Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
You have to replace (dot) with . in the url.
As I wrote earlier - please accept my apologies! This post was made a long time ago and is not relevant. Therefore, and turned a confusion! Another question: Why did you give the corrected link to the post in the FB, someone forbids you from giving links to the FB?


  • Desktop Screenshot 2021.06.26 -
    Desktop Screenshot 2021.06.26 -
    65 KB · Views: 52
Red Bull Ring GP Kunos version

I have the acu_spielberg F1 2020 rework v1.0 version but Blackcelica has just offered us the F1 2021 skins for the Kunos ks_red_bull_ring version.
I would like to use this circuit for F1 unfortunately I don't have the updates for the DRS zones, is there an update for 2021 ???
I found just this for F1 2020 :

CSP config tutorial part 1

I knew the moment I asked the question about interest in a CSP tutorial that it wasn't the best idea I'd had in months. 🙃 😄
But well, that's my own fault. I guess I'll have to face the music now. 😎

Ok, first of all I want to say that my English is not the best, I know. So please bear with me if I don't always express everything exactly as a native English speaker would. 😁
In addition, I am not really practiced in writing tutorials. I'm afraid it's going to be a lot of text, but that's the nature of it. CSP configs can get very complex. If it gets too out of hand, please let me know, and I won't clutter up the thread any further.
So, enough of that. If you think the whole thing is stupid, just ignore this tutorial and skip it. 😁
I'll just post it here in a loose series, afterwards, the whole thing can be cleaned up, corrected and, if necessary, expanded and published in an extra thread, similar to what @gutbomb did with his reviews. We will see if there will be any interest at all.

I have chosen Hilltop by derDumeklemmer as the track for practicing or starting the tutorial. An old mod that can be found on RD and as far as I know has no config yet.
Download it here:
It's very small (18mb), so shouldn't cause any space problems for anyone interested. The track has visibly aged badly and has some interesting little pitfalls.

This is what the track looks like at the beginning:

Afterwards with a config it will get working grass, water and rain fx, some basic lights etc.:





I don´t want to make it to complicated and keep it as easy as possible for beginners.
This is a very basic, but imo very effective basic config for a lot of other tracks as a starting point. So use this as template if you like. It´s at least for myself very robust starting point and hit's a lot of basic needing settings.

Whoever want to follow, we went now deep to the rabbit hole. 😉

Ok, lets beginning taking a look in there:
 ; configuration file for Hilltop

AUTHOR = Sliderman
DATE_RELEASE = 2021 jun 26
NOTES = ;LICENSE: (not allowed locking it up behind a paywall, like PayPal or Patreon . . .)

INCLUDE=common/conditions.ini, common/grass_fx.ini, common/materials_track.ini





This is part of the header of my configs.
Some basic information and settings. Which track is that config written for, author name, version, date etc.
Part of my configs are always a Creative Commons license 4.0: all code being reused from that config template should be as free as mine.

The [LIGHTING] part is just a reset to defaults, wind is enabled and some materials that have caused probs are set to been ignored, and the [DISTANT_GLOW] part is just adding some light glow, as most parts of this world are nowadays unfortunately light polluted. 🤨

The next part is very important and at the end just a definition of some reusable variables: the [DEFAULTS] part.
Btw. I split the config in different parts or blocks. You can afterwards use the parts, blocks you need or want very easily. :)

Taking a closer look to the [DEFAULTS] part, shows you variables to be used again and again.
Define once and use it where needed. :)
For example, "Grass__track" defines the materials or meshes using grass fx later on. "Horizon__track" the horizon ones, and so on. Should be self-explanatory. ;)
I always use semantic variables, at least for myself... ;)

To shorten it a bit, I now jump to the next part, the rain fx one. As 1ROAD... as a mesh name is a default Kunos style, it will be predefined in "Road__track" variable. As you can see, "?" is used as a placeholder for longer names.
?ROAD? get all 1ROAD.... meshes, ?GRAS? all 1GRASS... meshes and so on. This system is imo very rock solid proofed and should work on most tracks. I had about half a year a rotten GPU and couldn't start the game itself, but could still work on configs. :)

The same principle is used for generating grass and water fx. Later on lights too, but this should be explained in the next tutorial part. I´m tired writing so much text and imo you too, reading this all. ;)

To be continued....

Edit: been just warned that @__EASY__ has updated Hilltop before. As I'm ignoring most of his encrypted stuff, I wasn't aware of that, sorry for any inconveniences. Be careful not overwriting your old stuff.

Thx @pitsch83 for that warning. :)


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Las Vegas Street Circuit for GP Champ Car

I'm going to create a 2007 Champ Car championship with all the tracks but I have a problem with the AI on the Las Vegas track (Gilles75) :
big collisions in the chicane
@KevinK2 do you think there are a few things to do ?

View attachment 1017536

View attachment 1017537
View attachment 1017538
Try this out Claudio. BTW get rid of those .bin and pit lane with files when you install different ai.

Also added a vao. Let me know if you still have problems, could be the ai of the car, depending on what you use.
Try this out Claudio. BTW get rid of those .bin and pit lane with files when you install different ai.

Also added a vao. Let me know if you still have problems, could be the ai of the car, depending on what you use.
awesome !!!! you thought of me ah ah ah good job Kevin ! perfect now your the best 👍 👍 👍 :gtpflag:

there are no more collisions with AI, (Champ Car 2007 mod in a custom championship)
thank you for taking the time to help me and share here for the GTPlanet community

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Red Bull Ring GP Kunos version

I have the acu_spielberg F1 2020 rework v1.0 version but Blackcelica has just offered us the F1 2021 skins for the Kunos ks_red_bull_ring version.
I would like to use this circuit for F1 unfortunately I don't have the updates for the DRS zones, is there an update for 2021 ???
I found just this for F1 2020 :

View attachment 1062734
It will be a 3rd Layout, right? Like Cataluna 2021?
@Blackcelica Is this yours? In the blurb, he says he has permission, but given how many of your skins have been ripped off lately, I thought I'd ask.

Yes, this one is fine. It's a Kunos track anyway and he PM'd me for permission and advice. A newbee to it all and wants to learn. This is the kind of attitude I fully support.
Yes, this one is fine. It's a Kunos track anyway and he PM'd me for permission and advice. A newbee to it all and wants to learn. This is the kind of attitude I fully support.
Yeah, I spotted your review on there (and edited my post immediately after). I figured you wouldn't be complimenting him if he had ripped your mod off!
Red Bull Ring GP Kunos version

I have the acu_spielberg F1 2020 rework v1.0 version but Blackcelica has just offered us the F1 2021 skins for the Kunos ks_red_bull_ring version.
I would like to use this circuit for F1 unfortunately I don't have the updates for the DRS zones, is there an update for 2021 ???
I found just this for F1 2020 :

View attachment 1062734
Yeah that's last years. I've done a quick skin for the Kunos version, Not updating that. A 2021 upgrade for the acu version is on the way from @marc_13000 ETA unknown at present but won't be long I'm sure.

Autodromo di Modena v3.2 updated to v3.3 by CrisT86


In this case i will upload the full updated track because i includeed also an update of layouts made by Leonardo Ratafia

  • New scratch made EXT_CONFIG including RainFX, GrassFX, LightFX
  • New VAO Patches
  • New TV Cams (4 Cams, 2 FOV for each layout)
  • Includeed the mixed layout by Leonardo Ratafia
  • Updated UI

Assetto Corsa Screenshot 2021.06.26 -
Assetto Corsa Screenshot 2021.06.26 -
Assetto Corsa Screenshot 2021.06.26 -
Assetto Corsa Screenshot 2021.06.26 -
Assetto Corsa Screenshot 2021.06.26 -
Assetto Corsa Screenshot 2021.06.26 -
Assetto Corsa Screenshot 2021.06.26 -
Assetto Corsa Screenshot 2021.06.26 -
Assetto Corsa Screenshot 2021.06.26 -
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Autodromo di Modena v3.2 updated to v3.3 by CrisT86

In this case i will upload the full updated track because i includeed also an update of layouts made by Leonardo Ratafia

  • New scratch made EXT_CONFIG including RainFX, GrassFX, LightFX
  • New VAO Patches
  • New TV Cams (4 Cams, 2 FOV for each layout)
  • Includeed the mixed layout by Leonardo Ratafia
  • Updated UI

View attachment 1062774View attachment 1062775View attachment 1062776View attachment 1062777View attachment 1062778View attachment 1062779View attachment 1062780View attachment 1062781View attachment 1062782
26/06/2021 Updated F1 RSSFH 2021 Championship
  1. Added Turkey to Championship (Again😀) with new loading screen
  2. Updated SON drivers Grid to reflect current 2021 standings
  3. Added 2021 circuit F1 Skin to my GDrive Austria Track Courtesy of Random Finn and Blackcelica
  4. Readme file updated

    All files available on my GDRive -
10_austria-gp21 (KS_Red_Bull_Ring) Skin can also be found here:
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AI reworked, plus VAO and Rain FX for Alastaro Circuit (Finland):


Link for updated track:

Slightly more aggressive lines with hopefully less crashing in races.

Please delete any .bin or files in ai folder if present (This should always be checked and done when altering ai).

Yes, this one is fine. It's a Kunos track anyway and he PM'd me for permission and advice. A newbee to it all and wants to learn. This is the kind of attitude I fully support.
Haha, yes I am quite a newbie to this--it's only my second public mod, first track skin. I try to be as respectful as possible when I use someone else's work in my own. Thank you Blackcelia! Other people should learn from this; this is what happens when you are respectful! :cheers:

Hello, hello!
I am Random Finn.

I'm not just a newbie to modding, but I am also new to the GTPlanet forums! This is my very first post here--I hope I can get along with the community and fit right in! I've been overlooking this forum for some time, so I thought it was about time I jumped in.

Greetings to all!


Since this is a great opportunity...I thought I would share links to my current work(s) if people do not like downloading from RD:
(A bit cheeky, I know 😅)

Puma SLW GT7 Glove Pack 2.0.0:
Formula 1.jpg
Hand Grips.jpg
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Haha, yes I am quite a newbie to this--it's only my second public mod, first track skin. I try to be as respectful as possible when I use someone else's work in my own. Thank you Blackcelia! Other people should learn from this; this is what happens when you are respectful! :cheers:

Hello, hello!
I am Random Finn.

I'm not just a newbie to modding, but I am also new to the GTPlanet forums! This is my very first post here--I hope I can get along with the community and fit right in! I've been overlooking this forum for some time, so I thought it was about time I jumped in.

Greetings to all!


Since this is a great opportunity...I thought I would share links to my current work(s) if people do not like downloading from RD:
(A bit cheeky, I know 😅)

Puma SLW GT7 Glove Pack 2.0.0:
View attachment 1062790View attachment 1062791View attachment 1062792View attachment 1062793
Love this stuff!. I'll check it out later. Thanks for sharing!
Another quick one, one of the cars in bazzas TCL pack has really short gearing, when i use it i notch it up a clog or two, sadly noticed the AI doesn't do this so is struggling on straights.
Is there a way to get the AI to have the same set up as me?
bump. Not sure if loads of people blocked me when it looked like i was defending rusty etc, but surely to those with knowledge this is a simple fix that once i know i'll not need to ask again.
bump. Not sure if loads of people blocked me when it looked like i was defending rusty etc, but surely to those with knowledge this is a simple fix that once i know i'll not need to ask again.
In my case, some easy fixs for some members, are not being replyed just because some members don't like to read some trues.
They got shocked and simply don't help. True hurts the poor of spirit.

Autodromo di Modena v3.2 updated to v3.3 by CrisT86


In this case i will upload the full updated track because i includeed also an update of layouts made by Leonardo Ratafia

  • New scratch made EXT_CONFIG including RainFX, GrassFX, LightFX
  • New VAO Patches
  • New TV Cams (4 Cams, 2 FOV for each layout)
  • Includeed the mixed layout by Leonardo Ratafia
  • Updated UI

View attachment 1062774View attachment 1062775View attachment 1062776View attachment 1062777View attachment 1062778View attachment 1062779View attachment 1062780View attachment 1062781View attachment 1062782
Download link now available in the main post
Sharing a mod? Host it on GTPlanet Downloads. Free, public hosting for files up to 10GB in size.