Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
this how this thread feels when you miss a day

and it is glorious.
I saw nothing terribly wrong with the AI lines, but the side lines were way too forgiving, allowing the AI to believe it was ok to drive through barriers in places. Here are new side lines that narrow the drivable areas, especially around corners, and allows clean races. I did test a 5-lap AI race with Shaun's Radical and it was clean.

Unzip and drop the two side line files in the track's data folder.

Yes I agree Jody. AI lines are not the problem usually with the tracks. the problem with allot tracks with AI racing is the side lines are too forgiving. End up going into walls, when cars are bunched up, etc. That is the only thing I saw wrong with the Chicago track also. I didn't change the AI lines but only created new side lines. When I incorporate new side lines to a track, it also modifies the AI files(not the AI line) just creates new AI file candidates to change to. So I also have to replace original AI files with the new candidate AI files. Process is pretty simple to do on any track.

Allot of the tracks we find are WIP type tracks, so all you have to do is give some feedback to the creators of the tracks. Sometimes I see on Race Dept several of the tracks that get initially released and never go back to make improvements, but most are continually being updated.
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Hope we can see this coming to AC sometime in the future, as TVRs really need some love

What we should put this against when we have it then?

Lovely sport car, beautifull. Untill watch the front end. Omg, how can they destroy a so good looking car, with that ugly front end?
Mho, of course.

It's a great tool and never creates any issues. It has saved me about 70% of the uncompressed file size, which is great since my assetto corsa files are now approaching 800gb uncompressed. :crazy:

One tip: First time you run it, leave it to do its magic overnight as it takes quite a while to get through your whole catalogue if you've got a decent number of cars. Also, you need to run it regularly to keep all your new stuff trimmed down and/or if you move files, it will need to recompress those too.

Having 4000+ cars and 500+ tracks, would be enough one night?
And, now the stupid question, is it possible to revert the compressed files?

When a car or track have an update, we just delete the previous mod, as we do now? We add the new version and after, compress the files again?

Sorry for the messed english. :guilty:
It's a great mod... except the brakes are horrible (when I tried it). Turning down or off ABS improves it, but compared to other cars/mods, you have to brake a few hundred feet before a turn. I was trying it at Pembrey, and while most cars can brake at the first and second markers at the first turn, you have to start braking at the bend, probably twice the distance. Several times, braking at the places I usually do, I'd have to go straight, and through the gap in the barriers, and the runoff area, before the barriers, is at least 40 feet.

That is why, I mainly like to race cars from 2000 back. The charm of the cars, the different handling, the different size of engines and design.
Well, they all were different (at least most of them), with so different type of driving, that the fun level is great.
Some, ideal for a track layout type, others for another. I love it. And not BOP'd. At all.

Nowadays, all cars brake in the same spot (with some minor variations ofcourse), but the fun factor is not the same.
Even the tracks are very look a like. Those vintage tracks were amazingly different.

My opinion and my taste, just my thoughts about it.

I saw nothing terribly wrong with the AI lines, but the side lines were way too forgiving, allowing the AI to believe it was ok to drive through barriers in places. Here are new side lines that narrow the drivable areas, especially around corners, and allows clean races. I did test a 5-lap AI race with Shaun's Radical and it was clean.

Unzip and drop the two side line files in the track's data folder. just saved the track. Thank you so much. We are grateful for your work with the sidelines and your kindness !
Aaaand another encrypted mod. Wish there was a stock variant out there rather than this riced out drift *****.
This is disappointing.
Wow! Why in the **** does he start to encrypt his mods? They are pretty bad anyways...This one for example...So much to be fixed and corrected etc. etc. The modding scene is pretty ***** up these days. :banghead: This one is deleted right away!
Having 4000+ cars and 500+ tracks, would be enough one night?
And, now the stupid question, is it possible to revert the compressed files?

When a car or track have an update, we just delete the previous mod, as we do now? We add the new version and after, compress the files again?

Sorry for the messed english. :guilty:

I have done this today. How long it takes it depends on your processor and ram. I have ryzen 2700 at 3.9 GHz and 16 GB RAM 3000, and it took 4 hours. I have 800 cars and 300 tracks. I had 25 GB free before on my 500 GB SSD, now I have 270 GB free (only AC on this disk, nothing else).

The loading times are barely noticeable longer. If I didn't read they were, I wouldn't even notice.

Super happy.

I don't think there is a problem if a car gets updated, it would just owerwtite the car same way. After finish I saw there is also a function to decompress the files.
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The ******** mod is not mine. For the 1670th time, I'm not a modder.
If anyone doesn't like a mod, just ******* delete it!!
No drama need!!!! :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

Just posted because it is a rare car in AC. Didn't tried the **** mod yet, gonna try ut later.
So many mods posted that I didn't enjoy, never posted any angry post. Dammit.

Just going back to delete the damn mod post.

Thank you! Nice feedback and motivation to post further mods. Even not being mine.

This wasn't a personal attack mate. I know it's not your mod - just relax will ya ?
If you add and change [CONDITION_?] in track.ini file, It can be changed lights timing.
Maybe when it look at the conditions files in "extension/config/tracks/common", I think you can see.

Thanks for the info, but unfortunately, I still can't can get it to work. Thanks anyway.
and I felt the load times being too long to my taste. So there was no benefit for me.

their is a way around that situation. My over bloated AC was on a HDD, I wanted faster loading, so I decided to with SSD, but I had to compress as the 500GB SSD was to tight. Compressed on a SSD is way faster than HDD not compressed.
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their is a way around that situation. My over bloated AC was on a HDD, I wanted faster loading, so I decided to with SSD, but I had to compress as the 500GB SSD was to tight. Compressed on a SSD is way faster than HDD not compressed.
A second - bigger - SSD is in the planning. Now the SSD contains only the OS and some programs, while all the sim stuff is on a - big - and relatively fast HDD.
hello, I installed the new version of horizon shades 1.1 I receive a white screen on my oculus rift if I have to restart the computer to restart it, I also changed the version of csp, I tried to disable csp, but nothing happens to me with all versions by ppfilter horizon tinte, if you have any suggestions on how to solve it, thank you very much ..
Sorry my bad english.
well uncompressed SSD will be faster yet.:bowdown:
Yes. Absolutely. I had AC before on HDD and bought 500 GB ssd just for AC and the difference is very noticeable. Even when playing a game (no stuttering or sudden frame drops) not only loading. Best purchase I made (Samsung evo 950), together with a 75 Hz monitor with Freesync. Almost no difference if running 40 or 60 fps (this is where my performance is at right now). Now I have only one more dilemma cause I would still like to go to stable 75 fps, as I have the the 75hz monitor, mainly for reaction times improvemnt. I have an old rx 570 4gb OC sapphire graphic card, which I moved from my old computer, and as said before Ryzen 2700 OC to 3900. I'm looking online, but can't find any info on this, if a rx 590 8gb will add additional 15 - 30 fps for me. Have a possibility to get one used for 100 bucks. But if I only get 5 or 10 fps, it is not worth to me. Other option is to go for gtx 1070 used for 200 bucks. I don't know what to do. Any advice?
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