Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Guys, need your expertise here:View attachment 972665

Is there any good source available where I can find the real car´s info from the DRM cars? I´ve searched already the whole web it seems but wasn´t sucessful at all. Maybe @ales100i you know something more? :)
There is very little info available from those times. There are some books, but are all payed, a few short youtube videos,... Try this site. I already put in search for group 5 cars, to get you started: 5

And of course here. A page that looks dated, but has the most information about old championships: part 2.html
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****er as "paddle (up)" and "paddle (down)". Save it as "secuential" or whatever.
2) Change the car's data drivetrain to paddles.
3) Select the car in CM. In the custom config (next to tire warmers, I'm not in my
!!Released!! AC Legends GT Classic v3.0
Thanks to lots of help from the AC modding community we were able to create another extensive update for the AC Legends GT mod. Although every car has completely different handling, balance and character, the power to weight ratio’s is pretty equal, resulting in close laptimes and –racing.

v3.0 Credits:
Models: Conversions / updates/ add-ons
DrDoomslab (models, textures/ AO and all the little details)
Norms (Wiper animations, rebuilt LoD’s, 3d Colliders, all the little details)
Special thanks to Pessio for permission to use his brilliant Pantera Gr4 model!
Skins: new 4k skins by Ben Nash + many skins from the RaceDepartment community:Aad Gagesteijn, Andy-R, BDA, carmar, GPLGEM, GT3RSAss, hal4000, Guerilla Mods, LeSunTzu, Ned, Pasta2000, schUPpor, Smallblock Hero, susanthedeath, Xedrox, (sorry if I forgot someone)
Driver suits & helmets: Xedrox, gergerger, various RD skinners
Physics & AI: Bazza
Sounds: Kunos, AMA Fmod (Porsche 906), Legion (Pantera), various unknown sources.
Testers: 50ftElvis, Dirk Steffen, capt nasties, kondor999, Timo One, 2old4Forza comm.​

Special Thanks:
Youtube Channels:
Mike from Simracing604, Billy Strange Racing, Alex from ‘The Extra Mile’ and Michael from ‘SingleRacer’ for their contagious passion about (historic) simracing.
Websites / Discord: The F1 Classic forum THR racing Vintage AC Discord

Installation Notes on Pantera Gr4: original mod by Pessio Garage required! (also explained in the included release notes)

Howto install:
1. Install original mod from Pessio
2. Go to \SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\assettocorsa\content\cars\pg_pantera_gr4
3. In this folder: Copy the following files:
4. Go to \SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\content\cars\ac_legends_gt_pantera_gr4
5. Paste kn5 files here!

Version 3.0 (2020-10)
Update pack to 2020 standards using the latest CSP features, to enable 24 hour races in the wet. All Physics and tiremodel rebuilt from scratch.

Initial release: GT-R pack
, lots of upgrades: (DrDoomslab, Norms, Ben Nash)
- Up to 2020 standards with CSP:
- all cars have (refracting) headlights, wipers, improved shaders, high(er) res cockpits
- many 4k skins added by Ben Nash
- all cars have proper LoD's & 3d colliders for better VR/ multiplayer/ big grid AI racing

Physics: (Bazza)
- Rebuilt tiremodel + brakefading, rebuilt suspensions from scratch for all cars, updated gearboxes, - dyno curves, improved FFB & AI


View attachment 970276 View attachment 970277 View attachment 970278 View attachment 970280

Outstanding work @_Bazza_ ! Just got back from a lengthy vacation and this was an incredible surprise. Physics seem spot on and the sounds are intoxicating. Well done.
What is everyone's favorite mod pack (has to be more than one individual car)?

Depending on the day, any one of these mod packs can hit the spot for me:
DRM Mod V3
RSS GT1 Pack
AC Legends
Chivas GT500

1st Place - AC Legends

2nd Place (tied) - DRM Mod V3 / RSS GT1 Pack / URD GTE Pack

3rd Place - Chivas GT500


Yes, you need to tick "hide all spectators" in CM first
View attachment 972664

but to have it worked out properly you need to edit the ext_config.ini (or the appropriate ini of the track in \extension\config\tracks\loaded (I prefer to have an ext_config.ini). Add this line into ext_config.ini located in rmi_imola2001\extension:

MESHES = ?public?, ?crowd?, ?people?, Crow?

This is more like a general and quick workaround, but in this case it hides the spectators as requested.

If you include the ext_config.ini in release then simply adding the spectator meshes allows people to turn them off in CM. I assume @OooAhh Cantona has them hidden this way already so that would be the best solution. See my previous post about what needs adding:

Assetto Corsa PC Mods General Discussion


Beaten to it by @Fall Guy :cheers:

added to final release

MESHES = crowdbil? ;crowd?
You guys...
What is everyone's favorite mod pack (has to be more than one individual car)?

Depending on the day, any one of these mod packs can hit the spot for me:
DRM Mod V3
RSS GT1 Pack
AC Legends
Chivas GT500

Including a shameless plug:

F1 1966 sampler

But surprisingly for most not AC legends nor DRM
Are any of these mods encrypted?
I don't know and I dont care neither.

View attachment 972657

ay man, if youre gonna link my car please make sure to use the proper link as the one you've linked contains only the car which in some cases could lead to the mod not working due to depending on external shaders and driver model, thank you

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ay man, if youre gonna link my car please make sure to use the proper link as the one you've linked contains only the car which in some cases could lead to the mod not working due to depending on external shaders and driver model, thank you

Sure, no problem. Done. :)

I just made a copy/past of what I received. If you see, the picture is different from the others.

What is everyone's favorite mod pack (has to be more than one individual car)?

Depending on the day, any one of these mod packs can hit the spot for me:
DRM Mod V3
RSS GT1 Pack
AC Legends
Chivas GT500
Very difficult to make a list. Depends on a day I guess. So I'll put here three packs that often get overlooked (unfairly IMO) when such lists are made:
-IER USCC 2014
-Bazza F1 1975
-Uncle M AVRP
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Does anyone else find the graphics in AC to be better than ACC? My AC graphics look much better mostly maxed out, but still a ways off than ACC does completely maxed out. It seemed odd, but I find AC to look much better overall.
Honestly, not at all. I'm disappointed that they cancelled the RTX/Realtime Raytracing that they showed off, but ACC looks absolutely incredible.

Here's a quick edit I just recorded on the new Imola track in ACC, I'm amazed by how good it looks.
I had the same question a while ago and couldn't find a satisfying answer either. My advice is just open up a car in a few different showrooms and play with each shader property to see how the visuals change. The best solution I found is as I mentioned some time ago, save shader presets from Kunos cars and then apply these directly in the CM showroom, there's little to be gained in going through the values one by one in the KS Editor or Blender.

Equally, if not more important is getting the right shader type for each car part, some advice here can be found in the KS car pipeline document but again, experimentation and experience are the only things I've found that will reliably improve how your cars look. I can say this with some weight behind it as I've now completely reworked the exteriors of some 773 cars, yet I still find myself coming across new and better textures or presets from time to time and then going back to improve earlier reworked cars a second time.

if only it was cars I neeed it for, its tracks..
if only it was cars I neeed it for, its tracks..

Ah, so most of my message can be ignored. You can however still use the CM showroom to see what each of the shader presets does, with cars or with any other KN5s.

It's possibly little known, but you can also adjust track shader settings in the CM showroom, just copy and paste the KN5 into a car folder and rename it to whatever the car was (backup the car KN5 first obviously), then use the F7 free cam to move around the track in (well outside really) of the CM showroom. You can actually use this little trick to mess with any KN5.

Pic for example:

hi guys can somebody help me to get the driver_cejota.kn5 and the JP_driver.kn5 files cause i get messages of driver models missing,.. and i know i screwed it my self cause i was working on soms models but i deleted these 2 by mistake and i dont know what cars the belong to,..

tnx in advance
What is everyone's favorite mod pack (has to be more than one individual car)?

Depending on the day, any one of these mod packs can hit the spot for me:
DRM Mod V3
RSS GT1 Pack
AC Legends
Chivas GT500

hmmm....for me it's some of the obscure ones.
F1 2013 (that's on race department)
F1 1975 (bazza's) - @ales100i Can't disagree i love that pack.
and Bazza's Trans-Am pack.
hmmm....for me it's some of the obscure ones.
F1 2013 (that's on race department)
F1 1975 (bazza's) - @ales100i Can't disagree i love that pack.
and Bazza's Trans-Am pack.

God that F1 2013 mod was atrociously bad ahah. Cars wouldn't turn, taking a low-speed hairpin / corner was impossible (forget Monaco, Valencia and even Spa!) ... Don't know how they ****ed up so much with the Kunos physics they nicked.
Does anyone know of a CM tick box or mod that Will improve Lapped AI yielding to lapping AI???


I use AI helper, but not for controlling how AI: races against each other-not sure if it provides any help in this problem. Not sure if there is anything CM either to control AI racing against each other. You may be stuck with how original game determines what the AI do and perform in a race. I know AI when they come up on another AI may take a while for them to pass lapped cars. I would be interested also if the might be some race settings for AI on lapped cars.

I mainly do short races on road or oval tracks, so most the time it does not become an issue for me. I dont do 100% length racing.

Non-related, I dont know if the other racing games have a similar problems with AI. Never fully tested or looked for AI racing problems.
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There's a version of Castle Combe from, I believe, Terra21 that's an Rfactor 2 conversion. I've enjoyed it in GTR2 but the AC version ( doesn't have the "classic" layout. That's just a version without chicanes. Could anyone advise on how to make that change to the AC version? I know next to nothing about the mechanics of modding, so any help is appreciated, thanks.

You like chicanes? Speed-bumps? Speeding tickets? Stop signs? Red lights? Toll booths? I thought racing was supposed to be about fast.
Porsche 993 3.8 RS Pre-Beta (RIP)

Sometimes it is necessary to know to admit defeat, much too complicated for me this project, too much time lost , not enough people to help me ... if someone has the strength and passion to carry it out, thanks to him otherwise he will remain in the state of pre-beta ... , Thanks ! :( (I offer you the 3d of HUMSTER3D)

Link full project :


PS : to make me forgive this failure I prepare you his big sister ... :P
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What is everyone's favorite mod pack (has to be more than one individual car)?

Depending on the day, any one of these mod packs can hit the spot for me:
DRM Mod V3
RSS GT1 Pack
AC Legends
Chivas GT500

For me:

A3DR Need For Speed
Bazza packs
God that F1 2013 mod was atrociously bad ahah. Cars wouldn't turn, taking a low-speed hairpin / corner was impossible (forget Monaco, Valencia and even Spa!) ... Don't know how they ****ed up so much with the Kunos physics they nicked.

It was either that or sadly...them morons 2020 pack. (which surprisingly alright for an actual 2020 cars, still wondering where they stolen the models from)
Porsche 993 3.8 RS Pre-Beta (RIP)

Sometimes it is necessary to know to admit defeat, much too complicated for me this project, too much time lost , not enough people to help me ... if someone has the strength and passion to carry it out, thanks to him otherwise he will remain in the state of pre-beta ... , Thanks ! :( (I offer you the 3d of HUMSTER3D)

Link full project :


PS : to make me forgive this failure I prepare you his big sister ... :P

First of all, I follow your work for long time. I mean, not since you started posting your mods at GTP.

Undoubtedly, I like all your work and all the stuff in your site.

Hats off and huge respect to you!
Even quiting this project, it is obvious your passion. It is obvious you know your limits.
Only one great human being knows how to be humble.

Thank you for your great mods, even in a development stage, I can drive and feel your Porsches like they were at final stage.
Believe me, I have experience, driving Porsches at a race track.


P.S. I hope we can have a passioned modder, taking care of this Porsche 993 3.8 RS Pre-Beta project.
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Real Racing 3

ahhhh I didn't think it would RR3 to be honest. And again ngl this is probs the first mod these melons did kind of okay.....which is a shame.

But I still prefer the older ones (not by them) but like F1 mania and all them lot who do them for free (ASR is a prime example) but they aren't up there as my favourite
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