Dude, get it, its NOTHING like pcars2, uses same engine but,
here is a list of all the games that use the unreal engine.. and that includes ACC

silly argument.. the engine does not make the game,what the developers do with it does, and Reiza brought the strong JuJu juice to this one. The FFB is just awesome, the track/car selection is unique(ish) and "it just works", no screwing around, pick your poisen, hop in, race.
I own a LOT of these games, currently my preference for just getting in the rig and racing for a few hours is in this order
AMS2>>RF2>>ACC (AC i just poke around with modding, dont bother racing in it)
AMS2 overtook RF2 as my "goto" some time ago, and manages to look goegeous while its doing it as well!
My current favorite is the McLaren F1 GT1 @ Spa 6 hours. (even though I am a crap racer)
Back OT, anyone know if there is a mod for AC that does this "blurring" of everything except the road in front of you, its like a "focus" of some sort, accidentally turned it on in AMS2 in the helmet options and loving it! (apologies, accidentally grabbed the triples.)
edit: LOL, crewchief @ 2m25