@Nielsen the same explanation of how it works are also valid for 919, we did not get additional explanation specific to the 919 officially from Kunos like we did for the Ferrari.
Well... Aris posted this about the ERS settings:
Reminder: The 4 ERS settings are Low Preserve, Low Aggressive, High Preserve, High Aggressive
"The Low setting uses less battery, especially on higher speeds/gears
The High setting uses more battery in higher speeds/gears
The Preserve from Aggressive setting, changes how torque is transferred to the front wheels, depending on their slip and thus using more or less battery and heating/wearing more or less the front tyres. Obviously the aggressive setting will give faster lap times but put the front tyres in more stress as well as consume more battery/energy per lap.
Keep in mind that LMP1 drivers use as low a setting as possible and manually boost the ERS with the button in order to overtake slower cars or defend their position"
I also found this post useful:
- Green is battery charge level. Full battery is 6MJ
- Yellow is status of the allocation per lap, you get 8MJ per lap to use. It can only go down as you run and resets everytime you cross S/F line.
- Blue is current electrical power being spent to the wheels.
You have 6 deployment profiles available. Switch between them with CTRL+2. The goal is to pick a profile that delivers a little bit less than how much you MJ you want to spend per lap and then add some manual boosts with KERS button throughout the lap to reach your MJ goal.
Why would I ever want to use less than 8MJ ? On some tracks, there is not enough harvesting going on to cover 8MJ, if you use 8, eventually the battery goes dead.
The car does "detect" even the mildest understeer and cuts the power sent to the front wheels at that moment."