Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Glad you found it , been playing around with it this afternoon seems to be a better model than the other A45 on offer . I hope that someone will do the skins for it to replace the other one .

also i have set up my BTCC field with the Subaru's have you any options on bop fpr them just seem a bit fast ???

Is the A45 the Assettoland TCR mod?
Fantastic, and beautiful! First track I've seen with animated helicopters, although the movement path is a little janky and the rotor blades look odd at this stage. God first step though, I'm sure it'll get refined.
Love the animated LED billboards too, but can I request a second set without the dot matrix pixel effect? This plays havoc with the resolution of the Rift in VR and is a Moire nightmare. It's why I kept the similar ones at Le Mans just as plain images.

As you said, performance is heavy. I'll try disabling the helicopter first but at the moment in bright daylight I'm getting a very erratic framerate just with one car (980ti/6600k).
Great work though - a fantastic update!

I will make billboard without dots later.:)
I added a helicopter as a trial. This is a future task.

Good job you did. 👍
FPS is really high for this kind of track (AVG 150 on my system (alone on track) - I wish Baku had these values). It all looks good, night lighting is very nice. Chasing the chopper is fun too. :D

Only 'issue' I get (but maybe that's just me): each time I start, it loads fine, but as soon as I'm in the car ready to go, I get a 'race cancelled' and I need a second start up.
Then it works fine. It's been a while since I had this message appearing.
I'm on latest CSP/SOL btw.

There was no error on my PC.(hotlap, timetrial, quick race)
(CSP0.1.52 + sol1.5)

After getting the error, It may be written as looking at the log.
After getting the error, It may be written as looking at the log.

Just tried again, same error. Second start goes fine (practice - start from starting line).

Edit: also tried hotlap, time attack, quick race: each time the same: race cancelled. Second try it works fine.


  • log.txt
    57.4 KB · Views: 24
The first plan was only integrate day and night, but plan changed somehow..

singapore_2020 1.0
Marina bay street circuit

This track requires stFlow shader and ksPerPixelMultiMap emissive shader.
stFlow shader
PerPixelMultiMap with Emissive map

If play is heavy, I'd like you to turn off some lights material and animations.
I didn't understand adjustment because appearance has changed a lot at new CSP version.
I'm testing by using __sol_ACC ppfilter with very strong glare changes.

View attachment 911474 View attachment 911475 View attachment 911476 View attachment 911477 View attachment 911478 View attachment 911479

Good evening,

It is impossible for me to start a game session (Practice, Hotlap ...) because I always have the error message RACE CANCELLED.
Where can it come from?

I even tried by deleting the ACU version which was installed and which worked well, but without success.

SOL 1.5.1 + CSP 0.1.52

Thank you in advance for your help because I would really like to be able to ride on this magnificent track!
The Lexus RCF GT3 ACC v1.5 from @ELEMENT1999 has been released, by the way.
download link:

View attachment 911517

v1.5 updated
-add aux lights
-more detail for digital instruments
-adjust some physics
-fix some bugs
-numberplate can use alpha texture to hide
-only sprint and endurance vesion in showroom
Must use custom shader patch!!!!! Above v0.1.48
Note:If there are two speed displays on the instrument,back to the pit and come out again

Even making previews is no hassle now.
The most important update is not listed in the change log! :D Instant download for me now!
its old car, big weight. Brakes are fine, can be comparet with Diablos

Guys, any comments, how do you like V16T or not?
I like It overall, having concern of the brakes is because I had just pit it against the Diablo VT at Imola, it can be on par with them on the straights for sure, but just can't hold itself for entering the corners like the Diablo does
Yup using the latest version of SOLand on reccomened CSP version

Not an expert with Sol (can't use it myself), but I've heard of some issues before that you might need to reset your Sol settings on page 4 (I believe that's where it is). It could also be something wrong with the CSP config, so you could try reinstalling that too. In CM, that would be under Settings > CSP > Tracks Configs - find Imola, right click, and reinstall.
I still puzzled with the CM updates, not about the updates but... when this application decides to updating mine ! ^^
Sometimes I have nothing to do, It's fine and when I got a news about an update (here !), nothing happens even if I click on the "check updates" in CM.

It doesn't matter, It's just "weird" ! ^^ (CM stills on 0.8.2096.36316 here)
I still puzzled with the CM updates, not about the updates but... when this application decides to updating mine ! ^^
Sometimes I have nothing to do, It's fine and when I got a news about an update (here !), nothing happens even if I click on the "check updates" in CM.

It doesn't matter, It's just "weird" ! ^^ (CM stills on 0.8.2096.36316 here)

I'm on guinea pig mode (in other words, for better or worse, I've opted into testing versions)

its due for release soon, not quite done yet but, i feel like i can tease one more time
I still puzzled with the CM updates, not about the updates but... when this application decides to updating mine ! ^^
Sometimes I have nothing to do, It's fine and when I got a news about an update (here !), nothing happens even if I click on the "check updates" in CM.

It doesn't matter, It's just "weird" ! ^^ (CM stills on 0.8.2096.36316 here)

I consider anything that happens to CM is an act of god. I have no control over it :eek:
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