Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Sorry for the double post but I'm struggling with something completely different:

I use the BAC Mono a lot for testing tracks. Lately I noticed that sometimes the Motec Display loses all readout and turns black. On some of the 'newer' tracks it's like that all the time, on others it's only part of the time.
E.g. the Curvelo versions:
erl_cristais V1.0: part of the time
trcb_curvelo: all the time

I first thought it had something to do with SOL/CSP versions, but seemingly not since all other 'older' tracks (Donington - Oulton - Okutama etc) don't trigger the issue and the display works fine, all the time.

Any ideas about this ?

Check the lighting part of the configuration, it has exposure fix set on, set it off (0).

View attachment 959934



— fixed broken rear lights emissive
— fixed rims
— fixed LOD B hide lumirank code for non racing cars
— added new damage textures
— added internal hood for damage
— added new LOD B, LOD C
— fixed LCDs brightness with PBR
— various tweaks
— fixed wiper animation last keyframe
— added Alpinestars driver suits, gloves (credits to Michael Doherty)
— added RainFX ready data.acd.RainFX. (rename it to data.acd when RainFX will be no more WIP)



— fixed broken rear lights emissive
— fixed rims
— fixed LOD B hide lumirank code for non racing cars
— added new damage textures
— added internal hood for damage
— added new LOD B, LOD C
— fixed LCDs brightness with PBR
— various tweaks
— fixed wiper animation last keyframe
— added Alpinestars driver suits, gloves (credits to Michael Doherty)
— added RainFX ready data.acd.RainFX. (rename it to data.acd when RainFX will be no more WIP)

**PLEASE DOWNLOAD & INSTALL ALSO Alpinestars Tech-1 ZX Glove Collection by Tripple8
Thanks @delpinsky for the great update ! :cheers::gtpflag:
Great news! I love your Clio and I love your car makeovers in general, they always look really polished.
If you do update the Clio there's a minor texture glitch on the bottom of the steering wheel where skin details seem to be mapped to the spoke:

View attachment 959742

Thank you! We're taking a loooong summer break.. Sometimes you need to take a break and rebuild motivation.. :) But we'll be back!
Is it possible to extract track because if so, some damn awesome beaming tracks id love to see in AC

Tracks not extracted as yet, need to understand the format (and I have no motivation right now to figure it out)
Cars are simple .DAE but alot of parts, alot of mesh. Some of the cars could be worth doing...
Tracks not extracted as yet, need to understand the format (and I have no motivation right now to figure it out)
Cars are simple .DAE but alot of parts, alot of mesh. Some of the cars could be worth doing...

had a quick gander, looks like a simple heightmap, some layers of the textures then a TER file which presumably contains the geometry on the map. quick and dirty heightfield in rhino (only handles 16 shades of grey not 256 / 1024 ergo that grain in the heightfield) , but i think you get the idea

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had a quick gander, looks like a simple heightmap, some layers of the textures then a TER file which presumably contains the geometry on the map. quick and dirty heightfield in rhino (only handles 16 shades of grey not 256 / 1024 ergo that grain in the heightfield) , but i think you get the idea View attachment 960047
View attachment 960048
just a hint...
When there is no road mesh, sometimes... If the materials form a dedicated "road", you can isolate that, convert to an object to import back in (raise the new mesh 2mm on Y axis) and have a "new road"
Help would be appreciated. Tires are glossy on all cars. Tire FX being on or off makes no difference. What can I do to resolve this? See attached images.

Screenshot_rss_formula_1990_monza_23-8-120-18-44-53 by None, on Flickr

'Settings / video under reflections' - whats those settings look like? And 'settings / CSP / reflectionsFX'

First time sitting down with the RSS beast, not shiny like yours but for whatever reason the default and other mod tires/wheels are an odd grayish (making them look almost shiny) - never seen any ow car doing that.
peterboese Today TO 08:58
Alpha 8

- apps: apdated by leBluem, Sol_weather 10.2, Sol_config 1.4, Sol_custom_weather 0.3

- sky shader: not influenced by ta_exp_fix if PP off
- sky shader: adapted sky reflection brightness to PP off

- sky/night: adapted "night horizont glow" to the last sky changes

- filter: If godrays are control by Sol (ppfilter__modify_godrays = true), godrays are FOV-dependent, stable look with different FOV
- filter: adapted CSP global lights control

- custom config: a file in /extension/weather/sol/ will be loaded with higher priority
- custom config: fixed custom sky preset variable
- custom config: added Sol filter function, SOL_filter__get_CSP_light_control()
## all filter functions:
# returns Sol's CSP global lights multiplier -> SOL_filter__get_CSP_light_control()
# returns Sol's special AE exposure base -> SOL_filter__get_exposure_base()
# sets Sol's special AE exposure base-> SOL_filter__set_exposure_base(exposure)

- PPFilter: overhauled "__Sol_Extra"

Is just in my case but this version kills lots fps compared 1.57????
Guys, I started a Patreon:

I'm giving any funds that I get to my son who's been helping me with tons of models in Blender. He never complains and I think he really just loves helping me out.

Thanks, my friends. Happy racing!
I'm not questioning your choice, it's totally yours to make, but I'm just curious as to why you chose Patreon's subscription method instead of, for example, the PayPal.Me post-release donation route?
I'm not entirely convinced that Patreon's model fits car and track mods very well, as the temptation undoubtedly exists to start lots of projects to attract new subscribers then slow the actual public releases right down to a crawl so that dev builds are still an ongoing carrot dangling in front of potential (and existing) subscribers. It's no secret that it's in the Patreon owners' interests to spin things out for as long as they can to maximise revenue, and I'm sure this must be hard to resist when the Patreon is set up entirely to generate revenue. Not saying anyone here does this, or that you would even consider it, but it does happen.
Personally I much prefer rewarding a deserving modder with a donation after the fact once I've derived some enjoyment from the mod and think the modder deserves a cup of coffee by way of thanks, rather than paying in advance for something that I might not actually enjoy. It's why I stopped buying season passes sight unseen with new videogame releases - so many of them ended up being disappointing, unused and a waste of money. And I guess by asking for an optional PayPal donation from a player as a thank you if they enjoyed the mod, after the mod has been completed and released, then the modder is kind of keeping more within the original spirit of modding as a fun diversion done for personal enjoyment rather than as a way to generate money. There seems to be a shift happening in the modding scene where modders increasingly consider themselves to be their own personal indie videogame company rather than a hobbyist deriving enjoyment from creating content and sharing it freely. If this trend continues then I'm not sure how well it bodes for the future of modding, to be honest.
I almost deleted this post before hitting send because monetisation of mods can be a touchy subject (like private mods and encryption are), but it is probably worthy of discussion in a thread dedicated to modding.
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I'm not entirely convinced that Patreon's model fits car and track mods very well, as the temptation undoubtedly exists to start lots of projects to attract new subscribers then slow the actual public releases right down to a crawl so that dev builds are still an ongoing carrot dangling in front of potential (and existing) subscribers...

I guess I'm quite qualified at this point to speak up on this.

Initially I started my Patreon feed for two main reasons: 1, in order to just generate some money for my Google Drive account, as the amount of projects I had on the go, along with backups etc, was getting out of hand, and I needed the space. And 2, the same time as a lot of stuff I was releasing as an 'Early build' onto places like RD to get feedback etc, were just getting the **** torn out of them in comments and reviews.

I'm totally open to peoples opinions on my work, but on Race Department or something like that, a 1 star review for somebody that really didn't like something that I never claimed was finished stays next to that mod forever, even when it is finished. I know I could just ignore it, or don't read the reviews, but it's impossible not to.

So the idea to remove access to people that expected the world for free and perfect quality for a first draft, and generate enough money to keep my hard work safe on the cloud seemed to like a good one to me. It's removed a lot of negativity from comments and reviews, and I think my mental health, and enjoyment of the hobby has vastly improved because of it.

However, it did garner more attention than I expected, and has become a fair bit of money every month. So of course the attention has shifted slightly to try and keep paying supporters happy. I pointed this out in a previous post, and I admit I've got carried away on making new tracks and trying new ideas all of the time, and because of that public releases have suffered. But on the other hand, I think at this point i'm getting more enjoyment out of building tracks, than driving on them. I think this has always been the case, since I was a kid. With my endeavors getting attention from various websites see

What i'm trying to say is, an unexpected side effect of my Patreon is I now feel responsibility for providing content for so many people that are generously giving me a bit of money each month. The upside is that my work is safe and I'm able to make loads of interesting tracks, real or fictional, get feedback, try new ideas, and also push aside a lot of negativity from seemingly ungrateful people. The negatives are, now i'm not so concerned with trying to convince people that leave crappy reviews that my work is actually good, the public and finished releases have dropped to a slow trickle.

Another point i'd like to raise is, In my case at least, it's not so much "carrot dangling", as people are now seeing more of the behind the scenes stuff, it's worth noting I had 35+ tracks on my Patreon when I launched it, all in various stages of development. Theses are tracks which would probably have never seen the light of day otherwise. But now because of some positive feedback on ideas i'd certainly pushed to the side, they've been bought forward and are getting more work done on them. People are seeing more of my work, which is a good thing I think.
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I guess I'm quite qualified at this point to speak up on this.

Initially I started my Patreon feed for two main reasons: 1, in order to just generate some money for my Google Drive account, as the amount of projects I had on the go, along with backups etc, was getting out of hand, and I needed the space. And 2, the same time as a lot of stuff I was releasing as an 'Early build' onto places like RD to get feedback etc, were just getting the **** torn out of them in comments and reviews.

I'm totally open to peoples opinions on my work, but on Race Department or something like that, a 1 star review for somebody that really didn't like something that I never claimed was finished stays next to that mod forever, even when it is finished. I know I could just ignore it, or don't read the reviews, but it's impossible not to.

So the idea to remove access to entitled people that expected the world for free and perfect quality for a first draft, and generate enough money to keep my hard work safe on the cloud seemed to like a good one to me. It's removed a lot of negativity from comments and reviews, and I think my mental health, and enjoyment of the hobby has vastly improved because of it.

However, it did garner more attention than I expected, and has become a fair bit of money every month. So of course the attention has shifted slightly to try and keep paying supporters happy. I pointed this out in a previous post, and I admit I've got carried away on making new tracks and trying new ideas all of the time, and because of that public releases have suffered. But on the other hand, I think at this point i'm getting more enjoyment out of building tracks, than driving on them. I think this has always been the case, since I was a kid. With my endeavors getting attention from various websites see

What i'm trying to say is, an unexpected side effect of my Patreon is I now feel responsibility for providing content for so many people that are generously giving me a bit of money each month. The upside is that my work is safe and I'm able to make loads of interesting tracks, real or fictional, get feedback, try new ideas, and also push aside a lot of negativity from freeloaders. The negatives are, now i'm not so concerned with trying to convince people that leave crappy reviews that my work is actually good, the public and finished releases have dropped to a slow trickle.

Another point i'd like to raise is, In my case at least, it's not so much "carrot dangling", as people are now seeing more of the behind the scenes stuff, it's worth noting I had 35+ tracks on my Patreon when I launched it, all in various stages of development. Theses are tracks which would probably have never seen the light of day otherwise. But now because of some positive feedback on ideas i'd certainly pushed to the side, they've been bought forward and are getting more work done on them. People are seeing more of my work, which is a good thing I think.
Thanks very much for the detailed insight - I always suspected the situation had more depth and nuance so it's great to get perspective from someone who is actually operating a Patreon.
I'm not sure it's a good idea calling people who download your public releases 'entitled' and 'freeloaders' though. If they were stealing paid content, then fair enough, but you put those tracks out for free public consumption and to be critiqued so the term probably isn't quite appropriate (and is actually quite derogatory TBH :lol:). I've had silly reviews of my content on RD too - it goes with the territory. People are people. But I know it can be frustrating when the complaints are daft.
I'm not sure it's a good idea calling people who download your public releases 'entitled' and 'freeloaders' though. If they were stealing paid content, then fair enough, but you put those tracks out for free public consumption and to be critiqued so the term probably isn't quite appropriate (and is actually quite derogatory TBH :lol:).

I guess the terms used, describe the 'entitlement' to perfect content for free. People complain it's not good enough, and can get quite nasty, yet if I didn't put the effort in, to give them free content, the content wouldn't even exist. Maybe freeloaders is too strong of a term, but ungrateful certainly is not. They don't even say thanks :rolleyes: haha.
I'm not questioning your choice, it's totally yours to make, but I'm just curious as to why you chose Patreon's subscription method instead of, for example, the PayPal.Me post-release donation route?
I'm not entirely convinced that Patreon's model fits car and track mods very well, as the temptation undoubtedly exists to start lots of projects to attract new subscribers then slow the actual public releases right down to a crawl so that dev builds are still an ongoing carrot dangling in front of potential (and existing) subscribers. It's no secret that it's in the Patreon owners' interests to spin things out for as long as they can to maximise revenue, and I'm sure this must be hard to resist when the Patreon is set up entirely to generate revenue. Not saying anyone here does this, or that you would even consider it, but it does happen.
Personally I much prefer rewarding a deserving modder with a donation after the fact once I've derived some enjoyment from the mod and think the modder deserves a cup of coffee by way of thanks, rather than paying in advance for something that I might not actually enjoy. It's why I stopped buying season passes sight unseen with new videogame releases - so many of them ended up being disappointing, unused and a waste of money. And I guess by asking for an optional PayPal donation from a player as a thank you if they enjoyed the mod, after the mod has been completed and released, then the modder is kind of keeping more within the original spirit of modding as a fun diversion done for personal enjoyment rather than as a way to generate money. There seems to be a shift happening in the modding scene where modders increasingly consider themselves to be their own personal indie videogame company rather than a hobbyist deriving enjoyment from creating content and sharing it freely. If this trend continues then I'm not sure how well it bodes for the future of modding, to be honest.
I almost deleted this post before hitting send because monetisation of mods can be a touchy subject (like private mods and encryption are), but it is probably worthy of discussion in a thread dedicated to modding.

In my case it is motivating me to go even faster and i already did and learned more stuff to put in my releases. My patrons are motivating me! I hope you will feel this in my upcoming RD release, which i already planned for the weekend.
Some income losses COVID caused was my reason.
And i think the world outside this thread and a few other people, are always: gimme gimme , and do not care about donating.

So i never would have released so much in the future without my patreon. i would have simply stopped doing much more modding. Because it is freaking time eating mostly , my family also needs me and some money.

That is why i also love the patreons of the other good AC guys! Because you feel that they are motivated to bring quality content for very little money, and much motivation through their patrons.
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In my case it is motivating me to go even faster and i already did and learned more stuff to put in my releases. My patrons are motivating me! I hope you will feel this in my upcoming RD release, which i already planned for the weekend.
Some income losses COVID caused was my reason.
And i think the world outside this thread and a few other people, are always: gimme gimme , and do not care about donating.

So i never would have released so much in the future without my patreon. i would have simply stopped doing much more modding. Because it is freaking time eating mostly , my family also needs me and some money.

That is why i also love the patreons of the other good AC guys! Because you feel that they are motivated to bring quality content for very little money.
Thanks Mike, another interesting perspective.
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