Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
I share skin that I finished for autopolis_oita. I am open to comments. The download link for the track is in the readme file. I hope you like it.

It changed in contrast, color balance and brightness on the surface of the track, trees, buildings, bridges and others.

I always liked this track a lot, but I think the colors were not suitable.
I'm still not entirely happy with the sand trap, but I haven't managed to give it the effect I want.

very, very Nice!!! Thanks so much for this great work. Fantastic
Thank you, I will wait! :)
Jarama. Found it. It's from Gilles. I know he sells his tracks and that some of them are not up to standard, but this one is in my opinion better than the grid one, as it is more accurate. May not have such nice textures, but they are not bad at all. Anyway I realy wanted this track in my collection, as it has beatiful layout and having tried both, i kept the Gilles one in the end. I just don't like the Grid one, as it is too "arcady" and "cartoony" looking for my taste. I don't know what your stand is on his work, but here is the link:
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I don't want to be that guy, but people please use the search function. There was a link quoted right before yours, and it quoted a post 5 posts up, I have personally linked it twice in the last few weeks and I know some others did as well. Just use search before posting questions please to keep the thread clean as possible.
Mate, to be honest, the search engine has helped me a lot here for other things that I wanted, But not for NASCAR. Anyway, I've found some 2000s NASCAR cars on that Facebook page anyway, so...
Just checked the front page and there's a "CONTACT" tab above the thumbnail slideshow of recently added/updated mods.

Also anything beezer has updated and improved ends up on assettoland within days if not hours.
The Clio V6 that was updated here was then on assettoland within hours.
So you could update it and just upload here first!! ;)
This might have slipped under a few radars here but it's a physics rework for the LFA. The ReadMe also contains a download link to both versions of the car extensively updated by Peter Utecht (including all of the official configurator paint/cockpit options), but please note this physics rework only applies to the LFA, not to the LFA TDE.
The LFA is a fantastic mod, one of the very best rips available in my opinion. The cockpit in VR is absolutely beautiful.
This Alfa Romeo Stelvio QV by Mesa is well worth a look.

Well making camera's for tracks is insanely complicated. One of those dark arts that I find impossible to work out.
I will give it another shot today. I know loads of people have asked, but does anyone have any idea on at least what the numbers are doing in the ini files?

POSITION=-214.221 ,1.5 ,-30.856
FORWARD=-0.611829 ,-0.0100012 ,0.790928
UP=-0.00611904 ,0.99995 ,0.00791014
New version of monaco 1973/75 available on legion blog, a reworked version of yesterday to be more ccurate with the real track of 1973/75.

-Legion change a lot of things since yesterday, he reworks totally the "chicane du port", now it's one of the fastest chicane i ever drive trough, what a blast!
And it fixs the problem with the AI crashing, so there is no more problem with the AI.

-Change also the exit of the last corner "Anthony Noghes", now you can go full throttle more early like in the real track, really fun!

-Finally change and reworked "Sainte Devote", the first corner, on the ride side.

He reworks perhaps others things that I didn't notice at the moment.

Give it a try, it's awesome, a layout never done before of monaco and certaintly the more fluid of the modern era, the portion from the tunnel to the end of the circuit is so runny, for me one of the best real street circuit!

On my way to make new skin for it, do not know for the moment if i made 73, 74, 75 or the 3.
I will watch old footage to see the one with more atmosphere, or if you already know them by heart, i'm open to suggestion
The first plan was only integrate day and night, but plan changed somehow..

singapore_2020 1.0
Marina bay street circuit

This track requires stFlow shader and ksPerPixelMultiMap emissive shader.
stFlow shader
PerPixelMultiMap with Emissive map

If play is heavy, I'd like you to turn off some lights material and animations.
I didn't understand adjustment because appearance has changed a lot at new CSP version.
I'm testing by using __sol_ACC ppfilter with very strong glare changes.

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Any chance of re-upload? Many thanks.
Primera BTCC updated!
One of the best mod cars in AC.

Time for an long overdue update!

Complete overhaul of tires ( based on what we learned on BMW ) plus suspension tweaks for even better handling, tweaking and overal polishing.

new functionality added !!
- hiBeams / LoBeams switching available ( 'L' key )
- wiper animation
- driver & gear stick shifting animation ( sadly, it's limited how it can be done, so hopefully this is a good compromise)
- adding extension folder ( for Custom Shader Patch) that adds lights functionality ( sidemarkers, reverse light)
- car & textures optimizations, tweaks and cleanups

New skins from Skyline Design included as a part of the base package

Car is setup to be at the edge of the minimum allowed ride height, make sure you use tire blankets are on to pass the test
We do recommend you to delete all the previous files for a clean install, just keep your skins

please report any issues you come across, so that we can quickly fix everything for the weekend release of the BMW

Oh, yes. I think younger people just don't realise what an icon this car was at that time. It was so beatiful, and the crazy livery was also so cool. Heck, i had a poster of it on the wall as a student (no that was not uncool in those days :)). Right at the end of the golden era of BTCC, when the series was unbeliveably popular and extremly high quality, as teams were investing wast amounts of money in car developement and driver wages, this car destroyed the competition in 1999.

And if that is not enough, this mod was excellent before, one of the best, and now it's even better. Sadly the competition in AC is rather slim. All we have are Simdream cars from btcc legends 2,3,4 packs. They are not for driving IMO, but don't have a bad ai, and so they do ok for filling the field. If anybody wants to recreate the legendary season and has those cars or can "aquire" them and needs a BOP, here it is:

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Well making camera's for tracks is insanely complicated. One of those dark arts that I find impossible to work out.
I will give it another shot today. I know loads of people have asked, but does anyone have any idea on at least what the numbers are doing in the ini files?

POSITION=-214.221 ,1.5 ,-30.856
FORWARD=-0.611829 ,-0.0100012 ,0.790928
UP=-0.00611904 ,0.99995 ,0.00791014
Are you using this tool:
That made it a lot easier for me at least, as you don't have to worry about the POSITION. The only problem I have is when making a camera static. I can't quite figure out what FORWARD and UP does.

Max and min FOV seems in most cases to work like this:
At the IN point (when the camera becomes active) it uses the MIN_FOV and then as the car comes closer to the camera it increases to the MAX_FOV, then it decreases to MIN_FOV again as the car goes towards the OUT point (which is where the next camera takes over).

I think the SHADOW_SPLITs have something to do with lod details of shadows.

IS_FIXED decides whether the camera is dynamic (moves and zooms) or is static.

And that's about all that I "understand". :lol:
Sorry if I explained things you already knew.
It's from Gilles. I don't know what your stand is on his work...

I went through his entire track catalogue about a month ago, considering that I got them for free, I still feel like I overpaid for most of them. Around a third went straight in the bin due to glaring issues, most of the rest got between 1 and 2.5 star ratings and I think around 3 or 4 of them could be described as decent. Oh and all the ones I kept need new AI lines as I'm not sure how he does it, but his AI seem to have been imported from Gran Turismo 5 and are absurdly slow.

I do agree with you on Jarama though, aside from the awful AI and the track surfaces file needing adjustment (as always), I think it is better than the other two versions of Jarama that are out there.
Oh, yes. I think younger people just don't realise what an icon this car was at that time. It was so beatiful, and the crazy livery was also so cool. Heck, i had a poster of it on the wall as a student (no that was not uncool in those days :)). Right at the end of the golden era of BTCC, when the series was unbeliveably popular and extremly high quality, as teams were investing wast amounts of money in car developement and driver wages, this car destroyed the competition in 1999.

And if that is not enough, this mod was excellent before, one of the best, and now it's even better. Sadly the competition in AC is rather slim. All we have are Simdream cars from btcc legends 2,3,4 packs. They are not for driving IMO, but don't have a bad ai, and so they do ok for filling the field. If anybody wants to recreate the legendary season and has those cars or can "aquire" them and needs a BOP, here it is:

The same team is working on a suite of others from that era - the BMW will be out in a few days.
The same team is working on a suite of others from that era - the BMW will be out in a few days.
Yes I know, been paying close attention to the development. Which has been rather slow, to say it mildly :). But can't wait. BTCC was so huge in those days. With Internet just starting, we only had newspapers and TV news. And the BTCC was really the only racing series covered besides F1 (in my country at least). Forget GT, Indy, DTM (on a break at that time I think), moto GP, just F1 and BTCC. :)
Jarama. Found it. It's from Gilles .../... I don't know what your stand is on his work...

Ah, bummer, I was hoping it was another Jarama that I did not know.
As for Gilles' other tracks: if @slider666 had not been fixing and improving them, I probably would have kept only one or two of these tracks. As it is now I have several that are/look/feel massively better, and since there are no other versions available, I'm quite happy with them. :)
FINALLY I get to play this in VR, and boy was it worth the wait. Love it! From my Gran Turismo days I knew it was one of THE best tracks to chase your ghost around hot-lapping, but in VR the experience is just incredible. Top, top job sir.
I've been balls-deep sorting PC issues these last four days but I'll try to get on updating those balloons soon.

How is that other track of yours going, the one with the big Close Encounters-style mountain in the middle?
Edit: Cathedral Rock, that was it.

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Ha well - it's very close to being finished - I've just been put off working on it by trying to please everybody with willow springs i'll post my update to WS soon - then i'll be back to fantasy tracks, as people can't say they're wrong, as they don't exist! i've got so much stuff that's unreleased.

















Agriturismo Tentura







This so far unnamed Snowy track





Just to name a few - but as I've learned people are ungrateful and you can't release stuff in 'Early access' without people acting very entitled that the mod you have spent time on, and made available for people to download for free isn't 100% perfect! So these might see the light of day some time.
Ha well - it's very close to being finished - I've just been put off working on it by trying to please everybody with willow springs i'll post my update to WS soon - then i'll be back to fantasy tracks, as people can't say they're wrong, as they don't exist! i've got so much stuff that's unreleased.


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Agriturismo Tentura

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This so far unnamed Snowy track

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Just to name a few - but as I've learned people are ungrateful and you can't release stuff in 'Early access' without people acting very entitled that the mod you have spent time on, and made available for people to download for free isn't 100% perfect! So these might see the light of day some time.
Wow, I absolutely can't wait for the release of any of these (Lego Circuit especially haha). They look amazing!
Ha well - it's very close to being finished - I've just been put off working on it by trying to please everybody with willow springs i'll post my update to WS soon - then i'll be back to fantasy tracks, as people can't say they're wrong, as they don't exist! i've got so much stuff that's unreleased.


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Agriturismo Tentura

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This so far unnamed Snowy track

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Just to name a few - but as I've learned people are ungrateful and you can't release stuff in 'Early access' without people acting very entitled that the mod you have spent time on, and made available for people to download for free isn't 100% perfect! So these might see the light of day some time.

Wow you really have been busy! No matter what you release, people will complain, don't take it to heart. The more popular the track is, the more idiots are going to come crawling out, as you have seen with WS. Ignore them. Your version is far far superior than anything else available to us in AC and a whole lot of us appreciate that and are loving driving on it :cheers: Who cares if it is not 100% accurate, did you even claim it was? No you didn't, the world is full of entitled people and in this current climate and our "little" community, we are seeing them more and more unfortunatlely. Plus RD is a haven for the nit pickers, narcissists and self proclaimed experts to name but a few.

Continue to enjoy your work and keep your chin up :)
Ha well - it's very close to being finished - I've just been put off working on it by trying to please everybody with willow springs i'll post my update to WS soon - then i'll be back to fantasy tracks, as people can't say they're wrong, as they don't exist! i've got so much stuff that's unreleased.


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Agriturismo Tentura

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This so far unnamed Snowy track

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Just to name a few - but as I've learned people are ungrateful and you can't release stuff in 'Early access' without people acting very entitled that the mod you have spent time on, and made available for people to download for free isn't 100% perfect! So these might see the light of day some time.

These are gonna be awesome - I see some WS influence in a couple of these (which is in no way a complaint lol) and yeah as @norms has said just ignore the haters and the moaners and drop them in a place where they will be appreciated - like here :D
I know I'm looking forward to all of these. :cheers:
Ha well - it's very close to being finished - I've just been put off working on it by trying to please everybody with willow springs i'll post my update to WS soon - then i'll be back to fantasy tracks, as people can't say they're wrong, as they don't exist! i've got so much stuff that's unreleased.


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Agriturismo Tentura

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This so far unnamed Snowy track

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Just to name a few - but as I've learned people are ungrateful and you can't release stuff in 'Early access' without people acting very entitled that the mod you have spent time on, and made available for people to download for free isn't 100% perfect! So these might see the light of day some time.
Good lord. It's an embarrassment of riches!
I can't even begin to imagine how awesome that huge tor at Cathedral Rock will be in VR. What an epic looking track. I fact all of your fictional track layouts look superb. More power to your elbow - can't wait to drive all of these. :)
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