Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Yes, adaptive mode prevents tearing but it does allow some fluctuations in performance. I'd say it's a much better option, if you really hate screen tearing.

I will surely give this a try today. Would you think it makes sense to use the "frame rate limit" option in AC settings when running on a 60Hz screen @ 1080p and lock it at 60 FPS?
I've got the Rift back working again (some dll files somehow got removed from the Sys 32 folder) but my performance has tanked by approximately a third and tracks/cars now take eons to load. All this coincided with the new CM update, Oculus update and Win 10 update so it's hard to tell what's causing it.
Anyone else?
Performance in other apps is fine, can play games at 4k/60 with settings maxed in 2D. So it's either Oculus or AC/MS/CM/CSP/Sol.
Haven't tried other VR apps yet, I'll try that to eliminate Oculus from the equation.
I have edited the Autopolis track a lot, got rid of all the fantasy stuff. And tuned the textures and materials. I will try to finish it soon.
I was working on the trees and grass until @slider666 pointed out he had already worked on a config a few pages back and a skin. Now there’s 2 nice looking skins and some billboard skins and also working grass. So I’ve stopped working on it, the trees are a real mess.

If you’re picking it back up @Zwiss, it may be a good idea to combine everything done already with what you’ve done so far and work from there to unify it all? Sometimes so many of us are working on our own little projects, we end up fragmenting what’s out there. It would be good to see you bring this track up to speed! Although those trees, they need a lot of work to get rid of the flickering, and then as someone pointed out, they don’t even exist in real life. Removing them exposes too many bare sections so not really an option I suppose.

Just a thought anyway, look forward to seeing your final results!
I was working on the trees and grass until @slider666 pointed out he had already worked on a config a few pages back and a skin. Now there’s 2 nice looking skins and some billboard skins and also working grass. So I’ve stopped working on it, the trees are a real mess.

If you’re picking it back up @Zwiss, it may be a good idea to combine everything done already with what you’ve done so far and work from there to unify it all? Sometimes so many of us are working on our own little projects, we end up fragmenting what’s out there. It would be good to see you bring this track up to speed! Although those trees, they need a lot of work to get rid of the flickering, and then as someone pointed out, they don’t even exist in real life. Removing them exposes too many bare sections so not really an option I suppose.

Just a thought anyway, look forward to seeing your final results!
Is the AC Autopolis converted from Shift 2? Looks like it might be.
Edit: actually it might be from the original Shift. If so, a Shift 2 conversion is probably overdue. Shame GT Sport track conversions seem to have been a non-starter.
Is the AC Autopolis converted from Shift 2? Looks like it might be.
Edit: actually it might be from the original Shift. If so, a Shift 2 conversion is probably overdue. Shame GT Sport track conversions seem to have been a non-starter.

If it is from Shift, why does it have PCARS billboards? Hm...edit: it must be since this track never was included in PCARS I think.
Is the AC Autopolis converted from Shift 2? Looks like it might be.
Edit: actually it might be from the original Shift. If so, a Shift 2 conversion is probably overdue. Shame GT Sport track conversions seem to have been a non-starter.
I already fixed the trees. I was finalizing the grass material, trying to bring it up to AC standards. The Oita version's grass was very dull.

What has been done:
Removed lots trees and other objects that do not exist in real life.
Edited a lot of materials: trees, roads, grass, buildings, windows...
Created a new collision wall
Changed some sponsors to japanese sponsors
Wow, a long thread! I've done very little in the way of modding AC. I've been a very long time modder of RPGs etc., but the few mods I tried way back in the day in AC didn't give me confidence that they had anywhere near the quality I wanted, and at least one track caused AC to crash repeatedly, so I gave up, having plenty of other stuff to do.

I do want to start modding AC again, but I wanted to check first and see that the Content Manager and most mod content has been verified to work properly in VR setups? I mean, technically it should, but no point in me even starting if there are known issues with Content Manager or many of the mods and VR.

I'll stay away from anything except cars and tracks at first - if anything is going to screw up VR configurations it's going to shaders, lighting mods, and the like.
Grass at Rockingham looks like this on my system:

View attachment 913493 View attachment 913492

But (GrassFX enabled) the config file with GrassFX in ........\common\assettocorsa\extension\config\tracks\loaded is overrruled by the config file in
So if you want to get rid of the looks in your pic you could use the attached config file (just change txt to ini):

Not sure why but didn't have an ini file anywhere. Thanks @Fanapryde

I already fixed the trees. I was finalizing the grass material, trying to bring it up to AC standards. The Oita version's grass was very dull.

What has been done:
Removed lots trees and other objects that do not exist in real life.
Edited a lot of materials: trees, roads, grass, buildings, windows...
Created a new collision wall
Changed some sponsors to japanese sponsors

Good to hear, really looking forward to it now!
My eyes hurt when I see these PCARS fake adverts around the track (Zipanol etc). Has this been a convert from PCARS?! Can we please remove or replace them to the current ones? :)
I don't know. I am not the author of the track. I have only modified the textures, contrast, brightness and color balance. The adverts are the originals placed by the (unknown) author. In any case, it is very easy to change them. If you want, of course you can.
↓↓↓ '75 Monaco ↓↓↓

Fabulous! I'm loving the ondulations of the tarmac.

On another subject, unfortunately, I can't drive the new Alfa TZ (I have the old super fast one),.
This is a usual error message now, but anyone having it concerning the Giulia TZ?
Hi! Great! Shell and Martini logo are stretched but it is wip, right?
The martini logo is a little bit stretched but the same texture is used on different billboards so it's a middle way, the best i can get to get almost all billboard looking good, also it's due to the fov used to take the picture, if you use a fov bellow 35, it's just fine, but the shell logo in this case is not stretched at all, i compare with old footage
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Please...if someone can help...
In weekend mode (using CM) I qualify fully then I move on to the race (any track any set of cars-even similar cars) and I have at least one car that does not start at all when the lights go out and the race starts. It just sits there (usually one of the front cars) for all laps of the race and other cars will hit it and it ruins the race. Is there some setting somewhere causing this, in CM maybe? The number of cars is well below the max number of cars for the track.
Really appreciate that and looking forward it :)

AFAIK, the GT4 rules (which have been around for ages) changed after Kunos released them for AC. The new GT4s have more restrictive setup params and are slightly slower. So what we have here is basically two classes. You could choose one and BoP the other to suit...or simply run them separately.
I've got the Rift back working again (some dll files somehow got removed from the Sys 32 folder) but my performance has tanked by approximately a third and tracks/cars now take eons to load. All this coincided with the new CM update, Oculus update and Win 10 update so it's hard to tell what's causing it.
Anyone else?
Performance in other apps is fine, can play games at 4k/60 with settings maxed in 2D. So it's either Oculus or AC/MS/CM/CSP/Sol.
Haven't tried other VR apps yet, I'll try that to eliminate Oculus from the equation.

Glad to hear you have the Rift running again. I too have had really low framerate in assetto recently with all other games running fine. After looking into drivers and every other non related system setting I could think of, all it took was this:

I put CM back down to 0.1.45, reinstalled Assetto with a fresh install of SOL. I'm now getting nearly triple the frame rate. I can't say what it was exactly, but it was my first reinstall since 4-5 years ago. I don't know if it was anything to do with trying the newer CM updates, but I'm scared to change anything now. haha
Has anyone experienced these kind of microstutters during the first laps, once AC has fired up? I turn crazy with this. Everything is nearly at default, latest SOL alpha and CSP 1.52 installed. Any guesses, hints or advices? I run an i7 4770k, 16 GB RAM and RTX 2060 Super OC @ 1080p 60Hz. Extra FX are on, everything default like recommended through CM. NaturalMOD PP filter. Did I forget something?
Has anyone experienced these kind of microstutters during the first laps, once AC has fired up? I turn crazy with this. Everything is nearly at default, latest SOL alpha and CSP 1.52 installed. Any guesses, hints or advices? I run an i7 4770k, 16 GB RAM and RTX 2060 Super OC @ 1080p 60Hz. Extra FX are on, everything default like recommended through CM. NaturalMOD PP filter. Did I forget something?
Well, you are not alone.
After starting AC, first lap always shows some stuttering. I never had this before. It started a week or so ago.
Thought it was someting on my side...
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