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Also GTX 1080ti (i7-4790 3.60GHz 16 GB ram) feeding 3 x 144Hz / 1ms 27" monitors. Except smoke, I have everything maxed in video settings.
Now I could alter (lower) some settings each time, but that is too much of a hassle for me. Most tracks I get +100 FPS.
So, tracks that are badly optimised are directly moved to the bin :P

Same here, even tough my post was tongue in the cheek. :D
I wonder if the difference is the optimization we have now in the patch,:confused:, are you also optimized in the patch?
Or maybe triple screen more demanding than CV1?
I'm on the most recent patch. I have no idea about triples being more or less demanding than CV1.
5760 x 1080 res.
I do fear my CPU might be a bit of a bottleneck atm. Even with very high FPS (I have it limited to 140) I can see some microstutter on the side screens.
W.i.P. update for the Ford Mustang GT 350 Shelby 1965 race version. :D
It's finally on the track with the wheels movingh correctly and now in the correct position! Hooray!


Sorry for the poor quality of the video, but the default W10 recorder doesn't work as expected with games...

I'm learning on the way.. so I don't when the car will be finished.
I need to place the driver in the correct position inside the car in first place and then I can think about adding the materials and textures, many of which are hidden in the parameters.
let's see what I can do...
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Nope sorry.
Usually when a project desappear from RD is because the modder used textures from Kunos or something like that...
But for sure Shaun Clarke will solve.
Well, I see on RD he got the avatar "signed out". Don't know whether he left or not.
Alpine A450 LMP2 Rework v1.0

Here's another awesome car I've put a lot of work into, hope you all enjoy it!


Damn, thats a lot of work, well done. Indeed the RTM version of this rip was hideous. Atrocious. Glad someone took the time to get this beauty right!

One question, what do you do with the extension folder? The .ini just resides in your AC Mod folder?
"lolz", no he changed his profile picutre from Albert Einstein to "signed out"

"lolz" indeed, it doesn't mean the guy jumped from the nearest, highest ledge of a building.
Not visiting the site. Didn't I say that?
And its picture not picutre...
Needs a lot of optimizing. I get about 35/40 FPS and it stutters like hell on my system (comparison: Okutama is +120 all the time and smooth as silk)

I got 70fps in the Rift in the BAC Mono with shader patch/Sol fully active, 980ti/6600k (so more than enough headroom for ASW reprojection) so I'd have thought you'd have got better performance than that. Have you tried it after a restart?
This and Hong Kong aren't bad (HK is much better) but they suffer from the same overexposed look that a lot of rF rips do. There must be something in how shaders are converted that blasts them with a nuke.
(Edit: I know these are GRID rips)

Yeah sorry, I know it's not a well optimized track. Some Japanese dude just converted it and left it. I think we're lucky it even exists. Hopefully now that it's out in the open talented people can look into it and bring it up to the same standards as Okutama (as well as ripping Cote de Azur to finally complete the collection :mad::lol:).

I didn't have much issue with graphics, although I have most of my settings mostly at Low/Medium :P I did notice the track surface is too bumpy - classic issue with the road mesh not being converted properly from another game. Even with that, it's still a joy driving these tracks with proper physics :D
Okutama lights config is out. Just drove @Apexxer Alpine from dusk till dawn (time multiplier) in a stunning experience :bowdown:
That was a great drive. Car feels good, sound is very pleasing.
I turned FFB a lot lower (OSW-Simucube) than most of my cars, but it feels very good.

For many mod cars, to adjust FFB, I use the Kunos app, the wheel icon on the right side app menu. You need to unpack data if it is packed. Just click on auto, do 2 laps of any track, save and the level of FFB will be similar to any other Kunos car. The trick was given by Aris a while back, stating that it is what he his using when setting ffb himself.
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For many mod cars, to adjust FFB, I use the Kunos app, the wheel icon on the right side app menu. You need to unpack data if it is packed. Just click on auto, do 2 laps of any track, save and the level of FFB will be similar to any other Kunos car. The trick was given by Aris a while back, stating that it is what he his using when setting ffb himself.

Thanks, I'm aware of this tool though.
Used it for a while until I started controlling FFB by means of Atle Dreier FFB-Clip app:

This is adjustable when driving, warns if clipping appears.
Anyway, just to check, I tried Kunos Force Feedback Controller again to see what the result was. I was a bit surprised that it matched my earlier settings, done in FFB-Clip.

So both are doing a good job, but in the latter overall FFB can be adjusted instantly while driving.
Most cars are set between 75-95% in the FFB-clip, while the Alpine needs 58% ... which is why I commented on the FFB.
It is no issue at all, it feels good like this.

My overall FFB settings:
- AC FFB gain is at 60%, effects off, Gyroscopic effect ON, minimum damper 15%.
-OSW overall strength 40%, damping 99%.
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"lolz" indeed, it doesn't mean the guy jumped from the nearest, highest ledge of a building.
Not visiting the site. Didn't I say that?
And its picture not picutre...
I want to keep this forum drama free but I have to respond to this. Are you serious? How old are you? You really point out a typo and use it as a kind of insult? I am sorry that english is not my native language and that my chrome version is in german and with that doesnt autocorrect my mistakes. We can write in MY native language and I can point out every mistake you make if you would prefer that.

You should consider if you want to keep posting your (strange) opinions in this forum because nobody here seems to agree with you or even like you.
You fail to give constructive criticism and call others work "trash" eventhough it is free and it is their first try ever. You dont fit in this friendly community and juddging by your language (lolz) you should really move your internet-balls to another community where multible people like you are. E.g. Fortnite
Keep on designing " REAL RACE CARS FOR REAL TEAMS " and let us enjoy our shared hobby and our "****** skins" where you can see every pixel.
You are just to good for us. We dont deserve you, your skills and your knowledge. Thank you
You should consider if you want to keep posting your (strange) opinions in this forum because nobody here seems to agree with you or even like you.

To be fair, the minute I saw his first post here and saw the name "P1Buttplug" I just assumed he was a troll and promptly ignored him. I suggest the rest of the forum do the same so we can get back to business.
To you and anyone else curious about the new AC:
Get Content Manager if you don't have it. Download the latest shaders patch from #updates-download on the discord chanel Drag&drop that file onto the content manager window and let it install for you. Then get track light configs from #configs-library and put them in \assettocorsa\extension\config\tracks\ and get SOL from racedepartment as well and follow its install instructions in the pdf.

it does not take long, you cannot screw up anything, it is the best thing that happened to AC, they made the impossible possible.
worth the little effort to make it happen. this why PC race is PC race.


@Cote Dazur, could you share the link again to the discord channel please? I'm getting an "invalid invite". Thanks.
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