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  • Thread starter daan
Tommy wtcr cars are better IMO, but there is not world's of difference. What I like most about them is the fact, that every car feels and drives totally differently from other cars. You can tell all cars were made individually. With other packs, the differences are less noticeable. What I don't like about Tommy's cars is the fact that ai is not very good. With other cars in general my skill level is around 96,97, around 93 with openwheellers. With Tommy's cars I had to put the AI on 99, 100 and even then I'm very competitive, on some tracks I beat the easily by 30+ seconds on 10 lap race.

Thanks for the reply Ales! I am about to pull the trigger on grabbing them but considering I spend half my life reading and keeping up to date on the going ons in this thread, I thought I'd better to check what some of the regulars like you think before I do. Love touring cars so gonna go for it

All corrections added to the archive
Update VAO
Add 3dgrass
@Diegonapoli10 & @Fanapryde

On the sound in CM Showroom, to get it to work you need to go into settings, content manager and plugins, then install FMOD helper and FMOD player. Once this is done you should get an extra option in the cars content screen to extract sound, plus you should now have an additional area inside the CM showroom car tab at the bottom that allows you to test sounds. See below:


thanks mate works like a charm
Thanks for the reply Ales! I am about to pull the trigger on grabbing them but considering I spend half my life reading and keeping up to date on the going ons in this thread, I thought I'd better to check what some of the regulars like you think before I do. Love touring cars so gonna go for it
They are very good. As a fan of TC, I have no regrets in buying them. I also bought his Omega and Mustang and those are excellent. I think he stepped a level higher with these. They have a problem with noise crackling when in neutral gear, but other than that, those are some of the best 3rd party TC cars around.
They are very good. As a fan of TC, I have no regrets in buying them. I also bought his Omega and Mustang and those are excellent. I think he stepped a level higher with these. They have a problem with noise crackling when in neutral gear, but other than that, those are some of the best 3rd party TC cars around.

Do any real life skins fit them?
Do any real life skins fit them?
Are you talking about wtcr pack or dtm 1991? Both are made from different resources than other similar packs. So other skins don't fit them. But they have bundled with them the complete 2018 skin pack and somebody made quite a few btcc 2020 skins on race department. He made the complete set of skins for the season, but as some cars are not available in Tommy's pack, he made some skins for different cars (for example, cause there is no bmw, he made all bmw skins for the Audi):
Thanks man, coming from you, the resident guru, that feels really good. It took me quite a while, but I think I'm getting it. I can't tell you how many times I would drive them out, exit, and then check the file and it would show up with zero kb's. Super frustrating. If you don't mind sometime I may PM you with some questions.... ;)

Regarding the side lines, yes, I used Esotic's AI Line Helper app from RD. In doing some reading up, he said somewhere that once the csv's are baked into the ai fast lane file (hold shift when you start the track up after the csv's are done), you don't really need them anymore (You'll see the time stamp on the fast lane file update).

If this first effort seems okay, I'll work on a few more that seem to need it.

Sure PM me anytime bud.
The reason U may want to leave the CSV files is in case someone wants to re-make the AI line, or if U decide to redo it sometime in the future. That way U don't have to make the limits again.
ur 1st effort was MORE than OK :-) go for it 👍

EDIT: The reason the file came out @ 0KB a few times: I found that when U 1st start recording it makes multiple lines during 1st 2 or 3 laps. once U start the lap where the other lines U made disappear, from then on when U complete that lap, the game will be able to save the AI candidate file. I don't know what it does that for, but that's the only way around it for me :confused: so don't try too hard during those 1st few laps because it won't matter.
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is there anyone able to remove the absurd bumps in the Helsinki Thunder Circuit?

@GzeroD oh great! It's your converted track! Then I am confident that this problem can be solved : )

Yeah, the Helsinki has a nice flow and a good layout as being a street circuit. The GT1's/Helsinki makes a cool combo and replay to look at!

Thanks buddy!

Sorry Guys.
No wucking fonder you didn't ask me to look at the track as the version you have is not my conversion!
Turns out I didn't publish my version, maybe just listed it here in response to a PM?

I'll upload my version to the Blog shortly.

Where did you Guys get that version?
@Diegonapoli10 & @Fanapryde

On the sound in CM Showroom, to get it to work you need to go into settings, content manager and plugins, then install FMOD helper and FMOD player. Once this is done you should get an extra option in the cars content screen to extract sound, plus you should now have an additional area inside the CM showroom car tab at the bottom that allows you to test sounds. See below:

Thanks mate !
Fixed in a few seconds... 👍
Beautiful car.
They're utterly gorgeous, aren't they?
I wish Geroda74 has spent a little time smoothing some of the geometry in the cockpit and filling in the gaps around the windows. The seat textures are seriously lo-fi as well.
I wonder what game it was ripped from? The model is way below FM/FH standards. I guess you need to go Gold to get the tip-top stuff maybe.
I'm guessing there's a way to drop the roof as well, but there's no ReadMe in the folder.

Edit: aha, just found Accessories/Roof in the pre-race set-up.
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Center mirror is reversed, but it's not a bad version. In VR, it's nice to drive, and the physics are about right, especially on the vintage tires.

I remember when I first saw these when I was in elementary school, and for a few years after... and how all the domestic US car guys made fun of them. I thought they were beautiful--even if they were more sleek looking in some ways than the MGs and Triumphs. Of course the signature front is what made it stand out.
Yes, I burst a vein every time myself and Gilles get mentioned in the same sentence.

Anyway my conversion is now uploaded.

Thanks. That's a lot better. Gilles has apparently decided to completely ruin his conversion by making otherwise OK track to turn into motocross track with those bumps. I can only wonder what has been going on his head.

Only one thing (so far) bothers me: that ghostly transparent building on the right of the hotlap spawn point. I tried to fix the texture but the object itself is transparent. :odd: I can live with it though.
Center mirror is reversed, but it's not a bad version. In VR, it's nice to drive, and the physics are about right, especially on the vintage tires.
Yeah, just had to do the 'FLIP=1' trick on the rear view mirror.
It is nice in VR but the Kunos driver is huge in these little cars (he's huge anyway) so I find my view clipping through his collar unless I hunch over the steering wheel like a little old lady. The driver probably needs scaling down about 5% or so.
I wonder if there's a way to hide the driver's collar in VR like you can hide his face?

Edit: hey @Blamer, weren't you going to integrate the mirror FLIP trick into BLM Car at one point?
Another track I tried to improve a while ago.
As ever, tips and hints are welcome, preferably in pm.

Algarve (Simbin). Update on AC Trackreboot version.

I deleted all the double road meshes (almost 50%).
Fixed and grouped the trees.
Reduced the number of materials.
Make a simple collision mesh.
Remodelled the pitbuilding in 3DSMAX (it was far too high, still not perfect)
Added cams by DaBaeda.
Reshuffled and reduced the garage items to look more real.
Added some dark (new) patches to the road.
Added self made start tower, will improve it in future.

Yeah, just had to do the 'FLIP=1' trick on the rear view mirror.
It is nice in VR but the Kunos driver is huge in these little cars (he's huge anyway) so I find my view clipping through his collar unless I hunch over the steering wheel like a little old lady. The driver probably needs scaling down about 5% or so.
I wonder if there's a way to hide the driver's collar in VR like you can hide his face?

Edit: hey @Blamer, weren't you going to integrate the mirror FLIP trick into BLM Car at one point?
What FLIP=1 is that, please?
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