Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
You keep missing the point and thinking we are saying something we (or atleast I) are not pretending to say.

It's not about restricting the kind of mods people can share. Is about cataloging them. About knowing what are you going to find before downloading them. You want to upload the most disastrous mod ever made? Good, but let the people know what are they going to find. Even the most broken mod has it uses (e.g.: AI competitor or photomode), but it would help to know what are you going to find or what needs that mod can fulfill.

And there are a lot of objective stuff about mods. Issues mostly. Regarding the subjective part, is not complete caos and anarchy. It does help to know what the community thinks about some mod. Is there really somebody that doesn't like Sol? If a mod is not broken, works like a dream and has an reasonable behavior, Is there somebody that will say "no, don't download this, is garbage"?

The idea of a catalog doesn't come from a negative perspective or censorship. On the contrary, it would help to shine those mods that wouldn't otherwise.

I'm not missing the point SlimCharles. All I'm saying is that it's just totally unrealistic to expect "the community" to all test mods and then come to some sort of mass consensus on each one. You simply have to rely on yourself do the testing, cataloging and rating. :)
I'm not missing the point SlimCharles. All I'm saying is that it's just totally unrealistic to expect "the community" to all test mods and then come to some sort of mass consensus on each one. You simply have to rely on yourself do the testing, cataloging and rating. :)

I know. Would be ridiculous expecting all mods to be cataloged. But like I said at the beginning, the more the better. That kind of list would start to be usefull the moment it has some mod cataloged that you haven't tried, thing that is very likely for anybody (even for some great mod experts here).
I know. Would be ridiculous expecting all mods to be cataloged. But like I said at the beginning, the more the better. That kind of list would start to be usefull the moment it has some mod cataloged that you haven't tried, thing that is very likely for anybody (even for some great mod experts here).

Well just do it yourself then like i suspect most of us have already...... trawl through various mods and pick pout the good from bad etc... You can even rate them via CM... so i have a few 3 stars simply as they work ok as AI filler... but many of mine are in the 5 stars....
But my choices are not going to align perfectly with someone else's.
It's a little thing i do based on my personal tastes etc.

For example, someone can come on here and slate the simdream BTCC mod, say its crap and pointless and whatever and rubbish....a simply check via CM tells me they all have the famous respected Nissan BTCC mod alothough not accurate, to say they are crap physics is saying that famous mod is crap too...

A lot of it would be simply for personal confirmation bias anyway. Liking a mod then needing the 'communities' validation is frankly not an area i'd want to go down....just download them and try them, seriously it is some mild fun and entertainment just in doing that.

Certain modders have so much respect (in the community) that no one would dare say anything is 'wrong' and some modders have such a lack of respect(in the community) that no one would dare say they were actually quite good... so pointless IMO...

For example, i'll admit it, i have some RTM mods (i got for free) that i really like to drive.
Small project I'm working on has actually yielded something interesting and unexpected this evening. I've been updating my track tags with the real FIA grading that applies to them and searching for missing tracks as I went along. Came across a South Korean circuit I'd not heard of before (FIA Grade 2) called Inje Speedium which was opened in 2013. Did some searching and found a ton of videos of people lapping it on Assetto Corsa on YouTube, but the mod itself seemed to be a ghost, with no mention on any site or source for AC that I could find.

However, I'm pleased to say that after more than an hour playing around with translators and searching the darkest reaches of the South Korean internet, I was successful in my search. Unfortunately due to clearing browser history upon closure, I've absolutely no idea which selection of Korean symbols lead me finally to my goal so I can't provide the original source.

Still, here is the track, which seems of reasonable enough quality - AI, track cameras, 31 pitboxes and no errors when loading and driving.!yo93HKjL!Bscp6UIhM-1ptarRbDxz8_S_yZ2CEFslqh2yrI0dqKU


I suspect that unless I suffered some kind of brain haemorrhage in the last few hours and missed an obvious link, this is the first time this has been released to English speaking players. No idea who the author is, so credit goes to the South Korean AC community as a whole! Enjoy!
Small project I'm working on has actually yielded something interesting and unexpected this evening. I've been updating my track tags with the real FIA grading that applies to them and searching for missing tracks as I went along. Came across a South Korean circuit I'd not heard of before (FIA Grade 2) called Inje Speedium which was opened in 2013. Did some searching and found a ton of videos of people lapping it on Assetto Corsa on YouTube, but the mod itself seemed to be a ghost, with no mention on any site or source for AC that I could find.

However, I'm pleased to say that after more than an hour playing around with translators and searching the darkest reaches of the South Korean internet, I was successful in my search. Unfortunately due to clearing browser history upon closure, I've absolutely no idea which selection of Korean symbols lead me finally to my goal so I can't provide the original source.

Still, here is the track, which seems of reasonable enough quality - AI, track cameras, 31 pitboxes and no errors when loading and driving.!yo93HKjL!Bscp6UIhM-1ptarRbDxz8_S_yZ2CEFslqh2yrI0dqKU


I suspect that unless I suffered some kind of brain haemorrhage in the last few hours and missed an obvious link, this is the first time this has been released to English speaking players. No idea who the author is, so credit goes to the South Korean AC community as a whole! Enjoy!
was always looking for that track. thanks.
It would need some work to get it up to standards we are used to, especially the mountains and more trackside detail but good to have regardless.
Just saw one of this two days ago here in Spain, it's weird to see classic muscle cars here :lol:
Really? Where I'm from that's all you see. Old pickups, old sedans, etc. We even have an event here where people can display their pre-1980 cars and earn awards. Kind of like the SEMA event in Las Vegas, but only for old cars.

As for the Nissan Z skin, I think it fits better on the Kunos Z.

@Shokeus Thank you for the update and for fixing the shifting. 👍
On the subject of 'hard to find tracks'...

Has anyone ever come across an AC version of Aragon? I know it exists for rFactor and GTR2 and there was also an AC conversion that wasn't publicly released.

I still haven't found one I can drive on!
Small project I'm working on has actually yielded something interesting and unexpected this evening. I've been updating my track tags with the real FIA grading that applies to them and searching for missing tracks as I went along. Came across a South Korean circuit I'd not heard of before (FIA Grade 2) called Inje Speedium which was opened in 2013. Did some searching and found a ton of videos of people lapping it on Assetto Corsa on YouTube, but the mod itself seemed to be a ghost, with no mention on any site or source for AC that I could find.

However, I'm pleased to say that after more than an hour playing around with translators and searching the darkest reaches of the South Korean internet, I was successful in my search. Unfortunately due to clearing browser history upon closure, I've absolutely no idea which selection of Korean symbols lead me finally to my goal so I can't provide the original source.

Still, here is the track, which seems of reasonable enough quality - AI, track cameras, 31 pitboxes and no errors when loading and driving.!yo93HKjL!Bscp6UIhM-1ptarRbDxz8_S_yZ2CEFslqh2yrI0dqKU


I suspect that unless I suffered some kind of brain haemorrhage in the last few hours and missed an obvious link, this is the first time this has been released to English speaking players. No idea who the author is, so credit goes to the South Korean AC community as a whole! Enjoy!

Hi GIBBONS. Thanks for the track, but... just wondering if the AI is working for you? I'm getting the dreaded AI spline error and it crashes when I try to race on it with other cars.
Yeah, i have this one. You can find It here.

Hi aspacio. I had a look through all the track images on the front page (which is all I can access) but don't see Aragon there among all the hillclim tracks. It's a full-time racing circuit, so that doesn't surprise me. Are you sure we're talking about the same track? This is the circuit I'm looking for:ón

If you do have it, would you be able to post a link to the file? Cheers!
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Hi aspacio. I had a look through all the track images and don't see Aragon there. It's a full-time racing circuit, not a hillclimb track too. Are you sure we're talking about the same track? I'm talking about this one:ón

If you do have it, would you be able to post a link tio the file? Cheers!

1.- Yes, the track is there.

2.- Yes,I'm sure. I'm from Spain, I know perfectly what Motorland is.

3.- I'm not alowed to share the files. You can get It very easy. It only take you a few minutes.



    89 KB · Views: 59

1.- Yes, the track is there.

2.- Yes,I'm sure. I'm from Spain, I know perfectly what Motorland is.

3.- I'm not alowed to share the files. You can get It very easy. It only take you a few minutes.


Thanks again for confirming!
was always looking for that track. thanks.
It would need some work to get it up to standards we are used to, especially the mountains and more trackside detail but good to have regardless.

Yes, it's missing a few details for sure. I've zero experience with tracks but if someone wants to give it some attention then go right ahead.

Hi GIBBONS. Thanks for the track, but... just wondering if the AI is working for you? I'm getting the dreaded AI spline error and it crashes when I try to race on it with other cars.

I only did a very brief test and it worked for me as a race, however just tried it again in trackday mode and it did indeed crash. Upon further inspection the file is missing, so if someone can record that and upload, that would be great.
A quick little fix for Matra Park originally for rFactor by Andras Csepecz, converted to AC by thestrobe8:

Just wanted to fix quickly this annoying horizon, but beeing fixing I tweaked it a bit more in brightness and contrast and more ... ;)

Made a vao-patch, adjusted the waffled kerbs effect too and generated some lights:

Alekabul from RD sponsored the AI line, thx for it. :)

If you like it, install track from RD, extract my patch afterwards to AC root folder. Hope you enjoy it! :)


    735.9 KB · Views: 116
I'm not missing the point SlimCharles. All I'm saying is that it's just totally unrealistic to expect "the community" to all test mods and then come to some sort of mass consensus on each one. You simply have to rely on yourself do the testing, cataloging and rating. :)

You are correct. There's already way too much arguing in the sim racing community, can you imagine the amount of fighting that would come from trying to come to a consensus on mods? :crazy:

Just saw one of this two days ago here in Spain, it's weird to see classic muscle cars here :lol:

That is NOT a classic muscle car! There's nothing classic or muscle about it. It's an abomination that should be wiped from the annals of history! :yuck: :lol:
And here lies the problem...... people worried about releasing mods because someone might start moaning that the rear suspension strut is 2mm out of place.....
It really very simple I thought. A mod gets released you can
a) ignore it
b)download it and give it a try and then... either
a) bin it
b) mess about and try to fix it

Not hard.

Regardless of what people say, i have at least 10 mod cars that the snobs would utterly rip apart, but for some reason the feel is incredible, the FFB feel with them is amazing to the point i don't care how accurate they are.... One of them feels better than the RSS counter part IMO... purely on FFB alone..
One is on old kunos tires and feels wonderful to drive..

The idea of some 'gold standard' judged by some apparent modding Gods fills me with dred...its all personal preference at the end of the day and i go with FFB over physics every time...

The other thing is that the motoring industry is legendary for 'parts bins', so the fact that modders use parts of other mods isn't that strange really to me...

The ammount of cars and racing cars they share chassis let alone the rest of the stuff is incredible and also many cars do drive the same for the most part give or take...

The Mercedes F1 car will clearly be an easier better faster car to drive than Williams F1 car..but the Williams F1 car will still feel like an F1 car to drive....
Most GT3 cars will for the most part feel the same bar a few subtle differences which become apparent over several laps where you can push more or less etc...
One of my best-driving mods uses old v4 tires as well. Another uses a cobbled-together combo of suspensions off widely disparate vehicles. It still drives well.

My solution is to create a folder labeled with the modder's name, into which goes all their creations. You figure out pretty quick who's got their act together (Bazza, Legion, A3DR, Some1, Shaun Clarke, URD, etc), and those are the cars I know I'll be keeping.

But the guy does have a point. If you were new to the scene, you'd be totally overwhelmed. I agree that some sort of rating system is not feasible, or even desirable (99.9% of AC "raters" have zero track - or even performance driving - experience to draw upon for rating cars).

Best you can do is keep track of who's good, and who makes (what you consider to be) crap, then proceed accordingly.
Hello everybody sorry if I've been silent recently - working on the real 944 the last couple of weeks on my day off - yesterday I managed to sit down and record a batch for the first time in a while after I got some updates from Bazza. The Porsche 911 got some work done to the Physics and the Toyota 2000GT got an interior model rework so I figured those would be the next two I would make guides for. :)

Yeah, and a few hours after contacting the guy, you get a mail:


for motorland aragon, 2 € donated with paypal.


Not knowing what the quality or origin is, no thanks.

Hi Fanapryde,

Yes, you are absolutely right, but this member has asked me where to get the circuit. At no time has he asked me if it is worth downloading or not.

He was only interested in a link to get it and that is what I have provided.

Since you mention if it is worth getting the circuit, I must say no. It is a basic conversion of another game without any improvement.

Yeah, and a few hours after contacting the guy, you get a mail:


for motorland aragon, 2 € donated with paypal.


Not knowing what the quality or origin is, no thanks.

You got more than I did, completely ignored both the questions I sent a while back!
Sharing a mod? Host it on GTPlanet Downloads. Free, public hosting for files up to 10GB in size.