Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Here is a screenshot of my track-rating for longer tracks. Just as a point of reference: The original Kunos are 4-stars in my rating.

The CM-filter for this list is: "len>30" (= track length more than 30 km)

View attachment 983012

Comment: Some shorter tracks are listed because they have two-way-traffic layouts, which make them much longer (for example: Black Cat County's two-way-traffic layout is 34 km).
High Force & Glen Shiel are very good for that size of content... But their maps are not create-able on CM. Is there a file for them? Especially for Glen Shiel?
"When you released your amazing mod of the Alfa 33/3 TT-12 I was just amazed, I waited so long for that car to be raced in AC! Plus, you must know that I know personally Arturo "Merza" Merzario, since I live practically just a mile from where he lives on the Lake of Como, and in time, as a fanatic of the great sportcars of the past, we had the occasion to meet and since than we are basically friends, he is really a respectful, kind and open gentlemen driver... he even let me have the honor of sitting by him in a hillclimb race here in Italy, in the very 33 TT12 - I can't tell you how honored I was...
When we meet the last time, I even told him of this Mod of yours, and he was very glad to hear that his beloved "horse" (as he calls it like a cowboy) had been created to be enjoyed and be known by younger people to appreciate it. So many thanks from him himself too!"

A Merzario / M Andretti

in models.ini drop the terrain down a bit in -0.001 increments, my bad! At work now so cannot test.

Sorry for asking but how do you mean that? Currently the values are



To which value should these be changed to, exactly?
Sorry for asking but how do you mean that? Currently the values are



To which value should these be changed to, exactly?

Sorry, not at my PC at moment. Try this:

If it's not enough, try lowering it. Iirc the middle coordinate is the Z one to raise or lower that kn5 model.

Working terrain.kn5.
Have Fun.

Thank you both, already fells pretty close to the real thing, maybe the mountains are a tad higher IRL but nevermind they are perfect the way they are looking now. Terrain is perfect and the bumps are present as IRL. I do not recall seeing the wind generator at the end of the straight but that is not a problem.

I have one correction though. The left kerb at the S before the final long right turn is as high as the kerb at the right corner at end of the back straight.


Great job so far, thank you again guys.
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yup my settings are similar, but, I find the ffb in AC to be lacking in terms of grip loss on the edge, I have poked at every setting I can to try get it feeling like other games but cannot, I do hope the kunos team eventually release AC2 with thye new tyre models from ACC, something AC is sorely missing. A moddable version of ACC would be killer!

I am sure there is talent around that could put something like the ACC tyre model into AC. Some of the work going on with wet surfaces will involve tyre models and how they shift water. A whole revised physics was put into GPL, not by Papyrus, but by the GPLEA (GPL Editors Association) and their ilk.

I understand what you say about sims for racing. My go-to race sim is still GPL: here's a link to a league season I participated in in 2004, and the sim is still evolving with new mods today!
"When you released your amazing mod of the Alfa 33/3 TT-12 I was just amazed, I waited so long for that car to be raced in AC! Plus, you must know that I know personally Arturo "Merza" Merzario, since I live practically just a mile from where he lives on the Lake of Como, and in time, as a fanatic of the great sportcars of the past, we had the occasion to meet and since than we are basically friends, he is really a respectful, kind and open gentlemen driver... he even let me have the honor of sitting by him in a hillclimb race here in Italy, in the very 33 TT12 - I can't tell you how honored I was...
When we meet the last time, I even told him of this Mod of yours, and he was very glad to hear that his beloved "horse" (as he calls it like a cowboy) had been created to be enjoyed and be known by younger people to appreciate it. So many thanks from him himself too!"

I met Merza at the Ennstal Classic in the summer of 2019 where he drove an Abarth in the racecar contest at the airport runway of Niederöblarn which is located near my home. I was impressed by his personality and gentlemanlike attitude and also by the inspiring pleasure he showed driving the car - I said to my wife: 'This man shows how to get old with dignity...'
Working terrain.kn5.
Have Fun.

thanks for that, at work ATM, will revisit again after as i noticed some bug in original track as well, a lot of extra geometry under the track and several duplicated surfaces that can be dumped to optimise it. sadly no "clean" sattelite imagery of the area exists as the airport is "blocked out" for security reasons presumably and i had to do some creative quick photoshopping as the blocks extend inthe hills.

Yes but dont buy from a grey market key reseller such as kinguin and g2a, there have been a whole host of messes of devs saying its better to just pirate then support those companies. None of the money you are spending is going to the developer. Better off waiting for the easter sale.

Thanks, I just bought it today. Cant wait till Easter. It is awesome - right out the box. Now for tweaking a bit.

That said, I went back to AC F1 1990, after AM2 F1 1990, and AC for me, beats it in every way.
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A help request: just over the past week or so, I can no longer Alt-Tab back into my AC. The only thing that might have changed is an update to CSP 1.70 and Sol 2.0.1. Might that be enough of a issue?

I've heard that running in windowed mode can help if I need to move back and forth from AC to Windows, but what's an easy way to switch to windowed mode?

@TheRealCeeBee and anyone else with a DD wheelbase...

Have you fiddled the new 'FFB Tweaks' settings* in the latest CSP build? Don't know if it's placebo, but I like what they do quite a lot. They're the opposite of 'gamey', if you know what I mean. To me, they seem to make the FFB more realistic,though I'm not exactly sure why! The wheel just feels weightier, but not just with added force.

(* I'm mostly referring to the new 'Output real forces to wheel' option. I've been using the 'more physically accurate gyro' option for quite some time already.)

View attachment 983038
so feel! very fidelity!
A help request: just over the past week or so, I can no longer Alt-Tab back into my AC. The only thing that might have changed is an update to CSP 1.70 and Sol 2.0.1. Might that be enough of a issue?

I've heard that running in windowed mode can help if I need to move back and forth from AC to Windows, but what's an easy way to switch to windowed mode?

disable DIGX
Don´t waste your time with it. Go and grab some good mods from RSS (they have vintage and new F1 cars). See here:
Or even from ASR if it should be free at all:

You´ll find a ton of skins then on racedepartment for free.
While yes, I understand, some F1 years like 2012, 2003 or 2008 don't seem to have anything elsewhere - if you want certain years they may be your only hope.
Though 2007 yeah, nah, VRC have the Ferrari and McLaren and there are skin packs
If I feel the necessity to perform an integrity check, I simply move my 'cars' and 'tracks' folders to a safe place, and when Steam is through, I move them back again. If you want to save time, you can keep copies of the original 'cars' and 'tracks' folders in a safe place, and swap them with your operational folders during the integrity check. (Plus, copies of your 'cars' and 'tracks' folders provide a backup in case of any other catastrophes.)
I actually managed to solve the problem - Apparently I had a second installation of AC on another drive (without mods), and Steam downloaded the DLC packs to that location instead. Deleting it and forcing Steam to install it to my main drive fixed the issue.
Yeah I know... I'm kinda new and I see everywhere to avoid paying for them and hoping to find a link, at least for the F1 2007 to 2012 mods...
you might want to read the forum rules; no links to get paid stuff for free are allowed on the threads.

Brilliant! Does it really work?
yeah but you might want to check each config to see which one you prefer first, then copy that one to the track folder or else it might get updated without the ignore line
ok updated to two versions for Megara terrain, use models.ini to use the far terrain or not.


Blender clip to show the difference between the two in terms of size.


AC will ghost out the far plane unless your view settings are very far so probably pointless. but if you want both models.ini needs to look like this




simply delete model_2 section if you dont need the far terrain.
Hi, I am an old simracer and a first day release Assetto Corsa purchaser... many years ago.
I recently discovered this forum, so please forgive me if I eventually make a silly question.
Content manager, Csp, Sol and many talented modders have completely revamped the old Assetto Corsa so I very often prefer to play AC rather than ACC...
My question: I would like very much to see some dust when a race car goes off the ideal race line, as it happens IRL (for example during Blancpain or F1 races...). Is it possible to have such feature in Assetto Corsa ??
Thank you and best regards.

Welcome to the world-wide GTP forum... Enjoy your stay, and would welcome any mod-improvements members learn along the track... (no pun intended)

Within CM Settings go to 'Particles FX' and fiddle with Smoke/Dust levers... There's also a section ino 'Solid Pieces' with further off-track effects... Just be mindful these effects can be non-FPS friendly, and taxing on PC specs... Advised to monitor CPU/GPU loads & temperatures.

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