Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan


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1. I swore off Pateon because it generates a culture of "perpetual beta" status to keep the dollars coming and projects never actually finishing.
2. I have a Mavic Pro (with 4 batteries, the headset etc) collecting dust in a corner since they changed the law here and I live next a military base, I basically cannot fly it anymore.
if your need is legit, and you will openly share the process of scanning, stitching and software steps for processing to a track, I can donate the mavic, shipping to your pocket. (from sydney Australia), drone is good for about 25 minutes of full toss flying or 45 minutes for applications like photogrammetry, 16MP camera etc. more than ample.

I for one would love to know how to overcome the low poly nature of photgrammetry. Also how you break the single mesh it produces into useable parts etc etc. When I was playing with it some years ago the surveying software was hellish expensive (like 15K+) and results were still not really usable other than a "general" idea.. still requiring complete redraw of the project using the photgrammetry output as a reference, kind of defeating the point when 10-30m lidar seesm to be available nearly everywhere nowadays. If you can solve this I will do my damn licence for my P4P.

Patreon vs. single donation... I prefer single donation because you know where your money is going and you don't need to cancel if you don't like it. Much more transparent.
Wow that's very generous of you! My initial plan is to use a Phantom 4 (or 4 Pro) since that's what i've been studying in connection with Pix4D, etc.
Yeah all the data collected would have to be remade since there wold be a zillion cloud points and polygons :) But that's part of the fun!

Don't understimate the power of donation in this case: people donate more if they know what's behind the idea of the mod and for what purpose you want to invest your money. In other ways, people refuse to give money for bad mods (even for converted)... what RTM do with all that money (for bad mods)? Do they buy weapons? We don't know!

Just to be clear I don't mean people need to give a justification for or in what they spend their money, but what I want to say is that your cause is noble so people people are more inclined to invest in what you do, because you would create something that few maybe do rather than give money for bad and/or ripped mods.

(In my humble opinion)

I'm going to set up a description page
(and hopefully release the VW Polo G40 beta as an added bonus...)

The main objective is to get better data for our Vila do Conde '88 track which has been in the works since forever, you can see a clip below that also shows our Citroen AX Cup.

Aside from VC'88 we would like to make Vila Real '88 which is completely different from nowadays WTCC version. Both city tracks, both a lot of work.
Since i'm based in Portugal the drone would be used to remake Braga/Vasco Sameiro, Lousada Rallycross and a few karts tracks i'd imagine. We're looking into Falperra Hillclimb as well further down the road.

The iPhone 12 Pro "lidar" sensor is great to capture houses and other objects on-the-go - i'm actually surprised no one is using it for trackside objects creation. Still new tech and there's no competition unfortunately (i'm a Xiaomi/Android user...).

I'll post some news soon hopefully. And thanks for the support both of you!
Hi guys, do we have wet files for seven hills race track, just found it was ported to ac and has been one of my favorit since gtr2 days.
Interesting that both Simdream and RTM are trying to clear up their names from the drama. The 2 individuals from both texts seem like a weird coincidence lmao.
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some of the rtm mods are available through ex-mods patreon and they are somehow not RTM:confused:
price is lower, and some cars are exclusive (evija), but I'm highly doubt their physics will be better than the **** OG RTM one
It is very easy to change the sounds of each car using content manager.
You can choose the sound you want.
Open car in content tab.
Replace sound.
Go Go Go !
altough i don't have the necessary FMOD skills, i reckon it's better to do them from scratch taking samples from the excellent super touring mods made for rfactor and gtr2
Hi guys, do we have wet files for seven hills race track, just found it was ported to ac and has been one of my favorit since gtr2 days.
If you cant find one you might want to have a go at making your own - Its not that difficult - From the basic, road gets wet to a full blown streaming edge/point extravaganza - its up to you
If you cant find one you might want to have a go at making your own - Its not that difficult - From the basic, road gets wet to a full blown streaming edge/point extravaganza - its up to you

Might take a shot if i can't find it for sure.
Interesting that both Simdream and RTM are trying to clear up their names from the drama. The 2 individuals from both texts seem like a weird coincidence lmao.
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Why am I not surprised there is a connection between SDD and RTM? The only fact that seem to be legit is that SDD are based in Romania? Nistru surname could be originated from Romania and their website IP is from Brasov (according to the info shared by RMi_wood).

Interesting that their YT channel states location as the United Kingdom. :odd:

Good luck to their “CEO” on this clean up.
Interesting that both Simdream and RTM are trying to clear up their names from the drama. The 2 individuals from both texts seem like a weird coincidence lmao.
View attachment 997295
View attachment 997296
Why am I not surprised there is a connection between SDD and RTM? The only fact that seem to be legit is that SDD are based in Romania? Nistru surname could be originated from Romania and their website IP is from Brasov (according to the info shared by RMi_wood).

Interesting that their YT channel states location as the United Kingdom. :odd:

Good luck to their “CEO” on this clean up.

No coincidence at all - They are the same person.
Why am I not surprised there is a connection between SDD and RTM? The only fact that seem to be legit is that SDD are based in Romania? Nistru surname could be originated from Romania and their website IP is from Brasov (according to the info shared by RMi_wood).

Interesting that their YT channel states location as the United Kingdom. :odd:

Good luck to their “CEO” on this clean up.

The "CEO" is Roman Nistru. The Nistru is a tributary in Romania. :eek:
From FB:
Porsche 968 Turbo C
After some deliberation, I decided to continue publishing my modifications, although I'm not sure if they deserve it.
I am glad to present you an updated version of the magnificent Porsche 968 Turbo C, which was transferred to Corsa by respected Lu Thua Kien II. An excellent car, if not the fastest of the horses from Stuttgart.
Authors: Studio Turn10, adapted for Assetto Korsa Lu Thua Kien II.
My work on the model includes a complete redesign of the interior and exterior, including support for the Custom Shader patch functionality. The physics of the model remained practically unchanged, however I made minor necessary corrections (for example, the position of the fuel tank). It should be noted that for a number of reasons this copy differs from the well-known 968 photographs - I deliberately gave it a more luxurious look than in reality (I hope you will appreciate the discs from Singer, for which I am grateful to Ben O'Bro and Arch).

It is recommended to do the following before starting the track:
calibrate steering wheel
read Walter Röhrl's review of the 968 (magazine "Auto Zeitung" issue for 1992)
watch a film on VHS cassette or listen to music from the 90s.
drink something in honor of our departed youth
with greetings from Russia

pls the link is not working
someone´s got the link
You're better off playing the original mod with Race07. These conversions are a bit ****
Interestingly modding has come full circle for me, converting tracks from AMS/RF etc is a LOT of work, I used to watch clips on the tracks in the orginal games, and when its all done and said I eventually just went out and bought the original games.. to experience what the track was supposed to be like, and invariably I always prefer the original track, in the original game. AMS is now one of my favorite games. full circle, the authors made more sales of old dead games because modders ripped their tracks. wierd. but. there you have it ;)
I posted a Spa setup for the M1 Procar "with LODS plus wiper" on RD in December. If this is your M1 Procar (there seems to be a flock of them), give it a whirl and tell me what you think. It sounds like your diff settings are off and/or your ride heights are too low.

Edit: Or, as Fullnoise suggested in #69261, fiddle with the shocks. Or all of the above.

Ok, so i gave that a go, it is better. I think my "gripe" if it can be called that is that I got used to the car in another game where its quite well behaved with just a touch of delicious oversteer that can become powerslide and is easy to keep in that "zone" without binning it. . If you also own AMS2, give it a whirl and you will understand I think. I am trying to emulate that "feel". I grabbed a bit of footage in case you dont, you will see from the wheel its a lot more "fun" in that game. but of course that game does not have all the track i want!

(also I do get its not easy to compare one engine to another, but kinda hoping if anyone owns both games they can create and share a setup for AC that matches the default setup in AMS2)

its default setup as so: (i did try copy as much of this to AC as possible, but completely diffreent feel)



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Interestingly modding has come full circle for me, converting tracks from AMS/RF etc is a LOT of work, I used to watch clips on the tracks in the orginal games, and when its all done and said I eventually just went out and bought the original games.. to experience what the track was supposed to be like, and invariably I always prefer the original track, in the original game. AMS is now one of my favorite games. full circle, the authors made more sales of old dead games because modders ripped their tracks. wierd. but. there you have it ;)

Yeah, those badly ripped F1 mods made me wanna play rFactor (never played it, was more of a GTR2 / Simbin guy) and I'm having a blast with those mods. Thanks Simdream, I guess ?
Thanks for the mega pack, they are all Sim Dxxx cars but having already tried them they are not equal in power, some go faster some less, it would be nice to have the same physics for all the cars in the pack so that there are no disparities.

I'm not a modder and I don't know how to modify physics, however I have used this to modify the power.
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1966 Mustang RTR - Updated to V0.99
View attachment 996984
Update log:
Working Wipers - Thanks to @flyingsaucer
AO Skin Mapping - Bonny and others for teaching me to do it
New Driver (60's) - Thanks to Júlio Sousa for recommendation
Updated FFB - Thanks to John D Rippert for recommendation
New Driver Animation - Thanks to @Masscot for guidance and suggestions
A few internal adjustments like better roof liner details and gear lever. Removed safety net.
Updated suspension and height settings
Fixed up collider dimensions.

Feedback welcome.

Very good mod, the physics are credible and the force feedback is strong, heavy and highly responsive, I feel a very good connection with the car. It is the ideal car for h-pattern shifter with toe and heel. Just missing more sharper skins like Parnelli Jones and more normal F6 cameras. I had a great time doing a few laps on the Legion Indianapolis Road Course.
TBH who in the right mind would charge 5$ or 50$ for a crappy car mod? I mean GmodStore is also one of the big offenders who can charge money just for a mod.
TBH who in the right mind would charge 5$ or 50$ for a crappy car mod? I mean GmodStore is also one of the big offenders who can charge money just for a mod.

.. the answer as always is depends.. scratch made, truly scratch made for example

3dscan the car (assumes you can actually get anyone to allow you to prime their car for scanning) maybe $500-1000
software to automate turning point clouds into solids or decimated meshes ~$3000
manually draw all the features over the scanned mesh, for something like a car, maybe 30 hours at what labour rate?
Photos of interiors, texture maps, modelling the entire interior another 10-15 hours
modelling in and testing all the physics and porting it to the game. 5-10 hours?

Polyphony for example will spend months developing a car, at an outrageous cost.

I am looking for a car that is not in AC, my Sons holden barina, there are no models on the web, so it has to be truly scratch made.

Anyone willing to do it for 50 bucks for me? I prefer to pay 5 or nothing though.. its just a mod. ;)
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.. the answer as always is depends.. scratch made, truly scratch made for example

3dscan the car (assumes you can actually get anyone to allow you to prime their car for scanning) maybe $500-1000
software to automate turning point clouds into solids or decimated meshes ~$3000
manually draw all the features over the scanned mesh, for something like a car, maybe 30 hours at what labour rate?
Photos of interiors, texture maps, modelling the entire interior another 10-15 hours
modelling in and testing all the physics and porting it to the game. 5-10 hours?

Polyphony for example will spend months developing a car, at an outrageous cost.

I am looking for a car that is not in AC, my Sons holden barina, there are no models on the web, so it has to be truly scratch made.

Anyone willing to do it for 50 bucks for me? I prefer to pay 5 or nothing though.. its just a mod. ;)
He specified crappy mod though. No actual modelling, just an old model from another game. Badly imported to AC as well, with weird lightning and AO etc. Also copy and paste the sounds and physics from some other car, and voila. You got your typical RTM esque mod.

What you've described is a quality mod that pretty much no one here would complain about it being payware.
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