Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
There's something really weird going on with that track, the physics of the cars seem completely off, and when I reach about 145 kph the car starts to chuck out smoke like I was burning the tyres but tyre temps are not affected at all. And once I exit the session CM shows an error it can't explain to me...
If a bug crawls up my butt, i will take a look.... x,y,z looks ok, but there are very unoptimized portions of this map.
Perhaps I will have a deeper look, but it would be best to find the sources and re-convert the whole thing.

I remade the Wangan99 from scratch sources, putting the x,y,z in the center of the map eliminated the car shakes that are clearly present in the known "released" version on the interwebz.
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Anyone know how to fix the berks? The track is Phillip Island.
I started work on a new Phillip Island , posted it here and "someone"? was already making one so I stopped. The track is completely wrong in its layout. The "berks" whatever they are , are the least of its issues I think . I feel like it might have @Zwiss that was going ot release it?

I hate these trees, all strangely colored and shaped, looking very unnatural to me.
Similarly I start on a fix for those trees, but apprently a new lidar scanned track was going to release before the end of last year.
The trees are ripped from a grid game I think (looks like thoise kind of trees, a poly for every branch then more polys for leave planes etc) or something else wierd with them they use tonnes of polys and are a long distance from the track, the whole track can by MUCH lighter by just replacing them with X or Y trees and a bit more variation, they all exactly the same.
to add more strangeness the leaves are in one kn5 and the tree trunks are in another ;)


Anyone know is the mysterious Eastern Creek Lidar version will ever release?

Here found the last video, June last year

I just did a poly count.. PER TREE 554 mesh planes..
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maybe contact the author, see how he´s doing, if it's still going. I still have the sydney mp lidar data that was shared here a while back, just in case...
Thank you so much for doing this!!!

Would you be willing to update the night lights to match the SuperNight round of the V8's when they raced there?

Thanks :)

I don't know what is or how the SuperNight lights are because from my country there's no way to watch full V8 races (at least for what i know), so i don't have idea on which are the difference from the real ones. The lights we have are based on the light source position of the base track, no 3d addend for the moment (and tbh i don't even have time to think about something like that) ;)
Bunch of updates to our reworks of the GT4 cars.
Every mod now has the latest version of the self-developed brakes thermodynamics model, we added baked AO to skins and other minor changes. Here's the full changelog and the download links.

Aston Martin Vantage GT4 v2.1
• increased downshift overrevving
• corrected rear tyres radius
• adjusted suspensions setup to match rear tyres radius
• revised rear brakes thermodynamics
• added evaluation of AI fuel consumption
• regenerated VAO patch


BMW M3 E92 GT4 v1.1
• revised brakes thermodynamics
• revised AI fuel consumption
• added baked AO to skins by RealAKP
• regenerated VAO patch
• update CM previews


Ford Mustang GT4 v1.1

• revised engine braking torque and inertia
• revised brakes thermodynamics
• revised AI fuel consumption
• fixed crash when using packed data.acd
• added baked AO and compression to skins by RealAKP
• regenerated VAO patch
• update CM previews

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I don't know what is or how the SuperNight lights are because from my country there's no way to watch full V8 races (at least for what i know), so i don't have idea on which are the difference from the real ones. The lights we have are based on the light source position of the base track, no 3d addend for the moment (and tbh i don't even have time to think about something like that) ;)

Thanks for the reply mate!

If I can get you some reference material would you be interested in giving it a go? Happy to chip in for your efforts!

Thanks again :)
Thanks for the reply mate!

If I can get you some reference material would you be interested in giving it a go? Happy to chip in for your efforts!

Thanks again :)

The lidar version in development seems have updated light position, let's see if it's still on development or not, at the moment i have no time for this kind of update ;)
Nothing kills immersion quite like an eyesore off track. Not saying it is one in this case, but the statement is true regardless.

Plus, AC is no longer just a racing game. I spend longer working on photography or casually cruising and enjoying the sights than I do actually racing, but I guess I should just focus on the track surface ;)

This in spades. For the sim racing fix i have rfactor2 / ACC, AC has just become a totally different sort of enjoyment, so many people play it with controllers and keyboards, someone on discord even said to someone asking about a fix for their next league race and he said something along the lines of "AC isn't the place for league events, use something else"

The mear fact that i care now about what the grass looks like and such things is nuts as i boot up rfactor2 and it doesn't bother me at all how it looks.

There are too many badly optimized tracks and cars, one minute you have 20 AI and loads of performance, next track it's choking it.

Bloomin love AC though.

Just look at some of the mods people use, a car made out of a croc sandal, lightning McQueen, buses!

I mean, each to their own, but we are a mile away from serious simming now...

I can remember the outrage when Turn 10 started adding silly cars in Forza.... turns out that was what people wanted...

Don't get me wrong its great that people can have fun using controllers and keyboards... but that is because it can be gamed in a different way.
I doubt many people use a controller on rfactor2, because the only enjoyment there is the feel of sim racing.

Devs see this and stuff degenerates to PCars3 or dirt 5. Its what people want, the biggest niche will always be the folks with wheels and pedals and a love of just racing cars... from practice / qual / race....
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Devs see this and stuff degenerates to PCars3 or dirt 5. Its what people want, the biggest niche will always be the folks with wheels and pedals and a love of just racing cars... from practice / qual / race....
Project Cars 3 sales numbers aren't exactly proof of this haha.
Don't know how and if the better version is still in development, but for personal use i've updated Easter Creek (i always update all the tracks that i like most then i keep for myself most of the time because people don't like to have many version out there, but sometimes ext_config alone is not enough in order to make it better).

For EC i don't remember if i edited the KN5 or not, but i made from scratch a new EXT_CONFIG featuring RainFX, LightFX, GrassFX, new VAO patches and includeed track cams by DaBaeda. If anyone wants it i can upload and share with you, it's now works fine for night racing, al leat works fine on my (not high end) setup.


Here's some images

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it's a shame because your 2 versions have the same name "eastern_creek2014" I use the CrisT86 version but I would also like to use the updated version from DaBaeda .... so i can't install both versions at the same time same filename
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Project Cars 3 sales numbers aren't exactly proof of this haha.

Not sure what the sales are like, but i bet it outsold rfactor2 like for like time frame.
And yes, I agree PCars3 worked for no one, not simmers or casuals.
It failed, but i'd wager it still made SMS plenty of money.

If i were to be honest, and it's just simply my opinion, i don't get all these things like buses and crocs on wheels.... which is fine, plenty of ways to avoid that... but do people seriously use these things?

Its interesting to see what people want and ask for, from a driving sim.

But this rounds back to my point, it has long since moved well away from driving sim, at its core it is, but i just spent 2 hours of my downtime expanding my learning of camtool2..... and i loved it...

I can spend hours fiddling with pp filters... its a form of madness.
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It failed, but i'd wager it still made SMS plenty of money.

One day, board members will stop thinking they need to dumb games down for people...


If i were to be honest, and it's just simply my opinion, i don't get all these things like buses and crocs on wheels.... which is fine, plenty of ways to avoid that... but do people seriously use these things?

Its interesting to see what people want and ask for, from a driving sim.

But you're right - I keep an eye on Forza DLCs in case interesting interesting appears, but when I see something like a 'hot wheels' set I think to myself "who buys this?", but it certainly seems like the novelty factor does have great sales appeal. And ultimately, if they can sell 20 of something that people only use once or 10 of something that people will use for years... their job is (usually) to do the former. I guess both approaches can work, ACC seems to be doing rather well despite taking the exact opposite approach and AC modding reaches across the entire spectrum.
1.72 has is no longer a preview, it's a public release. The patreon one is 0.73p1.
I have the 1.72 Preview build installed, so it's the 1.72 public build but with Rain FX. I deleted 1.73 because I was experiencing issues with floating trackside objects.
This'll inspire you to load up an R5 Turbo mod in AC. A lot of good info about this crazy little super-hot hatch, and it's entertaining to watch.

From Fecebook--Recent update. This is not my mod.

Assetto Corsa Our Racing Simulator
shared an album.

2t2Sposniaslorhedr ·

Renault 5 Turbo R v1.2

Our Racing Simulator

Happy Sunday to you all!

I've been very busy with family, work, helping other modders and progressing with my mods. Due to this there has been a delay in releasing this update, so I thank you all for your patience.

I was going to do a small update because I fixed some errors, improved 3d, materials and textures and corrected CSP code. Also, many little tweaks here and there to get it to look as good as I can. I've also added exhaust glow, and I've spent some serious time testing it to make sure it looks realistic and occurs in a potentially realistic way, so it will be seen very rarely and at, hopefully, the right time.
I will add this to all my mods in time.

But, the thing that I really like about this update is the fantastic rework Soma Ito did on the lights refractions. It's a big improvement over his previous attempt, and I'm so impressed with his want to improve on his work and do an even better job. Good attitude to modding and to life. Well done!

S3r1u5 - Creator / Convertor
ATS - Extensive Updates
Velo - French, Austrian and Swiss Licence Plates
Buja Gili - Wipers and Gear Shift Animation and Bumpers AO Mapping Advice
Nizar Razzouk - Extra Gauges, Clock and Warning Dash Lights Implementation
Miguel Silva - Help with Turn Signals, Fog Lights and Hazards Implementation
Paris Kritikos (Shadow Explorer) - Seatbelt On Model
Soma Ito - Lights Refractions
Dan Bucsa - Full mod remaster...

MegaNZ link for mod download:

***Please install manually by unpacking the mod and copying the "content" folder into your AC folder and always delete the previous version, otherwise you are not getting the full experience.***


YouTube Playlist:

Mod Photo Album:

Fan Photo Album:

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One day, board members will stop thinking they need to dumb games down for people...


But you're right - I keep an eye on Forza DLCs in case interesting interesting appears, but when I see something like a 'hot wheels' set I think to myself "who buys this?", but it certainly seems like the novelty factor does have great sales appeal. And ultimately, if they can sell 20 of something that people only use once or 10 of something that people will use for years... their job is (usually) to do the former. I guess both approaches can work, ACC seems to be doing rather well despite taking the exact opposite approach and AC modding reaches across the entire spectrum.

Good graphs, but board members will look at console sales and ignore who is playing online with them.

Which i do understand.
There are millions of people on a controller playing forza.
What i can't understand so much is how AC has blurred those boundaries of simmers with full set ups who play stuff like RF1 and RF2 and keyboard / controller users salivating at driving around a mario track.

Turn 10 did without a doubt nail it. However much they are hated, it's pretty much what AC has become... which now i think about bloomin brilliant actually...

AC is the ultimate everyman of sims, caters for everyone and everything.

No one is pushed out, many of play and use it in totally different ways, you only need look at some peoples pictures and videos to see many peoples AC look totally different from one another, some look dire some look stunning.

Blows my mind.
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This'll inspire you to load up an R5 Turbo mod in AC. A lot of good info about this crazy little super-hot hatch, and it's entertaining to watch.

From Fecebook--Recent update. This is not my mod.

Assetto Corsa Our Racing Simulator
shared an album.

2t2Sposniaslorhedr ·

Renault 5 Turbo R v1.2

Our Racing Simulator

Happy Sunday to you all!

I've been very busy with family, work, helping other modders and progressing with my mods. Due to this there has been a delay in releasing this update, so I thank you all for your patience.

I was going to do a small update because I fixed some errors, improved 3d, materials and textures and corrected CSP code. Also, many little tweaks here and there to get it to look as good as I can. I've also added exhaust glow, and I've spent some serious time testing it to make sure it looks realistic and occurs in a potentially realistic way, so it will be seen very rarely and at, hopefully, the right time.
I will add this to all my mods in time.

But, the thing that I really like about this update is the fantastic rework Soma Ito did on the lights refractions. It's a big improvement over his previous attempt, and I'm so impressed with his want to improve on his work and do an even better job. Good attitude to modding and to life. Well done!

S3r1u5 - Creator / Convertor
ATS - Extensive Updates
Velo - French, Austrian and Swiss Licence Plates
Buja Gili - Wipers and Gear Shift Animation and Bumpers AO Mapping Advice
Nizar Razzouk - Extra Gauges, Clock and Warning Dash Lights Implementation
Miguel Silva - Help with Turn Signals, Fog Lights and Hazards Implementation
Paris Kritikos (Shadow Explorer) - Seatbelt On Model
Soma Ito - Lights Refractions
Dan Bucsa - Full mod remaster...

MegaNZ link for mod download:

***Please install manually by unpacking the mod and copying the "content" folder into your AC folder and always delete the previous version, otherwise you are not getting the full experience.***


YouTube Playlist:

Mod Photo Album:

Fan Photo Album:


Are the rims TOO BIG?
View attachment 966371

Autodromo Internacional Velopark - Version 2.0

Original track: Automobilista - Reiza Studios
Original conversion: VheEth

- Remapping: road, grass, curbs, trees, fences, walls, buildings, track objects and sponsor boards.
- New curb, sponsor boards, people and new flags added
- New file extension for Grass FX and track lights (very basic)
- Added the VAO file

- New conversion from scratch
- Reworked trees
- New horizon
- Update of textures and materials
- Performance optimization
- Update of extension file
- New layout (Standard)
- New AI Line by @LiquidSkyMan


Good morning VheEth . . . any chance you can repost the DL link for AUTODROMO INTERNACIONAL VELOPARK 2.0?
This one seems to be dead.
Are the rims TOO BIG?

The one in the video is a special model, and/or they changed the wheels. I think the mod looks about right for the original model, but Renault probably changed to smaller rims, as they changed to a "stock" interior and removed aluminum parts, "watering it down" to make it a little more economical to build and sell.
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Hello everyone, I would like some advice from those who know about modding. I have noticed that many modified cars have a poorly crafted collider (I am especially referring to the visual collider). I would like to know what is the best way to correct this error and which program is more user-friendly to do it. I have no experience in 3d programs but the idea is to learn. Thanks for your help.
Jackson Storm




Purely for fun, made to match the Lightning McQueen mod that was released by ACR. They're basically just oval racers that you should not take seriously in any way! No internal views and a very basic model provided by Kreanym

There were some pretty amazing reaction videos of kids playing McQueen back when it was released, so this is maybe a bit late to the party, but if only 1 man/woman/child gets any sort of enjoyment out of using this or beating Jackson with McQueen then it was well worth bringing him to AC.

:lol: :cheers:
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Jackson Storm

View attachment 993496

View attachment 993500


Purely for fun, made to match the Lightning McQueen mod that was released by ACR. They're basically just oval racers that you should not take seriously in any way! No internal views and a very basic model provided by Kreanym

There were some pretty amazing reaction videos of kids playing McQueen back when it was released, so this is maybe a bit late to the party, but if only 1 man/woman/child gets any sort of enjoyment out of using this or beating Jackson with McQueen then it was well worth bringing him to AC.

:lol: :cheers:

Anyone got the Hudson? I remember seeing it around. So far I got Mater and Lightning McQueen.
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