Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Really cool stuf ... How costly is this, anyone tried already? (hardware-wise)
BTW, could we turn off the "original" shadows and run the CSP ones alone?
Okay, I need help here.

I've always ran AC using CM's "real conditions" setting for the weather, but over the last couple versions of CSP (I'm using 1.60) it's simply borked anytime it's supposed to be raining. Cars are driving around with spray behind them, but it's beautiful, clear weather, no clouds, and worst of all, no rain visible either in the world or on the windshield.

What settings am I supposed to be using to get this working normally again... ?
Melbourne 2019
new update to v1.5

Hm, "my" test crew went out today... :boggled: :odd: :lol:

So, test it if ya like on your own risk. It should be "well-hung" now, but make a backup before and remove all old configs and vao-patches from melbourne_2019 in ac\extension folder before extracting archive into ac root folder (installing with CM should work to, but as I don´t install nothing that way, it´s untested).
There is a Version_1.5.txt for further informations.
This is still W.I.P.
To do´s:
sad-lions-head-palms and basket-lookalike-trees still not fixed :( (shame on me) :scared: ;)
replace "fake" corner lights by physical lamps or lights (sorry don´t know how to name them).

Thx acu, patrikPat for making the main work.
Thx all others involved like @Fanapryde, @Masscot, @norms and @leBluem for testing before
@LiquidSkyMan for reworked AI line
@gladbecker82 for fixing DRS ini
and many others here on GTP ... :cheers: 👍

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Melbourne 2019
new update to v1.5

Hm, "my" test crew went out today... :boggled: :odd: :lol:

So, test it if ya like on your own risk. It should be be "well-hung" now, but make a backup before and remove all old configs and vao-patches from melbourne_2019 in ac\extension folder before extracting archive into ac root folder (installing with CM should work to, but as I don´t install nothing that way, it´s untested).
There is a Version_1.5.txt for further informations.
This is still W.I.P.
To do´s:
sad-lions-head-palms and basket-lookalike-trees still not fixed :( (shame on me) :scared: ;)
replace "fake" corner lights by physical lamps or lights (sorry don´t know how to name them).

Thx acu, patrikPat for making the main work.
Thx all others involved like @Fanapryde, @Masscot, @norms and @leBluem for testing before
@LiquidSkyMan for reworked AI line
@gladbecker82 for fixing DRS ini
and many others here on GTP ... :cheers: 👍

View attachment 944848

Ok, so yesterday I posted about how I was confused about this track and today it gets a nice update :D.

I'm going to try something here.

I'm really confused about Fuji and Long Beach...
Hey guys, wondering if anyone knows of any 2010-2013ish LMP2 mods with good physics that put them at an appropriate pace relative to the KS LMP1 cars? Not fussed about the visuals, just need a good physics base. :)
Probably not the same version, the one I modified and the 1994 version and has only 12 original pits.
Hello __EASY__ are you sure that you rework the latest Version? I also replaced some older tracks with your Rework, but while driving it, sometimes it feels that one thing is fixed and 2 other things are broken. Maybe because you don't work on latest Version other people maybe still have.

I can understand the problems others have with all these reworks. I like all these track, but meanwhile i need to drive my existing track before replacing it with yours rework to see is yours better or the one i still have. So This means: Testing and comparing with AI, Testing and comparing in daytime, Testing and comparing in Nighttime to find the best version. Sometimes i decide to keep my existing version, sometimes i decide to relace the existing with yours and Sometimes i cannot find any differences.

Meanwhile i need to think for myself how do i spend my time better in the future: Keeping everything up to date with all these nessesary tests and comparings or should i only look for new tracks with their own Foldername?

Someome here suggested to use your one Foldername like __EASY__<Track-blabla>. Your can add credit to original Modder in a Readme files and within the AUTHOR Field in Content Manager. Additionally you can manage Versions there. I think / hope this is acceptable by the original creators of the track.

Hoping you could use your own trackfoldername in the future. Much easier to compare, and users can keep both Versions if they like.

A lot of Car Modders have their own Foldersyntax which is very easy to handle.

The GRID version of Algarve is astoundingly accurate and blows the Race 07 version out of the water. Ditto for Mont-Tremblant, I have a feeling both might be laser scanned to some degree. Width is 100% accurate for both, and elevations/cambers are dead on.

I've been desperate to see these tracks converted for years. I believe ACU was working on Mont-Tremblant at one point. I tried starting myself but couldn't get Blender to play nice with custom normals, and couldn't get the trees into 3dsimed.

The Reboot version of Race 07 Algarve is a great conversion but it's lipstick on a pig of an ancient and very inaccurate mesh. The final corner in particular is nothing like reality. The F1 race is coming up and only PCARS2 has a accurate version. Even sadder is GRID Autosport having the only good version of Mont-Tremblant in any game when it's one of the best tracks in the world.

I had no idea Mont Tremblant was in Grid. Cool! Wish it still hosted professional racing, it's such a wonderful circuit in such a beautiful place.

Long Beach FM7 is being overhauled by Reboot Team at the moment.

Do you guys have a new website or Discord up anywhere, or is this the only place to keep tabs on your work? Really keen to get my hands on Mont Tremblant and I'd hate to miss it in this busy thread!
How does this spotify thing work? tried to do it with an navigator but it just doesn't allow me to play songs? the csp hotfix list says that it supports the desktop spotify app but i don't see that. Do you really need a phone to play MP3 songs?
Melbourne 2019
new update to v1.5

Hm, "my" test crew went out today... :boggled: :odd: :lol:

So, test it if ya like on your own risk. It should be be "well-hung" now, but make a backup before and remove all old configs and vao-patches from melbourne_2019 in ac\extension folder before extracting archive into ac root folder (installing with CM should work to, but as I don´t install nothing that way, it´s untested).
There is a Version_1.5.txt for further informations.
This is still W.I.P.
To do´s:
sad-lions-head-palms and basket-lookalike-trees still not fixed :( (shame on me) :scared: ;)
replace "fake" corner lights by physical lamps or lights (sorry don´t know how to name them).

Thx acu, patrikPat for making the main work.
Thx all others involved like @Fanapryde, @Masscot, @norms and @leBluem for testing before
@LiquidSkyMan for reworked AI line
@gladbecker82 for fixing DRS ini
and many others here on GTP ... :cheers: 👍

View attachment 944848

Especially for doing QUALITY. Not Quantity.
Guys, here are my edits for Milan Castello Circuit. This will not overwrite the original track. This will install as its own track for the usual reasons; I had to modify the kn5 files, etc. Plus this will allow you to more easily compare this version with whatever version you're currently using.

This is part 1 of a 2 part update. The 2nd part of my update will include the Short Layout as well. Thanks for allowing me to share what I've fixed for myself a while back to appease my OCD :P -- Happy racing, my friends!

View attachment 944713

Thank you very much mate, and get well soon!
I hope this nice track will reach acu dubai and chicago level in the future. :)
Melbourne 2019
new update to v1.5

Hm, "my" test crew went out today... :boggled: :odd: :lol:

So, test it if ya like on your own risk. It should be be "well-hung" now, but make a backup before and remove all old configs and vao-patches from melbourne_2019 in ac\extension folder before extracting archive into ac root folder (installing with CM should work to, but as I don´t install nothing that way, it´s untested).
There is a Version_1.5.txt for further informations.
This is still W.I.P.
To do´s:
sad-lions-head-palms and basket-lookalike-trees still not fixed :( (shame on me) :scared: ;)
replace "fake" corner lights by physical lamps or lights (sorry don´t know how to name them).

Thx acu, patrikPat for making the main work.
Thx all others involved like @Fanapryde, @Masscot, @norms and @leBluem for testing before
@LiquidSkyMan for reworked AI line
@gladbecker82 for fixing DRS ini
and many others here on GTP ... :cheers: 👍

View attachment 944848

Amazing track! Really fun to race around with Shaun Clarke's Cupra!
Ok, so I've got a Melbourne 2019 problem that hopefully someone can help me with. This is complicated so please bear with me.

Ok so there's a melbourne 2018 track by patrikpat that also has a 2019 skin available for it. Then there's also a standalone Melbourne_2019 track floating around.

The 2018 version has some issues that the grass is transparent and I've googled a bit and saw that people fixed it, but couldn't find HOW they fixed it. Then I saw that there was a 2019 version posted here in this thread and I grabbed it, but it seems like it's incomplete (its config file references a melbourne_2019_lights.kn5 but the melbourne_2019_lights.kn5 isn't actually included in the zip) so I'm guessing that file was just a fix for the existing track so you'd still need the base melbourne_2019 installed. I can't seem to find that anywhere and someone else in the thread looking for it was pointed to the f1classic forum thread where you can only download the 2018 version + 2019 skin. I'm so confused. Was there ever an actual "official" standalone track release of Melbourne 2019, or only a 2018 one? I would say there probably is a 2019 since there is a config file referencing files with 2019 in the name, but who knows?

I've got "Melbourne 2019 v 1.0" from patrikPAT here:

In this forum there was also an update by slider666 (melbourne_2019_v1.4.7z):
How does this spotify thing work? tried to do it with an navigator but it just doesn't allow me to play songs? the csp hotfix list says that it supports the desktop spotify app but i don't see that. Do you really need a phone to play MP3 songs?
View attachment 944850

PERFECT, works like a charm. Dang impressive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just normal windows spotify player, play and enjoy
peterboese Today To 21:13
Sol 1.7 alpha 2 + 1.5.7 1.7 alpha 2 -

Sol 1.5.7

- core: reset after ppfilter switch now working

- custom config: new feature "weather specific variables"
# look in custom_config_example.lua
# or

Sol 1.7 alpha 2

- custom config: new feature "weather specific variables"
# look in custom_config_example.lua
# or
@Teddie Sending some healing vibes your way and hope you're doing ok.
And thanks for doing Milan and making it a separate install too :cheers:

Thanks, my friend! :)

Sure, no prob at all. Imo could also take a look for new grass fx. PM me what you think I could help. Hope you got my answers too. ;)
And of course, hope you getting well soon. :)

Thanks slider. Man, I just realized how I dropped off of our last conversation. Apologies. I'll pick it back up tonight. I have a lot of replying to do ;)

Thank you very much mate, and get well soon!
I hope this nice track will reach acu dubai and chicago level in the future. :)

Thanks much, Mike. I'm hoping to learn a lot more from you guys and your hard work. You, and others I've been learning from, have many really smart and clever ways to make things better that I still need to learn.

I thought that was a secret, nod nod wink wink say no more! ;) I guess that's one of ur so called "blatant" adverts for the team huh? :lol: 👍

Hehe, Mascot was probably providing the info as a public service announcement when it looks like there might be duplication of work. :) I'm so looking forward to seeing more tracks from you guys. I ran laps upon laps on Reboot Team's Chicago the other night. Heaven. It's interesting the difference in optimization between Reboot Team's and ChiqieFreaky's. Both look wonderful, but Chiqie's runs really horribly with more than 6 cars. Thanks for your hard work, guys.
I thought that was a secret, nod nod wink wink say no more! ;) I guess that's one of ur so called "blatant" adverts for the team huh? :lol: 👍
I heard a whisper that somebody was starting it from scratch so I thought I'd save them a lot of heartache... ;)

Reboot's still got plenty of secret stuff slowly baking away... as you well know. I don't think anyone's going to be disappointed. :)

Hehe, Mascot was probably providing the info as a public service announcement when it looks like there might be duplication of work. :) I'm so looking forward to seeing more tracks from you guys. I ran laps upon laps on Reboot Team's Chicago the other night. Heaven. It's interesting the difference in optimization between Reboot Team's and ChiqieFreaky's. Both look wonderful, but Chiqie's runs really horribly with more than 6 cars. Thanks for your hard work, guys.

Our messages crossed in cyberspace, but you nailed it.
Our Chicago was based on GRiD Autosport and Cheekyfreak's version was based on GRiD 2, but in the end a lot of GRiD 2 assets were added to ours so it ended up being a bit of a hybrid. There are some really talented guys in Reboot who work their socks off to make the tracks as detailed and feature-packed as possible with really excellent optimisation. That's why the tracks always take longer than hoped, but we think the 'quality, not quantity' ethos will ultimately be appreciated and the tracks will be enjoyed in their intended form for a long time to come.
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