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- Italy
The only way to hide the extra numberplate in CM Showroom, since the modder used a ksPerPixelMultiMap_Emissive shader, is to unpack the car via CM, import it via Kunos Editor and set as "visible = false" that specific mesh.Ext configs only work in game, you would not have any benefit in showroom. They should already look fine in game but there is nothing to do about the showroom, I think the config already hides one of the two based on specific skins. I don't have the car so I can't check myself but to keep it short
Ext config can't solve it
Unfortunately, this way every skin using that particular numbeplate position, won't show it for obvious reasons.
As far as I know, it's impossible to hide it using a blank .dds texture, like I did in my cars, because it's not using a shader with alpha channel like ksPerPixelAlpha, which helps in this case. If there's someone who knows a workaround, is welcome to add his feedback
As far s I remember, M4sterkey was working on it when he was still in our modding crew.Hello everyone, happy new year to you all. I know this has been mentioned a few times I believe, I'm just curious the ACC 2018 Nissan GTR GT3 has/have been converted to AC, I absolutely love this car and It would be fantastic to see one of you talented modders can do that. Thank you View attachment 982141
You can try asking him on his Discord channel.
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