DRM REVIVAL MOD 1.2 for Assetto Corsa New Update
Dear Costumer,
we are happy to release today the thrd update of our DRM-REVIVAL MOD for Asetto Corsa. The new version called DRM_REVIVAL MOD 1.2.
You can download the new version by clicking the download button ( see below )
While you downloading the DRM REVIVAL MOD 1.2, you can read the changelog.
PHYSICS: Balance of performance of all cars carefully adjusted
PHYSICS: new tire called "rain" to use for wet tracks
GRAPHICS: reworked head lights and brake ligths
GRAPHICS: reworked gauges and needles for a better view at night
GRAPHICS: reworked mapping of the internal windows
SOUNDS: added rpm limiter sounds
SOUNDS: performed sound tweaks and improvements
MANUAL: updated information about new "rain" tire and the support for the Dynamic Shader Light Patch
SUPPORT for the Dynamic Shader Light Patch by Ilja Jusupov:
• new tread texture for rain tire (visible change of tread in the car setup)
• vehicle specific settings for color, shape of head lights and head light cone, tail lights and brake lights
• improvements of the reflection into the cockpit view
• working wiper animation for all cars
IMPORTANT: The Shader Patch is optional.The DRM REVIVAL MOD works well without this Patch !!!
RMT 120
GRAPHICS: added the missing internal windows and reflection
GRAPHICS: animation of the wiper
GRAPHICS: fixed the missing reflection of gauges
GRAPHICS: correction of driver eye position
GRAPHICS: alternative texture of the steering wheel used in the skin number RC_9, RC_40, RC_52
GRAPHICS: fixed the driver arms animation and position
GRAPHICS: animation of the wiper
I heard/read someone complaining about the cars being BOPed. I was a bit afraid they all would perform the same now. But they are most certainly not. Gave them all some laps at Okutama today and there is a 16" gap between the fastest and the slowest car.

They all look better in cockpit view too.
You will need the little app from RD to adjust the fake names to real, unless you want to do it by yourself, like I did yesterday... (before that little helper was posted)...