Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
That's why i'm paying VRC for one. When you're doing these mods for free, you have no one to answer to so ignore the peanut gallery!
I'm interested in how this works. Presumably, since you're commissioning WS from VRC then you will own that version of the track, like anyone else who commissions a mod. So (again, presumably) VRC won't be able to charge the public for that mod themselves, as that will be your prerogative. So you can either publicly release the mod for free or find a way of charging for it. Either way, VRC will have no ownership of the mod once it's finished and once you have paid for it.
Am I close?
Edit: or maybe VRC sell the track through their usual channels and you take a percentage from each sale and hopefully recoup your expenses?
For those of you having modded cars and problems with the windscreen smearing effect when TAA is enabled:

- open CM showroom, choose the on the car
- set material from alpha_blending to alpha_testing
- save it

You now can drive with TAA without the grease on the inner windscreen.
I'm interested in how this works. Presumably, since you're commissioning WS from VRC then you will own that version of the track, like anyone else who commissions a mod. So (again, presumably) VRC won't be able to charge the public for that mod themselves, as that will be your prerogative. So you can either publicly release the mod for free or find a way of charging for it. Either way, VRC will have no ownership of the mod once it's finished and once you have paid for it.
Am I close?

So we had the option to privately own the mod or have them sell it to reduce our own costs. We chose the latter. so the other investor and myself who dropped coin will be getting the mod free, but everyone else has to purchase through them.

This all being said, knowing how the AC modding community is, I'm sure that people will end up sharing the file privately with others to avoid paying. but I mean... VRC will likely charge $5 for the mod like they did for Barber and IMO, thats well worth it.
So we had the option to privately own the mod or have them sell it to reduce our own costs. We chose the latter. so the other investor and myself who dropped coin will be getting the mod free, but everyone else has to purchase through them.

This all being said, knowing how the AC modding community is, I'm sure that people will end up sharing the file privately with others to avoid paying. but I mean... VRC will likely charge $5 for the mod like they did for Barber and IMO, thats well worth it.
Ah, interesting - thanks for the reply. I think you missed my edit about a slice of the pie but that's moot now.
I'd love to know how much someone like VRC charges for a track but totally understand if you don't want to reveal that. I guess it varies track-by-track anyway.
Good lord. It's an embarrassment of riches!
I can't even begin to imagine how awesome that huge tor at Cathedral Rock will be in VR. What an epic looking track. I fact all of your fictional track layouts look superb. More power to your elbow - can't wait to drive all of these. :)

Here is an onboard lap of the Cathedral Rock track. Ignore any graphical issues (the shaders on the central rock for example are off) it's only work in progress.

Maybe I should host the unfinished stuff behind a $1 patreon or something, before they're released for free, that way people can drive and give feedback without it being open to undeserved criticism from an audience that doesn't understand the amount of effort that goes into this sort of stuff.
Ah, interesting - thanks for the reply. I think you missed my edit about a slice of the pie but that's moot now.
I'd love to know how much someone like VRC charges for a track but totally understand if you don't want to reveal that. I guess it varies track-by-track anyway.

If you reach out to Matias, he can easily give ya a quote ;)

I don't want to break any agreements I have with VRC (had to sign a document with them), but yeah it varies on the complexity of the track, location, and surrounding visuals.

Something like willow springs is probably as cheap as it gets for obvious reasons of literally nothing being in the surrounding area.

if we wanted to do something like... a street circuit of some kind. i guarantee price would be at least 10x what we're currently paying. WSIR has very few key buildings that must be included, corner worker stations, a few windmills and silos, then just the track surface matching both in look and roughness to the actual.

Only track i can honestly think would be easier than WSIR is Chuckwalla. There is literally 3 buildings in total at the facility that can be seen from the track and its 100% flat desert aside from the track itself.
If you reach out to Matias, he can easily give ya a quote ;)

Only track i can honestly think would be easier than WSIR is Chuckwalla. There is literally 3 buildings in total at the facility that can be seen from the track and its 100% flat desert aside from the track itself.

I could probably make that in a few days there's a mountain off in the distance and that's it!


Here is an onboard lap of the Cathedral Rock track. Ignore any graphical issues (the shaders on the central rock for example are off) it's only work in progress.

Maybe I should host the unfinished stuff behind a $1 patreon or something, before they're released for free, that way people can drive and give feedback without it being open to undeserved criticism from an audience that doesn't understand the amount of effort that goes into this sort of stuff.

OK, that looks like it might just be my new favourite track of all time. Love it!
Don't worry about development comments from strangers, you'll get all the constructive criticism (and praise) you need here from fellow enthusiasts who share your passion. Charging for dev builds will make random people MORE negative, I think - they've paid, they expect perfection off the bat.
Shout if you want any help with my usual stuff of balloons, billboards and blimps, and there are people here who do AI, cameras, grass and water configs and other animations. I'm sure the relevant people would be glad to help if they can.
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Here is an onboard lap of the Cathedral Rock track. Ignore any graphical issues (the shaders on the central rock for example are off) it's only work in progress.

Maybe I should host the unfinished stuff behind a $1 patreon or something, before they're released for free, that way people can drive and give feedback without it being open to undeserved criticism from an audience that doesn't understand the amount of effort that goes into this sort of stuff.

It takes me long enough to draw a few lines and paint on a car so I can only imagine how much work goes into making a track...and you're making 7 of them!!
Honestly though, putting them behind a paywall would maybe soften the blow of some of the comments you'd receive from the small, shouty brigade that like to be vocal about anything and everything but then people will expect something more for their money - like HD versions or small bags filled with Lego. I suppose a patreon isn't a bad idea but as that isn't something I have invested time or money in then I have no idea if that is something that people are willing to sign up for just to be beta testers.
Anyways as masscott said there's plenty of decent people here who I'm sure would be willing to help you out without slating your tracks or throwing dirt at you, and also there's plenty of people here who would just throw praise your way.

Edit: oops, forgot to say that track looks like great fun :D
Here is an onboard lap of the Cathedral Rock track. Ignore any graphical issues (the shaders on the central rock for example are off) it's only work in progress.

Maybe I should host the unfinished stuff behind a $1 patreon or something, before they're released for free, that way people can drive and give feedback without it being open to undeserved criticism from an audience that doesn't understand the amount of effort that goes into this sort of stuff.

I get CARS (the film) vibes from this a little. I think due to the mountain scenery. Great work, looks awesome.
If you did, I'd chip in a few bucks your way! Maybe no ferris wheels or balloons this time though? Airplanes are acceptable though since that airport right next to the track actually is functional! :)
You know you can reduce the number (or totally remove) any balloons from any track, yeah? Just rename (or delete) the kn5 of any you don't like in the track folder, or edit the models.ini (for example, to give each balloon only a 50% chance of appearing).
Ditto with planes, blimps.. any 'extras', really.
You know you can reduce the number (or totally remove) any balloons from any track, yeah? Just rename (or delete) the kn5 of any you don't like in the track folder, or edit the models.ini (for example, to give each balloon only a 50% chance of appearing).
Ditto with planes, blimps.. any 'extras', really.
Plus the Ferris Wheel can be hidden with a couple of lines of code in the extension folder ext_config.ini 👍
You know you can reduce the number (or totally remove) any balloons from any track, yeah? Just rename (or delete) the kn5 of any you don't like in the track folder, or edit the models.ini (for example, to give each balloon only a 50% chance of appearing).
Ditto with planes, blimps.. any 'extras', really.

haha i know, i was being a sarcastic... butt (don't know if its acceptable to use curse words here so yes, butt) Lol.
For those of you having modded cars and problems with the windscreen smearing effect when TAA is enabled:

- open CM showroom, choose the on the car
- set material from alpha_blending to alpha_testing
- save it
View attachment 914018

You now can drive with TAA without the grease on the inner windscreen.
Thank you. I asked about this issue about a week ago and this definitely improved the view. The view seems a bit tinted now but perhaps this is a different setting?
I re-installed all C++runtimes, but still the same error 5h1t!!! Have to figure out something else I think. It's been a really long time since I had to re-install AC and everything, I really don't want to do that.

Does anybody happen to have a CM install exe from the last version, or even a slightly earlier version?

You can get both the earlier recommended and latest versions here:

EDIT: Thanks to time zone differences, I'm late to the 'helpline party' once again.
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Here is an onboard lap of the Cathedral Rock track. Ignore any graphical issues (the shaders on the central rock for example are off) it's only work in progress.

Maybe I should host the unfinished stuff behind a $1 patreon or something, before they're released for free, that way people can drive and give feedback without it being open to undeserved criticism from an audience that doesn't understand the amount of effort that goes into this sort of stuff.

I believe you got most criticism on RD right?
I'll be honest here, if you think charging £1 will weed out the people who criticise then i wouldn't hold your breath.

Far better to just take respectful valid criticism as part of the process but ignore any that is baseless or unjust or downright vindictive.

Devs make games and if they sell at £40 they will not avoid any criticism or abuse etc, and if they give it away for free on steam it'll still get it (see raceroom and other free to play games)

It is unavoidable.
I said straight away oh here how amazed i was with Willow, it is incredible, GENUINELY the most polished mod track IMO, well optimised and the feel of the elevations and the road surface is perfect IMO.
I also praised it on RD...focus on valid criticisms and the praise and ignore me £1 won't stop them, might even make it worse...and also many would find it on that other forum for free and still be idiots about it....
In Willow Springs, if you go into models_big_willow.ini and change the DYNAMIC _OBJECT / PROBABILITY parameter to 10-15 instead of 100 in each balloon, you get like 5 or six balloons on track. That's what I did and it works out great. Box of chocolates, never know what you're going to get.

me enjoying quality testing, what happens if you set the value over 100%?
In Willow Springs, if you go into models_big_willow.ini and change the DYNAMIC _OBJECT / PROBABILITY parameter to 10-15 instead of 100 in each balloon, you get like 5 or six balloons on track. That's what I did and it works out great. Box of chocolates, never know what you're going to get.
I'm sure I put something along these lines in the Balloon Fiesta download overview.
Maybe not. I'm always hammered when I upload to RD.

Edit: it was for the vintage balloons download:
Each of the 18 balloons has a 25% chance of appearing every time you load the track, so on average you should get between four and five random balloons added (with no duplicates), but you might get two. Or seven. If you restart the race then the same balloons will appear but in different positions. If you want different balloons you need to reload the track and see what the Balloon Gods randomly bestow on you. It's like a metagame of bingo but without the farts and body odour.
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