Maple Valley won't load now. Not seeing issues with any other tracks.
[EDIT] I figured it out. Merge Meshes was turned on in CSP. It has to be off for this track.
[EDIT 2] ...and I'm only getting 22FPS.
00007FFF6BE1C3F9 (MSVCR120): (filename not available): memcpy
AC\node.cpp (81): Node::removeChild
AC\node.cpp (62): Node::addChild
00007FFF195B635C (DWrite): (filename not available): FW1CreateFactory
00007FFF195B3EF1 (DWrite): (filename not available): FW1CreateFactory
00007FFF194A9EB9 (DWrite): (filename not available): lj_set_fireworks
AC\model.cpp (32): Model::load
AC\trackavatar.cpp (372): TrackAvatar::init3D
AC\trackavatar.cpp (59): TrackAvatar::TrackAvatar
00007FFF194C35CF (DWrite): (filename not available): lj_set_fireworks
AC\sim.cpp (1066): Sim::loadTrack
00007FFF194F1950 (DWrite): (filename not available): lj_set_fireworks
AC\racemanager.cpp (351): RaceManager::initOffline
00007FFF194B6AB6 (DWrite): (filename not available): lj_set_fireworks
AC\racemanager.cpp (174): RaceManager::loadSessions
AC\sim.cpp (320): Sim::Sim
00007FFF194F1667 (DWrite): (filename not available): lj_set_fireworks
00007FFF194F162E (DWrite): (filename not available): lj_set_fireworks
AC\splashscreen.cpp (319): SplashScreen:

AC\game.cpp (181): Game:

AC\game.cpp (210): Game::run
AC\acs.cpp (477): wWinMain
f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\dllstuff\crtexe.c (618): __tmainCRTStartup
00007FFF9A996FD4 (KERNEL32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk
00007FFF9C0DCEC1 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlUserThreadStart