Assetto Corsa Competizione Coming to PS4 and XB1, Arrives June 23

  • Thread starter Northstar
My impressions so far:

Took some time to find wheel settings I like but it feels really good now. Anything above 70% gain and the G29 is constantly clipping. Still trying to figure out what controls I should assign to the buttons.

I have been only using preset setups and they seem pretty solid. I’m still trying to wrap my head around all the physics, so I I’d rather keep a consistent setup.

One thing I’ve that’s been a big adjustment for me in the races was learning manual pit stops. I’m used to entering them at full blast and letting the game do the rest, like in GTS, F1 or Forza.

The cockpit view without the wheel was my favorite in the old game and that doesn’t change in acc. I just wish I could adjust it. It also bugs me how there is no mirrors in some cars with this view. The radar is in a perfect place on the screen though, unlike GTS.

The rating system is really good. But I’m not really worried about my ratings, I did that in GTS and it pretty much ruined my enjoyment as a result.

Three big negatives for me so far, besides the obvious problems with fps.

1. Sometimes I get a bug where my wheel gets really heavy and I have to restart or go to settings to get it back to normal. It’s a very minor annoyance in single player, my main worry is about this happening in an online race.

2. This is obviously a very niche game, so I’m worried about the player count after a few months. I normally race at around 8 or 9 PM EST (GMT -5) and I just cannot see there being that many lobbies available after this games been around for a while, and that’s on PS4. I bet it will be pretty much dead on xbox if my experience with ac and pcars on xbox is anything to go by.

3. I cannot use my wheel and ds4 at the same time other than for my headphones. This is common with racing games made by smaller devs but it still annoys me.

Overall the attention to detail blows my mind. This is a lot to take in but I love it.
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I'm really liking the helmet cam, hated it at first.
This is why I hope console gets the PC race start update. You have to stay within a box until the green light so you can't hang back or bunch up too far. I don't much like how it is at the mo.

I've had terrible starts at Spa where half the field creeps around La Source while the leaders pull away and when it goes green they're too far ahead.

The PC race starts aren't even a patch ahead of us, they've had it for a while now. Hope we catch up soon.
I had a quick go online and the starts are different to offline. It had a green/red bar. Confused me as I wasnt paging attention to it.

playing on my other account only have 20 friends there. I cannot even make a driver profile. Deleted and redownloaded yesterday.... no change
I don't have any bluescreen issue
Have you restoring the license? That's really strange.
licence restored yesterday change
gonna rebuild database today

edit: rebuilt the database with no effect. GRRRR!!!!!!
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I watched Jardier's stream last night... Suzuka in the rain at night and that was fine... seems headlights don't exist on the console cars.
This is what mine looks like (stills taken from a video that currently being exported), from the 24hr race at Spa at the end of the career mode.

spa night.jpg

spa night 2.jpg

Running full enduro lights

spa night 3.jpg
yeah the driving in the dark is just silly on the console version. A lot to be learned from PC2.

Edit: on a positive note, the manual pitstops are really nice. You really have to lower your speed before the 50 sign. Also the way you have to carefully stop your car in the designated area in the pits to shave of some seconds is doen well.

And I love the feedback from my buttkicker during tyre changes. You can really feel the airtools hammering those bolts.
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I watched Jardier's stream last night... Suzuka in the rain at night and that was fine... seems headlights don't exist on the console cars.
I think its a bug in the game. First career test at Monza in the dark I couldn't see a thing, but just repeated it last night and could see much more. Same thing at a server race at Silverstone. Went dark in qually and couldn't see Jack, but then the race visibility was fine. I don't know of a fix for it, but putting on ideal line assist is a workaround if it happens to you. Next time it happens to me offline I might try save and quit and restart. Hopefully they fix it with an update
I’d won every race in career on Pro difficulty when I came to the Hungaroring round.

Set pole in both Q1 and Q2 by well over half a second.

Race 1 I take the lead and by lap 4 I have 3s gap to 2nd... and it starts raining. Complete the lap on slicks and pit for wets... AI do the same.

AI then catch a 3s lead up in less than a lap, and have so much more grip they are are hitting me coming out of the corners. Once they force their way past me they just disappear. I finish last.

Race 2 starts wet. I hold them off for a couple of corners by holding the racing line, but they eventually get bored and just push me off exiting a slow corner. I finish last again.

Vs my pace in the dry, I’d say they are at least 3s a lap faster than I am.
Are you running the wet line? Not the racing line. That's rubber on rubber with water between. Off the line you get grip. I'm slow, GT5P division 5 gold slow, the AI is faster than me in the dry but in the rain I've got the advantage. Up the tyre pressure so it goes up to about 30 when hot and stay in the middle of the track.
licence restored yesterday change
gonna rebuild database today

edit: rebuilt the database with no effect. GRRRR!!!!!!
Well that's rubbish, cant understand why you're having this issue. Only thing I could suggest you try to see if its your ps4 or psn is try downloading it on someone elses PS4 if you're able to.
I watched Jardier's stream last night... Suzuka in the rain at night and that was fine... seems headlights don't exist on the console cars.
This is so frustrating, i really want to be able to do night races but the lights are just ridiculous - how can it be so different from pc to console?
Has anyone here managed to get the 'get slipstream for 5 seconds', 'win a race with every car' and 'try out every car and every track' trophies? All seem bugged and PSN says just 0.1% have earned them.
licence restored yesterday change
gonna rebuild database today

edit: rebuilt the database with no effect. GRRRR!!!!!!
I was having bad stutter problems on my Pro. It was installed on my 4TB external drive so I deleted it, made the internal drive the default drive and downloaded it again. No problems since then.
Now I've had enough time with ACC I've completed a PS4 Pro review.

I think that's pretty spot on, Scaff 👍

I'm on an ancient original PS4, and I've not had any issues with the frame rate... I occasionally notice some pop up, but nothing that interferes with the game play.

The 2 biggest pluses for me are

1) this is a proper racing game as opposed to a driving game - you can have some super tense battles with the AI in a way you can't in GTS, for example.
2) the physics are fabulous once you get the right wheel settings and car set ups.

Are you running the wet line? Not the racing line. That's rubber on rubber with water between. Off the line you get grip. I'm slow, GT5P division 5 gold slow, the AI is faster than me in the dry but in the rain I've got the advantage. Up the tyre pressure so it goes up to about 30 when hot and stay in the middle of the track.

I think I have a reasonable idea how to drive in the wet as I did a coupe of seasons of pro karts some years back. The relative lap times of the AI in the wet seems off to me (at least at Pro difficulty)... and they just follow the racing line.
Has anyone here managed to get the 'get slipstream for 5 seconds', 'win a race with every car' and 'try out every car and every track' trophies? All seem bugged and PSN says just 0.1% have earned them.
I'm sure I've tried every car and every track yet the trophy didn't unlock. Thought I was going mad.
This is so frustrating, i really want to be able to do night races but the lights are just ridiculous - how can it be so different from pc to console?
Maybe it was just down to performance issues so they made them weaker, or ours just a bug, but I need this.

I think that's pretty spot on, Scaff 👍

I'm on an ancient original PS4, and I've not had any issues with the frame rate... I occasionally notice some pop up, but nothing that interferes with the game play.

The 2 biggest pluses for me are

1) this is a proper racing game as opposed to a driving game - you can have some super tense battles with the AI in a way you can't in GTS, for example.
2) the physics are fabulous once you get the right wheel settings and car set ups.

I think I have a reasonable idea how to drive in the wet as I did a coupe of seasons of pro karts some years back. The relative lap times of the AI in the wet seems off to me (at least at Pro difficulty)... and they just follow the racing line.
I love getting in a groove and slowly reeling in the next car corner by corner lap by lap after making early mistakes. Still keep getting DQd though and it's not for speeding.
So I've been doing the Intercontinental championship in single player mode (with shortened races obviously) and have found that the maximum stint times coupled with the shortened race length makes for some odd pit strategies for the AI and actually makes winning the races rather easy even if you're running at a similar pace...

The Bathurst 12h I ran as a 1 hour race which gave me a 10 minute stint length before I had to pit and change drivers etc. but what happens when the stint counter gets to 5 mins to go is that all the AI cars pit (I think this is because its what they're programmed to do when the race is run at its proper length, so they've already run for 55 mins)... in practice this means that they basically just run two laps before pitting, whereas I do 4 and pit right before the counter runs out. This gives me an inherent advantage as all I then have to do is keep doing the longer stints and I gain an entire pitstop's worth of time every stop I don't do compared to them. So despite the AI running at a good pace (I was averaging high 2.04's in my Bentley and the top AI cars were doing the same), I lapped the field in winning the race.

The next is the 8h race at Laguna Seca. I ran this as 1 hour again which meant slightly longer stint lengths, but again the AI cars pit as soon as they are given the 5 minute warning... so despite me getting a 30 second stop-go penalty for pitlane speeding (I stupidly hadn't checked where the pit limiter line was) I again won comfortably, although I at least had the pleasure of racing my up to the lead as I came up from last to 1st.

Then I did the Spa 24h, but at a 3 hour length rather than just the 1 hour which is the minimum. I've had the weather set to the real races for this championship, so the Spa race was full of mixed weather just as the real race was, but condensed into a smaller timeframe. This meant that there were periods of the race where you were on the wrong tyres and trying to reach the next scheduled stop or having to decide whether to pit now or not... the AI however would just pit as soon as the weather changed as well as pitting as soon as they had the 5 min warning, which resulted in it basically being that the AI cars were almost always in the pits, and that I was 2 laps up after the first 40 minutes or so... I actually had a pretty error-strewn race as I was learning a lot about the tyre temps and engine maps and trying to juggle this all with the strategy etc, but I still won by nearly 4 laps in the end...

I don't particularly mind so much as there is still the personal challenge of doing these longer races, but the AI and how they operate in these shortened, sped-up time enduros definitely needs looking at, because as it stands there is no race to be had.
Racing with randoms online is a cesspool.

Private lobbies with people I already know from this site are the only way I race online.

Fortunately, the AI is extremely good in this game.
Yes mate one to avoid, he's a serial crasher. Been doing it to others too.

I don't understand why people drive like that... you pay the money for a racing game, spend the time to get your stats up to allow you on to the competition server, then drive like a complete Muppet and destroy your stats in the process.
Did a bit more at Silverstone special event today. Got my time down from a mid 2:01 to a low 1:59, i think a high 58 is possible but probably my limit.
I love hotlapping, and the bentley on that track is a great combo.
Then i did the hotstint with the porsche at Spa, took me a good 4-5 goes to learn how to drive that car but once you get the knack of how to keep the rear end under control its a brilliant and fun car to drive, tho still challenging. So responsive and direct.

Then i went back to my career in the Aston V12 and it was so different to drive, you can really feel that big engine in the front pushing the nose. The porsche almost ruined my enjoyment of the aston, but got used to it after a few laps again plus it sounds loads better. However i think i used up all my concentration on those earlier events, i can't do more than 20 minutes at brands before making a mistake.

Taking a break and having some lunch before heading back.
I'm loving this game!!