Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Is that the SimDream '95 car or is there another 90's indycar released that I don't know about?

NOTE: don't buy the SimDream '95 Indycar. Or any SimDream stuff. They take freely available mods and sell them as their own.

No it's the IndyCar that Jimmy Broadbent reviewed. The 1999 cart champcar
I agree with ales100i. I have both Rss America 2020 and the (VRC NA 2018 & VRC NA 1999) f1 mods. I kind of lean a little toward the Rss for fun of driving but VRC is not bad either. There are skins for both the VRC mods to make the teams. They are all pay mods and they are good enough for me. all the mods come with an OVAL or ROAD TRACK car selection.

Tracks for CART or INDYCAR, you just have to online search for the particular track name, there is no one place that has them all. There are also Oval tracks to make a complete Indycar season. I have all the tracks for doing a 1999 season and a more modern season. I dont know where I found them all, but they are available.

The thing that iks is probably talking about is SIMDREAM that has been getting mods from other modders and selling them as their own design. RSS and VRC are very good and are their own designs.

I am a big Indycar fan cause I did go to Road America and Milwaukee Mile every year with a friend. Also went to Michigan one year.

I am surprised no one has made a full CART mod for this game. It seems like it is possible? Again very new to the game.
I need help again how do i separate materials? i want this logo to use its own textures instead of using the same ones from the headlights.
i just can't seem to separate them and whenever i want to change the textures on the logo the textures on the headlights change too. Is there any way that i could make the logo use its own textures and its own material?
LOL, Dubai is a conversion of a track made by a professional game studio. Not to diminish what ACU does by any means, but converting an existing track that is already full of details that was built by a team of people being paid over the course of months to build a track is a little different than my situation where I’m just one guy who has a family and a regular job during the day and a limited skill set.

1.0 isn’t a measure of quality. 1.0 is confirming that it meets my creative vision to the best of my abilities and I’ve considered myself to be done.

Have a nice day!

Thanks for your answer!
I know this with Dubai, that is why i wrote, it is the perfect example.. was only a direction not a comparison, to get me right.

But you were VEEEERY fast in delivering your 1.0 version. I know your situation, i am in the same situation :) .
..and with saying, you where very fast in finalising your track, imagine, you just take more time and no pressure on this project, what you could reach then?
So no pressure from all of us here, and all AC fans out there. Because you are the boss in your project.
I mean you could release a 1.0 version in 2021?
(But i know, that is why i only do little projects, because i also want to finish projects, preferably in 10 minutes :lol: )
So i am waiting on a 1.5 version in 2022, ok? i am thrilled what we will see then. :cheers:
I need help again how do i separate materials? i want this logo to use its own textures instead of using the same ones from the headlights.
i just can't seem to separate them and whenever i want to change the textures on the logo the textures on the headlights change too. Is there any way that i could make the logo use its own textures and its own material?
View attachment 937197
3DS Max: drag n drop the texture you want to use for that mesh from your "texture" folder. Go to material explorer, rename the newely created material as you like. Or you can just create a new material, drag n drop the texture on the "sphere", name it and use that material on that particular mesh.
Its the rollovers tcr mod that was recently featured in the TCR europe series, im pretty sure of that. Because it has the megane and no other tcr mod has the car model

Ah right - wasn't sure whether they had custom mods made for them and secretly was hoping they may be released some day in the future. Thanks for the insight!
With my 'CSP test' track I have decided to turn it into some sort of track for a TV show - something like Hyperdrive on Netflix.


This track started life a few days ago as an experiment with the smoke effects on CSP which I hope to bring into a lot of my tracks in the future, be it for rowdy fans with flares in a grand stand or a food van pumping steam into the air, there are plenty of uses for it.

Here the track features a permanently wet surface, to add spray to the same environment as the smoke, as well as a reflective surface, and three firework spawners (make sure to have fireworks on in CSP settings).

There is also 48 Pit boxes on each of the 4 track layouts, so it really is a test of performance. I'd like to see how well the track performs on other peoples computers.

Here's a Youtube video of how everything look on my PC



it's available now on my $1 Patreon - - but as it's pretty much done already i'll probably pop it on RD a few days after Mallory Park goes up.
Is that the SimDream '95 car or is there another 90's indycar released that I don't know about?

NOTE: don't buy the SimDream '95 Indycar. Or any SimDream stuff. They take freely available mods and sell them as their own.

It is "their" conversion but I have improved it considerably. None of the content is theirs and all they did is the conversion, so I would be extremely hesitant to even mention their name as all the work was done by iDT in 2007-8.

Hmm, maybe I should sell it too? :rolleyes:
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These exist for free:

Even though people have complained about them for whatever reasons it doesn't hurt to try them. I didn't burn them at the stake yet and still have them.

I may be alone in this world with my opinions, but I actually like those Apex Indys more than RSS Formula Americas. They have some bugs still (fuel consumption estimate), but considering that they are free and most likely not 100% finished yet, they are totally worth a try.
I may be alone in this world with my opinions, but I actually like those Apex Indys more than RSS Formula Americas. They have some bugs still (fuel consumption estimate), but considering that they are free and most likely not 100% finished yet, they are totally worth a try.
I think they are pretty good too. And the fact that they are free is pretty great too. I haven't really put them through their paces vs the RSS ones yet, I have both but I've been doing other stuff. Maybe when I'm done with my track comparisons I could try comparing duplicate cars...

I have an unsual track, with only 10 pits. It is an old track with no good textures, nevertheless, I like it's under 4km layout.
Would some track guru, would have some spare time, to expand the number of the grid/pits and create a pit lane?

If so, please tell me here, by PM, by pidgeon, smoke signals, morse code, by letter to my usual adress, by mail, or anything else.
I will provide the track link.

And we can sell it for no less than 50€ :mad:

Hmmmm... Maple Valley won't load now. Not seeing issues with any other tracks.

[EDIT] I figured it out. Merge Meshes was turned on in CSP. It has to be off for this track.

[EDIT 2] ...and I'm only getting 22FPS.

00007FFF6BE1C3F9 (MSVCR120): (filename not available): memcpy
AC\node.cpp (81): Node::removeChild
AC\node.cpp (62): Node::addChild
00007FFF195B635C (DWrite): (filename not available): FW1CreateFactory
00007FFF195B3EF1 (DWrite): (filename not available): FW1CreateFactory
00007FFF194A9EB9 (DWrite): (filename not available): lj_set_fireworks
AC\model.cpp (32): Model::load
AC\trackavatar.cpp (372): TrackAvatar::init3D
AC\trackavatar.cpp (59): TrackAvatar::TrackAvatar
00007FFF194C35CF (DWrite): (filename not available): lj_set_fireworks
AC\sim.cpp (1066): Sim::loadTrack
00007FFF194F1950 (DWrite): (filename not available): lj_set_fireworks
AC\racemanager.cpp (351): RaceManager::initOffline
00007FFF194B6AB6 (DWrite): (filename not available): lj_set_fireworks
AC\racemanager.cpp (174): RaceManager::loadSessions
AC\sim.cpp (320): Sim::Sim
00007FFF194F1667 (DWrite): (filename not available): lj_set_fireworks
00007FFF194F162E (DWrite): (filename not available): lj_set_fireworks
AC\splashscreen.cpp (319): SplashScreen::PostRender
AC\game.cpp (181): Game::embarrassed:nIdle
AC\game.cpp (210): Game::run
AC\acs.cpp (477): wWinMain
f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\dllstuff\crtexe.c (618): __tmainCRTStartup
00007FFF9A996FD4 (KERNEL32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk
00007FFF9C0DCEC1 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlUserThreadStart
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Hmmmm... Maple Valley won't load now. Not seeing issues with any other tracks.

[EDIT] I figured it out. Merge Meshes was turned on in CSP. It has to be off for this track.

[EDIT 2] ...and I'm only getting 22FPS.

00007FFF6BE1C3F9 (MSVCR120): (filename not available): memcpy
AC\node.cpp (81): Node::removeChild
AC\node.cpp (62): Node::addChild
00007FFF195B635C (DWrite): (filename not available): FW1CreateFactory
00007FFF195B3EF1 (DWrite): (filename not available): FW1CreateFactory
00007FFF194A9EB9 (DWrite): (filename not available): lj_set_fireworks
AC\model.cpp (32): Model::load
AC\trackavatar.cpp (372): TrackAvatar::init3D
AC\trackavatar.cpp (59): TrackAvatar::TrackAvatar
00007FFF194C35CF (DWrite): (filename not available): lj_set_fireworks
AC\sim.cpp (1066): Sim::loadTrack
00007FFF194F1950 (DWrite): (filename not available): lj_set_fireworks
AC\racemanager.cpp (351): RaceManager::initOffline
00007FFF194B6AB6 (DWrite): (filename not available): lj_set_fireworks
AC\racemanager.cpp (174): RaceManager::loadSessions
AC\sim.cpp (320): Sim::Sim
00007FFF194F1667 (DWrite): (filename not available): lj_set_fireworks
00007FFF194F162E (DWrite): (filename not available): lj_set_fireworks
AC\splashscreen.cpp (319): SplashScreen::PostRender
AC\game.cpp (181): Game::embarrassed:nIdle
AC\game.cpp (210): Game::run
AC\acs.cpp (477): wWinMain
f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\dllstuff\crtexe.c (618): __tmainCRTStartup
00007FFF9A996FD4 (KERNEL32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk
00007FFF9C0DCEC1 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlUserThreadStart

Looks like it's got some condition that checks if it's the 4th of July and gives you buggy fireworks. Try changing your date in CM and see if it works right.
Ah right - wasn't sure whether they had custom mods made for them and secretly was hoping they may be released some day in the future. Thanks for the insight!
apparently according to tcr europe the mod will be released some day into the future however considering how dead rollovers are, id be surprised if that actually happens. And if it did, theyd make you pay for it and most likely will be half baked
Lamborghini Diablo GT2 V1 Ported from Gran Turismo 6 by Dragster666

phew took me a about a week to port it way way way harder than porting a Blur model. Anyway glad that i finished it. Note there are four issues with the car they are:
- Rear tires having a weird transparency issue not sure what's causing that.
- The digital gauge won't light up for some reason also stuff like speed fuel lap time on the gauge still isn't present yet but will be in the future in a V2
- The car's model is very jagged on the outside it needs to be turbosmoothed i don't know how to do that GT6 and Sport models look like this for some odd reason
- Missing stickers i couldn't place the texture stickers on the GT6 model for some reason but its possible not as easy as pasting a sticker texture to a Forza model.
feel free to give me some feedback on how the car looks/drives. And you're allowed to modify it or fix the issues.
Hey all, I made a google drive folder containing everything needed to run the 1996 ITC championship, bar the Alfa since I couldn't find a good one. If anyone has a good version of the Alfa, let me know! Credits are in the text documents.

The Alfa has been added! Thanks @TaistoTurri :D

Be sure to check out the ITC championship I'm running over on my YT if you want to see these in action :)
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