory issues or a CPU/GPU that can't cut it, that should have all been clearly explained a long time ago.
It's like you and I are playing two completely different games...I was so freakin' happy for this to appear on console - and I know tons of console players are happy with the game and they're being tolerant of the bugs that Kunos promises to fix, but come on man... You can't pick a total custom grid. You can only run on 100% grippy tar which the creators themselves says would only occur after a LeMans or 24 Hrs of Nurb weekend. You can't customize controls and now apparently this finishing order bug at the end of races...My god...