Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Sorry to continue posting about this but I thank @Fall Guy for bringing it up because I really think this could be made to look good by someone who knows what they are doing.



I need to read documentation if there is some about how to properly do lights and things if I am ever to do anything with it, I know there are plenty who could make something good in probably two minutes. I also hope Fall Guy can get it to work his end.
Anyway I was meant to be going to sleep but you got me interested in this and I have been fiddling for too long when I never intended to.
Hey Gutbomb! Thanks for this track! Nice!
I really appreciate your work and the many hours of effort.
Here is some hard :nervous: feedback:
For me, this is not a 1.0 version, if you compare this with other nice city tracks out there.
acu_dubai is, i think, the best example for the perfect city track atm.

Here are some bugs screenshots, and in the first step i would suggest to improve the background, that the track feels more like in the city.
Because now, there are no buildings and no 2D background with buildings. So this does not feel like it is the big Denver.
And you could just copy some of the 3D buildings in the distance, to have a more dense city.

LOL, Dubai is a conversion of a track made by a professional game studio. Not to diminish what ACU does by any means, but converting an existing track that is already full of details that was built by a team of people being paid over the course of months to build a track is a little different than my situation where I’m just one guy who has a family and a regular job during the day and a limited skill set.

Secondly, your screenshots there are taken from up in the air. Down on the ground which is the vantage point most people will be racing on this track from that particular street from the first screenshot looks like this in real life,


the only thing you would be able to see over the sponsor boards on the fence is maybe the top of that circled building. There are no more big buildings down there, and I’m not certain the circled one was even there in 1990.

the second screenshot yeah I think the texture on the city and county building there is a bit bright. Thanks for bringing that to my attention. The third, this is what they street looks like from the street:


And the last one, that’s just what downtown Denver looks like. I grew up in Denver and it’s just not that dense of a city when you are talking about skyscrapers.

1.0 isn’t a measure of quality. 1.0 is confirming that it meets my creative vision to the best of my abilities and I’ve considered myself to be done.

Have a nice day!
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Great looking track, well done!
Looked first at the wet: 'Sport intermediate Wet'.

Aint seeing no wet on this layout.

There is a file called +Wet mod info+.txt in the track root folder that has some instructions about the wet layouts. I'm not at home to test it, but here is the file content (worth a shot, it may work):

"Spot light works only with post process enabled.

The session settings of this mod must be configured like this :

Ambient temp. :

Track surface :

All layouts are disabled except one.
To drive other layout :

Open the file "+Wet mods+.rar" and drop the layout you want in the "UI" folder.
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Blender users: is the interface a little temperamental?
I'm trying to select all vertices of an object in 'edit' mode and it seems incredibly hit-and-miss.
What I'm doing:
Press A which selects the object and highlights it.
Press TAB to enter 'edit mode'
Press A again to select all vertices.

Is this incorrect?
Sometimes it works, most times it doesn't, sometimes all the vertices are selected just by hitting 'TAB' without having to press A again.
Most of the time naff-all happens.
The Lamborghini Diablo GT2 that i'm working on drives great. Love the design of the car. This was my first time porting a GT6 model so don't expect it to look very good. There are some weird jagged meshes on the car that need to be turbo smoothed in 3ds max but i don't know how to do that. Now i need to do the digital gauges.
Sorry to continue posting about this but I thank @Fall Guy for bringing it up because I really think this could be made to look good by someone who knows what they are doing.



I need to read documentation if there is some about how to properly do lights and things if I am ever to do anything with it, I know there are plenty who could make something good in probably two minutes. I also hope Fall Guy can get it to work his end.
Anyway I was meant to be going to sleep but you got me interested in this and I have been fiddling for too long when I never intended to.

This addictive!
Your fire looks excellent.
Me, well i am just putting a few spots of smoke around some tracks, its yet another weird game within a game.
AC is like minecraft..............
Blender users: is the interface a little temperamental?
I'm trying to select all vertices of an object in 'edit' mode and it seems incredibly hit-and-miss.
What I'm doing:
Press A which selects the object and highlights it.
Press TAB to enter 'edit mode'
Press A again to select all vertices.

Is this incorrect?
Sometimes it works, most times it doesn't, sometimes all the vertices are selected just by hitting 'TAB' without having to press A again.
Most of the time naff-all happens.

You should avoid using "A" as a means to select while in object mode because if there are multiple items on your scene (like lights, etc) using "A" will select everything on the scene. You should click on an object to select, then press TAB to toggle between Object mode and Edit mode;

If you want to select only a specific part of an object you can click on the viewport (if you use Blender's default selection controls - using right click to select) and whatever vertices are selected they will be deselected (in Blender 2.7x pressing A while on Edit mode can also deselect what's currently selected)
The Lamborghini Diablo GT2 that i'm working on drives great. Love the design of the car. This was my first time porting a GT6 model so don't expect it to look very good. There are some weird jagged meshes on the car that need to be turbo smoothed in 3ds max but i don't know how to do that. Now i need to do the digital gauges.
View attachment 937128
Maybe this tutorial could help you with turbosmooth...:)
Unfortunately I can't do any of this. I can try, following the instructions in the link above, to make the lod files. Is the mod badly made originally?
If it uses more polygons than what's recommended (as it seems to be) you could say it's not very well thought (and just for that reason you could say it was "badly made")

A lot of people who port car models set up those cars based on their own PC specs which often causes problems for anyone who's using Hardware that's spec'd lower than theirs
You should avoid using "A" as a means to select while in object mode because if there are multiple items on your scene (like lights, etc) using "A" will select everything on the scene. You should click on an object to select, then press TAB to toggle between Object mode and Edit mode;

If you want to select only a specific part of an object you can click on the viewport (if you use Blender's default selection controls - using right click to select) and whatever vertices are selected they will be deselected (in Blender 2.7x pressing A while on Edit mode can also deselect what's currently selected)
Yeah, I'm just editing one car so am happy using 'A' in this instance.
Any idea about my original question, ie why I can't highlight all vertices in 'edit mode'?
Hey everyone - just a quick question. What mod' do you think the following are using? I'm pretty sure I may have read something here about 300 pages back about it but I'm not sure if this is the ones you were on about. :)

And also, I have the delpisnky Wtcr and are good, are tommy78 tcr an improvement on that - are they any good? Thanks
Its the rollovers tcr mod that was recently featured in the TCR europe series, im pretty sure of that. Because it has the megane and no other tcr mod has the car model
Maybe this tutorial could help you with turbosmooth...:)

I'm not sure but I believe Turbosmooth requires (or causes) an increase in mesh resolution, raising the polycount...

I'm guessing the jagged edges on the model are caused by the amount of triangles in the mesh. It seems GT models rely heavily on a Tesselation method to produce the final look (This becomes more evident when you inspect car models ripped from GT Sport... The 6.0 Diablo GT model's tailights clearly aren't smooth, despite the substantially high polycount of the model)
If it uses more polygons than what's recommended (as it seems to be) you could say it's not very well thought (and just for that reason you could say it was "badly made")

A lot of people who port car models set up those cars based on their own PC specs which often causes problems for anyone who's using Hardware that's spec'd lower than theirs

now I understand, thanks. :cheers:Unfortunately, I can't fix it, so I gave up using it. I hope someone more experienced will fix it in the future.
Yeah, I'm just editing one car so am happy using 'A' in this instance.
Any idea about my original question, ie why I can't highlight all vertices in 'edit mode'?

Sometimes it gets kind of wonky, depending on what is on the scene (specially if there are bits you can't see wich sometimes happens because of vertex groups that might still have data blocks without actual geometry)

You could try selecting using materials or click on a vertex and pressing "CTRL+L" (unless the model is properly split in parts) as this selects all connected vertices
I'm not sure but I believe Turbosmooth requires (or causes) an increase in mesh resolution, raising the polycount...

I'm guessing the jagged edges on the model are caused by the amount of triangles in the mesh. It seems GT models rely heavily on a Tesselation method to produce the final look (This becomes more evident when you inspect car models ripped from GT Sport... The 6.0 Diablo GT model's tailights clearly aren't smooth, despite the substantially high polycount of the model)
Apparently not, because, a non smoothed vertex has 2 normals, so it costs you the double of the polycount, if you sum the other hard normals of the 3D model you're working on. While when you smooth verteces, the normals merge into 1.
This addictive!
Your fire looks excellent.
Me, well i am just putting a few spots of smoke around some tracks, its yet another weird game within a game.
AC is like minecraft..............

Well thanks.
It is addictive. This game within a game stuff is all well and good but if you're not careful, AC increasingly becomes less of a driving game and more of a cars and race tracks collectables experience, where instead of spending time driving them, you just fiddle endlessly with numbers inside of settings menus and config files instead :D.

So maybe Minecraft, and a bit of Pokemon (Gotta catch download 'em all), and I don't know much games with playing with numbers so... Microsoft Excel, or Quicken.
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Asked ya earlier, you are using 1.2?
What do your shots look like on other wet tracks?

Not to much, whats your world detail and anisotropic set at?
Car looks great btw.

Yes I am using version 1.2. But I think its a CM/CSP setting. Screenshot from Silverstone Wet mod:
Sometimes it gets kind of wonky, depending on what is on the scene (specially if there are bits you can't see wich sometimes happens because of vertex groups that might still have data blocks without actual geometry)

You could try selecting using materials or click on a vertex and pressing "CTRL+L" (unless the model is properly split in parts) as this selects all connected vertices
Thanks for your help.
In the end I had to select vertices on just one part of the car, THEN select the whole car, THEN hit 'tab' to launch 'edit mode' where all vertices are now highlighted.
Very weird, never had to do that before, even using the same unpacked kn5. Seems I had to trick Blender into being in 'vertices' mode first for some reason, which makes no sense at all.
Must make a note for future reference.


It took us longer than expected, but eventually, what was left of the original team tried to gather together to release the whole package! Enjoy guys! :cheers:



— added Racelogic VBOX LapTimer Delta-V LEDs working
— added Racelogic VBOX LapTimer pages: Laptime, Delta, Speed
— added Lumirank DRIVER ID
— added MOTEC LCD Pit pop-up
— added new MOTEC LCD and Racelogic VBOX LapTimer fonts
— added PerPixelMultiMap with Emissive map (Thanks to Stereo
— added seatbelts OFF/ON
— fixed issue with Pleds not working on IMSA cars
— fixed issue with taillights missing OFF_COLOR
— tweaked IMSA cars lights textures
— flashing lights now working also on IMSA cars
— tweaked some materials
— tweaked some textures
— tweaked emissive lights values
— added audio adjustments in ext_config.ini
— reworked RPM bar
— further physics/aero adjustments

** to access to Racelogic VBOX LapTimer pages, you need to bind Content Manager > Settings > Assetto Corsa > Controls: Extra Option B key/button.

** open VBOX_LapTimer_Delta-V_Leds.jpg to understand the logic of DELTA-V LEDs.

** for the PerPixelMultiMap with Emissive map shader to work correctly in-game, you need to copy the folders inside "ksPPMM_emissive" to your AssettoCorsa folder.

** Lumirank DRIVER ID will appear automatically. If you want to customize DRIVER ID letters, use the TEMPLATE inside the folder "Lumirank DRIVER ID Template". White color letters for PRO, blue color letters for PRO/AM and orange letters for AM. If you create a new skin, don't forget to edit the skin ext_config.ini accordingly, hiding the DRIVER IDs you don't need. Follow the examples written in "Lumirank_ext_config_skins.txt".



— added all the features present in the NSX GT3 V1.4


Amazing work but I have a problem the there is no digital instumentation

did you know how to solve this ?
Which one of these 5 choices would the community here recommend? That's the value that no search engine can provide. IMHO....Cheers!

As I said before (and a few people), what is better for me, might not be for you. We are not robots!
We are individuals, human beings. Each one has his tastes

Or, if your neighbours, buy a BMW, you will buy a BMW? Don't you have your own preference?
If your work mates, wear yellow shirts, you will use yellow shirts?

Never read in this very forum, some of us having different opinions, about some tracks and cars?

I always make my choices by my preferences. Never asked anyone irl and in game world what is best, or not.
But, its just me, it is my way of life.

Just for curiosity, I always bought my cars only, when I fall in love for the model itself, and not for the HP, or brand, for the friend or family, or neighbours opinion.
Just an example.

It depends even of what kind of hardware/software you have. Setups. Driving style. Car handling (what is ok for me, might be lose for you).
And on and on and on and on. My goodness.

Pick those 5 damn cars. Drive them and chose what to delete or not. Or delete all. Simple.

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Apparently not, because, a non smoothed vertex has 2 normals, so it costs you the double of the polycount, if you sum the other hard normals of the 3D model you're working on. While when you smooth verteces, the normals merge into 1.

I wasn't sure.
Thanks for clearing that out. :)

I haven't used turbosmooth more than a couple times as I'm not much of a fan of 3ds Max lol
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