Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
In what way are they in error, I may or may not fix them?

Well there is a whole blog somewhere which never seems to do cameras, so you could always take a crack at those.

Just in the elevations after both corners, it should be a smoother rise, not the ‘lump’ on the carerra4 88 track
Speaking of refreshing to see updates, I hope Mitja Bonca, working on Twin Ring Motegi, is okay--no new updates since April 16 on RD.

Hopefully he's been "polishing" everything for the past week and doesn't want any other distractions (like someone starting an argument about the correct signage after he posted new progress images). He seems obsessed with quality and making everything perfect, which is a good thing and a bad thing at the same time. I definitely understand, as I can be that way with my projects.
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If it's alright with you, I think when you've finished your designs I'll update my original post to include these skins with a small update to fix a couple of the minor cosmetic issues people have mentioned and maybe darken the wheels slightly (it was you that mentioned they were too bright yes?).

I know I said I couldn't be bothered with updates but in this case, where a racing car was without any racing skins I think it makes sense to update the original package, appropriate credit will of course be given.

That is absolutely alright with me :D I have a few more i want to do and a some different colours so I will try and get them done as soon as I can. On some of the liveries I've seen the wheels are a bit more grey in colour, (it was @Fanapryde that mentioned it) but see what you can do.
A couple more seasons now, with 2006 and 2008 added to the folder alongside the 2010 F1 season:

Much appreciated! However, you might want to add driver-files to those season packs, I was trying season 2008 and I had to use vrc-driver-2009 to get those cars working. Not a big deal, works just fine with that little tweak, but might be a problem for some.
Will do, no problem. Sorry for the delay, PC/Rift issues in the past week have been gobbling up my time. Meant to get these finished a few days ago.

No worries - i'm glad you got your VR sorted!

the link to 1.0 works now!

Circuit Monaco 1966
The Monte Carlo circuit is the city track on the roads of the Principality of Monaco where the annual Formula 1 Monaco Grand Prix and the surrounding races such as Formula 3, Formula 3000, GP2 Series and GP3 Series are held. .

The circuit is a sort of link between the current Formula 1 and the old one. In a calendar that has progressively seen the entry of modern and safe racetracks (such as the Manama circuit in Bahrain and the Sepang circuit in Malaysia), Monaco brings to mind the old Grand Prix, where the risk and skill of the drivers were in the foreground. Obtained using the streets of the city center, over the years of history, this circuit has written many memorable and as many dramatic pages. Three exemptions are foreseen in the Formula 1 regulation in favor of the track: the distance to be covered is 260 kilometers instead of the canonical 305; the event starts on Thursday instead of Friday; the award ceremony is managed by the Grimaldi family.
Download Information
Version 1.2 x 30 pits
Size 204 MB
Total Link 2
Created April 12, 2020
Last update 22 October 2018

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Just a quick heads up about the Willow Springs update. The tracks folder is missing from the archive, so be sure to extract it to the proper place ;)

Thanks! So, no Content Manager auto installation. The folder willow_springs from the rar file must be extracted manually inside the folder assettocorsa\content\tracks
From the other test vid, tried out version 2 of the '19 911 to see if the default setting was pogo sticking again. Deleted car, reinstalled v.2 | I think it got worse :( under braking, no bueno.

Also tried turning up particles, lets test. :mad:

Yes it's a strange one, I find the ffb to be really notchy like i am running over pebbles all the time.

Disgraceful i know, but i was thinking of doing a physics swap back from the kunos one....i know i feel bad saying it...the model is wonderful.
Can someone direct me to a place where I can figure out the best settings for VR. Just got my Cosmos Elite headset last night and am trying to figure out how to get the best visuals without killing my FPS (90hz headset; currently seeing 40fps using my single monitor settings).
That is correct, here is a quick look of PR0JECTNR56's next episode of "Details that no one will ever look for, but makes me happy and peaceful that they are there, just like on the real one", so changes made so far:
- asked GzeroD to split the instrument leds, so they can be configured / colored separately (this is still WIP)
- VDO Instruments logos added on RPM and Pressure gauge in the middle and on the right (also modified the circle with the arrow-like endings on both sides of the VDO logo)
- MotoMeter GmbH logo added on the Temperature gauge on the left
- when headlights are on, the blue led on the RPM gauge will light up
- RPM limit leds modified, the small yellow led on the RPM gauge will light up and starts to blink if you are revving around 8000
- low fuel indicator led modified, it is the red led on the left side of the panel now (it's position and coloring is still WIP, may change it to dark orange)

Also a huge thank you for GzeroD for his super fast support.


Sent the updated test package to GzeroD, he will check it, if I got everything right it should look like this and he will update the car on his blog:

Low fuel - dark orange led on the left
Rev limit - yellow led on the RPM gauge (blinking)
Headlights on - blue led on the RPM gauge

The package also includes the finalized gauges with brand logos and correct led colors/order.
@GzeroD any chance you'll be able to fix the steering wheel alignment on the GT4 mustang? it's off-center and idk how to fix that myself haha. Would love to have it in my next update of your mod (you're also welcome to post my changes [data from the real gt4's] on your site if you wish since I'm borrowing your mod anyway. Side note, are the front and rear wheels the same size? for whatever reason, and it might be me but the rear looks slightly larger than the front, something i could probably correct in 3dsmax but figured i'd ask.
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