Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Version 3.0 - Released 2021.02.23
Renault Clio R.S. Cup X98 (2013)
CSP v0.1.72 or above required

• AssettoGarage for the base mod
• delpinsky, maki123 & masscot for updates to the base mod
• RealAKP for the precious collaboration


• scratch made physics (as always)
• CSP aero maps
• brakes thermodynamics
• VAO patch


• implemented CSP aero maps
• added further wing for aero drag
• accurate frontal area calculation
• revised body drag
• revised diffuser lift

Suspensions, brakes and tyres
• corrected dampers velocity thresholds
• corrected bumpstops position
• corrected packer range
• implemented CSP brakes thermodynamics
• revised brakes thermodynamics
• implemented CSP tyres extended ray-tracing

• implemented CSP fuel consumption
• corrected idle throttle percentage
• adjusted engine idle RPMs
• corrected differential setting on coast
• slightly revised engine torque
• increased engine damage threshold
• increased downshift over-revving
• minor changes to throttle LUTs

• slightly decreased PBR carpaint brightness
• changed mirrors texture
• regenerated VAO patch

Other changes
• adjusted collider position
• decreased FFb multiplier
• revised setup options
• sounds volume on par with Kunos
• added ACCR skins by RealAKP

Pretty sure that's linked to the same bug that's been causing tires on some of the open wheel cars to dissapear after a certain distance.

Try going to assettocorsa > extension > config > graphics_adjustments config.

Create a backup of the graphic_adjustments file.

then open it and change "[VISIBLE_CARS]" values to

MAIN=2, 20, 16, 28
GBUFFER=2, 6, 12, 12
SHADOWS=2, 4, 4, 12

hopefully that helps. Might cost some FPS, I'm not 100% sure. Depends on your graphics card I guess. The more ideal situation would be for people to make mods for the most stable version of CSP rather than being forced by everyone to use these buggy and untested betas constantly.

Thanks! Unfortunately it didn't work. I set it as you described but it's still the same thing. I reported it on RD and on CSP Discord server, we'll see how it goes.
Didn't realize VRC released this, only happened to find it when I saw this skin for it on RD. Along with peugeot905's Rebellion R13 as well. Both cars actually paced similarly. Aside from this fantasy Peugeot skin though nothing is made for it yet I think...

The rebellion skins and the byKolles skin are all I have found for it.
does anyone have the assetto corsa version of hockenheim? the one converted from ams, i'm looking for it but cant find it anywere

Interlagos - Autódromo José Carlos Pace

View attachment 982144

Autódromo José Carlos Pace (Interlagos) - Version 1.0

Original track: Automobilista - Reiza Studios
Original conversion: VheEth

- AI lines by @KevinK2
- Cams by @DaBaeda
- Trees and RainFX by @TheRealCeeBee
- Starting boxes / pits / sectors by @slider666, @norms

link has been shut down, any way to recover it?
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Version 3.0 - Released 2021.02.23
Renault Clio R.S. Cup X98 (2013)
CSP v0.1.72 or above required

• AssettoGarage for the base mod
• delpinsky, maki123 & masscot for updates to the base mod
• RealAKP for the precious collaboration


• scratch made physics (as always)
• CSP aero maps
• brakes thermodynamics
• VAO patch


• implemented CSP aero maps
• added further wing for aero drag
• accurate frontal area calculation
• revised body drag
• revised diffuser lift

Suspensions, brakes and tyres
• corrected dampers velocity thresholds
• corrected bumpstops position
• corrected packer range
• implemented CSP brakes thermodynamics
• revised brakes thermodynamics
• implemented CSP tyres extended ray-tracing

• implemented CSP fuel consumption
• corrected idle throttle percentage
• adjusted engine idle RPMs
• corrected differential setting on coast
• slightly revised engine torque
• increased engine damage threshold
• increased downshift over-revving
• minor changes to throttle LUTs

• slightly decreased PBR carpaint brightness
• changed mirrors texture
• regenerated VAO patch

Other changes
• adjusted collider position
• decreased FFb multiplier
• revised setup options
• sounds volume on par with Kunos
• added ACCR skins by RealAKP


Hi, I just tried this and got a CTD when loading?
I like mr. James Hunt. His story of life is the most interesting abong other old timer racers i have read. His first open wheeler was Russel Alexys 14 in \68 and hi won his first race on Lydden hills. Feel the James in AC ^_^

He was my favourite driver of the period - but my Sister absolutely adored him! The girls just loved that guy...
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Hi, I just tried this and got a CTD when loading?

& @AC Modder

It only seems to work with CSP 0.1.72, which is very buggy and often results in transparent and relocated track assets for some track mods.

This mod shows a lot of promise. However, with my experience with endurance racing a front-wheel drive car (and a Mazdaspeed FWD daily), it lacks many of the characteristics I'd expect from this car. There's no center lock or torque steer, and it can't be pushed into powered understeer, then snap back when throttle is lifted (something I've used to gain an advantage on turns IRL). The Clio is a light car, so these characteristics would be more enhanced. Also, the SFX needs some improvement as it sounds like a GT vacuum cleaner car with "gravel" sounds for suspension and backfires (?), with very subdued tire sounds. With improvement, this car will be a lot more exciting and "visceral" to drive. Clio cup cars are light, snappy, and noisy, with a lot of feel and feedback so it can be thrashed and thrown around a little. It's also fun to watch them as their twitchy suspensions tend to "hike" their inside back wheels off the ground on some turns.

I like mr. James Hunt. His story of life is the most interesting abong other old timer racers i have read. His first open wheeler was Russel Alexys 14 in \68 and hi won his first race on Lydden hills. Feel the James in AC ^_^


FYI for everyone...

Be sure to watch the movie, Ron Howard's Rush about Lada and Hunt's "rivalry" during their F3-F1 careers. It's very "Hollywood" but an enjoyable movie, especially for racing enthusiasts, but even for someone who knows nothing about racing or its' history. A friend of mine sneered when I suggested watching it. After we did, she watched it on her own an additional 2-3 times. Of course having Chris Hemsworth portraying Hunt will win over his fans to enjoy the movie.
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Be sure to watch the movie Ron Howard's Rush about Lada and Hunt's "rivalry" during their F3-F1 careers. It's very "Hollywood" but an enjoyable movie, especially for racing enthusiasts, but even for someone who knows nothing about racing or its' history. A friend of mine sneered when I suggested watching it. After we did, she watched it on her own an additional 2-3 times.
I saw it when ir debuted, mate) fantastic movie, not everuthing was true, but movie is great, since it's not a documentary. The book on the photo - read it if you want more details about him, Tom Rubython made an huge research and lot of interviews for this book
Is there an actual byKolles skin? Is it on RD?
It looked like there was a skin pack of the car but it was removed on RD for trojan or something...
I did not realize they took it down. I still have them installed in my skins folder and they have not hit as a virus or malware
Bunch of updates to our reworks of the GT4 cars.
Every mod now has the latest version of the self-developed brakes thermodynamics model, we added baked AO to skins and other minor changes. Here's the full changelog and the download links.

Aston Martin Vantage GT4 v2.1
• increased downshift overrevving
• corrected rear tyres radius
• adjusted suspensions setup to match rear tyres radius
• revised rear brakes thermodynamics
• added evaluation of AI fuel consumption
• regenerated VAO patch


BMW M3 E92 GT4 v1.1
• revised brakes thermodynamics
• revised AI fuel consumption
• added baked AO to skins by RealAKP
• regenerated VAO patch
• update CM previews


Ford Mustang GT4 v1.1

• revised engine braking torque and inertia
• revised brakes thermodynamics
• revised AI fuel consumption
• fixed crash when using packed data.acd
• added baked AO and compression to skins by RealAKP
• regenerated VAO patch
• update CM previews

I do not want to offend you, but in my opinion the physics of this GT4 group is pretty bad. The latest Nissan in general, even with personal settings, does not improve. The machine can do anything when you don't expect it. This is just my opinion.
Or, as he was known, "James Shunt"

Yup, that's what I liked about him. Win or crash - no other options available. I still laugh about it when I think about it... all the girls I went to school with suddenly turned into rabid F1 fans - when the year before they couldn't have cared less... I also enjoyed his time as a BBC announcer. I liked the way he told it the way he saw it - if somebody was driving like an idiot he didn't hesitate to say it loud and clear. Poor old Murray didn't know what to say sometimes, which made it even better :)
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Yup, that's what I liked about him. Win or crash - no other options available. I still laugh about it when I think about it... all the girls I went to school with suddenly turned into rabid F1 fans - when the year before they couldn't have cared less... I also enjoyed his time as a BBC announcer. I liked the way he told it the way he saw it - if somebody was driving like an idiot he didn't hesitate to say it loud and clear. Poor old Murray didn't know what to say sometimes, which made it even better :)

Shame he destroyed his life to alcohol though.
He turned up drunk and drove a few times too.
And he was a very bitter commentator as well, ended up alone and bitter, classic alcoholic.

Marshall tries to stop him walking onto the track and his reaction...

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Shame he destroyed his life to alcohol though.
He turned up drunk and drove a few times too.
And he was a very bitter commentator as well, ended up alone and bitter, classic alcoholic.

Marshall tries to stop him walking onto the track and his reaction...

If he didnt - he wasnt him. Alcohol did nothing to his racing carreer, except some situatioins))
Hi, I just tried this and got a CTD when loading?

Works with CSP 0.1.72 and above. Previous versions have problems with fuel consumption.

& @AC Modder

It only seems to work with CSP 0.1.72, which is very buggy and often results in transparent and relocated track assets for some track mods.

This mod shows a lot of promise. However, with my experience with endurance racing a front-wheel drive car (and a Mazdaspeed FWD daily), it lacks many of the characteristics I'd expect from this car. There's no center lock or torque steer, and it can't be pushed into powered understeer, then snap back when throttle is lifted (something I've used to gain an advantage on turns IRL). The Clio is a light car, so these characteristics would be more enhanced. Also, the SFX needs some improvement as it sounds like a GT vacuum cleaner car with "gravel" sounds for suspension and backfires (?), with very subdued tire sounds. With improvement, this car will be a lot more exciting and "visceral" to drive. Clio cup cars are light, snappy, and noisy, with a lot of feel and feedback so it can be thrashed and thrown around a little. It's also fun to watch them as their twitchy suspensions tend to "hike" their inside back wheels off the ground on some turns.

Thanks, I'll try to make it better in the future.

I do not want to offend you, but in my opinion the physics of this GT4 group is pretty bad. The latest Nissan in general, even with personal settings, does not improve. The machine can do anything when you don't expect it. This is just my opinion.

No problem, no one gets offended. But "bad" won't help me improve the physics.
And the funny thing is that for me the Nissan is the best of the group! :lol:
No, I don't even try my mods. I just put random numbers into them.
Simply a genuine answer.

Thats helpful.

The point is that if a mod is designed around a controller (including the set up of the car) this can create massive difference from what the controller user feels over the wheel user.

It could help to explain stuff, I take your response as maybe you do use a controller.
Thats helpful.

The point is that if a mod is designed around a controller (including the set up of the car) this can create massive difference from what the controller user feels over the wheel user.

It could help to explain stuff, I take your response as maybe you do use a controller.

Oh, so you were really asking. T300RS. So maybe we just perceive things differently.
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