Sorry, I´m not very good in self marketing.Ok, so I've got a Melbourne 2019 problem that hopefully someone can help me with. This is complicated so please bear with me.
Ok so there's a melbourne 2018 track by patrikpat that also has a 2019 skin available for it. Then there's also a standalone Melbourne_2019 track floating around.
The 2018 version has some issues that the grass is transparent and I've googled a bit and saw that people fixed it, but couldn't find HOW they fixed it. Then I saw that there was a 2019 version posted here in this thread and I grabbed it, but it seems like it's incomplete (its config file references a melbourne_2019_lights.kn5 but the melbourne_2019_lights.kn5 isn't actually included in the zip) so I'm guessing that file was just a fix for the existing track so you'd still need the base melbourne_2019 installed. I can't seem to find that anywhere and someone else in the thread looking for it was pointed to the f1classic forum thread where you can only download the 2018 version + 2019 skin. I'm so confused. Was there ever an actual "official" standalone track release of Melbourne 2019, or only a 2018 one? I would say there probably is a 2019 since there is a config file referencing files with 2019 in the name, but who knows?
Also never modded before and didn´t was aware how to post best findable releases and fixes. Maybe I should now reedit most ones and give them a better findable headline, or just collect them together like you do in one "review" post in the future? I´ll rethink that better.
But long story short, I posted here a fix and update almost 25.000 posts ago...
And btw. I was going on to release next update just for F1 start this year in Melbourne but you all know both never happened.
Give me a bit of time and I´ll take a look and release it later on. Though 2-3 things still not done but with more fixed shadows, more lights, better reworked AI from @LiquidSkyMan, fixed drs.ini from @gladbecker82, still working grass fx and some minor fixes, tweaks...