I doubt anyone has it. With RTM's new payment... oh, I mean donation system, I don't think people are willing to pay for their mods now.
Especially when you are not guaranteed that you will get the mod you paid for or for that matter money refunded.
They should call it the RTM slot machine or RTM Casino.
Step 1) Discover RTM car you wish to own
Step 2) Insert ridiculous amount of money
Step 3) Pray that car arrives
The sad thing is, even if the car arrives...are you really a "winner" based on the price you paid or the fact that they just sold you a mod someone else created?
Toscana has just had a major update including a brand-new layout. I love this track.
Toscana is probably the nicest/most beautiful track that I always forget about and should have 10 times as many miles driven on its pavement. I don't know why it's not discussed more often when people are discussing Top Mods. I'm as guilty as anyone to be honest. There have been two times when I wanted to drive the track but I couldn't remember the name!

I could picture it in my mind's eye, but I couldn't freakin' remember the track name. I think that might have been when I started applying Star Ratings in Content Manager.
I recognize the name of that person, Matteo Vignaroli. I've seen it on a couple of the Facebook groups I peruse from time to time. ACR...I've been seeing that name in the title of mod cars forever, but I don't think I've ever seen a website or Facebook group page. Do they have a web presence or do they just upload "their mods" to servers with the name ACR attached?
That's a real shame about the F-Type. Dariusz Przygoda from Dareks's Car Mods is a nice guy, based on what I've seen and he puts a lot of effort into his mods. Here is a screen grab from Darek's Car Mods FILES section.
I don't see any mention of this Matteo character and I get the impression that Dariusz Przygoda would list Matteo as a contributor or "physics guy" if he truly were involved. Seems more like Matteo tweaked a few .ini files in DATA.acd and is now trying to take credit. If he had an agreement with Dariusz, like he claimed, why wouldn't both sites list both names, Dariusz AND Matteo's? I think we all know why. Wanker.
Wow! That Toscana update includes a new 4th layout called Toscana Stadale and according to the track outline shown in CM it appears to use ALL of the sections of Toscana.

So, should be a nice long run. 👍