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  • Thread starter daan

I don't have much free time lately, but I dug out a couple of unpublished cars from the old drive, plus I finished the physics in the Honda Civic Type-R, changed the sound, technical data, power and made a missing frame from the rear window,and many would be good if somebody would improve the painting and ao.

Good old Golf 1 Gti

View media item 68293
vw_golf_gti_mk1_s1.rar - 40.3 MB

E30 from GMP plus Japanese rims and strong v8 under the bonnet

View media item 68292
gmp_bmw_e30_coupe_m62.rar - 88.7 MB

Turkish Fiat called Tofas after tuning, necessarily set the turbo to 100%.

View media item 68294
ds_Dogan_SLX.rar - 89.9 MB

Improved VMV Opel Kadett Coupe, good ,but still requires work....

View media item 68295
vmw_opel_kadett_tuned.rar - 106.6 MB

Probably one of the best esprit to download for AC

View media item 68296
lotus_esprit_V8_GT.rar - 74.4 MB

Honda Civic Type R by Polycode updated by JakubP

View media item 68298
pc_civic.rar - 51.2 MB

Have Fun !!

Thank you for the cars! They drive phenomenal!
Maybe the Opel Kadett a little too easy?? Check it out again if you have time. Thanks again.

@JakubP Any chance you could rework this M2 Competition?

You can modify the reflection and brightness values in the content manager showroom. Simply open the vehicle, point to any of the tires with the mouse and change the values to some similar to those of an official Kunos vehicle. Then save and go. It's good to say that this is about a bit of trial and error. The good thing is that you can see the changes in real time while you are in the showroom.
I'm still culling my mod library and trying to be as brutal as I can, so almost threw this anonymous 991 mod out as it had a lot of problems.
Ended up fixing them instead.
No idea where the original car came from (the author was blank) but the basic model was good (Forza rip maybe?) and it drives nicely, it just needed a bunch of fixes.

Porsche 991 Carrera GTS
v1.1mas 09/2020
- adjusted driver position (he now holds the steering wheel through the rotation)
- fixed opaque brown windscreen
- fixed broken audio
- adjusted hand/wheel steering synch
- adjusted shifting animation timing and preload
- added UI info

To be sure: it's about the exposure fix in the track extension>ext_config.ini>

was just poking a stick at it, someone else posted they did not like that setting because it overexposed everything, personally i add it to all my tracks because with rainfx things get a bit too dark/dull/washed out, so its the only real "lighting" change to that track that differs from the original it was converted from.
Was hoping for you that changing it back would fix it, maybe comment the whole section out, might be a different setting causing it, if not I am out of guesses? (you should have seen an immediate change by turning it off, going from properly lit to very dull?) if not there is something else broken as well for you.

edit: just tested completely removing the config, no change it does not light up. Suspect the issue is elsewhere, maybe a shared material or shader in that track.

now that I have figured out how to reuse all the trees in the original AMS track I am nearing completion on a brand new conversion, not a conversion of a conversion, a "purist" direct ams>>ac, will be interesting to see if same problem exists,
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was just poking a stick at it, someone else posted they did not like that setting because it overexposed everything, personally i add it to all my tracks because with rainfx things get a bit too dark/dull/washed out, so its the only real "lighting" change to that track that differs from the original it was converted from.
Was hoping for you that changing it back would fix it, maybe comment the whole section out, might be a different setting causing it, if not I am out of guesses? (you should have seen an immediate change by turning it off, going from properly lit to very dull?) if not there is something else broken as well for you.

edit: just tested completely removing the config, no change it does not light up. Suspect the issue is elsewhere, maybe a shared material or shader in that track.

now that I have figured out how to reuse all the trees in the original AMS track I am nearing completion on a brand new conversion, not a conversion of a conversion, a "purist" direct ams>>ac, will be interesting to see if same problem exists,

The issue is the latest CSP version. It breaks the display on the latest one. Roll back to 0.1.6 and it's fixed.

EDIT - I might be barking up the wrong tree here and this problem is a different one to the missing motect display. Sorry if it's something completely different lol

I don't have much free time lately, but I dug out a couple of unpublished cars from the old drive, plus I finished the physics in the Honda Civic Type-R, changed the sound, technical data, power and made a missing frame from the rear window,and many would be good if somebody would improve the painting and ao.

Good old Golf 1 Gti

I really enjoyed the Golf GTI at LA Canyons, great car and great sound. Thank you!!
for the modders converting ams and rf tracks (or any track actually with those godawful single plane bushes and trees) wrote a script for blender, converts all selected singles into crossplane.

Script here will work with any official AMS/RF track, and any track where trees are YUP.

How to use:
download script, in Blender load in Scripting tab.

Workflow non AMS/RF (trees are seperated single planes, good normals.)

1. Select all objects for conversion
2. Press play button in Script interface
3. Drink beer.

For AMS/RF (multiple tree planes joined, bad normals.)

1. Select objects for conversion
2. [edit mode], hit P and [seperate by loose parts]
3. ALT+N and [recalculate normals outside.]
4. Press play button in Script interface
5. [object mode] CTRL+J to rejoin meshes.

Skip to 56s to to bypass texture fixes (they happen off screen)

import bpy
from math import radians
from mathutils import Vector
from mathutils import Matrix

#pass all selected objects to the script
selected = bpy.context.selected_objects
#setup the workspace variable
scene = bpy.context.scene

#iterate through all selected objects
for obj in selected:
    #move getOrigin to centre of object
    objTemp =
    objTempMatrix = obj.matrix_world
    getOrigin = sum(( for v in objTemp.vertices), Vector()) / len(objTemp.vertices)
    MatrixTranslation = Matrix.Translation(-getOrigin)
    objTempMatrix.translation = objTempMatrix @ getOrigin

    #copy object in place aka duplicate
    duplicatedObject = obj.copy() =

    #rotate the duplicate 90 degrees
    duplicatedObject.rotation_euler = (obj.rotation_euler.to_matrix() @ Matrix.Rotation(radians(90), 3, 'Y')).to_euler()
@RMi_wood @VheEth hope this helps fellas.

TODO: Figure out how to add below to AMS/RF specific tool to reduce steps 2/3/5 to code handled, but, they will break NON AMS/RF tracks where trees might not be built the same, so probably end up as seperate scripts once built.

#seperate meshes by loose parts

#recalculate normals to outside
meshes =
for mesh in meshes:
     bmesh.ops.recalc_face_normals(bm, faces=bm.faces)


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I m Looking for Some new AMG GT3 EVO 2020 BY AGU Modding Skins after this early Rear Bumper Update...Old available skins doesn t work with the new version...
Thanks in advance:):)
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I CB, sorry for the offtopic, but are you thinking in updating Tripoli track?
AS it is now, I can't play. CM give me an error while loading.

Really really love to drive there with my 1930 cars.

Impancientely waiting,
Paulo ;)


Please update it.
I can post the vanilla rfactor track again k
if you need it
The default and modded tire sets were to gray and shiny'ish on the '90 RSS, Pirelli's for the RSS hybrid seem to work a little better. :D
Schwapp right over.

I CB, sorry for the offtopic, but are you thinking in updating Tripoli track?
AS it is now, I can't play. CM give me an error while loading.

Really really love to drive there with my 1930 cars.

Impancientely waiting,
Paulo ;)

I am trying to not fall in the modder trap of more==better, and finish one track properly, for now its Curvelo, I want to bring the track over from AMS in its complete state with all trees and objects, original conversion cut a lot of corners.

Will get back on Tripoli after, what is done so far (new from scratch) is new actual terrain data and a new road mesh which is based on a tracing of the remainders of the old track from google telemetry, as the original is quite different to the real layout in a lot of areas. I am struggling to find what the pits actually looked like, the one online resource that showed it as a seperate road is innacurate from what few resources I can find. the original track in rf/ams had pits you could not actually get into. If you find any info on this matter post it up or send to me, also I am happy to release the FBX of what I have so far if any modder wants to run with it.
I am trying to not fall in the modder trap of more==better, and finish one track properly, for now its Curvelo, I want to bring the track over from AMS in its complete state with all trees and objects, original conversion cut a lot of corners.

Will get back on Tripoli after, what is done so far (new from scratch) is new actual terrain data and a new road mesh which is based on a tracing of the remainders of the old track from google telemetry, as the original is quite different to the real layout in a lot of areas. I am struggling to find what the pits actually looked like, the one online resource that showed it as a seperate road is innacurate from what few resources I can find. the original track in rf/ams had pits you could not actually get into. If you find any info on this matter post it up or send to me, also I am happy to release the FBX of what I have so far if any modder wants to run with it.

I have a book centered around grand prix racing in the 30s will look up there tomorrow
I am trying to not fall in the modder trap of more==better, and finish one track properly, for now its Curvelo, I want to bring the track over from AMS in its complete state with all trees and objects, original conversion cut a lot of corners.

Will get back on Tripoli after, what is done so far (new from scratch) is new actual terrain data and a new road mesh which is based on a tracing of the remainders of the old track from google telemetry, as the original is quite different to the real layout in a lot of areas. I am struggling to find what the pits actually looked like, the one online resource that showed it as a seperate road is innacurate from what few resources I can find. the original track in rf/ams had pits you could not actually get into. If you find any info on this matter post it up or send to me, also I am happy to release the FBX of what I have so far if any modder wants to run with it.

if you search on YouTube for Sieg Rekord Meisterschaft you will find a fascinating film about the Mercedes team in the 1938 and 1939 seasons. Drivers Caracciola, Lang, Von Brauchitsch and Seaman are featured. From 4m30 to 12m30 there is footage of the 1938 Tripoli Mellaha race. It’s not the best quality but it’s really interesting - I love the bit where Hermann Lang comes into the pits, gets drenched in fuel and then has a bucket of water thrown over him as he sits in the cockpit to stop the fuel burning him before driving off to victory.

Anyway there are quite a few shots of the pits and grandstands as well as other buildings, which are a bit fleeting but might give you useful information.
if you search on YouTube for Sieg Rekord Meisterschaft you will find a fascinating film about the Mercedes team in the 1938 and 1939 seasons. Drivers Caracciola, Lang, Von Brauchitsch and Seaman are featured. From 4m30 to 12m30 there is footage of the 1938 Tripoli Mellaha race. It’s not the best quality but it’s really interesting - I love the bit where Hermann Lang comes into the pits, gets drenched in fuel and then has a bucket of water thrown over him as he sits in the cockpit to stop the fuel burning him before driving off to victory.

Anyway there are quite a few shots of the pits and grandstands as well as other buildings, which are a bit fleeting but might give you useful information.
very usefull, popping it in here so I dont loose it. interesting is there are a LOT more palms and a bunch of NOT palms around that track.. quite a bit different from current. presumably original track in rf had to watch polycount for older computers so ommited a lot of them in the build.

@GzeroD as this historical kind of thing is your forte, if you want what I have so far, accurate terrain mesh data and road mesh, with new decent plam tree geometry (it also contains all the original geometry for trackside objects) just shout ill find somewhere to upload. (my GDrive is full to the brim)
I am trying to not fall in the modder trap of more==better, and finish one track properly, for now its Curvelo, I want to bring the track over from AMS in its complete state with all trees and objects, original conversion cut a lot of corners.

Will get back on Tripoli after, what is done so far (new from scratch) is new actual terrain data and a new road mesh which is based on a tracing of the remainders of the old track from google telemetry, as the original is quite different to the real layout in a lot of areas. I am struggling to find what the pits actually looked like, the one online resource that showed it as a seperate road is innacurate from what few resources I can find. the original track in rf/ams had pits you could not actually get into. If you find any info on this matter post it up or send to me, also I am happy to release the FBX of what I have so far if any modder wants to run with it.

I assume you’ve seen these. The pits are right on the track as you suggest.


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