Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
@VheEth , I must say this is been my new favorite track for the Radical SR3 which I have been driving mostly this past while! It suites this car very nicely and I really like the bumps. Hearing the tires "chirp" on the bumps going into and accelerating out of the last turn going to the front straight is the kind of thing I find really makes this track alot of fun. All your Brasil tracks are great, Thanks and I look forward to more.

Try this, it's the latest version
Area 51 ext_config update. I have taken the recent ext_config file from mascot and teddie and added my stuff for the runway lights, arrow signs, and one building that is on the track. So this has all the darken parameters for the track, terrain, buildings, etc along with the lighting for the Area 5f.

The Arrow signs do not flash, but if you want them to, change the condition name for LIGHT_SERIES_1 and MATERIAL_ADJUSTMENT_1 from NIGHT_SMOOTH to BLINK_ALT. I didn't try this but I think it should work.
Added note: just tried this and it works great.

Building lighting, the one I have, needs more looking into. Plus I was looking at other building lighting not included in this ext_config file. Just what I know that works.

Thanks goes out to norms for helping get the Arrow Signs to work.

For the area_51 track folder:
Create an "extension" folder inside the "content/tracks/area_51" . And then place the ext_config file inside that "extension" folder. If you have an "area_51" config file in the main Assetto Corsa extension/config/tracks. Remove it or you will or may have problems with 2 different config files.

Here is the link to the new ext_config file for area 51 track: Let me know how it goes. cheers.

Thanks. I didn't realise that your previous release already had a new config. I don't think it loaded for me properly because when I tested the updated track it was ridiculously bright, so that's why I did the very quick edit late last night. The values might be too dark at the moment, I basically just plucked them out of thin air as a quick test. I vaguely remembered that @slider666 had done a config for this track about a year ago that darkened some textures, and I'd added some helicopters, fighter jet fly-pasts, some distant balloons, and (I *think*, not driven it for a year or so) some random UFOs. I'm pretty sure I also redid the desert texture to look more like sand and less like ash. I don't think I ever released this version as it remained in WIP limbo and unforunately it's now lost forever when I updated the track a few days ago. If anyone by any chance has a copy then please shout..!

Edit: the flashing corner markers look great but we maybe need a few more of them to make to corners more visible?
Some road feel would be good too.
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Aosta 3.4.2 Final

Add 3dgrass
has anyone seen the wec le mans hypercar regulations for next year?

sound cool to me.

has anyone a list of available hypercars of good quality to use ?
like mclaren senna , aston martin valkyire and so on
Like it was yesterday, ChampCar and CART ran there and it was known as one of the worst street courses on the sched. Paul Newman even admitted that when we were eating lunch in the Newman/HAAS hospitality, ;). Small 'track', sprint, 90 left, 90 right - it was horrible. It would just tear up cars in a big way, sheering entire up rights, A arms and front wings clean off the car.

Maybe you can radius the corners :lol:
Actually San Jose with the cars jumping the train tracks may have it beat :D

It's the famous track where Paul Tracy made one of his brain fade moves and got into a fight with Bourdais :)
So tinkering with this I think about adding it to the Nordschleife, to finally have some kind of campfires around? Would that be possible?

Quote myself here again, I tried on Nordschleife at Hatzenbach but it does not work. What I am doing wrong? I used the coordinates from object inspector and added your lines into the config from Nordschleife but the smoke does not show up.
So tinkering with this I think about adding it to the Nordschleife, to finally have some kind of campfires around? Would that be possible?

Yes I don't see why not, that would be great to see. You could maybe also add a nice glowing light below for fire effect which would look nice.

I haven't messed around with the parameters too much so it is just about finding something a bit less flare like and more like naturally rising smoke.

DIRECTION = 0, 1, 0
SIZE = 0.1
COLOR = 0.7, 0.6, 0.5, 0.5

Something around that ballpark is maybe a starting point, I don't know, I'm sure you already had a go.
I suppose it depends on how large and out of control the bonfire has become too :)
I did find it hard to make the smoke less flare like when I messed with it but didn't spend too long with it.

I have only really used it for throwing a bunch of coloured flares in a grandstand and just having unrealistic (but pretty awesome) squirts of smoke over a track and the way the cars interact with the smoke when they race through it is so cool, I just don't know what practical reason there is for that interaction yet. You should all try it though.

Also those parameters I mashed in for that butt smoke has some pointless numbers now that I look because colours represent R,G,B,Strength and are from 0 to 1. I think direction parameters are also just either 0 or 1
Yes I don't see why not, that would be great to see. You could maybe also add a nice glowing light below for fire effect which would look nice.

I haven't messed around with the parameters too much so it is just about finding something a bit less flare like and more like naturally rising smoke.

DIRECTION = 0, 1, 0
SIZE = 0.1
COLOR = 0.7, 0.6, 0.5, 0.5

Something around that ballpark is maybe a starting point, I don't know, I'm sure you already had a go.
I suppose it depends on how large and out of control the bonfire has become too :)
I did find it hard to make the smoke less flare like when I messed with it but didn't spend too long with it.

I have only really used it for throwing a bunch of coloured flares in a grandstand and just having unrealistic (but pretty awesome) squirts of smoke over a track and the way the cars interact with the smoke when they race through it is so cool, I just don't know what practical reason there is for that interaction yet. You should all try it though.

Also those parameters I mashed in for that butt smoke has some pointless numbers now that I look because colours represent R,G,B,Strength and are from 0 to 1. I think direction parameters are also just either 0 or 1

Could you check my post above and maybe try at your Nordschleife? I did not get it to work yet.
Tried the Lister Storm from RSS recently on rainy conditions. The wiper animation along with the windscreen is borked, isn´t it? Can someone confirm this please? I wonder why no one has ever noted this.
Hey Masscot,

Is it possible now to have two separate shifting animations for gear sticks? (up and down) At the moment with vanilla AC you only have the one, which I always thought looked a bit goofy.
No idea, sorry - have you tried the CSP discord?
Could you check my post above and maybe try at your Nordschleife? I did not get it to work yet.

Sorry for the wait, you are not doing what I just did are you? I was putting it into ks_nurburgring.ini by accident instead of the nords one.

Also restart CM after any config change before you load the track up if you are doing it that way.

I got some rough smoke in and some sparks for a crappy simulated fire rough draft.



This is what i put in:

POSITION = -741.11, 144.5, 2192.51
DIRECTION = 0, 1, 0
SIZE = 0.1
COLOR = 0.7, 0.6, 0.5, 0.5

POSITION = -741.11, 144.5, 2192.51
DIRECTION = 0, 1, 0
LIFE = 0.5
Sorry for the wait, you are not doing what I just did are you? I was putting it into ks_nurburgring.ini by accident instead of the nords one.

Also restart CM after any config change before you load the track up if you are doing it that way.

I got some rough smoke in and some sparks for a crappy simulated fire rough draft.



This is what i put in:

POSITION = -741.11, 144.5, 2192.51
DIRECTION = 0, 1, 0
SIZE = 0.1
COLOR = 0.7, 0.6, 0.5, 0.5

POSITION = -741.11, 144.5, 2192.51
DIRECTION = 0, 1, 0
LIFE = 0.5

Thanks mate. I did not restart CM since I thought the edit of the ini´s could be done on the fly as usual. Will give it another try with your settings. I wonder why the creators of the ini haven´t fiddled around with this, it puts alot of life onto each track especially the Nordschleife. Now it needs some proper ambient sound as well, especially at Brünnchen or Schwalbenschwanz.
I have a certain Australian track that needs some lovin' in the form of cameras* and a config, of which I'm no bloody good at.
If you would like to help out pls drop us a PM.

@safi hellie with backup from @racealot have the cams covered. :cheers:
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Thanks mate. I did not restart CM since I thought the edit of the ini´s could be done on the fly as usual. Will give it another try with your settings. I wonder why the creators of the ini haven´t fiddled around with this, it puts alot of life onto each track especially the Nordschleife. Now it needs some proper ambient sound as well, especially at Brünnchen or Schwalbenschwanz.

Definitely I think if a bit of time was spent, it could really bring tracks to the next level. My smoke and stuff there aren't really any good I think, I just threw them in to see if it worked. I also might have bit more of a play around tonight if I have time, I'm probably going to be sleeping today. I would like to see how good it would look with some orange glowing lighting at the base and a few sparks together with some properly done smoke. I am not really a config whizz though so would just be fiddling to see what I could produce. Maybe when I wake up you will have made track full of bonfires and BBQs already :)
Hey I just "finished" my Denver Street Circuit and made it version 1.0 and released at RaceDepartment. Thanks for the encouragement and inspiration, guys!

Hey Gutbomb! Thanks for this track! Nice!
I really appreciate your work and the many hours of effort.
Here is some hard :nervous: feedback:
For me, this is not a 1.0 version, if you compare this with other nice city tracks out there.
acu_dubai is, i think, the best example for the perfect city track atm.

Here are some bugs screenshots, and in the first step i would suggest to improve the background, that the track feels more like in the city.
Because now, there are no buildings and no 2D background with buildings. So this does not feel like it is the big Denver.
And you could just copy some of the 3D buildings in the distance, to have a more dense city.

Forgot to post this a couple of weeks ago.

(not my video)

Oh no, more things for lazy modders to get wrong and cause problems :lol: but it does all look good and I love the fact AC is getting so much cool stuff still. Isn't it about time we got animated drivers feet on the pedals?
How is possible that this channel has all of the newest supercars/hypercars/sports cars?
I've just seen the new McLaren GT and the quality of this mod and the video is astonishing!
Anyone can tell where I can download the new McLaren GT 2020? Thank you!:cheers:


It took us longer than expected, but eventually, what was left of the original team tried to gather together to release the whole package! Enjoy guys! :cheers:



— added Racelogic VBOX LapTimer Delta-V LEDs working
— added Racelogic VBOX LapTimer pages: Laptime, Delta, Speed
— added Lumirank DRIVER ID
— added MOTEC LCD Pit pop-up
— added new MOTEC LCD and Racelogic VBOX LapTimer fonts
— added PerPixelMultiMap with Emissive map (Thanks to Stereo
— added seatbelts OFF/ON
— fixed issue with Pleds not working on IMSA cars
— fixed issue with taillights missing OFF_COLOR
— tweaked IMSA cars lights textures
— flashing lights now working also on IMSA cars
— tweaked some materials
— tweaked some textures
— tweaked emissive lights values
— added audio adjustments in ext_config.ini
— reworked RPM bar
— further physics/aero adjustments

** to access to Racelogic VBOX LapTimer pages, you need to bind Content Manager > Settings > Assetto Corsa > Controls: Extra Option B key/button.

** open VBOX_LapTimer_Delta-V_Leds.jpg to understand the logic of DELTA-V LEDs.

** for the PerPixelMultiMap with Emissive map shader to work correctly in-game, you need to copy the folders inside "ksPPMM_emissive" to your AssettoCorsa folder.

** Lumirank DRIVER ID will appear automatically. If you want to customize DRIVER ID letters, use the TEMPLATE inside the folder "Lumirank DRIVER ID Template". White color letters for PRO, blue color letters for PRO/AM and orange letters for AM. If you create a new skin, don't forget to edit the skin ext_config.ini accordingly, hiding the DRIVER IDs you don't need. Follow the examples written in "Lumirank_ext_config_skins.txt".



— added all the features present in the NSX GT3 V1.4

Awesome job,thanks for sharing ! :bowdown::):gtpflag:
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