Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan

Hi guys! New skin for the RSS Formula America!

DL Link :
Unfortunately we do not have a Sebring rendition in AC that comes close to the character of the real track.
The nicest looking one is the Track Reboot Sebring version.
A little more bumpy but in many details problematic one is a RTB built version you can find on RaceDepartment.

Now as far as Sebring goes, the very, very best rendition thus far is the rF2 DLC release of Sebring.
As low as my opinion in general about rF2 is (spitting out some very nonsensical tire related telemetry data first and foremost), Studio123 has absolutely knocked it out of the park with their Sebring DLC track and the incredible quality of that track is worth to buy rF2 + Sebring DLC + the GTE car pack if not just for hotlapping and enjoying getting your teeth knocked out and your discs shattered.

I hear their Circuit de la Sarthe is equally impressive but when that released (despite being a huge Le Mans fan) I had rF2 loooong deleted off my hard drive and not installed it since.

I read that Kevin has no interest in building Sebring as he finds the track bland. Thats a shame as it is one of the most important tracks in Porsche racing history.

Is it possible to convert the Sebring rF2 track?
I wonder why VRC has turned this car into a RWD ?
Afaik it has always been a AWD (Quattro).

Exactly. Actually a little disappointed to be honest. I love vrc mods, but this just falls short in my opinion. The rwd, the sound without the rattle snake liftoff, the handling (a full on copy from camaro), even the details in the cockpit are nothing special. Was expecting more. For me Dan's car is miles better. But thats is just my opinion.
So a new version of CSP has been released (0.1.57) and turns out, no matter what time of day you choose, it's always sunny with few clouds. Instantly reverted to previous version (0.1.56).
Anyone having trouble with the XJR9s posted a coupla pages back ? The reworked ones. They don't work for me - crash on desktop and all that.
The other Group Cs are working fine.

I did a test with that set, comparing them to the previous versions... meh. They all ran as ai cars tho, no prob. I kept the wheel-coverless jag, and the 88c-v was ai-faster but otherwise I will pass on those. To qualify that tho, I must say that they are mostly ai opponents for me, so I didn't compare the drives (just the jag, and it felt good... same as before in a short test). The skins worked from the other versions (Velo mostly...) on a few of these new ones...
There's one version on Legion blog with Sebring and 4 different layouts. I really like the FIA GT layout which is not available in the original Reboot version. Sadly the AI is not up to par and cars would run into each other at the start and not competitive at all. IF anyone can fix that version, here's the link to the track.

If anyone wants the cameras for the short layouts i can upload them.
Basically it has no proper functioning cameras for the short layouts on that download.
Is it possible to convert the Sebring rF2 track?
There are some tracks converted from rF2 to AC but in general those conversions are not optimal as of the differences in how rF2 and AC uses the physics road mesh (rF2 tracks directly ported how LOTS of unrealistic bumps in AC as a result). One of the AC master trackmakers once tols me that the work needed to properly convert a rF2 track and rebuild teh physics road mesh into something realistic would be just as much work as the better part of building the track for AC from scratch.

There is also that Sebring is one of the higher priced DLC tracks from studio123 and it would be disrespectful to rip this track and provide as an AC mod freebie. Studio123 reallly deserve support and if Sebring is your jam, its best bought and driven in rF2 I suppose.

I always dreamed of the day when the major racing sim studios could get a cross sim collaboration going and Studio 123 Sebring would become available as a DLC track for AC just as it works in the flight sim world.

I think there is a 4th pay one here:
IT looks like the same base 3D model was used as for the Beta FR mod - nice touch with the CSP features though but I have an opinioin about people asking money for their mods based on ripped models.
Ok this works and works well. like Bherm said, all is correct.

A little additional info. first three lines are for cars infront of you when you drive and the mirror for the ones behind. It's not like RF2, where 12 means 12 closest around you. Moving on, the numbers are reversed. What that means: last number shows total amount of cars shown (28 in this case), third number means: of those 28, 16 are quality lod c or better, second number means: of those 16, 8 are lod B or better, and the first means: of those 8, 3 are lod A. So by default we see 3 lod A, 5 lod B, 8 lod C and 12 lod D cars in front of us.

Maybe an example. I want to see max 14 cars in front of me and max 3 in the mirror. Of those i want 3 to be lod A quality, the rest can be lod D, so the wors quality. I will put in the first line: 3,3,3,14. Behind me, all 3 can be lod D, so i put: 0,0,0,3.

Same story for shadows. If a car is not drawn, you can still see a black shadow of it on the road.

Ok, did a test. Took 30 Guerilla GT4s, as they seem to be the ones that take up most resources. Did this:

MAIN=3, 6, 9, 14
GBUFFER=3, 6, 9, 14
SHADOWS=3, 6, 9, 14
SPECTATING_MAIN=6, 20, 40, 200
MIRROR=2, 2, 6, 7

And yes there is a difference. It's like chosing to drive with 21 cars for example, even a little better, cause i reduced the quality of some of them. This is nice, i would before get an additional stutter here and there with 24 Gerilla gt4's, but now none with 30 of them.

And now i finally understand why mirrors are such frame killers. If they are off, AC draws only cars in front of you, if they are on, AC draws all cars in the field. Resolution, quality ,... not as important, the amount of cars behind you determins the difference in fps with mirrors on or off. Untill today that is. Now we can easily do 3 or 4 cars in the mirror, and all those in lod D, and we can see massive gains in fps. Especially if you are high in the rankings in a race.

Tested and absolutely love it, while it not perfect, I'm able to run 28 A.I. grid of Abarth 500 AC (b'caz i'm a student driver) in San Francisco Street Circuit with Fps never hit below 55 fps, where as before it normally sit around 40 fps. This is with my aging i7 4790k.
..\assettocorsa\extension\config\weather_fx.ini is accidentally missing, just copy your old one before updating and put it back after update. Works for me.

Doesn' work for me.
This is what I get when past the file, copy from 1.56 TO A.57 version.


Pressing the try again tab doesn't work.
I'm adding the shake effect on many cars, for exhaust and for bodies as well. Thing is, some elements accept it, some don't. Any modder knows what makes parts incompatible on some cars? It also happens when you try to add chassis deformation.
(nvm, it's not a big deal)
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Doesn' work for me.
This is what I get when past the file, copy from 1.56 TO A.57 version.


Pressing the try again tab doesn't work.
Could you translate what this error says to English?

If it says that the file is being used or something similar, it might mean that an app has it opened. Try to close AC and CM before you paste the file in the folder. Or maybe you just copied the file and not paste it somewhere, and the when you upgraded, the source file got deleted and you could not paste what is not there anymore. I did it through this steps:
1. Downgrade CSP to 1.55.
2. Close CM, went into folder and copied the weather fx ini, went to my desktop and paste the file there
3. Opened CM and upgrade CSP to 1.57
4. Closed the CM again
5. Copied the weather fx ini from desktop to config folder
6. Opened CM and there it was
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It's time for the sixth and final part of my Pit Boxes Extension Project, here we go:

North American Trackpack, including the following tracks:
- ICAR Topspeed Montreal Airport (or whatever this track is called) by Assetto Corsa Fanboy -> pits extended from 15 to 28
- Glendale Raceway by Kniker97 -> pits extended from 21 to 24
- Summit Point Raceway by db_1973 and Hightree42 -> pits extended from 20 to 28
- Lime Rock Raceway by Terra21 and Jim Lloyd -> pits extended from 20 to 32
- Toban Raceway by Terra21 -> pits extended from 18 to 32
- Putnam Park by Terra21 -> pits extended from 22 to 28
- GRiD San Francisco Street Circuit by CHiQuiFReaKy -> pits extended from 16 to 32

I created separate layouts for all these tracks with extended pit boxes and start positions. Just download and drop into your track file, it won't overwrite anything. You do need the have the original track though.

If you don't have some of these tracks, there are links to download them in the Readme files. Get them first and then install my pits extension.

@LiquidSkyMan created new AI lines, track limits, outlines and map for San Francisco Street Circuit, thanks to him racing should finally be possible on this track :)

This Trackpack also includes a full Re-release of Detroit Street Circuit by ACU, here is the list of changes:
- new config.ini file for better looking water and darker textures by @slider666
- new AI lines, track limits, maps and outlines by @LiquidSkyMan
- extension of pit boxes and start positions from 8 to 32 by @Foxeway
- 2 beautiful skins by @Masscot
- new preview for the track by @Fanapryde

Big thanks to everyone involved for their great work!

IMPORTANT: Please make sure to read the "Important - readme first" files, just to avoid any problems.

NOTE: I don't guarantee that your system will handle all this tracks with extra AI cars, for example mine can handle around 23-25 AI cars and that's it.


As always, big thanks to:
@slider666 for teaching me how to add pits properly and helping with various problems and questions, it wouldn't be possible without his help!
@Fanapryde for taking the time to create previews for each track, it's a huge Quality of Life improvement.
@LiquidSkyMan for doing his AI magic and also providing me with some excellent music to listen to while modding :)

Here are the links to the other pits extensions I made:
South American Trackpack:

Eastern Asia Trackpack:

Oceanic Trackpack:

Northern Europe Trackpack (including Jyllands-Ringen):

Southern Europe Trackpack:

Have a nice day :cheers:

Thank you very much!
Could you translate what this error says to English?

If it says that the file is being used or something similar, it might mean that an app has it opened. Try to close AC and CM before you paste the file in the folder. Or maybe you just copied the file and not paste it somewhere, and the when you upgraded, the source file got deleted and you could not paste what is not there anymore. I did it through this steps:
1. Downgrade CSP to 1.55.
2. Close CM, went into folder and copied the weather fx ini, went to my desktop and paste the file there
3. Opened CM and upgrade CSP to 1.57
4. Closed the CM again
5. Copied the weather fx ini from desktop to config folder
6. Opened CM and there it was

To add on that: double check if the folder has not been set to <read only>.
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