Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Can you point in the direction or share a car with encrypted data? I haven't seen one yet and I didn't know the game would even read it unless something has changed. Are you sure the data file just isn't read-only?

The BK Studio's Audi R8 v1.04 have one.

I've found at least one other mod with encrypted data.acd but it was of a poor quality and I've removed it and don't remember which it is.
The Legaciy is available on Assettoland, never knew there was a MR-2 GT300 for AC though.

If someone has it... ;)
lololol i just looked into it b4 and i didnt see the legacy there but it really is, anyway thanks! and the mr2 gt300 is a private mod or didnt get released i think
I'm not worth frightening or appearing paranoid but when Content Manger scans online servers, I get Bitdender alerts:


It even blocks encryption attempts

Sorry for my english
View attachment 942006

I dont often post as I can usually find the answers I need within this fantastic resource that you have here, however can anybody help me find a way to remove these yellow grid lines-they are only visible during a live race but they are very annoying. Thank you in advance for any help given.

I can't check right now but I think it looks like you're using the photo app and you have the "grid" switched on.
I found a couple more of the POLYCODE tracks from China that you guys provided in past posts.

One I just tried is the PC_Ruisa track. I read through you comments about the track crashing
so I looked at a few files and changed a couple things in the UI files, and the track comes up fine
for me. Both the normal track and the Dragstrip.

The normal track is more of a smaller country side go-kart type track with sharp corners and the pit stalls are
angled out instead of straight in a line as normal pits. Fun track to drive and did a couple races with the
russian KC-76 type gokarts.

Did you guys get this track to work ok from reading your comments?

Will try the other track out tonight, the Singju track, I think that is the correct name.

take care
I found a couple more of the POLYCODE tracks from China that you guys provided in past posts.

One I just tried is the PC_Ruisa track. I read through you comments about the track crashing
so I looked at a few files and changed a couple things in the UI files, and the track comes up fine
for me. Both the normal track and the Dragstrip.

The normal track is more of a smaller country side go-kart type track with sharp corners and the pit stalls are
angled out instead of straight in a line as normal pits. Fun track to drive and did a couple races with the
russian KC-76 type gokarts.

Did you guys get this track to work ok from reading your comments?

Will try the other track out tonight, the Singju track, I think that is the correct name.

take care

I've got all of them working, brother. I'll zip them all up and just post them up for you guys. I renamed a couple so there may be some confusion. JSTurbo, I've renamed to the full name, etc.
I started a 2020 version of my FR2.0 today. The physics are like 50% done (not really happy with the power and such) but I need someone to help with the custom 3D model. It works fine but I get errors when loading and nothing shows up on the steering wheel, so if someone wants to help, PM me. Credits will be given upon release
EDIT: Fixed the issues mentioned, the halo was just missing an AO map and the wheel just started working :)
I had to move the gauge a little bit forward since it would eat itself up if i left it there. I already know about the shaders they are on a generic facebook forza level of quality i will be trying to do an AO soon. Also do 50s le mans cars even have back lights? as far as i'm aware they only have brakelights,headlights and dial lights. I'm more of an do it now fix it later type of guy however i can focus on one mod but i don't want it to just sit in my garage for like 3 weeks.
That's fair enough, and I might well be wrong about the rear lights - I just thought you'd missed them like with the recent McLaren.
It's the actual needle I was talking about, it's poking towards the driver rather than sweeping parallel to the face of the dial. This might be something that's only obvious in VR.
Please do keep on revisiting and improving your cars as you learn new stuff rather than abandoning them for the next new toy, as there are some really interesting and unique models in there. I'm still hoping the Porsche 968 will get some TLC, even if it's to make the headlight cups match the car's paint colour rather than the black that they all are now. For some reason a lot of the cockpit shaders don't respond to the normal ksAmbient etc tweaks, which makes editing a bit of a nightmare. This is the only 968 in Assetto Corsa so it'd be good to have a tip-top example.
View attachment 942006

I dont often post as I can usually find the answers I need within this fantastic resource that you have here, however can anybody help me find a way to remove these yellow grid lines-they are only visible during a live race but they are very annoying. Thank you in advance for any help given.

All you need to do is turn off the "photo mode" app by highlighting the right side of the screen so the app window pops up and unselect the "photo mode" app.
I'm not worth frightening or appearing paranoid but when Content Manger scans online servers, I get Bitdender alerts:


It even blocks encryption attempts

Sorry for my english

I use Bitdefender too and it sure does go a little overboard with protection sometimes. I always get something blocked when I download a mod someone has put on sharemods and it doesn't seem to like Wix sites either at times. One thing you can do use paste the suspicious link into . It scans files and links with a bunch of different virus/malware scanners. When I've tried it's not usually not an infection or anything serious, just an ad or spam or something, nothing critical yet. Always worth testing the link to be sure though. Hope that helps.
Guys, I'm having a really annoying problem with RSS Formula 79'ers. For some reason, the wheels and tires disappear but reappear. It doesn't seem to be an LOD issue. I've tried different variations of LOD setup for this car and it still happens. I don't remember this happening until recently. Anyone else have this issue with the RSS F 79?

[EDIT] It seems it may have something to do with the way i have my Visible Cars section setup:
MAIN=3, 5, 8, 21
GBUFFER=3, 5, 8, 13
SHADOWS=3, 5, 8, 13
SPECTATING_MAIN=6, 20, 40, 200
MIRROR=2, 2, 6, 7

Hmmm. I'm going to have to go back through our thread and see what optimal settings are.
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Rosamond AI 2fer Sunday

Besides Auto Club Speedway, I consider these my home tracks, and have been excited to see them both recently added to AC. I've been on both of them IRL doing motorcycle trackdays, and to me they are good enough representations to put a smile on my face.

Improved ai for Streets of Willow by Darkxxxide at Race Department:

I've been exchanging PM's with him and he may possibly include these files in his next update. TBD. In the meantime, I let him know I will post them here for you guys to take a look first. Feedback is always welcome.

Improved ai for Big Willow:

Also submitted to RD:

BTW my OCD was kicking in, and I noticed both tracks have the sun rising and setting on the wrong side of the planet, so I've included a lighting.ini file to get it somewhere in the ballpark.

Again thanks to @pk3r72owns for his creation, and also to @Gregz0r for his advice on setting the sun trajectory.

Take care everyone,
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View attachment 942006

I dont often post as I can usually find the answers I need within this fantastic resource that you have here, however can anybody help me find a way to remove these yellow grid lines-they are only visible during a live race but they are very annoying. Thank you in advance for any help given.

Hi that yellow grid you can remove it en the camera app where the gear is on the top are the options of the cmera there you gone a see visible grid or not grid i hope this helps you
Rosamond AI 2fer Sunday

Besides Auto Club Speedway, I consider these my home tracks, and have been excited to see them both recently added to AC. I've been on both of them IRL doing motorcycle trackdays, and to me they are good enough representations to put a smile on my face.

Improved ai for Streets of Willow by Darkxxxside at Race Department:

I've been exchanging PM's with him and he may possibly include these files in his next update. TBD. In the meantime, I let him know I will post them here for you guys to take a look first. Feedback is always welcome.

Improved ai for Big Willow:

Also submitted to RD:

BTW my OCD was kicking in, and I noticed both tracks have the sun rising and setting on the wrong side of the planet, so I've included a lighting.ini file to get it somewhere in the ballpark.

Again thanks to @pk3r72owns for his creation, and also to @GregzOr for his advice on setting the sun trajectory.

Take care everyone,

Thanks for the Big Willow fix. There was a major issue where AI would never pit. I'll test and see if it's fixed. w00t.
RuiSi keeps giving me an unexpected error when I attempt a practice session.

The other three tracks are really good, especially for track cars.

See if this works for you. It worked for me.

For anybody trying the the pc_Ruisi track. Go into the UI folder and open up the UI file. You will see that the 2002 is not in quotes.
It should be "2002". Everything in the UI file needs to be in quotes or you will get a crash back to menues.

Do the same for the Drag configuration also.

I didnt use Teddies version of Ruisi, but mine had the same thing.

Also if this doesnt work. @imported_ApexVGear mentioned this in a later post:
When I turn off/deselect "Merge Meshes" (General Patch Settings) it loads successfully.
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Guys, the track "Special Stage Route 5" that was posted earlier today has some issues with its surfaces.

Drop and overwrite the surfaces.ini I've attached. remove "txt" from the filename as usual.

Basically fixes some really bad heavy steering oscillation in the pit lanes. Also adds actual road surface values so the road has a normal grip level.

Thanks for the Big Willow fix. There was a major issue where AI would never pit. I'll test and see if it's fixed. w00t.

Cool Teddie, let me know if anything changed. The original ai had a pit lane line going all the way around the track, somewhat mirroring the the fast lane, so maybe it was getting confused. I've seen that on quite a few tracks. I didn't do long race stints with the new ai, but I know they were pitting in track day mode.
Hellooo everyone, Im (Kinda) new here, Ive been lurking for a while, feeding off of your links like a bottom feeding animal on an aquarium but I have replied to a few posts (My bad for not introducing myself first).

I just want to say that... Anybody watched the Fuji 300km? the debut of a new Supra GT500, and it sweeps the field. it came 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th. and in the GT300 category, the Supra gt300 won too... Weird topic to open up huh? I just wanted to say that Ive been playing with the Lexus GT500 by delpinsky from here, and Im having lots of fun, Thank You!
See if this works for you. It worked for me.

For anybody trying the the pc_Ruisi track. Go into the UI folder and open up the UI file. You will see that the 2002 is not in quotes.
It should be "2002". Everything in the UI file needs to be in quotes or you will get a crash back to menues.

Do the same for the Drag configuration also.

I didnt use Teddies version of Ruisi, but mine had the same thing.

I edited the UI file and was hopeful this was it, but nope. Even restarted CM and the PC to be sure.
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