... so anyway, Highlands is alright. I like it better than Black Cat County because it feels a little more like an actual road when you're out in the country. But I still don't love it as a tracj. I guess being spoiled by Gran Turismo's fantasy tracks all those years has ruined me.
I would love to see Circuit de la Sierra as a high-quality mod track.
For those of you wondering why this psycho, SagarisGTB is stalking me from another site, it must have to do with this comment (the top one in my history) I made a few days ago on some Kinja site I can't remember ever being on:
This comment was left on an article about that piece of trash KKK dude who was found dead. It now looks like his wife & kid did it, or something like that. I haven't been following the story. My feelings are that many libs will clap their hands, pop champagne and cry tears of joy when a
white piece of trash is killed. Again, I put murdered in parenthesis because I assumed he had been murdered. Notice I say that
his thoughts are disgusting and his hate speech is vile!
However, those same libs will cry for two weeks straight, smash up businesses in "protest" and call for the death of white cops when a
minority is killed during the commission of a felony - and the only reason the cops were even onto this dude was because he just committed a different felony. I'm talking about Michael Brown. The guy who just
strong arm robbed a store, reached into a police cruiser and started punching a cop in the face, reached for the cops gun, not to tickle him with it - a round went off inside the cruiser which could have killed the cop. Then when he's walking away and the cop gets out of the car, Michael Brown charges the cop. Why? To give him an apology?
He would have killed that much smaller cop if he could have.
The reason I brought up Michael Brown? This article brought him up to remind us how the cop
executed him. Executed!! Not killed in self-defense. Executed. So, I think both parties are pieces of trash and I personally won't lose sleep over either death. You'll see that the author of this article believes that the police department was just assaulting protesters left & right after the justified shooting of Mr. Brown. They were burning down businesses left and right because they're nice people. Here's the ending of that article:
I have nothing to hide. Again, I think
both parties - the KKK loser and Mr. Brown -
were horrible people. And I think left-wing nuts applaud the death of any white man they don't like while sticking up for any minority who dies at the hand of a policeman, especially a white policeman. No matter why the minority was killed. These cops who do murder minorities? Give them the electric chair. They're pieces of garbage too. The cop in Ferguson was going to die that day if he didn't put down the man committing felonies that day.
I never thought I'd have a stalker. Feels kind of weird.