Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

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I've never used the KS Editor - I've opened it up and it looks like the most ridiculously limited program, but then again, maybe once files are loaded it would make more sense to me. Anyway, sorry that I can't help you, but if I were you I would make a post in this thread: What Are You Working On? it's a general purpose thread for modders to show off WIPs, ask for help or ideas or testers, etc... if you do post in there I would address @Lilski - he is a track making is @fat-Alfie and some others. I'll bet they have an answer for you immediately.

Yeah nothing really shows up in there until you load an FBX file, at which point it gets far more complicated trust me lol. Cheers for the suggestion, I might have to do that. I kind of didn't want to mention it over there, as I'm not sure if people will be grumpy that I'm editing a track without permission from it's original author. I definitely don't plan on making the track available to download, or anything like that, it's purely a private edit just to get rid of a few really outdated textures and adjust the shaders to make it look reasonable. It's an old rF1 rip, complete with original textures and everything is insanely bright, making it kind of unplayable.

I replaced the road textures with new ones that, while also basic, look a lot better, and the grass with higher detail textures, but the best changes were making everything less reflective, and adjusting shaders for literally everything so the track and surroundings look more natural in all times of day. It looks a lot better now, certainly not up to KS standards, but at least looks reasonable. It just sucks that the game now isn't picking up the timing objects.

Anyway, I guess I'll have to head over to RD and ask really nicely, after explaining that I'm definitely not changing the track to offer it for download lol.
I guess it takes a lot more effort to make mods for modern sims than the classics. :indiff:

Physics and sounds shouldn't take that much more work. ISImotor is already extremely detailed even back in the day. AC physics might have a few extra variables here and there but generally coding isn't where the most time is spent. It's 3D modelling that takes up the most work. For scratch built mods I agree it does take a LOT of effort. But taking the DRM models for example, they just need touching up from the rFactor models. And even then, the finished product is still variable quality from what I heard (I never experienced the original mod so I can't compare).

It's just silly when you have amazing mod packs like AC Legends Trans Am/GT Classics/Prototype/F1 1975 for free, looks good, sounds amazing and drives sublime. And you need to pay $35 for an "updated" mod that takes so long to complete (presumably, because the creators all have other jobs in real life and that's where their income comes from, not the mods). Don't get me started on RTM and those other shoddy site's paid ripped mods as well.
Hi guys !! I"m very curious about this RTM mods. They are unnaturally expencive. Did somebody here try it at all???

I have tried the Vulcan; one of the worst mods what I've ever tried in AC. The shaders are bad, the model is OK.
It was like a mod compatible with AC 1.1.

But please, keep in mind, that I tied it only a year ago. The game and that car my got updates since. Assetto land comes back in style ---- POWER TO THE PEOPLE :cheers:
Hi guys !! I"m very curious about this RTM mods. They are unnaturally expencive. Did somebody here try it at all???
Anytime I click on an link I get a signup page in Russian. I would never give them a penny, even if they scratch built 5 of my favorite cars spec'd 100% accurately with AAA quality modelling & sound. They are just unethical in every sense of the word. It might be hypocritical for me to say that when 99% of the software on my computers is pirated and 100% of my movies are pirated, but I would never ask for a penny if someone wanted a copy of what I have. I know I have no right to do that....but at least I'm not trying to profit off the work of others. Plus, I don't think RTM was in the right for having Assetto Land closed due to infringement...especially when they SELL mods that they don't own the rights to.

Having said that, I have paid for mods and I have made donations to modders who give away mods 100% free. I paid for the 50KM Lake Louise, I paid for a subscription to Sim Traxx and I've made donations to the people who I believe have made outstanding car or track mods that I've already gotten hours and hours of fun from.

With that "sharing is caring" thought in mind, does anyone have a link to the Autumn version of 1.0 Glava Zete?

I'm not gonna pay money for a mod. Regardless of its quality. It's unethical IMO.
I didn't even know there were actually 6 versions of Glava Zete. The uphill is free but there is a downhill too. Then there is uphill & downhill Autumn and there is uphill & downhill dirt/rally style. I donated to Lemax once and got extra layouts and a couple of other tracks, including a WIP road that's a lot of fun. However, I wouldn't do that again due to personal reasons I'm not going to discuss in here. If I stumble upon it, I will let you know @HarVee. 👍 :)

Yeah nothing really shows up in there until you load an FBX file, at which point it gets far more complicated trust me lol. Cheers for the suggestion, I might have to do that. I kind of didn't want to mention it over there, as I'm not sure if people will be grumpy that I'm editing a track without permission from it's original author. I definitely don't plan on making the track available to download, or anything like that, it's purely a private edit just to get rid of a few really outdated textures and adjust the shaders to make it look reasonable. It's an old rF1 rip, complete with original textures and everything is insanely bright, making it kind of unplayable.

I replaced the road textures with new ones that, while also basic, look a lot better, and the grass with higher detail textures, but the best changes were making everything less reflective, and adjusting shaders for literally everything so the track and surroundings look more natural in all times of day. It looks a lot better now, certainly not up to KS standards, but at least looks reasonable. It just sucks that the game now isn't picking up the timing objects.

Anyway, I guess I'll have to head over to RD and ask really nicely, after explaining that I'm definitely not changing the track to offer it for download lol.
I understand your initial statements...There can be a lot of holier than thou from some RD members. But thinking about it, is there any reason that you have to explain exactly what track it is and what you're doing rather than just saying that you bring in an FBX file and it's fine, but if you make some changes to the FBX file then you experience those problems from your OP on this subject. (I don't even know if that's what's going on, but I thought it was FBX files that are used in the KS Editor. Shows you how little I know. And I'm really, really starting to get the itch to try building my own road layout for AC, so I better learn!)

Good luck....If you get an answer to your question, or solve it yourself, please explain the solution in here if you don't mind...I like to try and lock those things in the ole grey matter in case it's brought up again or I run into it myself.
@Masscot I want to command you for your courage in trying to defend Assetto Land, at RD.
Most of us here are missing that site, which hopefully will raise again from his ashes. But the modders who are doing it the hard way don’t like that we are able to complement our game with additional content that we are enjoying, even though we would never get those from them.
On that subject where is that new Lieptzig and TT track? So we can drive those with proper physic.:dopey:
@Masscot I want to command you for your courage in trying to defend Assetto Land, at RD.
Most of us here are missing that site, which hopefully will raise again from his ashes. But the modders who are doing it the hard way don’t like that we are able to complement our game with additional content that we are enjoying, even though we would never get those from them.
On that subject where is that new Lieptzig and TT track? So we can drive those with proper physic.:dopey:
I think there's plenty of room for both scratch-built mods of OEM quality and rips/conversions that might be a little rough, but can still be fun to drive.
I've had as much fun from the latter as I have from the former.
I think there's plenty of room for both scratch-built mods of OEM quality and rips/conversions that might be a little rough, but can still be fun to drive.
I've had as much fun from the latter as I have from the former.
Same here, but I would like to add, that the conversions from other game, RFactor, pcars, Forza can also be quite nice from a 3d perspective and they all run on the same physics, some time even directly from Kunos models physic, which some time yield a very convincing results, when scratch mode end on some special physic that can be difficult to appreciate, when the modders are going for the "ultra realistic" effects.
So, yes definitely room from every one, as long as every body respects everyone wishes.
Same here, but I would like to add, that the conversions from other game, RFactor, pcars, Forza can also be quite nice from a 3d perspective and they all run on the same physics, some time even directly from Kunos models physic, which some time yield a very convincing results, when scratch mode end on some special physic that can be difficult to appreciate, when the modders are going for the "ultra realistic" effects.
So, yes definitely room from every one, as long as every body respects everyone wishes.
The Ruf RGT-8 rip from pCARS is excellent. So is the BMW M1.
There are a couple more obvious pCARS rips which are good too (you can tell by the liveries) but I can't remember what they are.
The Ruf RGT-8 rip from pCARS is excellent. So is the BMW M1.
There are a couple more obvious pCARS rips which are good too (you can tell by the liveries) but I can't remember what they are.
Yes PCars 1 or 2 cant drive for sh**t in my book but their 3d are outstanding. I am patiently waiting to get the Honda Concept mod, looking forward to drive this in AC on the TT Track.:eek:
That's what I'm waiting for too. Currently have two different versions of the IoM and both aren't good enough for my standards. Maybe I'm too spoiled.
I understand your initial statements...There can be a lot of holier than thou from some RD members. But thinking about it, is there any reason that you have to explain exactly what track it is and what you're doing rather than just saying that you bring in an FBX file and it's fine, but if you make some changes to the FBX file then you experience those problems from your OP on this subject. (I don't even know if that's what's going on, but I thought it was FBX files that are used in the KS Editor. Shows you how little I know. And I'm really, really starting to get the itch to try building my own road layout for AC, so I better learn!)

Good luck....If you get an answer to your question, or solve it yourself, please explain the solution in here if you don't mind...I like to try and lock those things in the ole grey matter in case it's brought up again or I run into it myself.

The reason I felt it prudent to mention I converted an existing kn5 to fbx to modify it was because I thought it could be possible that the conversion process itself might have broken something. I asked, and one person replied "There's no official software to convert a kn5 back to fbx, probably whatever you used for that part is broken.", so perhaps it was the kn5 to fbx converter at fault. Nobody offered any actual help, so I gave up.

I PM'd the author of the mod to ask their permission to edit it, and if they could send me the original fbx. No reply as of yet. If I get the fbx I'll spend a decent amount of time and effort to bring it up to a reasonable standard, because right now it's simply unplayable for me (even in heavy cloud cover, which should be low light, everything is overexposed and shiny, with no depth to any of the shaders at all, and very ugly road and grass textures). As per usual, everyone gave the mod 5 stars at RD, despite it being a poor rFactor conversion. If I don't get the fbx, I'll just continue messing around with the version with broken data objects, as it's still perfectly driveable, it just won't ever have working timing, pits, or grid. Hell, if it comes to that, I'll do a comparison video for you all to show what I could've done with the track if given the opportunity.

Thinking about getting RTB to do some p2p tarmac rally stages. I know RTB is far from perfect, but it'll be far easier to use that with satellite data, and I can always learn enough of blender to modify anything that RTB can't do properly. Plus, there are some good tracks out there that have their origins in RTB/BTB. They won't be Kunos quality, but very few mod tracks even approach that level of quality anyway. In any case, the only reason I haven't already bought RTB is the outrageous price. I'll definitely buy it if it goes on sale for a good price.
Anyone knows why the PX1 Aura controlled by they AI pits always on lap 5 no matter the settings you set?

With fuel usage and tyre wear set to 0, it's the only car that pits (rest wont pit even if they race forever) every time in that lap.
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