Hello __EASY__ are you sure that you rework the latest Version? I also replaced some older tracks with your Rework, but while driving it, sometimes it feels that one thing is fixed and 2 other things are broken. Maybe because you don't work on latest Version other people maybe still have.
I can understand the problems others have with all these reworks. I like all these track, but meanwhile i need to drive my existing track before replacing it with yours rework to see is yours better or the one i still have. So This means: Testing and comparing with AI, Testing and comparing in daytime, Testing and comparing in Nighttime to find the best version. Sometimes i decide to keep my existing version, sometimes i decide to relace the existing with yours and Sometimes i cannot find any differences.
Meanwhile i need to think for myself how do i spend my time better in the future: Keeping everything up to date with all these nessesary tests and comparings or should i only look for new tracks with their own Foldername?
Someome here suggested to use your one Foldername like __EASY__<Track-blabla>. Your can add credit to original Modder in a Readme files and within the AUTHOR Field in Content Manager. Additionally you can manage Versions there. I think / hope this is acceptable by the original creators of the track.
Hoping you could use your own trackfoldername in the future. Much easier to compare, and users can keep both Versions if they like.
A lot of Car Modders have their own Foldersyntax which is very easy to handle.