I sent Tommy (Tamas) an email and he sent this and the updated EVO 500 my way almost immediately. Gotta love that kind of customer service.
So the car is all wrong, unless the liveries and the right brand. You asked for it, so, it goes nothing. Worth what it worth.
Why don't stop to feed some mods that are not accurated? Some modders only seems to be focused (nowadays), on the beauty side.
Nice shots and a good filter and the track/car will sell for itself.
Maybe because of SOLs amd CSPs and alikes. Makes me remember the old;
' Beautifull outside, ugly inside.'
For your words, you got a car that not fits anywhere. Unless to much time spend to BOP it. And even so, it doesn't feel right.

And again (not the first time I read), people buy a mod that is below expectations.
Many free content out there with good quality. I'm happy with my two
free Audi V8 Quattro DTM.
Sorry Ales, I like a lot your Touring cars history skills and knowledge. You are an encyclopedia.
Forgive me then, for these words.
@Paulo Ribeiro you should never apologise for speaking your mind. A good critique is worth a 1000 likes (even more for me, as I am old and likes are not that important to me in the first place).
But you didn't understand me here. I am not angry about Tommy's work, on the contrary, I love how he does things. There are, as you pointed out, a lot of people doing quick and dirty mods, that maybe look good, but that's all there is (I agree a lot of this is down to CSP and SOL making AC so beautiful), but Tommy is not like that. He's been modding from the early years of AC and in all this time he released, what, 15 cars maybe. Its because he takes his time and pays attention to every detail, and as
@MrB00 said, he answers every email and fixes any error that users may find. He is one of the good guys. The problem here is not his modding, but AC. AC is damn near perfect, but it's not. It can't be, cause it's a sim, not real life. And for that reason, there are some characteristics of cars, that have bigger influence on how the car drives, than they do in real life, and some have less of an impact. AWD being one like this. AWD have a lot of advantages IRL, but in AC they are just to good, compared to how they should be. That is why if you want a car to feel and behave right, you have to cut corners, use wrong data in some places, to achieve that. Even Kunos did this with some cars. M3 e30 for example from the same season for example. There is a guy on RD that is doing improved physics on Kunos cars by changing every single specification of the car to the right one, he did quite a few, including the m3 e30. And I'm sure now everything in theory is perfect, but his car now does not drive like it should. Kunos deliberately cut some corners to make cars feel more like they do IRL, because of the limitations of the AC physics and tyre engine.
And this Audi is the same. I don't question the work Tamas did, he probably put in all the real specs (ok abs he probably just missed), but because of AC physics engine, the car is now to fast. So what I want to do is not fix the car, but actually brake the car. I want to change some things to wrong values to make it act more like the real car did. Call it artistic liberty if you will. So this is something I can't write to him to do, like
@MrB00 suggested (ok maybe Abs).
I also am not angry he encrypts the cars. He put a lot of work into them, and companies like RTM or Simdream (although I have a strong feeling those two are at least connected if not the same company) would come and steal all the work and publish it for them selves.
So to conclude a too long post, I didn't want to crtisise the work Tamas did, but was just asking if there is a workaround for encrypted data, which I guess there is not, or if there is something in the setup that could be changed to achieve what I wanted, namely disable abs, reduce the brake power and maybe raise the car much higher. I know I can do this for me, but how to do it for the AI without changing the data folder. That's all.