Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Hello everyone, I was wondering if someone could reupload the Sim Dream folder in Mega, as the only post I've found seems to have been taken down. Thanks
I have been using this for a while, until I found this one:

(my own UL - will be available for a short while. When it's gone you can still find the track on Assetto Corsa Mods:

Made by Yannis Konstantinidis (0.6 beta). It's closer to real, but as it seems further development has been halted, sadly...
Much better. Maybe someone could grab the mountains from the other version?
I´m looking for someone who can make the 2009 Le Mans winning Peugeot 908 HDI FAP Nr.9 Livery for this Peugeot. It will be a paid job. You can get the mod from me


But is it possible to make a drone camera path that dynamically follows a car? A moving cam that follows the position of the car?
A flycam/heli/boom camera is also an option that runs by itself (no controller needed, no apps required to view them either).
It can be made to take a curve, or a bit of an S or a Z, and go up or down too (or both at different points).
Need to change choppers now and then (or frequently, if you're flying low or close to the cars).
Another limitation is the speed it flys is preset (by whomever makes the cams) and needs to be tuned to the class of car (the only aspect that's tied to the car is when it switches to the next cam, and which way the camera points).
I suspect it's easier for track makers to make them than plebs like me though. They're not that easy to make with just the Shaders Debug app (bit of math involved, plus trial and error, to get the correct values in the CSV file for the trajectory you like and not 'ruining the magic' by revealing holes in the track either.)

Example (not by me):
Thanks - no need to credit me at all, all I did was quickly remove that litle floater from the dashboard.
One other thing for a future update, the hand/wheel synch needs fixing with:


in data/driver3d.ini

I've just unpacked v1.7 and this is what I already have. Have I missed something?
I would like to. I started modelling the MS670A, but currently i'm mainly working on the ms650 i already have (short tail, long tail, stock), to use the same physic adapted to the ms670 being the real MS670 an evolution of the MS650. I will realise the MS650 as well if the original author will let me do.
Fantastic. I will look forward to seeing your progress. Great cars.
Yeah I know... I'm kinda new and I see everywhere to avoid paying for them and hoping to find a link, at least for the F1 2007 to 2012 mods...

Don´t waste your time with it. Go and grab some good mods from RSS (they have vintage and new F1 cars). See here:
Or even from ASR if it should be free at all:

You´ll find a ton of skins then on racedepartment for free.
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Hello guys. Do you know if there is a google doc or something with all the links of the mods haven been posted on this forum?? 2091 pages, are a lot and I miss all the content that has been released

In the search box in the top of the forum page, enter "http" and check "Search this thread only" before hitting the "Search" button.

This may not include everything, but you will get "About 7,900 results".
Well, the difference I noticed is that the stock version of vhe Hockenheim 1.0 was so bumpy it was hard to concentrate on the road. Things were a bit of a blur jiggling up and down. I only ran new version briefly, didn't immediately notice it to be that bad, but it was very brief, so not sure and I cannot try again anytime soon, so that's why I asked. I didn't know how it all worked anyways, I just liked that it wasn't so bumpy.

That's what setups are for, in real life and in pretend racing (as Oggie used to say). 1. Seriously reduce the jounce/bump value of the shocks. 2. Reduce the value of the springs (you may need to increase the value of the bars to compensate). 3. Raise the ride height. 4. Install a whoopee cushion.
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I think this option will overwrite some of my mods, just trying to avoid that because I lost track of them a long time ago. :lol:

If I feel the necessity to perform an integrity check, I simply move my 'cars' and 'tracks' folders to a safe place, and when Steam is through, I move them back again. If you want to save time, you can keep copies of the original 'cars' and 'tracks' folders in a safe place, and swap them with your operational folders during the integrity check. (Plus, copies of your 'cars' and 'tracks' folders provide a backup in case of any other catastrophes.)
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i am trying to rework this sc model to have a usable template instead of just some places where you can put on a sticker so to speak. but I have no clue how I generate/make a texture like this work. i use blender and I would love if anyone could help me with this.

All the red are different panels that I want to have one texture.

in advance thanks a lot for helping me!
I cant get this car to work, always getting a error when loading.
It's a CSP 0.1.70 preview and 0.1.69 release issue. It could be related to wiper sound. If you revert back to 0.1. 69 preview1 is fine. I have to understand what causes the issue, because the new car I'm working on doesn't have issues
Much better this version, closer to reality in some aspects.

Mountains are definitely missing

Here you can check some pictures from google maps from the surrounding environment

Circuit of Megara - Google Maps

In any case it's a keeper
When scrolling down these pics, there's even a google street view possible, so you can check 360°.
The track does need some surrounding mountains (and other stuff), but even as it is, it's way better than BVT version.
i am trying to rework this sc model to have a usable template instead of just some places where you can put on a sticker so to speak. but I have no clue how I generate/make a texture like this work. i use blender and I would love if anyone could help me with this.View attachment 983083
All the red are different panels that I want to have one texture.

in advance thanks a lot for helping me!
You need to map your model, using the UV Unwrap Modifier
Hello assetto guys,
What happened here? Its Brands Hatch and i did a repair with the local files check, but no improvement. (win10, csp1.69, sol 2.01)
View attachment 983043

There are probably some conflicting CSP configs for this track. check "assettocorsa\extension\config\tracks" and "assettocorsa\extension\config\tracks\loaded" for a file called "ks_brands_hatch.ini". Also check "assettocorsa\content\tracks\ks_brands_hatch" for an extension folder. I would recommend deleting the "ks_brands_hatch.ini" from "assettocorsa\extension\config\tracks" and "assettocorsa\extension\config\tracks\loaded" and deleting the "extension" folder from inside "assettocorsa\content\tracks\ks_brands_hatch". Then in content manager go to Settings->Custom Shaders Patch->Tracks Configs and find "Brands Hatch" and right click it. Select "Install Now" from the menu that pops up. This SHOULD fix it.

Also, since you did a local files check you should probably also reinstall CSP and Sol just to make sure all of their files are there and steam didn't mess them up during the local files check.
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