1.11.0 Changelog
- Porsche 962C Long Tail now has
passive wastegate pressure map that permits user controlled overboost as a % of a turbo boost map. 0-9 keys
From my understanding on how boost % adjustment while driving with 0-9 keys and from Stefano explanation, I think this is what Stefano meant :
Basically what Stefano said is for this particular car, 962C, both the turbo controller "max boost" value ( my guess this should be under electronic setup tab ) and cockpit adjustment works/applies on the simulated wastegate.
The cockpit adjustment wastegate pressure map is passive ( my guess it uses the added wastegate controller electronic setup ini for this function to work ), in a sense that it's combined with turbo controller "max boost", which will allow the driver to overboost the car with cockpit adjustment by using the boost % keys ( the boost % key from my understanding,
normally changed the wastegate pressure map/setting - actively, 10% is 10% of max wastegate spring pressure, and 80% is default/stock boost AFAIK - so practically you can "overboost" / raise the boost from stock )
In other words, for this specific car, the boost % key now adds "overboost" value, while the wastegate pressure map stays passive ( derived from the new electronic wastegate controller ini ). If the stock wastegate pressure is 1.4 Bar for 962C ( originally 80% on 8 key ), now with the 1.11 update, you may be able to adjust wastegate pressure map under electronic setup tab, and when you press 1 to 9 while in cockpit/driving, it adds higher max boost value to allow the 962C to overboost beyond 1.4 Bar ( as sort of multiplier ), so key 1 for example, may add 10% and so on, up to 9 which may yield over 2.6 Bar, the 0 key should reset to 1.4 Bar.
I think this arrangement is meant to allow simulating the qualifying overboost pressure with ease by using cockpit adjustment which the real car may have while still offering adjustment to the wastegate pressure map and "max boost" value. This should give more flexible range of boost pressure changes, eg with low "max boost", the driver can now dynamically increase max boost by using the 1-9 keys.
Also, originally the max boost value can never be exceeded), maybe this is what Stefano meant by the two don't mix well when a user sets low setting ( lower than default wastegate pressure - "cut" the boost )
I could be wrong though as it's based from my own observation
Maybe someone can correct me if I'm wrong ?