Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
I found a better 3d model of the TS050 but the phyiscs is a copy and paste from the 2016 919. Can anyone swap the phyiscs from the GTPlanet one to his one, please? I tried to do it myself but I made a mess.
I'm no expert but I've made some paints (and added rear/front plates) for this little devil :


(there's a coupla more)

Also separated and painted the front / rear bumper / grille as well, they shouldn't share the same colour as the body. My 'expertise' ends there ahah.
I'm working on the Pandem version, busy tweaking the cockpit at the moment. Managed to bring out a lot of detail that was crushed by absolute blacks.
I've done a bunch of paints too.
Nice job with the grille and bumpers too - looks very cool.
This really is a little corker, this car. 20 of them around Spa is an absolute blast.
Be good to get wipers and LoDs for it, and sort out the spinny braking on the Pandem. Moving brake balance rearward helped a little, but not enough. It seems to pull left under heavy braking so something might be asymmetrical in the suspension setup.
Don't worry, I didn't actually mean to say this specifically to you, I just wanted to stop this here before the encryption topic started again in here because it's a pointless one to discuss. I didn't mean to say that you were complaining, sorry about that

You brought up the encryption topic, but yet also demanded no one else speak of it any further.....
Your word is the truth...clearly...

Encryption is fine....until you need to change the steer ratio or some other very basic thing like that.

But anyway... I take heed of you both starting the encryption topic and stopping it at the same time....:rolleyes:
I'm no expert but I've made some paints (and added rear/front plates) for this little devil :


(there's a coupla more)

Also separated and painted the front / rear bumper / grille as well, they shouldn't share the same colour as the body. My 'expertise' ends there ahah.

Explendid colors. They clearly remind me the colors used at the 70's and 80's. Amazing paint job.
Thank you.
For people looking for skins for AMG evo 2020 on RD be careful looking at them because AGU modding update the Mod which skin author had to they skin for the update /redesign of the rear bumper on Sep 9, 2020 which quite a few skin haven't been updated yet so probably don't look correct on the current model.
Hey everyone, I have been messing around with the ever loved Paul Ricard. A track that I have really come to enjoy having raced/hotlapped on it recently in ACC. Almost forgot that AC had a version and retexture, both of which are pictured/linked below. Tried a go at retexturing the track myself to better match what I saw in ACC. It's not great per se (road has reddish tint, no groove, cones where there isn't in ACC, blurry side track textures) but it is more visually appealing to my eyes.

View attachment 960492
ORIGINAL by Strarck3D

View attachment 960495
2020 Retexture by jjfarmer2301

View attachment 960493
ACC by Kunos

View attachment 960494
ACC to AC Retexture by tiwixblue

DL link?
thanks for the tip... I'm still learning how to use better the research filter on RD

When you're searching for things on RD, if you click the box where it says "everywhere" you can change it to "resources" which will search the overall download section or "this category" which will search the section you are currently browsing.
You brought up the encryption topic, but yet also demanded no one else speak of it any further.....
Your word is the truth...clearly...

Encryption is fine....until you need to change the steer ratio or some other very basic thing like that.

But anyway... I take heed of you both starting the encryption topic and stopping it at the same time....:rolleyes:

I dunno, I quite like it when people come out in support of encryption, makes this thread easier to follow as my ignore list grows. :lol:
I'm no expert but I've made some paints (and added rear/front plates) for this little devil :


(there's a coupla more)

Also separated and painted the front / rear bumper / grille as well, they shouldn't share the same colour as the body. My 'expertise' ends there ahah.
Spooky! Apart from the purple one (I did a maroon one instead) our choices of skin colours were almost exactly the same (mine for the Pandem, natch).
Still struggling to find a good shifting animation...
I've never touched physics, only some basic skin and materials modding in AC.

Is there a way to boost the braking power of cars? Driving a F355 Challege mod shared here a year ago which is decent but feels like it has old fashioned drum brakes forcing me to brake very early and ruining the enjoyment a tad.
I'm afraid I don't know. Like a lot of inadequately-explained CSP features, I'm not entirely sure what it's supposed to do. I just know it was triggering errors for me a few updates ago.

I found the culprit today, I hope this can help others.

I was having an issue on traffic / trackdays where it would crash and say GPU may be overclocked... Turns out it was when the Merge Meshes (Edit) for the CPU was ticked in CM. I think it is in the general settings. Was driving me mad.

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I found the culprit today, I hope this can help others.

I was having an issue on traffic / trackdays where it would crash and say GPU may be overclocked... Turns out it was when the Merge Threads for the CPU was ticked in CM. I think it is in the general settings. Was driving me mad.

Hello I think u mean Merge Meshes , yeah it can cause some FM7 conversion tracks not working as well.

So generally this option should be un-check.
dont mind me, just posting this here for the people who arent on discord

2019 Porsche 911 GT3 R (991.2)

its finally back! a bit overdue but its back

i havent really written a changelog but the biggest change overall are the Physics (thank you unknown hero!), for now there is only 1 tyre compound available, i will try to push out an update for the tyres at some point to add more compounds. You will now need to carefully warm up the tyres and also warm up your brakes to get the maximum out of them, overall the car has gotten easier to drive and harder to drive at the same time due to the aforementioned factors (its also much less bouncy). some new skins have been added as well.
At last i'd just like to thank everyone who helped work on this, all of you are mentioned in the readme file. And last but not least, if you'd like to buy me a beer, consider donating to the paypal link at the bottom of the readme file.

Thank You everyone and enjoy!


bind your lowbeam/highbeams key as they now work correctly, on the endurance version highbeams light up the lower endurance lights and lower headlight portion

refer to readme for full credits or instructions on how to use certain features the car comes with

Sigh.. #me too :embarrassed:
Only touch the legit ones now.. everything on steam: rF rF2 GTR2 GTL NFS NFSU PC PC2 AMS AMS2 AC ACC etc.

Yes that's the first thing I checked. It only has one lod. The lod has wing but strangely the lod is all black.

I have tried to edit lods.ini like below but the wing is still not visible in game.


Take a look in the Skins folder. There should be two sets of skins - one set normal and one set "wingless". The "wingless" skins all have a "ext_config.ini" that removes the rear wing, and looks like this:



Delete the config and you should have the wing again.

My version actually has two LODs (LOD_B being the all black one).

@noroardanto, this is the version that I have, by the way.
Dan Gaina's RX7 FD '97 has been updated.
Version 1.0. Various fixes, added wiper animations, added details on the number plate and many more.
Loch Rannoch for Assetto Corsa v0.98pre
Converted from rFactor by RMi

Screenshot_alfa_romeo_gtam_rmi_loch-rannoch_26-9-120-11-13-53.jpg Screenshot_alfa_romeo_gtam_rmi_loch-rannoch_26-9-120-11-33-13.jpg

Main - 12 pit/start spots, basic AI, smoothed main road mesh
Freeroam - freeroam, drift, rally, rallyX, scenic, old bumpy mesh, no AI, custom surfaces <--- SUPER FUN
Keep Left Route
- todo
Reverse - todo
RallyX - todo
Dual Route - todo? (w/cross traffic!)

lots, textures, mesh, all-the-things (castle should be rebuilt/replaced)

Main route needs to be less bright (on the todo list)
Freeroam is "beta beta" and is used to test, it is less bright.
Textures including water are from the original sources

(another opensourced "Guy-Ills" track)

:: DOWNLOAD - v0.9pre ::

If you wish to contribute, please send a PM
Suggested main road cars: DRM, Hillclimb, Vintage, Touring.
Suggested freeroam cars: Alfa GTam, GT Legends, WRC, Drift
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I dunno, I quite like it when people come out in support of encryption, makes this thread easier to follow as my ignore list grows. :lol:

:lol: Personally I boycott any kind of encrypted garbage, I think cooperation and sharing like it is done on this forum can bring the best quality. On the contrary, encrypted garbage, private garbage, copyright nazis and their gestapo will IMHO bring the worst quality because the real reason behing all this is to only make money and not quality.

Conversion from RF track - Author Unknown.


TEXTURES DOWNLOAD (for the skinners)

- 8 cars and pits
- new invisible road mesh (original was very bad)
- Horizon texture of houses from original track. (hope thats how they were intended.. )
- Minimal GrassFX and no RainFX, because.. desert?

To be fixed by others?:
- some trees cast a block shadow and others dont, same shaders, same settings? Beyond me..
- Needs decent AI and some cameras.

Note: The Lollipop Man is IN the pit box to save space, limited area available for pitlane.
View attachment 960545

Note: Roadmesh fixes overly bumpy original that had 10-15 degree facets that destroyed suspension after 1 lap.., but still got "bumpiness" because its delicate tradeoff between having a smooth surface and moving the smooth mesh too far from the old one making cars appear to float, so they do touch in a few places. adds sme random authenticity I like to believe ;)
View attachment 960550

Tripoli AI updates - side lines - for @TheRealCeeBee track
Very small file - just has AI lines and side lines.

Revised the AI lines and the side lines so they work properly with the pit area.
The AI will not slow down when going by the pits. There is only 3 spots where I did
a little braking on the track. Rest of the track is full speed. I only tested only a couple of cars
so no idea if AI hints will be needed at this time.

Note: there are no indicators where the pit limiter boundries are so if you follow the AI cars by the
pits you wont encounter a speed slow down. Should be a very fast track with the long straights.
First corner you come to is the slowest on the track.

Here is the link to AI update below. take care.

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