Yup i now mate...but it's just another diference with AC PC version... And that's number? .... I dont want to lose my faith on kunos.. But they have A LOT of work to do.
In sounds.. Well,menu souds cracking, sound go away and goes mono.. Sound stuttering on track with every car (some more than others) more even when you look at the left or right.
And global sounds stuttering of the Japanese car pack are the worst of the game.
All that with things that are missing and should be in the game cause it's in the PC version :
No general FFB settings per car.
Missing FFB options in general settings like brake pedal sensitivity
No calibration screen
No showroom
No drag mode and Strips
No Telemetry
No HUD apps like tyre temperature and degradation
No Trento Bodonne hillclimb
Sounds dumped down in comparison with the PC and stuttering.
No track type options(green track, old track.. And so on)
No initial grip levels and progression.
Limited FoV settings (from 50 to 60)
No customizable button mapping
No false start
No full race replays
And the very knowed no personalizable online lobbies.
Already reported all in the official forums..i realy begin to think that kunos need to hire more people.. Otherwise it may be complicated to have the 3 versions at top.
At first i did think the consoles where very limited, more due the complex physics engine assetto has,and that was the reason that the console versions are on lower graphics side and content....but then Stefano replied that on the console forum...
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So that makes me think that kunos need/had to hire more people for developing and optimisation...
Let's see in the following months what's happening with the console versions.