Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Once we talking about FPS and optimization: is there any guide or setups for fine-tuning the Content Manager, SOL and CSP for driving with AI and mod cars? Sometimes it becomes very difficult for a PC (framedrops, freezes etc), although it keeps 60 fps almost at maximum settings.
Sorry if this question may be off-topic.

It might just be my system, but I've noticed a 10-15 fps increase by simply lowering Post Processing Effects/Overall Quality down to Medium. I actually prefer the way it looks on medium as well. Less exaggerated rays and glare. Maybe try it out?

Settings/Assetto Corsa/Video/Post-Processing
The Ford P68 didn't have any proper skins, more like vague efforts, so I edited one.
Doesn't replace anything.

Before & After:

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Hi all... I want to put some order in my GT4 cars mod and i am trying to figure out the cars BOP to Kunos and the cars BOP to guerrilla

I guess that the GT4 cars made by the GTP modding team (i have the AM Vantage and the X-BOW) are in BOP with kunos but the other mods i have i don't know...
I am interested in that cause i am part of a group of italian simdrivers that like to put together online races so we would like to put together a decent GT4 grid to have some fun...
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I share skin that I finished for autopolis_oita. I am open to comments. The download link for the track is in the readme file. I hope you like it.

It changed in contrast, color balance and brightness on the surface of the track, trees, buildings, bridges and others.

I always liked this track a lot, but I think the colors were not suitable.
I'm still not entirely happy with the sand trap, but I haven't managed to give it the effect I want.

My eyes hurt when I see these PCARS fake adverts around the track (Zipanol etc). Has this been a convert from PCARS?! Can we please remove or replace them to the current ones? :)
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Hi all... I want to put some order in my GT4 cars mod and i am trying to figure out the cars BOP to Kunos and the cars BOP to guerrilla

I guess that the GT4 cars made by the GTP modding team (i have the AM Vantage and the X-BOW) are in BOP with kunos but the other mods i have i don't know...
I am interested in that cause i am part of a group of italian simdrivers that like to put together online races so we would like to put together a decent GT4 grid to have some fun...
Really appreciate that and looking forward it :)
Damn power went out last night while working in Content Manager. Reset a lot of everything. Had to even put in the full version product key. Whole night spent figuring out what settings need checks and whatnot. Whoever just recently posted about this a while back, I feel and now know your pain.

If you look for the silver lining in things, now I know even better where all the settings are having to poke around each and every one again.
Yeah, I was the guy who had the power surge. I can really feel you man. To be honest, when the lights went out, I got angry and upset about my hard drive, because I have over 500GB of mods just for Assetto Corsa. Luckily, everything is okay.
Yeah, I was the guy who had the power surge. I can really feel you man. To be honest, when the lights went out, I got angry and upset about my hard drive, because I have over 500GB of mods just for Assetto Corsa. Luckily, everything is okay.

Thats why here I have a 1gb external just for AC. Once a month, tracks/cars folders gets mirrored to it and nothing else, stays unplugged. No worries!
On game performance and graphics settings, I get the impression that a lot of people fall into the trap of setting up their CSP/graphics settings using stock game content, whereas what I found works best is to find a selection of badly optimised or very demanding tracks and find settings that make them playable while still looking decent.

I for example used Baku and Long Beach, two tracks with fairly terrible optimisation, yet by experimenting with my CSP/graphics settings, I've managed to find a setup that looks good and still allows me to race a grid of 20 cars without frame drops on these circuits. I've had to sacrifice some of the CSPs options in the process, but IMO being able to actually use any car/track combo with a decent sized grid is preferable to having the marginal improvements offered by the Extra FX tab for example.

I´m getting half (!!!) the FPS I should driving alone on track at night at, for example, the Red Bull Ring (Kunos). I´m getting 30 FPS (!!!) in some parts of the track (as in a lot of tracks) and a few spikes in FPS. I must say that the AC graphics settings are all at the max except MSAA that is at 4x but just because (as seen in the pic) I have a CPU occupancy of about 8% and 41ºC of temperature while in the GPU I have a load of 57% and 58ºC temperature. This makes me believe that it´s not a question of maxing up the AC graphics settings. VSync is on since my monitor is only 60Hz. Driving in day time most of the problem is almost unexistent with only some glitches. Can anyone help by sharing (or PM me) their NVIDIA settings or some tips about Custom Shaders Patch settings? What am I doing wrong?

My versions:
CSP 0.1.52
SOL 1.6 alpha 001

This is my system:
CPU I7-4790k @ 4.00 GHz
Windows 10 Home Ed. 64 bits
24 Gb of RAM
GPU GTX 1070 8Gb
Assetto Corsa Screenshot 2020.04.22 -
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Thats why here I have a 1gb external just for AC. Once a month, tracks/cars folders gets mirrored to it and nothing else, stays unplugged. No worries!
Good for you! I really plan to buy an external 1TB SSD just for the AC mods.
Would anyone be able to fix the grass on Rockingham?

Either a way of deleting the bright green patches or darkening it. It'd be nice to have the tracks grass done to the same level as the other btcc tracks but i'm sure that's a fair bit more work.

View attachment 913137

Sorry, I hadn't noticed how terrible the 3Dgrass was as it is drowned out by the grass from CSP(why aren't you using it?).
I gave it extreme material settings hopping it would show up with CSP's grass but it didn't work, so I'll delete it in the next update.

Grass at Rockingham looks like this on my system:


But (GrassFX enabled) the config file with GrassFX in ........\common\assettocorsa\extension\config\tracks\loaded is overrruled by the config file in
So if you want to get rid of the looks in your pic you could use the attached config file (just change txt to ini):


  • rockingham_motor_speedway.txt
    604 bytes · Views: 39
.../...I for example used Baku and Long Beach, two tracks with fairly terrible optimisation.../...
That Baku was indeed very badly optimised.
@norms was working on an improvement and cranked it up (still WIP) from around 65 fps - on my triple system - and stuttering to an amazingly smooth 130 fps AVG.
This is in practice mode, alone on track.
It's a huge improvement without any visual downside.
That Baku was indeed very badly optimised.
@norms was working on an improvement and cranked it up (still WIP) from around 65 fps - on my triple system - and stuttering to an amazingly smooth 130 fps AVG.
This is in practice mode, alone on track.
It's a huge improvement without any visual downside.

Still working on it, a little bit of tidying up here and there. Hopefully I will release it in a couple of days if all goes well :cheers:
Grass at Rockingham looks like this on my system:
........\common\assettocorsa\extension\config\tracks\loaded is overrruled by the config file in
So if you want to get rid of the looks in your pic you could use the attached config file....

My tracks will now have configs in 'loaded' I've cleaned out the rest of the config folder.

Wonderful! ...based on the 66 track? Or is it a revearse of the 88 one?
.... 88 one, isn't it?

Yes, I chose '88 because all the infrastructure was there, I just needed to create new roads for where the older layout ran.
True the textures aren't as good but that could always change.

I´m getting half (!!!) the FPS I should driving alone on track at night at, for example, the Red Bull Ring (Kunos). I´m getting 30 FPS (!!!) in some parts of the track (as in a lot of tracks) and a few spikes in FPS. I must say that the AC graphics settings are all at the max except MSAA that is at 4x but just because (as seen in the pic) I have a CPU occupancy of about 8% and 41ºC of temperature while in the GPU I have a load of 57% and 58ºC temperature. This makes me believe that it´s not a question of maxing up the AC graphics settings. VSync is on since my monitor is only 60Hz. Driving in day time most of the problem is almost unexistent with only some glitches. Can anyone help by sharing (or PM me) their NVIDIA settings or some tips about Custom Shaders Patch settings? What am I doing wrong?

My versions:
CSP 0.1.52
SOL 1.6 alpha 001

This is my system:
CPU I7-4790k @ 4.00 GHz
Windows 10 Home Ed. 64 bits
24 Gb of RAM
GPU GTX 1070 8Gb
View attachment 913491

Hey Pedro,

the fact that your performance drops to exactly 30 fps, which is the half of 60, tells me that you are using traditional V-Sync. In that case if your fps falls under 60 (let's say 56), V-Sync cut the performance in half in order to be able to render full picture every time. 30fps in V-Sync means your graphics card produces the same frame twice. It's basically 60 fps or 30 fps without any transition.

Since you said you experience this at night settings, which is always more performance hungry, I recon your fps drops below 60 and then there's no other option, just 30 fps.

I'd definitely turn V-Sync off, and I'd check if I can get more consistent performance without it.

If you still want to use some kind of V-Sync, you can try Adaptive mode, which is a better solution compared to the traditional one.

Hope, this helps, good luck!
Hey Pedro,

the fact that your performance drops to exactly 30 fps, which is the half of 60, tells me that you are using traditional V-Sync. In that case if your fps falls under 60 (let's say 56), V-Sync cut the performance in half in order to be able to render full picture every time. 30fps in V-Sync means your graphics card produces the same frame twice. It's basically 60 fps or 30 fps without any transition.

Since you said you experience this at night settings, which is always more performance hungry, I recon your fps drops below 60 and then there's no other option, just 30 fps.

I'd definitely turn V-Sync off, and I'd check if I can get more consistent performance without it.

If you still want to use some kind of V-Sync, you can try Adaptive mode, which is a better solution compared to the traditional one.

Hope, this helps, good luck!

I only have VSYNC "on" in AC settings due to the fact that I hate these tearing when its set to "OFF". Adaptive mode in NVIDIA settings prevents the image from tearing, yes?
My tracks will now have configs in 'loaded' I've cleaned out the rest of the config folder.

Yes, I chose '88 because all the infrastructure was there, I just needed to create new roads for where the older layout ran.
True the textures aren't as good but that could always change.
I will try to make a new skin based on the 73 gp, thanks again for all the work you put in it, i try it, i really love this layout! so much speed in the main straight line :)
And with this layout we are just at the jonction beetween old era and modern one for monte carlo, the best of both!
The layout before 86 breathe so much, there is so much flow, after 1986, it's traffic jam :)
Really a great gift, really appreciate, thanks again :)
I only have VSYNC "on" in AC settings due to the fact that I hate these tearing when its set to "OFF". Adaptive mode in NVIDIA settings prevents the image from tearing, yes?
Yes, adaptive mode prevents tearing but it does allow some fluctuations in performance. I'd say it's a much better option, if you really hate screen tearing.
I hope somebody can help me. I have some problems with the "Track Day" function in the last days, especially on 2-way-traffic layouts. The session wont start most of the time and when it does it ends with the same error message I can during the other times:

Error might have something to do with:

00007FFD34BFA799 (KERNELBASE): (filename not available): RaiseException
AC\racemanager.cpp (398): RaceManager::initOffline
00007FFCDAC12D26 (DWrite): (filename not available): lj_set_fireworks
AC\racemanager.cpp (174): RaceManager::loadSessions
AC\sim.cpp (320): Sim::Sim
00007FFCDAC4B3A7 (DWrite): (filename not available): lj_set_fireworks
00007FFCDAC4B36E (DWrite): (filename not available): lj_set_fireworks
AC\splashscreen.cpp (319): SplashScreen::PostRender
AC\game.cpp (181): Game::embarrassed:nIdle
AC\game.cpp (210): Game::run
AC\acs.cpp (477): wWinMain
f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\dllstuff\crtexe.c (618): __tmainCRTStartup
00007FFD36A77BD4 (KERNEL32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk
00007FFD378ECE51 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlUserThreadStart

I have already disabled the fireworks (because of the error message) and the AI flood functrion - but that didnt change anything. Everything else is working fine. Any ideas?
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