Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Is there a decent version of Jarama? I wanted to add some pit boxes to the version I have, but it's not very good (MotorfaqGRIDjarama).
Hi all... I want to put some order in my GT4 cars mod and i am trying to figure out the cars BOP to Kunos and the cars BOP to guerrilla

I guess that the GT4 cars made by the GTP modding team (i have the AM Vantage and the X-BOW) are in BOP with kunos but the other mods i have i don't know...
I am interested in that cause i am part of a group of italian simdrivers that like to put together online races so we would like to put together a decent GT4 grid to have some fun...

Our GT4 pack has the European SRO GT4 BoP
Monaco 66 still reworking texture but it shape
gp66 ac.jpg

I always have a big pause/spinning egg timer when crossing the start/finish at the end of the first lap now. It started a few weeks ago. This used to happen over a year ago and then stopped, and now it's back.
Have to assume it's CSP or CM update causing it. Both have been a bit dodgy lately.
it used to happen to me some months ago, and sometimes it also brought me crashes and BSODs
Such a good job done on this march update to Maple Valley. I'm having two issues I'm trying to track down right now and maybe other people have run into it too. All of the track layouts work for me except for Short Reverse. The game crashes when loading that track variant. Is anyone else experiencing that? When I have Sol and CSP activated I just get a generic "game crashed maybe reinstalling CSP would help" (it didn't) and I get:

AC\trackaudio.cpp (63): TrackAudio::TrackAudio
AC\trackavatar.cpp (116): TrackAvatar::TrackAvatar
AC\sim.cpp (1066): Sim::loadTrack
AC\racemanager.cpp (351): RaceManager::initOffline
AC\racemanager.cpp (174): RaceManager::loadSessions
AC\sim.cpp (320): Sim::Sim
AC\splashscreen.cpp (319): SplashScreen::postRender
AC\game.cpp (181): Game::onIdle
AC\game.cpp (210): Game::run
AC\acs.cpp (477): wWinMain
f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\dllstuff\crtexe.c (618): __tmainCRTStartup

disabling Sol and CSP didn't make a difference.

The other issue I'm having is that on the full layout the track limits seem off right before the covered bridge. Anywhere near the left edge of the track there and it invalidates my lap. Is anyone else seeing that?

Excellent work on those tracks, man. I have never been into watching NASCAR but I love driving on oval tracks and these are great.

You are the one who worked on New Hampshire, right? I would kill for the road course there, and when I looked at your track in 3dsimed it looks like you've got the road course pretty much modeled in there. Any chance you could make a variant of that track with the road course layout?

OK, I will add it to the list!
Happy to report everything is back to normal after recent shenanigans, although I need to know what caused it in the first place to try and stop it happening again. There are tracks out there that trigger this black screen issue for me (and for others), so there must be a reason.

One positive: I've now got 5.1 over optical so can ditch the HDMI connection to the amp and stop my PC thinking I've got a second screen connected (because Windows/Nvidia aren't clever enough to differentiate between an amp and a monitor, and are too stubborn to let you tell them). This should make my audio output more stable and not randomly switch between amp, TV and Rift when starting the PC.

It's also crazy that 5.1 over optical isn't enabled by default in Win 10 by Realtek and you have to brute force it.

As I was racing the DRM cars this afternoon, I noticed as I was following the PURIANO 3H 2 TURBO, that the tires at the rear are transparent when viewed from the rear, none of the other DRM have that glitch.:eek:
Any idea what's causing it? It's annoying as hell.
at that time I had disabled AMD's smt (simultaneous multi threading, what Intel calls hyperthreading) and it somehow fixed crashes.
it was as if something during end of laps and splittimes made cpu work too much. maybe it happened when Ilja introduced some CPU optimizations.

try disabling those cpu optimizations and see it still happens, if it doesn't re enable them one by one to see what was causing it
A couple of weeks ago I had the exact same error message with the Ferrari GT...(forgot which one). In my case it was because I did not had the parnet Ferrari 488GTB in my carcollection. Maybe it points you in the right direction to solve the error you get?

If I understood right what you meant, this is not the case, because the Alfa have not another car, as a parent.
Deleting and reinstalling didn't fix the issue. Any ideas please?
Version 2.0 - 2020.04.21
Renault Sport Clio V6 Phase 2 (2003)

- spcy for conversion
- RealAKP for support, tips and testing



- new 3D model converted by spcy (thanks a lot!)
- added Renault symbol on rims caps
- corrected UV mapping of exterior objects by RealAKP
- completely redone shaders and materials
- adjusted tyres and brakes disk dimension
- added front license plate
- added normals for screws
- adjusted 3D driver model and position by RealAKP
- new optimized VAO patches by RealAKP (CSP only)
- corrected graphics offset and pitch rotation

- added dashboard lights functionality
- tweaked digital instruments

Other changes
- regenerated LOD kn5 files
- adjusted colliders position
- tweaked onboard cameras
- corrected flames position
- updated ambient shadows

I like this a lot!
Thanks mate, your shader work has come on leaps and bounds. This is unrecognisable compared to the previous version.
I think it is something with SOL and Ilja´s weather fx implemented. I just turned on the base weather and the stutters have gone. Now I am not sure if SOL is working as it should? Sometimes I think we need a doctor grade to understand the whole CSP / SOL thing and which setting what causes.
stick with sol 1.5.1
FINALLY I get to play this in VR, and boy was it worth the wait. Love it! From my Gran Turismo days I knew it was one of THE best tracks to chase your ghost around hot-lapping, but in VR the experience is just incredible. Top, top job sir.
I've been balls-deep sorting PC issues these last four days but I'll try to get on updating those balloons soon.

How is that other track of yours going, the one with the big Close Encounters-style mountain in the middle?
Edit: Cathedral Rock, that was it.

Primera BTCC updated!
One of the best mod cars in AC.

Time for an long overdue update!

Complete overhaul of tires ( based on what we learned on BMW ) plus suspension tweaks for even better handling, tweaking and overal polishing.

new functionality added !!
- hiBeams / LoBeams switching available ( 'L' key )
- wiper animation
- driver & gear stick shifting animation ( sadly, it's limited how it can be done, so hopefully this is a good compromise)
- adding extension folder ( for Custom Shader Patch) that adds lights functionality ( sidemarkers, reverse light)
- car & textures optimizations, tweaks and cleanups

New skins from Skyline Design included as a part of the base package

Car is setup to be at the edge of the minimum allowed ride height, make sure you use tire blankets are on to pass the test
We do recommend you to delete all the previous files for a clean install, just keep your skins

please report any issues you come across, so that we can quickly fix everything for the weekend release of the BMW

As I was racing the DRM cars this afternoon, I noticed as I was following the PURIANO 3H 2 TURBO, that the tires at the rear are transparent when viewed from the rear, none of the other DRM have that glitch.:eek:
How were your tire temps? Were you able to keep heat in them? I've been looking at these lately and working with different temp parameters.

Looks like some transparency is going on. I'll take a look when I get back on and see about it.
Primera BTCC updated!
One of the best mod cars in AC.

Time for an long overdue update!

Complete overhaul of tires ( based on what we learned on BMW ) plus suspension tweaks for even better handling, tweaking and overal polishing.

new functionality added !!
- hiBeams / LoBeams switching available ( 'L' key )
- wiper animation
- driver & gear stick shifting animation ( sadly, it's limited how it can be done, so hopefully this is a good compromise)
- adding extension folder ( for Custom Shader Patch) that adds lights functionality ( sidemarkers, reverse light)
- car & textures optimizations, tweaks and cleanups

New skins from Skyline Design included as a part of the base package

Car is setup to be at the edge of the minimum allowed ride height, make sure you use tire blankets are on to pass the test
We do recommend you to delete all the previous files for a clean install, just keep your skins

please report any issues you come across, so that we can quickly fix everything for the weekend release of the BMW

man that is gorgeous. definitely gonna try it tonight!
Today i decided to begin fixing some car mods from Assetoland, starting with the soccer mom cars (a.k.a. SUVs).

I've decided to go with the Audi Q7 after watching footage from AutoTopNL, mostly because it's a 2.5 ton behemoth powered by a coal-smoking 6-litre V12 engine making 1,000 Nm of torque between 1,750-3,000 rpm.

To say there were a couple of issues with the mod would be a understatement, so here's a list of the changes i've made to it so far:
  • Renamed class to "street" from "stock".
  • Changed tags to "#SUV/awd/street/germany/turbo/v12/semiautomatic" from "manual/lightweight/awd/turbo/retro".
  • Changed production year to "2012" from "1992".
  • Changed low fuel icon value to 10 from 3.
  • Changed gearbox type to semi-automatic from manual.
  • Changed engine sound to Giulia Quadrifoglio from Formula Truck.
  • Changed idle rpm to 600 from 1,100.
  • Changed aspiration type to twin-turbocharged from turbocharged.
  • Changed turbo pressure (bar) to 2.6 from 0.1.
  • Changed turbo rpm reference to 1,500 from 3,750.
  • Changed power output at wheels to 394 hp @ 3,750 rpm from 505 hp @ 3,750 rpm (20% transmission loss from 493 hp).
  • Changed torque output at wheels to 800 Nm @ 1,750-3,250 rpm from 1,017 Nm @ 3,500 rpm (20% transmission loss from 1,000 Nm).
  • Changed horribly mismatched power graph to closely match it's real-life counterpart.
  • Changed gear ratios to "-3.403/4.171/2.34/1.521/1.143/0.867/0.691/3.273" from "-3.416/3.988/2.686/1.905/1.40/1.131/0.930/2.937".
  • Changed total mass to 2710 from 2605.
  • Changed inertia from width/height/length values to 1.984/1.737/5.085 from 1.702/1.397/4.496.
  • Changed tyres/rims size to match real-life counterpart.
  • Changed collider.kn5 file mismatching the vehicle's size. Now it uses the collider from Porsche Cayenne Turbo S.
  • Resized and repositioned ground collider.
  • Removed backblast effect on exhausts.
  • Removed final.rto, flames.ini, flame_preset.ini and ratios.rto files.
  • Removed suspension adjustment window setup.
  • Changed aerodynamics: increased drag coefficience at higher speeds.
  • Changed AWD system.
With these changes in mind, how can i contact Assetoland, so he/she can upload the improved mod?
With these changes in mind, how can i contact Assetoland, so he/she can upload the improved mod?

Welcome to GTP. Nice to have a first post actually contributing something instead of the usual drive-by begging letters. ;)
I think Assettoland monitor this thread quite closely - a lot of our mods end up there pretty quickly, lol.
Isn't there a 'contact us' on the site too?
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