Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
I'm no expert but I've made some paints (and added rear/front plates) for this little devil :


(there's a coupla more)

Also separated and painted the front / rear bumper / grille as well, they shouldn't share the same colour as the body. My 'expertise' ends there ahah.
Have you noticed one weird thing about these lovely little Civics? The cockpits don't take sunlight or cast shadows. Cockpit lighting remains the same whether in direct sun or in overcast weather. I know a lot of the shader values are a little weird so maybe it's purely down to the ksDiffuse settings, but I think it might be something else. The glass maybe? I don't know.
Be good to fix it though.
Hi guys,
Would anyone happen to know where (directory) the saved settings for CM might be stored?
Thanks guys!
Depends what you need to find.
If it's general CM stuff then make sure you have "show hidden files and folders" ticked in windows settings and it will be here C:\Users\*******\AppData\Local\AcTools Content Manager

If it's stuff like INI files and background images it will be here C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\extension
Make sure SSLR is on and try turning off motion blur in AC settings if on.

Ok, maybe a dumb question. Where exactly should I change SSLR?? CSP settings of AC? I had these reflections earlier and read somewhere that this was a bug with this CSP version?
Depends what you need to find.
If it's general CM stuff then make sure you have "show hidden files and folders" ticked in windows settings and it will be here C:\Users\*******\AppData\Local\AcTools Content Manager

If it's stuff like INI files and background images it will be here C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\extension
Awesome! Thank you!
Pushing the request a little further, anyone know which file (s) exactly are the ones that contain the CM settings (video settings, control settings, etc) within C:\Users\*******\AppData\Local\AcTools Content Manager?
Thanks again!
dont mind me, just posting this here for the people who arent on discord

2019 Porsche 911 GT3 R (991.2)

its finally back! a bit overdue but its back

i havent really written a changelog but the biggest change overall are the Physics (thank you unknown hero!), for now there is only 1 tyre compound available, i will try to push out an update for the tyres at some point to add more compounds. You will now need to carefully warm up the tyres and also warm up your brakes to get the maximum out of them, overall the car has gotten easier to drive and harder to drive at the same time due to the aforementioned factors (its also much less bouncy). some new skins have been added as well.
At last i'd just like to thank everyone who helped work on this, all of you are mentioned in the readme file. And last but not least, if you'd like to buy me a beer, consider donating to the paypal link at the bottom of the readme file.

Thank You everyone and enjoy!


bind your lowbeam/highbeams key as they now work correctly, on the endurance version highbeams light up the lower endurance lights and lower headlight portion

refer to readme for full credits or instructions on how to use certain features the car comes with


Great to see this car in the game! Unfortunately, the grip levels are just not accurate. The 911 GT3 Cup and GT4 718 Clubsport have gobs of grip out of the box without warm tires, this car has even stickier compound than both of those cars. They gain even more as the tires warm up. This car spins far too easy even after 7 or 8 laps on track. I think some more grip needs to be on the base tire setup.
Clark International Speedway v0.95

This track is an original creation by Teddie Tapawan and is based on the real-life CIS race track in the Philippines.

Additional Credits and Thanks:
* Shared X-Packs by Tyrone and Gutbomb
* Grass textures by Mike08
* Multiple reference photos provided by members of the Assetto Corsa Philippines group on Facebook
* SPECIAL thanks to my son Brandon for modeling many of the objects in this track for me in Blender

(Please do not copy or modify without author's permission. Contact teddabod@funrealtournament to report bugs or to request track changes and/or features.)

Many updates to the track are planned for a future version release.

View attachment 960386


Is anybody willing to create cameras for this awesome track?
Is anybody willing to create cameras for this awesome track?

I pinged racealot. I'm not sure he's available though. I could really use a set of good cameras on my track, because I can do it, but I'm still not very good at the camera thing :P
called dew helps the community ... last night my hard drive crashed and I lost all my tracks (the cars had a not so old backup) if anyone has any online backup of the tracks ... there were almost 500 and I don't think I can get them all back but the possible help is appreciated ... PM obviously ... we don't want to fill the pages with clues ...

Tripoli (update)

Conversion from GPL through RF to AC - Author Sergio Loro & friends

TEXTURES DOWNLOAD (for the skinners)

- Track information updated to reflect original author
- 20 cars and pits (updated from 8)
- Fixed trees (many X trees had one plane facing wrong way)
- New AI line and sidelines (by @dathyr)
- Adjusted roadmesh closer to display mesh, cars wont "float" anymore
- Fixed "block" shadows on trees ( tip from @Zwiss)
- New EXT_CONFIG, Added SOL settings and fixed some track colours
- Fixed trackoutline on loading screen

- Needs Cameras for replays
- animate the start light, way beyond my skill level.
- replacement texture for those people.. damn dark..

Note1: The Lollipop Man is IN the pit box to save space. Still works fine though.

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Yes ,this BMW need a lot of work :irked:........AO,suspension,brakes,tank position,aero,interior,shaders,tires ... now i have 8% ....

Lancia Delta Integrale already moving with new suspension settings, is under control at the entrance and neutral at the exit...tomorrow's next tests und improved.

View media item 68508Fiat Tipo from Turkish Discord ;) maybe someone will find time for it....:gtpflag:

tayfa_fiat_tipo.rar - 42.1 MB
Cheers for the share, here is a slightly more appropriate shadow for it :)


  • body_shadow.png
    13.2 KB · Views: 18
Great to see this car in the game! Unfortunately, the grip levels are just not accurate. The 911 GT3 Cup and GT4 718 Clubsport have gobs of grip out of the box without warm tires, this car has even stickier compound than both of those cars. They gain even more as the tires warm up. This car spins far too easy even after 7 or 8 laps on track. I think some more grip needs to be on the base tire setup.
tyres are getting an upgrade, no worries!
Tripoli (update)

Conversion from GPL through RF to AC - Author Sergio Loro & friends

TEXTURES DOWNLOAD (for the skinners)

- Track information updated to reflect original author
- 20 cars and pits (updated from 8)
- New AI line and sidelines (by @dathyr)
- Adjusted roadmesh closer to display mesh, cars wont "float"
- Fixed "block" shadows on trees ( tip from @Zwiss)
- New EXT_CONFIG, Added SOL settings and fixed some track colours
- Fixed trackoutline on loading screen

- Needs Cameras for replays
- animate the start light, way beyong my skill level.

Note1: The Lollipop Man is IN the pit box to save space. Still works fine though.

View attachment 960757 View attachment 960758 View attachment 960759

Go BBs! (Blower Bentleys). Although I guess W165s would be more period-appropriate.
Have you noticed one weird thing about these lovely little Civics? The cockpits don't take sunlight or cast shadows. Cockpit lighting remains the same whether in direct sun or in overcast weather. I know a lot of the shader values are a little weird so maybe it's purely down to the ksDiffuse settings, but I think it might be something else. The glass maybe? I don't know.
Be good to fix it though.

This car crashes my AC every single time.
Is there an update version of blister berg?Its somehow neglected.

It wasn't negelected. Unfortunately, it went private, as Fat Alfie sold the mod to the real track owners. There are probably some updated versions still floating around out there on the internet, if you look in the right places, though a link can't be posted here. According to GzeroD's blog: "The latest known version is (0.99 - 20191014)"
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