Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Strawman fallacy detected.

Wow. It's really not so hard is it? Talk about the glass being half empty!

If you don't like a mod, chuck it. If you don't think the physics are 'correct' or 'accurate', fix it to what you think is correct. If you can't, don't harangue other people about it. And don't expect everyone else to police things so they meet your hypothetical requirements.

Furthermore, all the 'correct' data in the world (in terms of various chassis/suspension numbers) won't make any mod like the real car anyway – unless the physics engine is reproducing forces/loads/physics EXACTLY, which we all know isn't the case.

So... be happy with what's on offer or go do it yourself. I for one am staggered at just how much choice we all get with all this fun stuff. I also greatly appreciate the fact that so much of it is free AND it gives me endless hours of pleasure.

The problem with wanting a database of only the good mods, or wanting a guide of such by select people is that everyone has different requirements and standards. As an example, I am not massively fussed about graphics and interiors. I drive using bonnet cam so the vast number of interior issues that others struggle with (analogue gauges not working, mirrors flipped, reflective windscreen, bad steering/shifting animations and rain/wiper issues) doesn't bother me at all, whereas it can be deal breaking for a lot of players that play from the interior camera, especially in VR.

What I am interested in, is that the cars are enjoyable to drive and the performance is as close to real world performance as possible. Someone mentioned Legion's blog as possibly being a good source for them to get their racing cars and it can be just that for many. However for me, Legion's blog is a good source for the models and the base physics, but because of the BOP between his car groups, I have to go to work on their data files to get them closer in line with reality. When I want close racing and balanced grids then I stick to series that are well balanced in real life, like modern GT3. Mid-Late 90s GT1 and Can-Am were not well balanced, they were generally uncompetitive, especially between the front and back of the grid, so for these cars, I've had to make adjustments. I accept that I'm likely in the minority in my requirements and wouldn't complain or expect Legion to change his whole blog purpose just to suit me, I'm grateful it's there as a source of vehicles that I can then tweak to my liking.

The best thing that you can do (if you have the time), is learn the basics of editing a mod. Once you can do that, then you can start working towards your perfect game. Otherwise I'm afraid it's as someone else said, you're just going to have to go by trial and error and get ready to hit that delete button for every car that doesn't hit your personal requirements.
Someone know how I can reproduct this Red for a skin ?

Someone know how I can reproduct this Red for a skin ?
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If you download the skins, you'll see a readme file that has the link for the car.
The only thing is the cornering speed. It is way off. Too slow, so car does Monza approx. 6s slower than other GT4 cars. It can be solved by editing tyres.ini
Oh I forgot that top speed is too high, so I reduced that.
In the straight it can do a GT3 car.
So lower top speed and higher cornering speed is needed here.
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Update for Autodromo di Pergusa - Enna Pergusa 2003 patch:
- new track layouts with 30 or 36 pits (my first try making this, hope without errors)
- 2 balloons
- new previews from Fanapryde

To avoid confusion. You still need to install the original mod from Rainmaker first:
as I didn´t modified it and couldn´t contact him for permission to do that.
All I made, I made it in config file or extra additional files like vao-patch, new kn5 files for balloons and extended pits ...

Afterwards installing the original mod, extract attached zip file into AC root folder.


    7 MB · Views: 182
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Sure thing mate, i mean its not my car i just downloaded from Assetto land.
Ive try to take on board what people said and i have slightly revised my tweaks, more grip ect. Plus i fixed the misaligned window sponsor so all good.
But a real GT4 overhaul would be nice, plz make it happen.

Oh no man, sorry I'm not a modder, I was talking about the skin templates to make a skin for the mod, because it looks kind of cool. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
Hi gents,
Here is the ugliest mustang ever built, in 1993:

Found @ assettodb, author unknown.
All data and perf from
Well designed and physics sounds good to me.
download here:!toMSgAxC!7FtAxKVlZvweQhBwQJHpM2sorGaNjrVAqE9cwzQx3So
Have fun, Mike

Has this been updated? I know the one on Assettodb didn't seem to have correct stock data. I'll be able to tell if you if it feels remotely close seeing as it's the car I've had a lot of track time with. Albeit a modded '92 GT but I've driven stock too.

Eh, it looks better than the 80's ones but that's my jaded opinion. ;) Ugly is in the eye of the beholder.
Has this been updated? I know the one on Assettodb didn't seem to have correct stock data. I'll be able to tell if you if it feels remotely close seeing as it's the car I've had a lot of track time with. Albeit a modded '92 GT but I've driven stock too.

Eh, it looks better than the 80's ones but that's my jaded opinion. ;) Ugly is in the eye of the beholder.
Yes, updated with data and perf from in accordance with the stock version.
ugly was a little exaggerated ;)...
Yes, updated with data and perf from in accordance with the stock version.
ugly was a little exaggerated ;)...
I thank you very much sir. I will test it out later and get back to you. I appreciate you spending the time on this.
Wow. It's really not so hard is it? Talk about the glass being half empty!

If you don't like a mod, chuck it. If you don't think the physics are 'correct' or 'accurate', fix it to what you think is correct. If you can't, don't harangue other people about it. And don't expect everyone else to police things so they meet your hypothetical requirements.

Furthermore, all the 'correct' data in the world (in terms of various chassis/suspension numbers) won't make any mod like the real car anyway – unless the physics engine is reproducing forces/loads/physics EXACTLY, which we all know isn't the case.

So... be happy with what's on offer or go do it yourself. I for one am staggered at just how much choice we all get with all this fun stuff. I also greatly appreciate the fact that so much of it is free AND it gives me endless hours of pleasure.


You keep missing the point and thinking we are saying something we (or atleast I) are not pretending to say.

It's not about restricting the kind of mods people can share. Is about cataloging them. About knowing what are you going to find before downloading them. You want to upload the most disastrous mod ever made? Good, but let the people know what are they going to find. Even the most broken mod has it uses (e.g.: AI competitor or photomode), but it would help to know what are you going to find or what needs that mod can fulfill.

And there are a lot of objective stuff about mods. Issues mostly. Regarding the subjective part, is not complete caos and anarchy. It does help to know what the community thinks about some mod. Is there really somebody that doesn't like Sol? If a mod is not broken, works like a dream and has an reasonable behavior, Is there somebody that will say "no, don't download this, is garbage"?

The idea of a catalog doesn't come from a negative perspective or censorship. On the contrary, it would help to shine those mods that wouldn't otherwise.
New skin RNJ Motorsport Mash.
Ive tweaked the data files, power similar to Porsche Caymen gt4, changed tires to Hard only.

I like the skin (downloaded the car for it).
But this Nissan is way too slow to compete with any other GT4 car I'm afraid.
At my favo 6 km long test track it needs 14" more than the 'slowest" GT4 in my 'garage'.
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