Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
I'm not surprised at all. Only human beings, being natural. Perfectly usual.

Well, these guys seem well behaved at their 'Sim Racing Party'...


Of course, it's only a matter of time before the food fight begins. Then once they're bored with fighting like that, things will eventually move into the 'Red vs. Blue' phase, where they start releasing fake 'leaked emails' and declaring civil war on each other over the question of whether classic or modern cars are more fun to drive – and whether everything written on top of their cakes should be encrypted. :mischievous:
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This topic has probably been addressed, but for me it is a new problem. I recently started driving on LAC-type open circuits, and when I select traffic some cars get stopped in the middle of the road. Is it a problem with some mods, the number of cars, or am I missing something in the configuration?
Wanted to clarify that i was not hating on Ilja because he didn't bring in any of these features that i mentioned and i get it not all of these can be put in the game unless you can somehow reverse engineer the game which could get you in trouble with Kunos or have problems online. What i was trying to say is that i feel like AC should have some of these modes or features however you want to call them by default was disappointed that Kunos didn't introduce them not even the rolling starts which are pretty much staple in any sim racing game. I respect what Ilja has done over the years like CM which demolishes the original launcher in comparison being faster and having way more features. And CSP which changed the game drastically with new features and content. I was at least hoping that Ilja would bring some of these in was a tad bit disappointed with that but i respect if he can't put them in the game. I respect what Ilja has done over the years and i respect your guys opinions.
Thanks, I'll give these a go in the morning.
I have to confess though, I kinda like how the original car sounds and drives, and even how it looks from the outside (even if it is a little big... maybe). It's the interior textures, shaders and geometry, the weird steering wheel and the spooky driver position that rather ruin it for me. Oh, and the cathedral-like cockpit that has interior dimensions that the T.A.R.D.I.S. would be proud of.

I replaced the present data (completely nonsense) and I replaced them with the real values of the car linked above all to the respective powers, weight and actual delivery of the 2 available engines (this stock car was supplied with 2 engines precisely v6 and v8) to each way I would be very curious to know what you think and I absolutely agree that it deserves a more important interior
More arguing in the forum, it seem to be occuring at a greater frequency each month. I think we need to all remember that we're part of a community of people who want to play a game and nothing more. Private mods and ridiculous download requirements don't help anybody.

Anyways, something more positive here for you all to chew on.

Introducing Version 1.2 of the Hyundai Genesis GT4

*This version requires a fresh install, delete your old install before using this version!*


We've worked a bunch to bring you this (probably, hopefully) final update to the Hyundai Genesis GT4. There are a bunch of neat changes this time around and a full list of them are included in the zip file.

In short, @Beezer215 has reworked the feel of the car and added ProTyre support. @MrB00 has included 2K versions of the "official" GT Sport skins for those with performance issues, I have done some shaders work on the exterior plastic and carbon fibre, and @norms has tweak the colliders and animated the wipers.

We also have full LODs too! They look great, so thanks to @norms again for those. Again, there are a bunch of other smaller changes so check out the changelog for all the juicy details.

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More arguing in the forum, it seem to be occuring at a greater frequency each month. I think we need to all remember that we're part of a community of people who want to play a game and nothing more. Private mods and ridiculous download requirements don't help anybody.

Anyways, something more positive here for you all to chew on.

Introducing Version 1.2 of the Hyundai Genesis GT4

*This version requires a fresh install, delete your old install before using this version!*

View attachment 967283

We've worked a bunch to bring you this (probably, hopefully) final update to the Hyundai Genesis GT4. There are a bunch of neat changes this time around and a full list of them are included in the zip file.

In short, @beezer has reworked the feel of the car and added ProTyre support. @MrB00 has included 2K versions of the "official" GT Sport skins for those with performance issues, I have done some shaders work on the exterior plastic and carbon fibre, and @norms has tweak the colliders and animated the wipers.

We also have full LODs too! They look great, so thanks to @norms again for those. Again, there are a bunch of other smaller changes so check out the changelog for all the juicy details.

Just an update, the link has been restored. Sorry for the 30 seconds of inconvenience.
Porsche 964 Carrera Cup V0.01 ,

I wanted you to share it before the end of the weekend , still a lot of work to do on it ... ...

Link :

Enjoy !

Hi Shokeus, nice car, and I love the idea, you need to fix things like: the headlights dont turn on, the texture of the new rear bonnet looks different from the rest of the body, and the motor in tachometer just get nearly 5800rpm, I dont know if this is accurate...but I love the idea of this 964!! thanx...ohh, and I know is this a v0.1, I hope you can make it skinneable via CM, please
Not surprised he hasn't though. They're buried among more than 55,000 others.

Seriously, your reviews is an excellent project with the potential to save people some time, the purpose of which is somewhat defeated by the decision to hide them here rather than just giving it its own separate thread to start with.

When I get A-Z done I'll be putting them on a website somewhere. I'm actually a web developer by trade and I've toyed with the idea of putting together a searchable/filterable/mapped database of track mods. I've started some initial work on it. Eventually. For now, I post those in here because if it were in another thread I doubt it as many people would see it. And it's main purpose for me is to spark some general discussion of mods.
wow, thanks for posting a leaked mod here.

I'm all for releasing mods to the public like my RE rx7 and the integra and will continue to do so, but damn, sharing our leaked mod here? is it really that hard to respect creator's rights on his OWN work? I get that u just want mods n stuff but havent u read the comments before downloading it on RD?

I'll still release mods when i can, but please, give our damned respect.

Encrypting gts models that we dont own? why dont u guys do the convert yourself to know the process of getting one in-game. You want it unencrypted cos u dont want to go thru all the work the original author has done for it, you just have a free pass on all the shading and retexturing, all the retopology and 3d work thats has been done, all the uv mapping and the effort of optimizing it to run smoothly in game, u guys just dont want it to be encrypted cos U DONT WANT TO DO THE SAME TEDIOUS WORK THE AUTHOR DID and just wanting the easy way out! Now talk to me abt encryption when u can finally manage to convert a PD model properly in game fully working by pipeline standards, all by your own! This is not to be selfish, but for you guys to realize the amount of effort and passion it requires whilst you just sit there and say **** to the modder because they dont have the passion or the care for the community n **** like that JUST because the mod was encrypted. Please, inject some common sense.

the mod is released for u guys that itched too bad for it, go download it, use it for a day, and let it rot in your hdd forever
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There is no way to edit the engine, no way to remove its limitation unless you rewrite big parts of the code and get sued by Kunos for doing that. Many improvements are graphics because that can be done while, for example, make a car not implode after a jump can't. We can all imagine how many things could be added, why can't we play other games inside the display screens inside cars?
What I mean is that it's easy to imagine features while it's less easy to understand how things work, Ilja is doing what is possible to keep alive a very old engine, I don't see what's there to be disappointed by. And I never said you were disappointed by everything he has done.
It would be better for him and for everyone to make the new features work all the time instead of keep adding some that might mess up something else.

Also, minimize csp to encryption and graphic updates is so reductive that it shows how many things about it people don't even know about. Enjoy what you have received , not what you want someone else to make
not to mention, you'd need a leak of the source code of AC which i doubt will ever happen, people tend to forget CSP just acts on top of everything by hooking into the game, it isnt an integral part of the engine
U DONT WANT TO DO THE SAME TEDIOUS WORK THE AUTHOR DID and just wanting the easy way out!
too bad most people will never know the amount of effort needed to "just" convert a GTS model, there isnt some magical CONVERT ALL button as some people might think. for the few special people out here who hate encrypted mods so much, remember that a GTS convert starts out like this

theres 4 different LODs in here, not to mention all the other trickery PD uses for their modern engine that isnt compatible with the old AC1 engine, we need to reverse all this stuff by hand and make it work with AC, you should be glad we sit down and invest our time, effort and skill into making a car that looks good, drives good, and most of all share it with you people
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go download it, use it for a day, and let it rot in your hdd forever


too bad most people will never know the amount of effort needed to "just" convert a GTS model, there isnt some magical CONVERT ALL button as some people might think. for the few special people out here who hate encrypted mods so much, remember that a GTS convert starts out like this View attachment 967361
theres 4 different LODs in here, not to mention all the other trickery PD uses for their modern engine that isnt compatible with the old AC1 engine, we need to reverse all this stuff by hand and make it work with AC, you should be glad we sit down and invest our time, effort and skill into making a car that looks good, drives good, and most of all share it with you people

I don't remember asking for something, but in my age and with all meds I take every day, I'm not sure of anything anymore.
Just found out there are numerous mod cars for PCars2,

I did not know, just wanted to share in case some mod addict, like me, would want to give those a shot.

I just reinstalled PC2, and it is still as frustrating as before. It is soo good in so many ways, yet so bad in many ways too. What a shame.
Good: cars and tracks selection, graphics, ffb when dialed right.
Bad: sounds, track inaccuracies, too strict track limit
wow, thanks for posting a leaked mod here.

I'm all for releasing mods to the public like my RE rx7 and the integra and will continue to do so, but damn, sharing our leaked mod here? is it really that hard to respect creator's rights on his OWN work? I get that u just want mods n stuff but havent u read the comments before downloading it on RD?

I'll still release mods when i can, but please, give our damned respect.

Did you not read the post where the person who posted it here said they didn't realise it was 'leaked', or that they found it on Assettoland, or that they took it down immediately once that was brought to their attention?
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I just reinstalled PC2, and it is still as frustrating as before. It is soo good in so many ways, yet so bad in many ways too. What a shame.
Good: cars and tracks selection, graphics, ffb when dialed right.
Bad: sounds, track inaccuracies, too strict track limit
These are quite easy to stick in AC, but I think we already have them all
wow, thanks for posting a leaked mod here.

I'm all for releasing mods to the public like my RE rx7 and the integra and will continue to do so, but damn, sharing our leaked mod here? is it really that hard to respect creator's rights on his OWN work? I get that u just want mods n stuff but havent u read the comments before downloading it on RD?

I'll still release mods when i can, but please, give our damned respect.

Encrypting gts models that we dont own? why dont u guys do the convert yourself to know the process of getting one in-game. You want it unencrypted cos u dont want to go thru all the work the original author has done for it, you just have a free pass on all the shading and retexturing, all the retopology and 3d work thats has been done, all the uv mapping and the effort of optimizing it to run smoothly in game, u guys just dont want it to be encrypted cos U DONT WANT TO DO THE SAME TEDIOUS WORK THE AUTHOR DID and just wanting the easy way out! Now talk to me abt encryption when u can finally manage to convert a PD model properly in game fully working by pipeline standards, all by your own! This is not to be selfish, but for you guys to realize the amount of effort and passion it requires whilst you just sit there and say **** to the modder because they dont have the passion or the care for the community n **** like that JUST because the mod was encrypted. Please, inject some common sense.

the mod is released for u guys that itched too bad for it, go download it, use it for a day, and let it rot in your hdd forever
Yeah, as @xezez said, it was copied from a public website with no backstory and was a genuine mistake that was rectified as soon as possible. No malice or disrespect to the hard work involved was intended. The car is absolutely fantastic so thanks very much to everyone who worked on it and also for sharing it, it genuinely is very much appreciated.
too bad most people will never know the amount of effort needed to "just" convert a GTS model, there isnt some magical CONVERT ALL button as some people might think. for the few special people out here who hate encrypted mods so much, remember that a GTS convert starts out like this View attachment 967361

Just don't talk about the difficult fate of the moder transforming other people's 3D models ... It's funny!

People make 3D models from scratch - but don't encrypt them!
The modders have already done thousands of conversions, and did not encrypt them!
And none of them whine "how difficult it was for me" ...
If it's difficult - well, don't do that. Someone is forcing something?

The topic of encryption is already starting to get annoying.
Maybe we should prohibit the publication and discussion of encrypted mods in this thread? :)))
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Maybe we should prohibit the publication and discussion of encrypted mods in this thread? :)))

I'm new here but I already saw multiple aggressions towards the most valuable members of this thread it's disgusting how a few toxic members can harm sharing and creativity. At some point it would be great to simply ban those trouble makers and create a real community focused on modding, sharing and creativity.
Awesome info!

For those above not made that I have converted source to FBX for:
Momiji Line

Others not listed:
Akina Lake (also Akina/snow)
Myogi Circuit (also Myogi)
Tsuchisaka Snow
Tsukuba Snow
Usui (Circuit Early)

Source 3D is complete and fairly mod friendly with arbitrary mesh names, but all material assigned. Trees need to be added to most, tree model is included. If anyone is serious to help convert any of these just PM me.

note: these are FRESH source pulls from original IDAS ZERO game sources

No worries mate and great work on converting Momiji Line and Nanamagari. I don't wanna force you to do anything, but do continue with the remaining tracks if/when you feel like it. We're so close now to getting all IDAS tracks to AC :bowdown: You will forever be remembered as an absolute legend among touge fans.

If it helps reduce the workload, I would forget about Akina Lake, Myogi Circuit and Usui Circuit. These 3 are all fictional circuit layouts and nothing like the actual roads. Plus we already have a good Myogi and Usui as I listed in my post.

Akina Snow is also already done in Touge Union discord. Tsuchi and Tsukuba Snow would be nice to have for completion, but not critical for me because AC loose surface physics ain't great anyway.

If you need help, best to reach out to the people in Touge Union discord who've done the previous conversions (Averdrian/Vortek, Neitancrost, Euro, Kozzren).
Euro's YT channel here (he seems to be the most active lately):

Nagao is the newest release (not gonna post direct link here, in case there's gonna be another kerfuffle like the RX7).

Also another new touge released this week (not ID related, but still good):坂ノ辻峠.36738/

Thanks for all your work converting the other tracks, as always 👍


C'mon guys, let's bring back the positivity in this thread. This whole modding and encryption business can seem big, but really on the whole it's really not. Compared to what a LOT of people are facing in the world right now we are probably having a pretty comfortable life right now. Being able to talk about games on an internet forum all day and enjoy all these cars and tracks, it's all first world problems really. It's all for fun anyways at the end of the day. In 20 years we will move on to the next thing and no one will remember all this :lol: So let's just be nice to one another, appreciate everyone makes mistakes from time to time and appreciate everyone has different tastes to how they want to play the game. Assetto Corsa literally means "Race Setup" :lol:

Shut down your computer and take a walk outside (wear a mask and social distance ofc). Even just half an hour of fresh air will clear your mind and make all these problems seem small.

Peace out and till next week :cheers:
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Regarding encryption, I am only partly against it because I like to inspect the cars in Custom Showroom and most importantly I want to keep my library consistent with the same default style preview images. If the encryption is such that it allows it (or the car has such previews by default), I have no problems. In a few cases I contacted the author, and received my new preview images with no problems and had a nice talk with them.

Regarding the support of encryption to protect the work of the "author"... I am sure it takes a LOT of time and effort to make a good conversion. These are not RTM, SimDream level cars we are talking about, for sure, way way above them. If it takes a similar amount of effort compared to modelling a new car altogether, I have no idea, as I have never done either of them, but I suspect no.

The problem here is the same as the problem with humanity nowadays, lack of respect. Regardless if the conversion takes 30 minutes or hundreds of hours, for sure I would hate to see it modified or shared without giving credit, as it happened for very long before encryption became a thing. So I completely see the point of authors encrypting their work, even though it's not completely "their" work. The problem is, as with DRM, that the end user is the one that "suffers" with lower compatibility and reduced options, such as in my case creating new preview images.

Nevertheless, I rather take these mods with encryption rather than not having them at all. And I am thankful to all who create content. So yes, as the comment above, let's not fight, appreciate what others do even if it's not completetly in line with our expectations. We are not forced to modify the vanilla AC install at all, this is all extra.
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My feeling is TU and friends are using the same source (.obj) files as I have (considering the latest Zero release).
If this trend continues, and I think it will... we will see Zero tracks replacing 8.
90sGDS are also nice and picturesque... lets see what happens before sticking untold hours into something :)

On another note, I have the AMS Imola 2001 in-game, Source had models for a few different versions of the pit/stands area and trying to figure out what (basically done now) and doing the shader work is what is really taxing me.

1st run (only a few hundred meters of road is done)

I would like to pass it on to someone with the skills and drive to make it a great conversion... takers?
If only some modders would go the Guerrilla route and let us update the previews of their encrypted cars (and see them in CM if we wanna skin it). Am not asking for much. A totally encrypted (no previews / CM) mod, for me, is one headed straight up to the bin. Ilja has worked his arse off to propose these features and we cannot use them anymore, now that's great. Sometimes wish Kunos would release an update that'd 'break' this version of the game (and all of its mods), just for the ****ing laughs. The meltdown would be absolutely priceless.
Edit : just my two cents for the morning (and couldn't quite stop myself from ranting). Back to wholesome mod content now.
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