Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Sharing if anyone else is/was struggling like I was for over six months with frame rate.
For no other reason, frame rate hovered around 80 for months when it used to cruise at 150-180 (max everything), ks car/track.

Did everything feasible. All the shaders released and going back, versions of SOL, every setting cm has to the Nvidia control panel (global and AC). Earlier tonight, I tried again. (why, just doing the same stuff).
Turned everything possible off/minimal in cm settings/ac. Global, MSAA, rendering frequencies etc. Went straight to 240 fps - from 80 (ks car/track). :dunce:

Flipped everything back to max the way it was when stuck at 80fps. Now back to 150-180.
So for whatever reason, turning everything off and back on, one of those settings needed a reset. No idea which one it was.
It may just apply to you. :lol::mad:

I use presets on CSP which has grown to like 10 now! With various changes on or off....
So i wonder if a preset with nothing clicked on then might work as a "reset" then go back to preferred preset and carry on?
Because i agree with what you are saying as i have had this same situation by using fallguys preset, then back to mine.... weird.


I typed a respose to this this morning but obviously forgot to press send then fell asleep (one of those night shift weirdos). Well anyway I also had this stuck low framerate issue twice and both times it seems it was WeatherFX / Sol.

Switching from Sol to default implementation and then back fixed it the first time it happened (after hours of resetting configs, clean Sol reinstalls, CSP version flipping etc). This also happened last week while I was maximising my clouds rendering performance with Sol. I started a session after I was super happy I found a settings I was happy with and was dismayed to find myself stuck at about 90fps max no matter what I did.
I forgot about last time and so I was messing with every setting again and then finally, switched in WeatherFX menu to Sol 1.5.4 just to see if I got better framerate on 2D clouds. Sure enough my framerate was flying again and I immediately went to switch back to 1.6 and everything stayed solid with good framerate and then I remembered the last time it was also something to do with this. I will remember if it happens again and this will be my first ting to try in WeatherFX menu, hopefully could be your cure too to save lots of messing around.


It took us longer than expected, but eventually, what was left of the original team tried to gather together to release the whole package! Enjoy guys! :cheers:



— added Racelogic VBOX LapTimer Delta-V LEDs working
— added Racelogic VBOX LapTimer pages: Laptime, Delta, Speed
— added Lumirank DRIVER ID
— added MOTEC LCD Pit pop-up
— added new MOTEC LCD and Racelogic VBOX LapTimer fonts
— added PerPixelMultiMap with Emissive map (Thanks to Stereo
— added seatbelts OFF/ON
— fixed issue with Pleds not working on IMSA cars
— fixed issue with taillights missing OFF_COLOR
— tweaked IMSA cars lights textures
— flashing lights now working also on IMSA cars
— tweaked some materials
— tweaked some textures
— tweaked emissive lights values
— added audio adjustments in ext_config.ini
— reworked RPM bar
— further physics/aero adjustments

** to access to Racelogic VBOX LapTimer pages, you need to bind Content Manager > Settings > Assetto Corsa > Controls: Extra Option B key/button.

** open VBOX_LapTimer_Delta-V_Leds.jpg to understand the logic of DELTA-V LEDs.

** for the PerPixelMultiMap with Emissive map shader to work correctly in-game, you need to copy the folders inside "ksPPMM_emissive" to your AssettoCorsa folder.

** Lumirank DRIVER ID will appear automatically. If you want to customize DRIVER ID letters, use the TEMPLATE inside the folder "Lumirank DRIVER ID Template". White color letters for PRO, blue color letters for PRO/AM and orange letters for AM. If you create a new skin, don't forget to edit the skin ext_config.ini accordingly, hiding the DRIVER IDs you don't need. Follow the examples written in "Lumirank_ext_config_skins.txt".



— added all the features present in the NSX GT3 V1.4

Thank you! You guys are EPIC.


It took us longer than expected, but eventually, what was left of the original team tried to gather together to release the whole package! Enjoy guys! :cheers:



— added Racelogic VBOX LapTimer Delta-V LEDs working
— added Racelogic VBOX LapTimer pages: Laptime, Delta, Speed
— added Lumirank DRIVER ID
— added MOTEC LCD Pit pop-up
— added new MOTEC LCD and Racelogic VBOX LapTimer fonts
— added PerPixelMultiMap with Emissive map (Thanks to Stereo
— added seatbelts OFF/ON
— fixed issue with Pleds not working on IMSA cars
— fixed issue with taillights missing OFF_COLOR
— tweaked IMSA cars lights textures
— flashing lights now working also on IMSA cars
— tweaked some materials
— tweaked some textures
— tweaked emissive lights values
— added audio adjustments in ext_config.ini
— reworked RPM bar
— further physics/aero adjustments

** to access to Racelogic VBOX LapTimer pages, you need to bind Content Manager > Settings > Assetto Corsa > Controls: Extra Option B key/button.

** open VBOX_LapTimer_Delta-V_Leds.jpg to understand the logic of DELTA-V LEDs.

** for the PerPixelMultiMap with Emissive map shader to work correctly in-game, you need to copy the folders inside "ksPPMM_emissive" to your AssettoCorsa folder.

** Lumirank DRIVER ID will appear automatically. If you want to customize DRIVER ID letters, use the TEMPLATE inside the folder "Lumirank DRIVER ID Template". White color letters for PRO, blue color letters for PRO/AM and orange letters for AM. If you create a new skin, don't forget to edit the skin ext_config.ini accordingly, hiding the DRIVER IDs you don't need. Follow the examples written in "Lumirank_ext_config_skins.txt".



— added all the features present in the NSX GT3 V1.4


Thank you soooooo much!! Looking forward to new gifts too?xD..
.../...Let me know what you think.

Edit 3: Ah, not quite sure what happened here. Maybe the new config with the new config didn't install for me? Just checked and it seems to include Slider's config already.
A problem for tomorrow.

Worked for me. I lost Slider's config and couldn't find it. Added this extension to the track and it looks massively better.


Now I'd like to have the flashing corner markers back that were present in the Gilles version.

Edit: corner markers flash now... just a little edit thanks to @norms
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Please, consider this as a help or a tip, for searching cars or tracks.
We will glad to help if this search fail tho.

Which one of these 5 choices would the community here recommend? That's the value that no search engine can provide. IMHO....Cheers!
shaders folder for game and shaders folder for editor are different. I'm 100% sure that there are missing shader in the editor one.

from assettocorsa\system\shaders , add missing shader to assettocorsa\sdk\editor\system\shaders
don't forget win and html folders

my bet :

edit : also when something goes wrong, take a look at <yourUser>\Documents\Assetto Corsa\logs\log.txt
it often contains useful info (like shader not found ;) )

@unpierrot and @norms. Guys, thanks so much for your help so far. If I get this sorted out, this will be a big deal for me. It's a thorn at the moment.

@unpierrot I'm going to try your advice above. I think and hope that the missing shaders might be the issue. Because I know for sure the materials I'm having trouble with are using _emmissive.

I'll let ya'll know how it goes.
Christ on a bike, that is one bright track. Physically painful to drive in sunlight. It's like Gilles took an rFactor port and lit it with napalm.
@slider666 didn't you do a config ages ago that turned the road from white to a nice road colour, and the sand from white to a nice sand colour, and the everything from white to a nice everything colour?

Edit: found it. Will try to merge.

Edit 2: very quick test hack. Unzip this to the track folder. Roads and desert darkened. Needs some more materials adding really and maybe retextures to make the desert look more like sand, but at least you don't need sunglasses now.

View attachment 937034

Let me know what you think.

Edit 3: Ah, not quite sure what happened here. Maybe the new config with the new config didn't install for me? Just checked and it seems to include Slider's config already.
A problem for tomorrow.

The config definitely darkens the tarmac, @Masscot. I just tested.
Christ on a bike, that is one bright track. Physically painful to drive in sunlight. It's like Gilles took an rFactor port and lit it with napalm.
@slider666 didn't you do a config ages ago that turned the road from white to a nice road colour, and the sand from white to a nice sand colour, and the everything from white to a nice everything colour?

Edit: found it. Will try to merge.

Edit 2: very quick test hack. Unzip this to the track folder. Roads and desert darkened. Needs some more materials adding really and maybe retextures to make the desert look more like sand, but at least you don't need sunglasses now.

View attachment 937034

Let me know what you think.

Edit 3: Ah, not quite sure what happened here. Maybe the new config with the new config didn't install for me? Just checked and it seems to include Slider's config already.
A problem for tomorrow.

The config file I included with Area 51 has some darken parameters for the terrain, track, and I think buildings. I have with the help from norms the corner signs working, but they dont flash. Just havent posted it yet with other things going on. This is not a Gilles track, I dont think. I helped him with side lines and some ai lines on many of his tracks and never seen him do an Area 51 track. I know ACF was working on a version of Area 51, but decided not to post it.
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Christ on a bike, that is one bright track. Physically painful to drive in sunlight. It's like Gilles took an rFactor port and lit it with napalm.
@slider666 didn't you do a config ages ago that turned the road from white to a nice road colour, and the sand from white to a nice sand colour, and the everything from white to a nice everything colour?

Edit: found it. Will try to merge.

Edit 2: very quick test hack. Unzip this to the track folder. Roads and desert darkened. Needs some more materials adding really and maybe retextures to make the desert look more like sand, but at least you don't need sunglasses now.

View attachment 937034

Let me know what you think.

Edit 3: Ah, not quite sure what happened here. Maybe the new config with the new config didn't install for me? Just checked and it seems to include Slider's config already.
A problem for tomorrow.

Looks darker with this config. Pretty good.

With some creative lighting, this would be a fun nighttime track, and as you drive through the building, there should be some reverb.
Area 51 ext_config update. I have taken the recent ext_config file from mascot and teddie and added my stuff for the runway lights, arrow signs, and one building that is on the track. So this has all the darken parameters for the track, terrain, buildings, etc along with the lighting for the Area 5f.

The Arrow signs do not flash, but if you want them to, change the condition name for LIGHT_SERIES_1 and MATERIAL_ADJUSTMENT_1 from NIGHT_SMOOTH to BLINK_ALT. I didn't try this but I think it should work.
Added note: just tried this and it works great.

Building lighting, the one I have, needs more looking into. Plus I was looking at other building lighting not included in this ext_config file. Just what I know that works.

Thanks goes out to norms for helping get the Arrow Signs to work.

For the area_51 track folder:
Create an "extension" folder inside the "content/tracks/area_51" . And then place the ext_config file inside that "extension" folder. If you have an "area_51" config file in the main Assetto Corsa extension/config/tracks. Remove it or you will or may have problems with 2 different config files.

Here is the link to the new ext_config file for area 51 track: Let me know how it goes. cheers.

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Does anyone use NeckFX in CSP? I have not used it for quite some time, but I tried to activate it yesterday and it does not seem to be working. Could one of the CSP updates since I last used NeckFX have broken it?

It's working for me in the latest versions of CSP without any problem. Maybe you should try reinstalling CSP to see if it fixes some glitch that's making it crash. The other thing is to double check you're looking through the cockpit camera and not the dash camera. I've been caught out by that in the past.
Hello, welcome to the AC BIG family, as a starter, I first recommend u to buy Content Manager which is a MUST for all hard core fans here, pls go for FULL version as well. Then u will realize a thing called "CSP patch" which try to play around it to bump up your graphics. Next keep watching this thread as it always has latest information for those great mod from all over the world, certainly google is another way but beware of virus. Your PC spec may not be powerful enough to run "Sol weather" app but u can try install it and see ! Good luck !

Ok. I finally managed to buy AC on PC. I am console player and never got chance to try this game on PC. I was afraid about performance. But after discount on Steam I decided to risk some money buy it and try it on my laptop. I was shocked that this SIM is working so great! It went 100FPS on ultra low settings in benchmark mode so I can put some details up to stay on 60 FPS :)

So here is my question. Where i should start with using mods? Any suggestions what should I install first? Or which mods to avoid? How to keep everything clean and tidy and avoid mess with files? Are those dynamic time of day mods very CPU consuming?

I have:
Lenovo Y580 Laptop:
i7-3630QM 2.4 ghz
16GB ram
GeForce 660M GTX
Area 51 ext_config update. I have taken the recent ext_config file from mascot and teddie and added my stuff for the runway lights, arrow signs, and one building that is on the track. So this has all the darken parameters for the track, terrain, buildings, etc along with the lighting for the Area 5f.

The Arrow signs do not flash, but if you want them to, change the condition name for LIGHT_SERIES_1 and MATERIAL_ADJUSTMENT_1 from NIGHT_SMOOTH to BLINK_ALT. I didn't try this but I think it should work.

Building lighting, the one I have, needs more looking into. Plus I was looking at other building lighting not included in this ext_config file. Just what I know that works.

Thanks goes out to norms for helping get the Arrow Signs to work.

For the area_51 track folder:
Create an "extension" folder inside the "content/tracks/area_51" . And then place the ext_config file inside that "extension" folder. If you have an "area_51" config file in the main Assetto Corsa extension/config/tracks. Remove it or you will or may have problems with 2 different config files.

Here is the link to the new ext_config file for area 51 track: Let me know how it goes. cheers.

With lights in and around buildings, light the runway marker signs, more trackside lighting (like real runways), then spotlights on the planes and helicopters... add some UFOs flying across the sky and this will be one of the most unique tracks for AC.
Ok. I finally managed to buy AC on PC. I am console player and never got chance to try this game on PC. I was afraid about performance. But after discount on Steam I decided to risk some money buy it and try it on my laptop. I was shocked that this SIM is working so great! It went 100FPS on ultra low settings in benchmark mode so I can put some details up to stay on 60 FPS :)

So here is my question. Where i should start with using mods? Any suggestions what should I install first? Or which mods to avoid? How to keep everything clean and tidy and avoid mess with files? Are those dynamic time of day mods very CPU consuming?

I have:
Lenovo Y580 Laptop:
i7-3630QM 2.4 ghz
16GB ram
GeForce 660M GTX

This forum is definitely a great place to start but it can also be very overwhelming.
If you have FB, this guys posts for AC are kind of a "best of" from the last 600 pages of this forum.
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Absolutely amazing man, love me some lesser known street circuits. Any chance you're gonna do any more like this?

Next one I'm doing is the 2000s Denver Grand Prix which took place on different streets and the parking lot of the local basketball/hockey arena. There is already a version of this for AC, but it's a paymod and it's a terrible conversion of an old Rfactor track.
Next one I'm doing is the 2000s Denver Grand Prix which took place on different streets and the parking lot of the local basketball/hockey arena. There is already a version of this for AC, but it's a paymod and it's a terrible conversion of an old Rfactor track.
Did you read my mind or something? You're talking about the champcar circuit around the Pepsi Center, right? If so, quit reading my mind.
Next one I'm doing is the 2000s Denver Grand Prix which took place on different streets and the parking lot of the local basketball/hockey arena. There is already a version of this for AC, but it's a paymod and it's a terrible conversion of an old Rfactor track.

Like it was yesterday, ChampCar and CART ran there and it was known as one of the worst street courses on the sched. Paul Newman even admitted that when we were eating lunch in the Newman/HAAS hospitality, ;). Small 'track', sprint, 90 left, 90 right - it was horrible. It would just tear up cars in a big way, sheering entire up rights, A arms and front wings clean off the car.

Maybe you can radius the corners :lol:
Actually San Jose with the cars jumping the train tracks may have it beat :D

View attachment 928404

Cascavel (Brazil) - Reworked by VheEth

Autódromo Internacional de Cascavel - Version 0.9

Original track: Automobilista - Reiza Studios
Original conversion:


@VheEth , I must say this is been my new favorite track for the Radical SR3 which I have been driving mostly this past while! It suites this car very nicely and I really like the bumps. Hearing the tires "chirp" on the bumps going into and accelerating out of the last turn going to the front straight is the kind of thing I find really makes this track alot of fun. All your Brasil tracks are great, Thanks and I look forward to more.
Yes so if for example you ever wondered why the guy standing at the end of the pits was holding his buttocks like this..

if you add something like this to config:

POSITION = -156.28, -1.66, 14.78
DIRECTION = 2, 0, 0
SPEED = 25
SIZE = 0.1
COLOR = 0.1, 1.5, 0.1, 1

You can now see that it is clearly because he ate something bad and has a terrible wind problem today.


You can just use object inspector to click somewhere and find desired location.

Sorry for that imbecile example guys and girls :)
(not actually sorry at all)

So tinkering with this I think about adding it to the Nordschleife, to finally have some kind of campfires around? Would that be possible?

Some of my personal best "just for fun racing" cars have been updated. Don't know if it's just the new skins, or there are other changes aswell. The v8 Brutes UTE Australian trucks. Part of an ongoing 50 years Ford vs Holden rivalry down under. If you haven't tried it yet, this is so different and so much fun. You basically drive the corners with the throttle to fight understeer entry and oversteer exit. Good cars to learn this techniques:
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Like it was yesterday, ChampCar and CART ran there and it was known as one of the worst street courses on the sched. Paul Newman even admitted that when we were eating lunch in the Newman/HAAS hospitality, ;). Small 'track', sprint, 90 left, 90 right - it was horrible. It would just tear up cars in a big way, sheering entire up rights, A arms and front wings clean off the car.

Maybe you can radius the corners :lol:
Actually San Jose with the cars jumping the train tracks may have it beat :D


Yeah not the best track but man I love that hairpin and the turn 2-4 complex is pretty interesting.

The 2006 race there was an all-time classic :lol:
Yeah not the best track but man I love that hairpin and the turn 2-4 complex is pretty interesting.

The 2006 race there was an all-time classic :lol:

I dont even have to watch the vid. Bourdais Mr tough guy, lol. I've known PT for years, he would have hurt the little child :D
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