Assetto Corsa | News and General Discussion

  • Thread starter mister dog
Best part of that article.

"DiRT Rally's chief game director later told that he believed Assetto Corsa would be a"wake-up call" to some of the bigger games in the genre, like Gran Turismo and Forza Motorsport."
Too bad there's no-one giving DiRT Rally it's deserved wake-up call. An odd source for a comment like that.

If DR had direct competition of the quality of AC, PCars, R3E, iRacing, etc., it would be seen as an utter joke.

Edit - Maybe over here would make more sense.
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Well, just found out that I can't take high res photos because of my screen res. Thanks, 1366x768! :rolleyes:
Well, just found out that I can't take high res photos because of my screen res. Thanks, 1366x768! :rolleyes:
I'm on something like 12xx x 720 I think, and with post-processing effects off, so I'm with you there. :indiff: F12 screen caps work ok.
I'm on something like 12xx x 720 I think, and with post-processing effects off, so I'm with you there. :indiff: F12 screen caps work ok.
The joys of using a laptop... :lol: I have done F12 screens before but the quality is still rather low.
Guys, you can take higher resolution screenshots, independent of your monitor's capable resolution. It's all done before it sends to your monitor and gets reduced. Take one screen with your native res, and one higher, then compare. You'll see a clear quality difference.

Good luck
Do you mean downsampling?

Yeah i love that stuff, if im ever feeling special i just ram the res up to 4k on my 1080p screen and pump out some screenshots before the nuclear meltdown occurs.
Guys, you can take higher resolution screenshots, independent of your monitor's capable resolution. It's all done before it sends to your monitor and gets reduced. Take one screen with your native res, and one higher, then compare. You'll see a clear quality difference.

Good luck
^^ This

Now to figure out how people change shutter speeds...
Do you mean downsampling?

Yeah i love that stuff, if im ever feeling special i just ram the res up to 4k on my 1080p screen and pump out some screenshots before the nuclear meltdown occurs.

You're on the right track, but nothing in this case is actually being resampled either down or up. The screenshot itself is not beholden to the capabilities of your monitor, at all. The way you perceive the screenshot is, but the file is not. Remember, it is only a file that says "I am X num of pixels wide and Y num pixels tall".

Also, as you rightly suggested, you can up the res on your game to an insane value and because you are not watching motion in a replay or game, but merely taking static shots of a paused game, it shouldn't cause any immediate problems (watch temps though :) )
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My game's not launching onto the track. I can launch the Launcher, but after selecting a track and car, it would go to the black loading screen on the Launcher and then go back to the car and track selection screen.
My game's not launching onto the track. I can launch the Launcher, but after selecting a track and car, it would go to the black loading screen on the Launcher and then go back to the car and track selection screen.
Kunos car/track or mod?
Just another thing I noticed missing in AC compared to ISI sims: does Kunos have plans in the future to add brake temp/fade simulation?
Just another thing I noticed missing in AC compared to ISI sims: does Kunos have plans in the future to add brake temp/fade simulation?

There's already a whole argument about that brewing over on RD (pretty much the entire AC sub-forum there is just one giant argument anymore). I don't think there's any definitive answer to it though. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for its inclusion though, I don't think Kunos really cares about those kind of things very much.
Yeah that happens everytime there is a post on racedepartment. luckily its more on topic now, the PRC guy got banned for being a chungus last time this happened

Both games are flawed in areas, AC being tyre temps, brake temps(properly), water and oil temps(the last two dont matter for anything apart from 6+hour endurance past 1980, you have to do some very stupid things for them to become a problem). rF2 being buggy, lack of offical content, silence from devs regarding bugs and mods support being edgy

To summarise

People are annoyed that AC doesnt have brake, tyre, oil and water temps

People are annoyed that rF2 doesnt have enough mods, a lot of the rF2 chaps will flood to attack them.

I play the game that i enjoy more that is AC, for now. Though it does help that the devs have treated me nicely and have listened to my advice even doing as far adding something i did into the game.
There's already a whole argument about that brewing over on RD (pretty much the entire AC sub-forum there is just one giant argument anymore). I don't think there's any definitive answer to it though. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for its inclusion though, I don't think Kunos really cares about those kind of things very much.

I just read the interview (both part 1 & 2). Good stuff 👍 I didn't find the section specifically where they mentioned they won't model brake temps. Just they are not focusing on multiplayer and leaderboard rankings. It would be a shame if it's not on their plans though. I couldn't care a hoot about AI/multiplayer, but managing brake fade is part of the driving experience whether you like it or not. It just adds that extra layer of complexity and challenge to the fun. And as always they can have an option to turn it on/off like mechanical damage/tyre wear.

Yeah that happens everytime there is a post on racedepartment. luckily its more on topic now, the PRC guy got banned for being a chungus last time this happened

Both games are flawed in areas, AC being tyre temps, brake temps(properly), water and oil temps(the last two dont matter for anything apart from 6+hour endurance past 1980, you have to do some very stupid things for them to become a problem). rF2 being buggy, lack of offical content, silence from devs regarding bugs and mods support being edgy

To summarise

People are annoyed that AC doesnt have brake, tyre, oil and water temps

People are annoyed that rF2 doesnt have enough mods, a lot of the rF2 chaps will flood to attack them.

I play the game that i enjoy more that is AC, for now. Though it does help that the devs have treated me nicely and have listened to my advice even doing as far adding something i did into the game.

That seems to be the trend with current generation sims. None of them really have the complete package. Graphics are a big step forward but in terms of features a lot seems to be cut. Even with physics and tyre models there's no consistency with changes every update.

AC for me is so, so close to being the perfect sim. But it just lacks a few simulated things here and there that doesn't make it feel as hardcore as rFactor. Despite handling so well, it makes me wonder what other corners they cut in the physics department.

rF2 is a huge missed opportunity IMO. If they make it as easily moddable as rF1 or AC I bet it would be the clear winner. As it stands, it may have the best and most complex physics, but without good mod support it's going to die off quickly. The outdated graphics doesn't help either.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still having HEAPS of fun in AC, but sometimes I can't help but feel a bit...wistful that the golden age of simracing is behind us (early-mid 2000s era with GT4, Enthusia, rFactor, Simbin, RBR, LFS) :indiff: If Kunos and ISI gets together and have PD/Turn10 level of funding it would be the most perfect game ever...
Being wistful about older sims lasts until you go back and actually try one. Modern FFB together with laser scanned tracks so totally blows away anything from past eras.

After AC came out, I tried Race07 once then uninstalled it. It felt so crude in comparison.
Being wistful about older sims lasts until you go back and actually try one. Modern FFB together with laser scanned tracks so totally blows away anything from past eras.

After AC came out, I tried Race07 once then uninstalled it. It felt so crude in comparison.

I've had the opposite experience. I've briefly dabbled in Race07, GTR2 and PnG and every time I'm impressed at how much more complete and cohesive they are than AC. I think the FFB feels great and couldn't care less if the tracks aren't laser scanned because all the other stuff they offer makes up for it. I agree with Legend, after waiting so long to finally get into the PC game I've been a bit sad to realize I missed the first golden age of sim racing and that we're at least a few years away from the next one. Just my opinion/experience. When considering that AC was originally intended to only have a handful of cars and tracks it's pretty amazing to see what they've managed to shoe-horn into it and it's great for what it is, but I certainly look forward to AC2 and hope that it will fill in a lot of the blanks found in AC1.
The core team at Kunos is 10 people. 10. People have awfully high expectations of 10 guys.
The core team at Kunos is 10 people. 10. People have awfully high expectations of 10 guys.

Why couldn't 10 guys (and the couple dozen modelers they have on contract) have made a sim with things like safety cars, false starts, night racing, more mappable buttons, brake temps, etc. if that had been their goal from the beginning? For whatever reason that wasn't their goal, so they've had to try to cram things in that may not have been part of the original plan (which they've done a great job of). That's not a criticism, it's not good or bad, it is what it is and they've managed to do a lot with a little and I enjoy the end product. I don't think negatively of them or their product because of the absence of said features (read my post again and you'll see I actually praised them for what they have accomplished). Doesn't mean I can't have a few criticisms though, but criticism does not equal hatred.

Sure, I'm disappointed with the overall state of PC sim racing, but that applies equally to pretty much all of the current sims, not just AC, but that's just my opinion (nobody has to agree with it). I missed the boat, that's my own fault, but I hold out hope that another "golden age" boat will come along in the next few years after the current sims have time to mature.
Why couldn't 10 guys (and the couple dozen modelers they have on contract) have made a sim with things like safety cars, false starts, night racing, more mappable buttons, brake temps, etc. if that had been their goal from the beginning? For whatever reason that wasn't their goal, so they've had to try to cram things in that may not have been part of the original plan (which they've done a great job of). That's not a criticism, it's not good or bad, it is what it is and they've managed to do a lot with a little and I enjoy the end product. I don't think negatively of them or their product because of the absence of said features (read my post again and you'll see I actually praised them for what they have accomplished). Doesn't mean I can't have a few criticisms though, but criticism does not equal hatred.

Sure, I'm disappointed with the overall state of PC sim racing, but that applies equally to pretty much all of the current sims, not just AC, but that's just my opinion (nobody has to agree with it). I missed the boat, that's my own fault, but I hold out hope that another "golden age" boat will come along in the next few years after the current sims have time to mature.
I don't know anything about the technical side of making games, but when I think of what other games have done with much bigger budgets and many more staff, I am amazed at all that Kunos has been able to achieve with their relatively small team. It makes me wonder what some of these other games are doing with their 100-150 staff.
I am amazed at all that Kunos has been able to achieve with their relatively small team.

I don't disagree with that at all, my hat is certainly off to them. I can't help but wonder how much more they could have achieved if their goals had been a bit different from the beginning. I think any deficiencies in AC has less to do with their manpower and more to do with original goals set at the beginning of the project, which was to only have 20 cars and 5 tracks. Looking at what it is now compared to their original vision, it's quite impressive, but I'd guess there's certain limitations they'll never be able to overcome until they start their next build. In the meantime I'll continue to enjoy it for what it is and hope that it will continue to improve.
I don't really understand all the negativity surrounding 'the current state of sim racing', if you come from console racing games the complexity of these games, their physics and the ability to customize every aspect really does feel like the next step with regards to simulation. And most of it created with far smaller budgets.

Sure these older games might have had a couple of features that are now lacking, but it works both ways as current games have features that were missing back then. In the end every game/dev will do things differently.
I'd much rather Assetto Corsa in its current state now than what may have been the end product if they had of set the goal posts a lot further away. I'm looking at you, Project Cars.

Focus on your strengths, get them nailed then you have a great base to start with. The driving in Assetto Corsa is brilliant. That's the most important thing. Now they can work on whatever features they want to add or build them in to Assetto Corsa 2.
I don't really understand all the negativity surrounding 'the current state of sim racing', if you come from console racing games the complexity of these games, their physics and the ability to customize every aspect really does feel like the next step with regards to simulation. And most of it created with far smaller budgets.

Actually that's exactly where my disappointment comes from. For years I was stuck in console land and seeing stories/videos of all the awesome PC sims and all the cool stuff they could do, things I could only dream of since I was stuck with GT5/6. Then I finally take the plunge and and find that most of the current sims are in some perpetual state of development and many are missing a lot of the things that I had heard fairy tales about and the only sims that had all this awesome stuff I had dreamed of were 5-10 years old and pretty much had been abandoned. Add to that all the fussing around with editing text files, tracking down info that should be included in some sort of manual, trouble-shooting the myriad of problems that arise, mods/apps getting broken whenever an update happens, honestly it's all been a bit of a nightmare for me with far more frustration than enjoyment.

But that's just one person's experience and I'm fully aware that this is mostly due to my misplaced expectations of what PC sims offered and not necessarily an accurate reflection of the sims themselves. Had I never heard the stories of rF1, Race07, GTR, etc. I'd probably be satisfied with the current sims, or at least more satisfied than I am.

That's all I have to say on that topic, I'm not trying to rain on the parade or anything, it's just my point of view that I was sharing as part of a discussion. We've all had different experiences, just so happens that mine hasn't been that great (story of my life).

I'd much rather Assetto Corsa in its current state now than what may have been the end product if they had of set the goal posts a lot further away. I'm looking at you, Project Cars.
