Tripoli - Timing Gate Update.
Last update on this conversion.
- Shifted grid back a bit
- Shifted start line forward a bit
- Added three timing gates
(devisive change)
- Updated grassfx +rocks, if you dont like rocks and grass, delete the [GRASSFX] section.
There is nothing in the desert and no man needs nothing." - Lawrence of Arabia.
View attachment 961523
KNOWN BUG - I was trying to fix the "men in black" and the wip texture made its way into the build, now they are men in grey.. tsk tsk.. maybe a texture replacement in the ext_config to tone them down, ill post it up, or alternately the orginal texture in into the texture folder.
There is another Tripoli coming, may take some time though, its scratch built from Google telemetry / sat images, will resemble this one a bit I guess but the telemetry suggests there is a lot of elevation change that is not present in this one, and driving the new one feels quite dissimilar, the sea is visible from one of the corners etc. I also factored that the airport construction may have levelled out the banked section since, and have "faked" it back in.
If you guys have low poly, time period, trackside objects and cars to share, please let me know, will save me a lot of headache.
View attachment 961530