Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
there is a 60's Batmobile mod for GTA V that I would love to drive in AC.

the GTAV source was really bad. poor decimation attempts I think. but from the original link you posted was a link to the original source XNA, converted to FBX for you.


Converted from XNALARA from this source. (whom I guess needs asking if its OK to build the car for AC?)


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Found this via an article at Jalopnik:

Soldat Raggio from Ridge Racer. Basically almost entirely scratch made (because the original 3D model isn't up to scratch), with performance as close as possible to the original car while making it believable for a sim. The author also manages to include a rocket start feature using KERS :crazy:

If twitter link doesn't show up, here's the DL:

They're trying to port a few more cars and even some RR tracks. Reading the readme, their discord is called "Trackside 765" but I can't find it via google. I know one of the members is a member on GTP who used to do lots of hybrid modding in GT2, but hasn't been active since 2018. If anyone is interested in helping them out, get in touch!

OMG i would love to see more Ridge Racer cars in AC like this!

Also the livery for the NSX has been changed to March 19. Again, theres one reason why its going to be released in March 19...
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Seems we have some recent talk about GTA V cars being converted to AC, is there a resident expert here that takes on such tasks? Reason I'm asking is because there is a 60's Batmobile mod for GTA V that I would love to drive in AC.
Wondered if this would be possible for someone to undertake. Or point me in the direction of someone that could bring that model in. It has quite a unique shape both interior and exterior.
The GTA V convert I've been wanting for the past few months is the Evo X with the Varis bodykit. It turns out someone has already done it too, but it's a private mod :(
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Final Fantasy - Besaid Temple v1.0

View attachment 997318
View attachment 997319

This is Besaid Temple from Final Fantasy X. It is a mini freeroam, mostly for screenshots and VR exploration

- CSP GrassFX, VAO
- Gently blowing flags and tents fabric
- glowing stones
- Just for fun
- 1 pit (use practice mode please)



Final Fantasy - Besaid Temple v1.0 (updated)

- add VAO
- fixed display name
- removed extra .kn5 (pit was in the circle thingie)

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Help needed. I don't know what happened recently, but it seems that some of my settings got reset. Suddenly when I started a race I noticed that everything seemed washed out and foggy. I thought maybe Sol config or something was reset, but no. I though maybe my ppfilter was changed, but no. The weirdest this is that when I do AC's challenges, my colors and graphics are as they used to be. But when I go to single race, it's all foggy and ugly. What the...?! I've also switched between original weather and Sol weather in single races (Kunos' challenges must use original weather), but no help there.

I'm devastated.
Help needed. I don't know what happened recently, but it seems that some of my settings got reset. Suddenly when I started a race I noticed that everything seemed washed out and foggy. I thought maybe Sol config or something was reset, but no. I though maybe my ppfilter was changed, but no. The weirdest this is that when I do AC's challenges, my colors and graphics are as they used to be. But when I go to single race, it's all foggy and ugly. What the...?! I've also switched between original weather and Sol weather in single races (Kunos' challenges must use original weather), but no help there.

I'm devastated.
Try deactivating CSP, reseting your PC, then reactivating CSP.
Are you looking for another version with more than what this version has? This video features the 2017 version with test and speed layouts, and versions for fog and wet, which shouldn't be necessary.

Download link in the description.

No no I have this one but thanks anyway. I was simply curious about the one I've posted 'cause it seems a complete one also for the old layouts
Found this via an article at Jalopnik:

Soldat Raggio from Ridge Racer. Basically almost entirely scratch made (because the original 3D model isn't up to scratch), with performance as close as possible to the original car while making it believable for a sim. The author also manages to include a rocket start feature using KERS :crazy:

If twitter link doesn't show up, here's the DL:

They're trying to port a few more cars and even some RR tracks. Reading the readme, their discord is called "Trackside 765" but I can't find it via google. I know one of the members is a member on GTP who used to do lots of hybrid modding in GT2, but hasn't been active since 2018. If anyone is interested in helping them out, get in touch!

Xenn you say, eh? I used to be part of one of their Discord servers three years ago all about Gran Turismo stuff like ripping assets and research hidden ****, but they all kicked me out because back then I acted like a spoiled-ass brat who kept begging for Ridge Racer and Gran Turismo cars to be converted to AC under my requests way before I became a fully fledged modder like I am now. I wonder how they'll all treat me if I ever get to meet em again sometime...

(Tho this might highly be unlikely since there's an italian modder who I have a grudge with called Automotive Gaming, way before Crash, Trawa, Azunyan, Rusty and fellow other a-holes we all charmingly hate a lot for what they done to our beloved community, also because I remember that Xenn actually blocked me as well when I begged him to convert RR cars to AC via PM, until it finally happened now years later lol)
From Fecebook. This is not my mod.

I'm impressed with his work. I would say his mods are on par with Kunos cars. I'm usually not interested in driving a four-door sedan, but this is actually fun to drive around a track like Ottawa. The weight, power, and torque feels about like I'd expect.

Donation and download links below with the Mega decryption key.

Be sure to join MNBA Assetto Modding Group if you're on Facebook.

Nizar Razzouk

· MaetcrsSescphot e1n0 atisi 1e:tf0s2s oPtsenirMhed ·

!!!!!!!!!MNBA RELEASES!!!!!!!!!
Release Video!! (Must Watch):

EXTRA OPTION C= Opens Front Doors
EXTRA OPTION D= Opens Rear Doors
Thanks To All My Buddies and team Fo Helping me Do this
Finally amazing High-Quality M3 F80 For Assetto Corsa
Thanks To
Buja Gili
Adriaan Suy
Miguel Silva
For Helping me out in this big project!
Credits For Everything :
Credits for
Aldin Pezo
For Giving me The Competition Seats
Credits For
Adriaan Suy
For Making The Beautiful Skins and color combo For interior
Credits For Me (
Nizar Razzouk
) And
Adriaan Suy
For Making Physics Feel Good
Credits For
Max Reusch
For using Front Facelift LCI Headlights, and sound mod
Credits For
Andre Hauff
For Making This Beautiful Beautiful Release Video....Can't thank you enough man!!!!
Credits For
Timon Roelandt
For Helping To Convert Few Parts Added To This Car
This car as you guys know, it was a piece of **** Car...with **** interior, exterior, lights ...etc....
I transformed this car into a masterpeice because it had lots of potential, but it needed some love and time to become what it is now....
Spare Me A Coffee

Download Link:

Decryption Key For MEGA: frsB7iU3tIHz3j3LV5PfK5aeYq3ItzbIttQe505ttvo

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I could use some setup and/or physics experts help, i have the hyperion which i really enjoy but also have the 2020 nascar cars from the facebook group to fill out the field.

I love the way the hyperion drives but the fb cars feel unresponsive and have heavy understeer at speed. Any way I can get them more like the rss version setup wise or physics wise in the data?
Thanks in advance!
From Fecebook. This is not my mod.

I'm impressed with his work. I would say his mods are on par with Kunos cars. I'm usually not interested in driving a four-door sedan, but this is actually fun to drive around a track like Ottawa. The weight, power, and torque feels about like I'd expect.

He is getting better, but don't we have enough F80/82 M3/4 already? we already have basically every variation from Stock to all the special edition, and even a fantasy base model with steel wheels. both RHD and LHD cars and pretty much each variation has been done various times by different people.
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