Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Bit of a ball-ache - each car is an archive within an archive so can't be dragged-and dropped into CM to install without being unzipped once first. Any idea why this is?

Mmmm. Don't know. I always unpack the mods manually so I don't know how CM manages the .rar
What do you mean with "archive within an archive"? A ".rar within a .rar"? If so, they are not.
The structure is (for each individual car):

.rar (downloaded file)
|--- (folder) [car]
|--- (folder) [alternative ui]
|--- (.txt) [alternative ui info]
|--- (.txt) [changelog]
Mmmm. Don't know. I always unpack the mods manually so I don't know how CM manages the .rar
What do you mean with "archive within an archive"? A ".rar within a .rar"? If so, they are not.
The structure is (for each individual car):

.rar (downloaded file)
|--- (folder) [car]
|--- (folder) [alternative ui]
|--- (.txt) [alternative ui info]
|--- (.txt) [changelog]
Normally you can just drag the archive anywhere into CM and it'll unzip and install it in the right place. When I dragged your zip files in it didn't recognise them until they were all unzipped first, and after unzipping they were still zip files (but now zipped once). That's what happened to me, anyway. Anyone else have this issue?
Normally you can just drag the archive anywhere into CM and it'll unzip and install it in the right place. When I dragged your zip files in it didn't recognise them until they were all unzipped first, and after unzipping they were still zip files (but now zipped once). That's what happened to me, anyway. Anyone else have this issue?
nope, no problem like that here.
nope, no problem like that here.
Maybe it's a MS Edge thing. I get this message when trying to download a single car from that archive. Never had it pop up on ANY other Mega downloads via the same browser, even with much bigger files.

I haven't posted here in a while (life's been crazy man), but popping in once in a while to have a look through this thread is becoming quite the chore now that people are registering here solely to beg for mods. I know it's my problem, and I'm just complaining really, but I guess I fail to see the point registering here if you're never going to actually contribute to any discussions on the forum, and only made an account to pester people to deliver mods to you on a silver platter.

yes but where can get lambo performate

Just kidding. I just registered to keep tabs on threads like this, but I've noticed the same thing and it's bugged me, too. I've been following the modding communities for PC racing games over the last few years -- rF, GT Legends, and GTR2 in particular -- and I've noticed that the AC modding scene seems to be the most scattershot and hard to follow of all of them. It might be because there's no real reliable centralized database of car mods outside RaceDepartment (which doesn't post ripped mods from other games) and Assettoland (which has been taken down and put back up, what, six times now?), but I've had little to no actual grasp on what is actually out there and what's worth trying. I know "stick to RD" is the general consensus, but I also feel like there has to be some modders actually doing something to update and improve all those quick-and-dirty Forza rips out there, it's just impossible to keep track of it all.

So I've been going through all these mods I've accumulated one by one just to keep tabs on what's worth it, which is pretty time-consuming. The track-testing portion of things is at least pretty fun. But car mods are another thing entirely, since there are so many weird variations out there and I have no idea of knowing which ones have legit realistic physics and which ones are crappy hack-jobs. I'm looking at all these Ferraris on Assettoland and wondering what it means that this 250 GT California Spyder was "by Smallblockhero updated by Assettoland." Does that mean it actually drives like a 1957 Ferrari and that the shaders are good and the tires are V10, or am I getting some kind of automotive mystery meat?

TL, DR: there really needs to be some kind of centralized mod hosting/review site that's less restrictive than RD but actually gives you a good idea of what you're getting and doesn't conk out every other month. There also needs to be another $1,000 in all our bank accounts, but I guess let's see what happens first.
Hi guys,
I downloaded this DTM 2001/2 pack 3in1, which I upload you to a faster host...
...and I have a weird issue with the Mercedes-Benz CLK AMG 5.4L V8 DTM.
As you can see from this picture, the rear wing is broken.

But looking on YouTube videos by Assetto Garage, the wing looks correct, so I wonder if it's only me, since I've downloaded few different versions of the car, always from AG.

Also, the hands animation is not totally in sync with the right hand, but it's a minor issue.

Is there anyone here able to fix the issue? :sly:
yes but where can get lambo performate

Just kidding. I just registered to keep tabs on threads like this, but I've noticed the same thing and it's bugged me, too. I've been following the modding communities for PC racing games over the last few years -- rF, GT Legends, and GTR2 in particular -- and I've noticed that the AC modding scene seems to be the most scattershot and hard to follow of all of them. It might be because there's no real reliable centralized database of car mods outside RaceDepartment (which doesn't post ripped mods from other games) and Assettoland (which has been taken down and put back up, what, six times now?), but I've had little to no actual grasp on what is actually out there and what's worth trying. I know "stick to RD" is the general consensus, but I also feel like there has to be some modders actually doing something to update and improve all those quick-and-dirty Forza rips out there, it's just impossible to keep track of it all.

So I've been going through all these mods I've accumulated one by one just to keep tabs on what's worth it, which is pretty time-consuming. The track-testing portion of things is at least pretty fun. But car mods are another thing entirely, since there are so many weird variations out there and I have no idea of knowing which ones have legit realistic physics and which ones are crappy hack-jobs. I'm looking at all these Ferraris on Assettoland and wondering what it means that this 250 GT California Spyder was "by Smallblockhero updated by Assettoland." Does that mean it actually drives like a 1957 Ferrari and that the shaders are good and the tires are V10, or am I getting some kind of automotive mystery meat?

TL, DR: there really needs to be some kind of centralized mod hosting/review site that's less restrictive than RD but actually gives you a good idea of what you're getting and doesn't conk out every other month. There also needs to be another $1,000 in all our bank accounts, but I guess let's see what happens first.

Hear hear. As a fellow old timer (my first modding game was Viper Racing and 1NSANE back in 2008, then I dabbled with ISImotor sims from 2014 onwards), I can understand your frustration and I feel the same way. I think it's just a by product of how newer AC is and how much more complex the physics/graphics is though. When people spend more effort they are less likely to want to give it away for free. If you can monetize anything on the internet these days I bet people will take advantage of it. That's why people tend to keep AC mods to themselves and we have 100s of websites to keep track of instead of a free centralised repository like RD or Assettoland. I dunno, when AC is 20 years old and all the modders have moved on to the next big thing and they don't care anymore maybe someone will compile everything into one database (like tt.servegame for rFactor).

I also noticed modders just don't tend to include detailed patch notes in readmes like most ISImotor mods. Which makes it hard to keep track which version of a mod it is. This is part of the reason why I don't use CM to install mods and still do everything manually (500 cars and counting!) so I can compare file date modified and things. It's VERY time consuming but at least I don't run the risk of accidentally overwriting a good version with a newer version that's actually worse (no offence Apexxer, but some of your updates are actually worse than Assettoland's). It's crazy this hobby of ours, but I feel like everyone who does simracing has OCD to an extent :lol: It's just part of the game.

At the end of the day, we are unlikely to be able to drive the real versions of all these cars at racing speeds. So download mods, give them a try and feel for yourself. If it feels good to you, keep it. If not, move on and there's plenty of others to try ;)
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I also noticed modders just don't tend to include detailed patch notes in readmes like most ISImotor mods. Which makes it hard to keep track which version of a mod it is. This is part of the reason why I don't use CM to install mods and still do everything manually (500 cars and counting!) so I can compare file date modified and things. It's VERY time consuming but at least I don't run the risk of accidentally overwriting a good version with a newer version that's actually worse
Couldn't agree more and that's why I said just a few days ago "there should be a rule where modded cars can only overwrite the originals IF the car being modded was created by that same modder. It's total chaos otherwise with different cars existing that have the same identity but completely different parameters".

It's crazy that most modders don't even update the version number when releasing updates, or amend the car's description. Mind you, it seems most of them never sit in the cockpits of their cars where most of the glaringly obvious problems are, like huge panel gaps, or hands that don't move in synch with the steering wheel, or unshaded cockpit objects, or glass that reflects the road surface, or the view clipping through the driver's face etc etc etc etc.
I wonder why some of them bother. It seems like getting any car released takes priority over getting a good car released.
Hi guys,
I downloaded this DTM 2001/2 pack 3in1, which I upload you to a faster host...
...and I have a weird issue with the Mercedes-Benz CLK AMG 5.4L V8 DTM.
As you can see from this picture, the rear wing is broken.

But looking on YouTube videos by Assetto Garage, the wing looks correct, so I wonder if it's only me, since I've downloaded few different versions of the car, always from AG.

Also, the hands animation is not totally in sync with the right hand, but it's a minor issue.

Is there anyone here able to fix the issue? :sly:

That car's got a lot of problems. It drives OK because it's basically a BMW Z4 GT3 10 underneath, but the carbon fibre is probably the worst I've ever seen, the hands completely let go of the steering wheel, half of the cockpit elements are unshaded... and yes, that wing is wonky. Someone borked the kn5 before uploading it. Shoddy Mods R Us.

That car's got a lot of problems. It drives OK because it's basically a BMW Z4 GT3 10 underneath, but the carbon fibre is probably the worst I've ever seen, the hands completely let go of the steering wheel, half of the cockpit elements are unshaded... and yes, that wing is wonky. Someone borked the kn5 before uploading it. Shoddy Mods R Us.

View attachment 786044

Is that a CM add-on that analyzes and compares mod physics details, and if so, where do I get it? That could save some time cutting the wheat from the chaff.
yes but where can get lambo performate

Just kidding. I just registered to keep tabs on threads like this, but I've noticed the same thing and it's bugged me, too. I've been following the modding communities for PC racing games over the last few years -- rF, GT Legends, and GTR2 in particular -- and I've noticed that the AC modding scene seems to be the most scattershot and hard to follow of all of them. It might be because there's no real reliable centralized database of car mods outside RaceDepartment (which doesn't post ripped mods from other games) and Assettoland (which has been taken down and put back up, what, six times now?), but I've had little to no actual grasp on what is actually out there and what's worth trying. I know "stick to RD" is the general consensus, but I also feel like there has to be some modders actually doing something to update and improve all those quick-and-dirty Forza rips out there, it's just impossible to keep track of it all.

So I've been going through all these mods I've accumulated one by one just to keep tabs on what's worth it, which is pretty time-consuming. The track-testing portion of things is at least pretty fun. But car mods are another thing entirely, since there are so many weird variations out there and I have no idea of knowing which ones have legit realistic physics and which ones are crappy hack-jobs. I'm looking at all these Ferraris on Assettoland and wondering what it means that this 250 GT California Spyder was "by Smallblockhero updated by Assettoland." Does that mean it actually drives like a 1957 Ferrari and that the shaders are good and the tires are V10, or am I getting some kind of automotive mystery meat?

TL, DR: there really needs to be some kind of centralized mod hosting/review site that's less restrictive than RD but actually gives you a good idea of what you're getting and doesn't conk out every other month. There also needs to be another $1,000 in all our bank accounts, but I guess let's see what happens first.

Yeah it certainly can be time consuming finding good mods for AC, and you're right, the lack of any kind of centralisation is what makes it hard. I disagree with the "stick to Race Department" advice people often give newbies though, as although people act like it's got the best quality mods, the truth is about half the AC mods there are really poorly done rips from RF1 and 2, and I've yet to find a good quality mod there that I can't find anywhere else. So while I do use RD, it'd be very bad advice for me to tell anyone to stick to RD for quality mods.

If I had to give a recommendation for newcomers it'd be this: Join RD, join several FB mod groups (some good ones are Assetto Corsa Mod Central 24/7, Wack Mods for Assetto Corsa, Assetto Corsa Warehouse, and NaVi Street Cars), and join/bookmark other good AC mod sources like F1Classic,, assetto-DB, AC Drifting Pro, and AC Track Reboot. I'd also tell them to bookmark SimTRAXX and consider joining or donating to them for some of their excellent tracks as well, and I'd lastly suggest joining the AC custom shaders Discord channel, because the most groundbreaking stuff is coming from there right now.

Anyone who follows all of my above suggestions would have access to the vast majority of quality mods for AC, without having to beg and pester people on forums.

But on your point about the wildly varying quality of car mods: I totally agree with you, and it can be very frustrating having to bugger about with the crap quality cars. I find most of the good quality car mods to eventually float to the top though, and people like to share quality cars around, so that's where forums like this one can come up with the goods, because people regularly share good quality stuff they've found elsewhere. But this is not the place for people to be asking for specific mods, the place for that would be RD Forums or anywhere else you can speak directly to the modders themselves (Facebook groups are prob the best for this). But while Facebook mod groups are probably the best resource for car mods, just be prepared to sift through crap ones to find the good ones.

It looks like the light shader is at fault.

I will send a message on Discord: Shaders Light Patch - Troubleshooting subforum and see what they will say about this weird issue.


Thank you, looking forward the read what they have to say. That light shader is also creating a light anomaly in the yellow bird and some windshields loose transparency some times. Let’s not forget the sleepy drivers in GPL. :D
Yeah it certainly can be time consuming finding good mods for AC, and you're right, the lack of any kind of centralisation is what makes it hard. I disagree with the "stick to Race Department" advice people often give newbies though, as although people act like it's got the best quality mods, the truth is about half the AC mods there are really poorly done rips from RF1 and 2, and I've yet to find a good quality mod there that I can't find anywhere else. So while I do use RD, it'd be very bad advice for me to tell anyone to stick to RD for quality mods.

If I had to give a recommendation for newcomers it'd be this: Join RD, join several FB mod groups (some good ones are Assetto Corsa Mod Central 24/7, Wack Mods for Assetto Corsa, Assetto Corsa Warehouse, and NaVi Street Cars), and join/bookmark other good AC mod sources like F1Classic,, assetto-DB, AC Drifting Pro, and AC Track Reboot. I'd also tell them to bookmark SimTRAXX and consider joining or donating to them for some of their excellent tracks as well, and I'd lastly suggest joining the AC custom shaders Discord channel, because the most groundbreaking stuff is coming from there right now.

Anyone who follows all of my above suggestions would have access to the vast majority of quality mods for AC, without having to beg and pester people on forums.

But on your point about the wildly varying quality of car mods: I totally agree with you, and it can be very frustrating having to bugger about with the crap quality cars. I find most of the good quality car mods to eventually float to the top though, and people like to share quality cars around, so that's where forums like this one can come up with the goods, because people regularly share good quality stuff they've found elsewhere. But this is not the place for people to be asking for specific mods, the place for that would be RD Forums or anywhere else you can speak directly to the modders themselves (Facebook groups are prob the best for this). But while Facebook mod groups are probably the best resource for car mods, just be prepared to sift through crap ones to find the good ones.

Maybe a list of all the known mod resources can be compiled. There are quite a few more FB groups with quality mods not mentioned and some are incorporating the "groundbreaking stuff'" into their mods.
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Maybe a list of all the known mod resources can be compiled. There are quite a few more FB groups with quality mods not mentioned and some are incorporating the "groundbreaking stuff'" into their mods.

It surely could be done, but would take a fair bit of time and effort. I'd be happy to help anyone thinking of doing this if and when I have the time.
Question for the great modding crew. I have some cars with old tire models, and I've been looking into CM Tyres machine editor trying to create tires that would fit those cars. Being inexperienced with the tool, I cannot for the life of me create tires with the correct measurements to fit the car.

Is there an "easier way" to update tire models to v10 without using the "Tyre machine editor" within CM? The list given don't perfectly fit the cars. To me it's a confusing tool and I'm sure there is a lot I'm missing that needs editing to create the correct sizes.

Could someone list a very brief explanation on how they update tire models to v10? I would be forever grateful.
Hi Clawde,
First go to data folder/tyres.ini and have a look on these three lines to have proper size of your tyres:
where WIDTH is ... the tyres width (obviously)
RADIUS the tyres radius
RIM_RADIUS ... well, you know what
Diff betwin rim radius and radius determines the sidewall of the tyres which is a percentage of the width.
Once these values are correct, in CM you can find tyres among the existing or create new tyres (into the correct category: street or slick or what you want...) with the same dimensions you put in tyres.ini.
Automatically the tyres thus created will be in version 10. Just drag and drop the new tyres on the left column, say Ok to the oops message and save, that's done. Previous version tyres will be erased.
In [CM > about] just click the version number quickly a few times to unlock Developer Mode. Some extra info is then added to the Analyse results.

I enabled developer mode but still cant figure out how you get the information about the suspension etc. Could you share a not zoomed in Screenshot?
I enabled developer mode but still cant figure out how you get the information about the suspension etc. Could you share a not zoomed in Screenshot?
On my phone. Just analyse the car as normal. You can't really miss it.
Just installed Content Manager now. lets see what all the fuzz is about :gtpflag:

so. Where do i delete and create custom championships?
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