Assetto corsa coming to PS4 and Xbox one

  • Thread starter hennessey86
I conclude that it's the T300's way of dealing with certain specific FFB commands. And I loathe the feel, so turned off engine vibration in Raceroom immediately. Still, it's handy since once you realise this buzz means clipping you can accurately feel clipping happening on games which don't show a clipping meter.
Is it possible that clipping is happening even with the low FFB values I'm running (35 10 10 10 OFF)?
The Lotus 49 on the 10km Monza is a ridiculous amount of fun. The car at the limit never quite feels under control, it just constantly feels one slightly missed braking marker, or one slight over-correction, away from spearing into the fence. Even just stringing together a handful of half decent laps at that circuit in that car gives you a massive feeling of satisfaction.

Just wait until you get to drive the Mazza 250's, it's literally all you can do just to keep that thing straight. Even when you're going in a straight line you can't rest because once the revs start to climb suddenly the back end starts getting very wayward. It's the automotive equivalent of herding cats.

This is why so many people have such high # hours played in AC on their Steam accounts. Whatever else is wrong with the game, once you start just driving it's so easy to just keep going and watch the hours fly by.

Yep. I have lots of issues with AC or things I really want to see added/changed, but somehow that all fades away once I take that first turn on the Nords.
I also don't see the point of running tyre wear or even fuel on without better telemetry.

Not all cars, even recent ones, have a full on telemetry. I don't see the problem with driving old race cars and most road cars without having a gauge for every single variable. In a lot of cases, it's actually more realistic NOT to have these amounts of data.

I understand the want for more telemetry but switching tyre wear and fuel consumption off because of that seems a bit much.
Is it possible that clipping is happening even with the low FFB values I'm running (35 10 10 10 OFF)?
If you feel that internal buzz during high speed corners then quite possibly.

The best place to check your dynamic range of FFB is the Foxhole on the Nordschleife in AC. The combination of cornering, speed and elevation change gives the biggest FFB peak of all. I've ended up accepting light clipping there because that way everything else is not clipping. But a small buzz at peak load is fine, if the entire foxhole dip is non-stop buzzing then you should turn the FFB down some more.

(Note on corner names in case you don't know where I mean:
If you feel that internal buzz during high speed corners then quite possibly.

The best place to check your dynamic range of FFB is the Foxhole on the Nordschleife in AC. The combination of cornering, speed and elevation change gives the biggest FFB peak of all. I've ended up accepting light clipping there because that way everything else is not clipping. But a small buzz at peak load is fine, if the entire foxhole dip is non-stop buzzing then you should turn the FFB down some more.

(Note on corner names in case you don't know where I mean:
Oh, ok. Thanks.

But as far as I can tell, the buzz is happening only when stationary in the pits.

Maybe it's another issue altogether.
Not all cars, even recent ones, have a full on telemetry. I don't see the problem with driving old race cars and most road cars without having a gauge for every single variable. In a lot of cases, it's actually more realistic NOT to have these amounts of data.

I understand the want for more telemetry but switching tyre wear and fuel consumption off because of that seems a bit much.
The other reason I run without fuel is to try to give me just a little bit of extra speed against those very quick AI cars. Every little helps! Plus I don't do endurance races so figured I'd just take it all out, it's not only because of the lack of telemetry. The option to have no fuel and no damage is there of course, it's simply something I choose to do when I'm playing offline.

Although I do sometimes have 50% damage, which is fine for mostly everything other than a completely epic crash.
What is it that seems to happen fps wise when ABS is off, you brake the the game stutters versus keeping ABS on and no fps stutters? Also can you tell who is using TCS and ABS or such?

I'm loving the feeling since I've lengthened the conical cone and wedge some foam in between what little gap there is to get and even better feeling. Feels so nice that I rarely lock up the brakes now but damn! Some of these GT3 BMW's are real beasts anything lower than 69% front brake bias. While others I can get away with 61 - 59% or so...

Is it better to drive without ABS and TCS or is it a preference thing?
Haven't tried abs off but when the damage display comes on and abs activate that is when my game stutters.

That's weird, haven't had that one yet. One thing that annoyed me was with tyre wear turned off, it won't tell you what the tyre temps are in the pits. At first I just figured that with wear turned off, the tyre temps must just always be optimal or something, but when I was stuffing about powersliding and swinging 'nuts, I noticed the car had no rear grip afterwards, so the rear tyres were definitely overheated, but I went back to the pits, and it still said n/a for all the temps :grumpy:
just a heads up if you didn't know, one or 2 cars have tyre temp readouts on the dash. GTR GT3 is one of them and one of the maccas iirc. Also going back to your earlier post, the older cars are sublime. Alfa GTA, Ford escort, lotus type 29 and 49, just brilliant fun pretty much anywhere. Not spent much time in the other F1 cars other than a lap or 2 as im trying to master a few cars rather than e rubbish in all 8f them, plus waiting for a wheel to really send time in the other f1 cars. I really hope for more and more old road and race cars.
I don't see the camber and toe settings jumping around as set up oddities. When the car is stationary, those values should be as well.

The pic illustrates one of my points, that the toe number you select bares no resemblance to the actual toe on the car itself. In that pic, the front toe is set to 7, with the toe on the car itself at around 0.10. The toe on the rear is at 9, so considering the front toe, you would expect it to be just a little higher at the rear, yet it is over double on the car itself. These numbers are completely different for every car too, and seem to have no direct correlation to the number on the actual car. I had one car with a rear toe of 0.38, and the number in the set up was 160. Changing that number by 10 would change the toe on the car by 0.06 or 0.07. It made no sense at all. This is something I'd call a set up oddity, and one for which there simply is no reason.
I was just throwing a guess out there when I said it might be a rounding error. I've only been an Assetto Corsa player for 1 year and there seem to be so many topics that have been discussed/explained by devs (not specifically this issue, but any issue) and I don't feel like scrolling back through 3+ years of posts. I did ask about those numbers bouncing one time and someone told me to pull up the real time telemetry app/real time suspension app and one more. He had his own theory on what was happening and he tried explaining it to me, but I was so new and looking at so many numbers on my screen, my head was spinning. Regardless, I do believe you are correct. If it's an actual physics issue when the car is still it should be addressed and if it's not it should be cosmetically fixed.

I know 100% exactly what you're talking about with the TOE adjustments. We have it the same way on PC and I agree that it should be fixed because, "What the heck do those numbers represent? Setting 1, 2, 3 ... , 10? Is it supposed to be a measurement?" It's bewildering. Not to diminish what you've had to deal with, but it's actually even worse on the PC side because of people who build mod cars. I've seen really crazy 🤬 on the alignment settings page. I just started thinking of it as a "+" or a "-" adjustment and then I look to see what's happening on the dynamic screen. It made my head spin as it did you. No doubt about it, it needs to be standardized at least with Kunos's own cars for God's sake.

Some of these GT3 BMW's are real beasts anything lower than 69% front brake bias. While others I can get away with 61 - 59% or so...

Is it better to drive without ABS and TCS or is it a preference thing?
I'd say it's a preference thing. Traction Control is nowhere near as horrible as it is in something like GT6. However, something to remember is - the lower the number, the more active the system. I think the Lamborghini Huracan GT3 allows TC settings of 1 thru 8 and ABS settings of 1 thru 8 (unless either is turned off, of course). If you have TC set to 1 you are getting the full 100% traction control system that Kunos devised. If you set it to 8 you'll see that there is hardly any intervention. You can roast the tires if you floor it. The same with the ABS. 1 gives you 100% ABS while 8 gives you very, very little ABS. So, the numbers between are varying degrees of the system in a linear fashion. A lot of people get it backwards and think 1 means almost off while 8 means full.

The same is true with street cars that actually allow different levels of Traction Control. Usually it will only be something like 1 thru 3.

Anyway, at no point in any of my posts did I say I felt "robbed" or "abused", and I never said the physics were broken. I pointed out a couple of small issues, that was all.

Yes, and thankfully there were several members who were helpful, and I appreciated that, because like I said: There were a lot of fanboys and apologists at the official forums who would swamp any thread with criticism or bugs, and voicing concerns here, and having conversations about bugs here, was so much easier. I've seen the same type of people at the AC forum who are so desperate to protect their precious that they just can't handle it if anyone has a problem with the game, even legitimate bugs. To be fair though, the atmosphere there is no where near as vile as the Pcars forum was a year or so ago.

Fair point. I guess what I mean is the way everyone raves about the physics, and the fact it's taken 5 years to get the game to this point, where it has just a handful of cars and tracks, the physics are obviously the main focus in that time, and I just expected the fundamental things to be perfect. That's on me.

Edit: Not perfect, that's the wrong word, bug free would be better.
I really, really enjoy Assetto Corsa. In fact, I never played GT6 again after the first day of playing Assetto Corsa. That was just over a year ago. Actually, I just played GT6 for the first time since getting AC a couple of nights ago and I was blown away at how awful driving felt to me using car/track combos that are available in both AC & GT6. There are a LOT of things that are super cool about GT6, but now that I've experienced AC, actually driving the cars is night and day different to me, I can put up with the "missing" things that GT6 offered me and AC doesn't.

Having said that, I do understand that there are a lot of obnoxious fanboys on the AC forums that act like you're talking about their mother if you criticize a feature/function or question a decision Kunos made. You won't get that with me. I may try to defend something if I feel it's justified, but I'll be the first to say that AC on consoles seems pretty darn crappy compared to AC on the PC platform. And that really bums me out because I know how much I've loved switching to AC, so I want everybody to enjoy it too. If I were a console player who waited anxiously for AC, I would be rip-roaring mad at the lack of features & functions and the inexcusable bugs.

I think for the most part, you'll see that the regular posters from the PC version here on GTPlanet are not blind fanboys. Certainly nothing like the crap going on over on the official forums. There is a lot of disgraceful behavior taking place. I'm surprised there haven't been a ton of bans handed out.

That's weird, haven't had that one yet. One thing that annoyed me was with tyre wear turned off, it won't tell you what the tyre temps are in the pits. At first I just figured that with wear turned off, the tyre temps must just always be optimal or something, but when I was stuffing about powersliding and swinging 'nuts, I noticed the car had no rear grip afterwards, so the rear tyres were definitely overheated, but I went back to the pits, and it still said n/a for all the temps :grumpy:

Perfect example of "What the 🤬 was Kunos thinking?" Why didn't they provide console players with a little screen app that shows your 4 tire temps: outside, middle, inside -- 4 tire air pressure -- 4 tires amount of wear? WTF? I am speechless over the number of super basic things missing from the console version. I didn't expect a 1:1 clone of the PC version, but come on... You should see the wild apps we have access to, developer apps that show more information than I even understand.

I know your experience with AC hasn't been particularly wonderful. No one can blame you, or the thousands of other people bummed about certain bugs or missing features. But, what do you think of the "driving experience" in Assetto Corsa? Have you taken some classics like Yellowbird or F40 for a rip around Nordschleife? I know it's never going to match the gamey qualities, like installing wings or turbos, changing shocks and upgrading transmissions. Kunos doesn't want to go in that direction. But, what do you think of the laser scanned tracks and driving physics and wheel force feedback?
I'd say it's a preference thing. Traction Control is nowhere near as horrible as it is in something like GT6. However, something to remember is - the lower the number, the more active the system. I think the Lamborghini Huracan GT3 allows TC settings of 1 thru 8 and ABS settings of 1 thru 8 (unless either is turned off, of course). If you have TC set to 1 you are getting the full 100% traction control system that Kunos devised. If you set it to 8 you'll see that there is hardly any intervention. You can roast the tires if you floor it. The same with the ABS. 1 gives you 100% ABS while 8 gives you very, very little ABS. So, the numbers between are varying degrees of the system in a linear fashion. A lot of people get it backwards and think 1 means almost off while 8 means full.

The same is true with street cars that actually allow different levels of Traction Control. Usually it will only be something like 1 thru 3.

I must admit I thought 1 was near off and 8 - 12 was maximum as well because this was how GT5/6 had it was it not?

Though, I do not recall seeing a control for going through the ABS levels? I always had to factory/enable/disable it before taking to the track...

I really, really enjoy Assetto Corsa. In fact, I never played GT6 again after the first day of playing Assetto Corsa. That was just over a year ago. Actually, I just played GT6 for the first time since getting AC a couple of nights ago and I was blown away at how awful driving felt to me using car/track combos that are available in both AC & GT6. There are a LOT of things that are super cool about GT6, but now that I've experienced AC, actually driving the cars is night and day different to me, I can put up with the "missing" things that GT6 offered me and AC doesn't.

Having said that, I do understand that there are a lot of obnoxious fanboys on the AC forums that act like you're talking about their mother if you criticize a feature/function or question a decision Kunos made. You won't get that with me. I may try to defend something if I feel it's justified, but I'll be the first to say that AC on consoles seems pretty darn crappy compared to AC on the PC platform. And that really bums me out because I know how much I've loved switching to AC, so I want everybody to enjoy it too. If I were a console player who waited anxiously for AC, I would be rip-roaring mad at the lack of features & functions and the inexcusable bugs.

I think for the most part, you'll see that the regular posters from the PC version here on GTPlanet are not blind fanboys. Certainly nothing like the crap going on over on the official forums. There is a lot of disgraceful behavior taking place. I'm surprised there haven't been a ton of bans handed out.

As I've said before I cannot go back to any other racing game as they all feel alien and 100% throttle and brake. I hated past games even back to 2008 where so many bad drivers can get away with sloppy driving and not lose pace.

I'm no great driver but I try to stay consistent, try my utmost not to ram people, give way to others who are faster or I'll back off if I outbraked myself or took some strange advantage.

I always dread the starts for races though from people spinning out from standing still to the first corner of Monza. Even when I actually hold back not to get hit and they mostly all crash into each other they still hit me.

I also love the fact the game shows who has the skill and determination. I see so many racers on the console who quit halfway through the lap or are snaking all over the place. I'm also amazed seeing how many cannot seem to brake smoothly. Hate that feeling when I'm along side them braking. "Please please don't take me out!" Phew!
Each race I've been in there are maybe 2 - 3 or 4 who know what they're doing out of 8 - 12 - 15 in a race.

Perfect example of "What the 🤬 was Kunos thinking?" Why didn't they provide console players with a little screen app that shows your 4 tire temps: outside, middle, inside -- 4 tire air pressure -- 4 tires amount of wear? WTF? I am speechless over the number of super basic things missing from the console version. I didn't expect a 1:1 clone of the PC version, but come on... You should see the wild apps we have access to, developer apps that show more information than I even understand.

I know your experience with AC hasn't been particularly wonderful. No one can blame you, or the thousands of other people bummed about certain bugs or missing features. But, what do you think of the "driving experience" in Assetto Corsa? Have you taken some classics like Yellowbird or F40 for a rip around Nordschleife? I know it's never going to match the gamey qualities, like installing wings or turbos, changing shocks and upgrading transmissions. Kunos doesn't want to go in that direction. But, what do you think of the laser scanned tracks and driving physics and wheel force feedback?

Well at least one thing while I admit it can be annoying without all the status devices it has taught me how to judge the cars on both feeling and reactions. As well as taking the time doing some car setups judging how hard or how many laps the tank will last with 8 - 12 laps on specific tracks. I'm now no longer running out of fuel now. Still haven't driven every car yet or been on every track.

Funny though, In past games I used to hate Monza for road cars. Yet on Assetto Corsa I really love this track for road cars.

While Assetto Corsa has many flaws on consoles (PS4 here) I love this game so much! It is such a joy and so addictive. 10 laps at a time just flies past. It is such a joy.
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Is there anyone here who have PS4 Asian region AC ( disc version ) ? I just got in touch with the shop owner I frequent, and he said Asian region ( where I live, HK PSN is the only viable option ) AC PS4 still do not have DLC available to buy on HK PSN and very likely won't ever be available. He suggested me either to wait or get another region AC copy, from US, which means very expensive to get both the game and season pass, over US $100 ( including import cost ) :(
Is there anyone here who have PS4 Asian region AC ( disc version ) ? I just got in touch with the shop owner I frequent, and he said Asian region ( where I live, HK PSN is the only viable option ) AC PS4 still do not have DLC available to buy on HK PSN and very likely won't ever be available. He suggested me either to wait or get another region AC copy, from US, which means very expensive to get both the game and season pass, over US $100 ( including import cost ) :(
I'll check with my local Games Games Games and More guy later today and get back to you.:lol:
I'll check with my local Games Games Games and More guy later today and get back to you.:lol:

Are you trolling ? That was uncalled for, and I was asking politely. Do you have asian region PS4 AC disc copy ? I was planning to get the game first and the console later next year as I have been informed last week, that it's getting difficult to get asian region AC PS4 disc copy from several shops I often visit, mostly said no future restock, another way is to do individual import with extra charges + shipping, but still no guarantee of getting a copy even with 50% down payment.

I'm trying to find the best cost effective PS4 AC copy, which region .. as the game is region locked online, DLC also locked to region on PS4. US reg is the next option after Asian, UK/EU and Australian region are very expensive for me.
@Ridox2JZGTE Can't you just create a US or EU PlayStation account and go from there?

I'm planning to get disc copy, not digital, I don't have PS4 yet. Online play and DLC are region locked, if I buy digital copy from US or EU, I'm stuck with those region players, and I'm in Asia. Most of my PSN friends are in Asia.

DLC usually doesn't work with different region accounts and another region disc.

This. The same way on PS3, DLC only works with same region disc or digital copy.
DLC usually doesn't work with different region accounts and another region disc.
This. The same way on PS3, DLC only works with same region disc or digital copy.
Of course, you'd have to buy the DLC from the same region you bought the digital copy.

The only problem I see (as you already mentioned) is playing online, yes.
Of course, you'd have to buy the DLC from the same region you bought the digital copy.

The only problem I see (as you already mentioned) is playing online, yes.

Price is a problem, I wanted to get Asian region disc as it's much cheaper both the game and DLC.
Check this thread - some claim they can buy the DLC form a different region.

Thanks, just read the thread, the poster tested digital copy from PSN Taiwan and DLC with UK PSN £ is very expensive, the season pass may costs more than the game. :( I guess I have to wait until there's clear indication whether Asian region copy will get the DLC or not.

It's EU region, more expensive than the price quoted on local store, and it doesn't ship to my country.

Is there anyone with PS4 AC asian region to clarify about DLC ?
Thanks, just read the thread, the poster tested digital copy from PSN Taiwan and DLC with UK PSN £ is very expensive, the season pass may costs more than the game. :( I guess I have to wait until there's clear indication whether Asian region copy will get the DLC or not.

It's EU region, more expensive than the price quoted on local store, and it doesn't ship to my country.

Is there anyone with PS4 AC asian region to clarify about DLC ?
Just a thought. Perhaps you could ask the developers?You know send an email,go to the "official" forum. Why would you want a physical copy of the game,when you have no PS4? Not trolling,just a few thoughts and a question
I'm planning to get disc copy, not digital, I don't have PS4 yet. Online play and DLC are region locked, if I buy digital copy from US or EU, I'm stuck with those region players, and I'm in Asia. Most of my PSN friends are in Asia.

This. The same way on PS3, DLC only works with same region disc or digital copy.
Well considering online is pretty much,well,non existent at the moment. I wouldn't really worry about your "friends".
Just a thought. Perhaps you could ask the developers?You know send an email,go to the "official" forum. Why would you want a physical copy of the game,when you have no PS4? Not trolling,just a few thoughts and a question

Just to be safe ? I have been to several shops and most of them don't have AC in stock and won't restock again :( I have to import, preferably Asian reg copy, cheaper and can be sold again in the future.

After reading the official forum thread linked above, I went to find similar thread about Asian region DLC, and seems like Kunos haven't responded yet.

Well considering online is pretty much,well,non existent at the moment. I wouldn't really worry about your "friends".

What are you implying with "friends" ? I have more than 40 Asian region PSN friends from PS3 that most of them have migrated to PS4, some of them are active in racing games online. GT6 is not the only game I play, I also play many other games online. At least I have much better chance of less trouble racing online with closer proximity friends than US or EU region players.
Just to be safe ? I have been to several shops and most of them don't have AC in stock and won't restock again :(

After reading the official forum thread linked above, I went to find similar thread about Asian region DLC, and seems like Kunos haven't responded yet.

What are you implying with "friends" ? I have more than 40 Asian region PSN friends from PS3 that most of them have migrated to PS4, some of them are active in racing games online. GT6 is not the only game I play, I also play many other games online. At least I have much better chance of less trouble racing online with closer proximity friends than US or EU region players.
Well you just stated, your friends have migrated to a system you don't currently own. Playing many other games online,that are not backwards compatible, may also mean your going to have to repurchase them to play on a PS4 with your friends. Unfortunately Assetto is, at the moment.Not very online friendly,doesn't really matter what region your in. Trust me I race in a league ever Tuesday and Friday. %90 of us are waiting for AC online to be fixed.Don't hold your breath.
That's weird, haven't had that one yet. One thing that annoyed me was with tyre wear turned off, it won't tell you what the tyre temps are in the pits. At first I just figured that with wear turned off, the tyre temps must just always be optimal or something, but when I was stuffing about powersliding and swinging 'nuts, I noticed the car had no rear grip afterwards, so the rear tyres were definitely overheated, but I went back to the pits, and it still said n/a for all the temps :grumpy:

The live data in the setup screen is just weird. Not only do camber and toe values jump back and forth when stationary, information about tire conditions has problems too. I just drove 10 laps on Mugello in the Ferrari FXX K and parked manually in the pit box (this way you can access setup without selecting the "pits" command first). So after parking the car I checked my tires which said the following for all four tires:

Graining: 0%
Blistering: 0%
Wear: 1%

Then I drove back on track and after two corners I selected pits from the race menu. I entered the setup screen again but tire wear had now gone back down to 0% for all tires whereas as graining and blistering was showing higher percentages. What a mess.

There's another good one that I get all the time where I jump back to the pits and as I'm adjusting the setup my wheels are still trying to spin with the brakes on, causing lots of smoke and tyre screeching. Happens so often. Glad I have tyre wear turned off as I'm unsure whether this pit action will cause them to wear down prematurely.

That's what I was getting at in my post just above yours.

Perfect example of "What the 🤬 was Kunos thinking?" Why didn't they provide console players with a little screen app that shows your 4 tire temps: outside, middle, inside -- 4 tire air pressure -- 4 tires amount of wear? WTF? I am speechless over the number of super basic things missing from the console version. I didn't expect a 1:1 clone of the PC version, but come on... You should see the wild apps we have access to, developer apps that show more information than I even understand.

I'm thinking it may have something to do with frame rate but it doesn't really make sense to me. For example, the game stutters immensely whenever the damage HUD pops up. This could be an isolated bug, but I fear what would happen if even more data was present on the screen at once.
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Of the dozen or so lotus road cars, anyone have some favorites? It about all I have left car wise to try out and was just wondering what everyone else thought stands out.
Of the dozen or so lotus road cars, anyone have some favorites? It about all I have left car wise to try out and was just wondering what everyone else thought stands out.

I really like the way the Evora GTC drives as well as the 2 Eleven. The road car Elise Step 1 is also great.